All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 363 Pangu (This world is about to end)


The stone ax is no longer a stone axe, but is made entirely of ancient power.

It is not accurate to describe it simply as "desolate" or "vast", because the aura it exudes is longer and deeper, both pure and turbid, both calm and sharp. Chu Xin holds it in his hand, as if he is holding a stone. Flying meteorite.

Chu Xin looked back on the past, and there was only one person who made him feel this way, and that was the creator god Ilúvatar in the world of "Lord of the Rings"!

"Could this ax, no, this energy be related to the three gods, or even Pangu, the founder of the world?" Chu Xin made a reasonable guess in his mind.


This force surges more and more, and the sense of oppression released increases exponentially. Like a pervasive wind, it permeates the entire human world, ghost world, demon world, demon world, fairy world, and divine world. But this is just a starting point. The moon, Mars, Jupiter...the solar system until it breaks out of the solar system.

Chu Xin realized it carefully and realized that this didn't seem to be spreading, but more like a mutual response between forces.

Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong should not have such specifications, so there is a high probability that they are related to Pangu!

"Is it possible that Pangu used this ax to create the world?" Chu Xin said to himself suspiciously, "It doesn't make sense. Who said that an ax must be used to create the world?"

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes.

When he raised his head, the blue sky and white clouds disappeared. When he lowered his head, the Evil Sword Immortal and the vast sea disappeared without a trace. Looking around, there was only despairing gray chaos.

Chu Xin didn't even know if he had his feet on the ground. He couldn't touch anything when he reached out his hand. No matter how hard he concentrated, he couldn't hear a single sound.

There is just endless nothingness!

Chu Xin has seen this kind of scene in many film and television animations. It is the expression method of the male and female protagonists falling into inner torture. It is also so empty, as if they will be trapped here forever, and most of them are some kind of hallucination or nightmare.

First of all, Chu Xin was definitely in an illusion, and secondly, he was definitely closely connected with the mysterious stone axe.

He tried to run and fly in this space, but no matter how he jumped or accelerated, he seemed to be standing still. After all, everything looked the same in all directions, and there was no difference at all.

Gradually, this emptiness and chaos eroded Chu Xin like threads and needles, as if it wanted to turn him into a member.

In this state, Chu Xin was naturally fearless at first, relying on his mental will honed in many worlds to easily compete, which was a bit boring at best.

He kept counting the seconds in his mind, remembering how much time had passed.

Eight hours, twenty-four hours, seventy-six hours, one hundred and twenty-five hours... ten days, one month, ten months, one year, three years, seven years, ten years... twenty years, fifty Years, eighty years, one hundred years, five hundred years, eight hundred years, one thousand years...

Thousands of years have passed.

"Ten thousand years and one day." Chu Xinsi muttered like rotten wood.

"Thirty thousand years and one day." Chu Xin muttered hoarsely and numbly.

"One hundred thousand years, no, it's 110,000 years, that's not right, it seems like it's not yet one hundred thousand years." Chu Xin was hunched over like a withered skeleton.

From then on, he stopped counting and allowed the time without a concept to pass by him without a trace.

During this period, the system did not give any prompts.

He is like a stone sculpture. Whenever chaos attempts to swallow him completely, he will tremble and move, shaking off the rot, leaving the surrounding chaos unable to do anything.

Time passes ruthlessly, no, there is no time anymore.

Chu Xin had already released the fusion state, and Rey was lying quietly in the card bag.

At some point, he fell asleep.

His body has grown larger and larger, with an immeasurable length from head to toe, and Chaos is now unable to hurt him at all.

Suddenly, he woke up.

He suddenly stood up, stretched his arms, and swung his legs. The chaos he touched was cracked and shattered.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I doing?

Although he knew nothing about it, the oppressive environment around him disgusted him.

A trace of anger spread, and he swung his fists and struck in all directions. Feeling unhappy, he exhaled and condensed into a pure white giant axe, holding it with both hands to chop hard.

Chaos hurriedly gathered above his head and pressed on him as if facing a powerful enemy.

He stood upright, raised his hands, and the muscles all over his body exploded like thunder.

"Drink ah ah ah!"

He roared loudly, and threw Chaos away in one go. Then he lifted the ax blade and cut open the world.


White light seeped through the gaps, melting the chaos.

He fell to the ground exhausted, his vitality gone, but he smiled contentedly, "That's it."

The bones did not decay, but turned into countless streams of light that watered this new world.

The pure air rises to the sky and transforms into the vast universe.

The turbid air sinks into the earth and evolves into endless stars.

But the essence, energy, and spirit that did not fly far away condensed and appeared nearby, and Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong were born.

The infinite power in the body fades away from chaos and merges into the heaven and earth, becoming the five elements of earth, fire, wind, thunder and water.

Dozens and hundreds of meteors flew out of his mind, transformed into different things, and flew into the star sea. One of them turned into a stone axe, and fell into the blue and white planet not far away.

Finally, among the internal organs, flesh and bones that gradually dissipated, a small figure remained standing.

Chu Xin knew that this was the test of chaos left by Pangu. Those who could survive to the end without being eroded by chaos would get a trace of Pangu's inheritance!

The content is very simple. It is to experience the creation of the world from Pangu's perspective. If the will can not be eroded and destroyed, it will be considered a success.

However, only Chu Xin himself understands the hardships involved.


At this time, the system that was offline for the whole process came back to life.

“Congratulations to the host, you have entered a higher level and will see different scenery;

【Five poisonous beasts】

Proficiency +4%, reaching 100%,

The number of gashapon machine draws +1, currently 8 times;

Earn rewards:

Pangu inheritance (bloodline and spiritual power gradually transform over time, and may have the potential to become a creation god);

Awakening a new ability - Evil Thought Penetration (can peek into the evil thoughts and weaknesses in the hearts of most intelligent beings);

Awakening a new skill - Tianhe Waterfall (magic - using water spirit beads as a medium to release the Tianhe Waterfall);

Awakening a new ability - Five Spirits Integrated into One (the five spirit beads merge with the host, and with the body of the Holy Spirit, the host is the incarnation of the five spirit beads, and the efficiency of releasing related skills is greatly increased);

Awakening 100% super skill - Pangu transformation (the five spirits merge into one, return to the origin, Pangu's body descends, and wields the power to open up the world, lasts for 5 minutes, cools down for 30 days)

Note: Pangu's changed state is enough to compete with the most powerful person in this world - Emperor Fuxi;


Proficiency +5%, reaching 95%,

Earn rewards:

The domain range of the ‘Ten Thousand Thunder Domain’ has been increased to a radius of 100,000 meters;

The cooldown time of ‘Thor’s Awakening’ is reduced to 24 hours;

Awakening a new ability - Eternal Thunder (after death, it will disintegrate into thunder elements between heaven and earth, and will be resurrected in thunderstorms). "(End of chapter)

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