"So, what exactly happened in this blood-hidden demon world?" Kunlun's deputy head could not help but tremble as he sensed the remaining energy fluctuations of gravity rays.

He glanced at Taoist Priest Canggu who turned suddenly pale, then at Chu Xin who looked calm, and finally looked at Taoist Priest Jingming who was thoughtful, and vaguely understood.

"Chang Qing told us about the Blood Demon King, and he implored us to come and help you," Taoist Master Jingming said, "But now it seems that we have been worrying too much. Fellow Taoist Five Poisons are really hiding something." Show it!"

"It's more than just hiding it!" Taoist Priest Cang Gu, who has always been outspoken and straightforward, said, "Even the Blood Demon King and his lair were taken away, and to make such a big noise, I guess how many of us can Even if two old men join forces, they may not be his opponent!"

The conversation between them stunned the deputy head of Kunlun for a while. Although it was difficult for him to accept and believe it for a while, the fact was before his eyes. Chu Xin was indeed the only living creature who walked out alone.

Chu Xin glanced at the bottom of his body, "I have already dealt with the Blood Hidden Demon Realm. No more idlers will disturb Jingtian and the others. You can rest assured. Of course, I am very grateful that you can come to help."

Taoist Master Jingming smiled and clasped his fists and said: "What do you say, fellow Taoist Five Poisons? Meeting each other is fate. Besides, it is our job to kill demons. Speaking of which, we should be grateful to you!"

"Who's curious? Come down with me to find out what's going on?" Taoist Priest Canggu said before jumping down.

After the others looked at each other, they also flew down with their swords.

When they were in a huge underground space destroyed by a gravitational laser burst, they were suddenly shocked by the lingering energy position, and the spiritual power in their bodies was suppressed.

Pairs of eyes looked around, but they couldn't find any trace of the existence of the Blood Demon Realm.

"It's like being baptized by thunder and lightning, but it's fundamentally different." Taoist Master Jingming stroked the smooth rock wall that had been disintegrated layer by layer.

"I didn't expect that you, an old demon with profound spiritual knowledge, would be hidden at the foot of Shu Mountain. Ahem, immortal beast," Canggu Maliao changed his words, his tone softened, even with a hint of pleading, "I heard that you and Chang Qing and the others are traveling together. This is a good thing. Well, I mean that with you here, those young boys who are not familiar with the world have a certain guarantee that they will not die before leaving the army. Ahem, what? , thank you very much, and I also ask Fellow Taoist Five Poisons to take care of that boy Xu Changqing on weekdays. As an old man, I owe you a favor."

"It's okay, it's easy." Chu Xin didn't refuse, and there was no need to agree to anything.

Should it be said or not, this typical Canggu man was a sharp-tongued man who cared deeply about his proud apprentice Xu Changqing, even to the point of pleading with Chu Xin with an old face.

"Although the trip was in vain, the result is always good," Taoist Master Jingming turned to the deputy head of Kunlun and said, "Fellow Taoist, I have troubled you all this time. We will say goodbye here. See you later."

While the two sides were being polite, Chu Xin quietly found a place to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and quickly recovered from the loss in his body.

He was not worried at all whether the group of Taoist priests would plot something against him. After all, if there were still people who were ungrateful in this situation, it might as well let them understand more intuitively how the Blood Demon King evaporated!

As the saying goes, "The donor doesn't understand Mahayana Buddhism, and the poor monk only knows a little bit about it."

Buzz buzz~

Under Chu Xin's crazy swallowing, spiritual energy suddenly surged.

"Hiss! What a ferocious and domineering absorption method, and his high integration with the natural spiritual energy. Even the Five Poison Beasts born from heaven and earth are a bit exaggerated. I have never heard of it." Kunlun Deputy Head said in amazement.

The two Shushan elders also looked at each other in shock. They were obviously stunned by Chu Xin's spiritual body, and they believed even more that it was Chu Xin who killed the Blood Demon King and his tens of thousands of servants.

For the next hour, Chu Xin tried his best to recover his spiritual power, but Canggu and other Shushan disciples did not leave after saying goodbye to the Kunlun group, but returned here to protect Chu Xin.

Seeing that he was so hardworking and serious, and that the spiritual energy around him was extremely rich, apart from the two elders, Chang Yin and other disciples sat down cross-legged, silently recited the mental method and began to practice internal skills.

Cang Gu and Jing Ming gathered together and whispered, guessing what method Chu Xin used to destroy the entire blood hidden demon world.

When Chu Xin recovered 50% to 60% of his spiritual power, the card text appeared:

"The wonderful solitary fight, treating the enemy completely as experience points for upgrading and training, tempering the two cards that are waiting to be fed to the extreme, just like repeatedly tempering the magic weapons with the will to sink the cauldron, and finally using the King of Monsters' With absolute strength, he clears the field with force, eradicates the roots without leaving any consequences, sees the situation clearly, lets go of greed, and shows extremely strong self-discipline;

【Five poisonous beasts】

Proficiency +8%, reaching 67%;

Earn rewards:

The skill 'Corpse Poison Drill' evolves into 'Hundred Poison Drill' (immortal method - consumes spiritual power in both arms to condense a hundred poison whirlwind, shaped like a colorful high-speed rotating conical drill, which can be used in close combat or remotely released, which can make enemies Suffering double damage from flesh and blood and hundreds of poisons, the power is more than ten times that of the Corpse Poison Diamond);

The skill ‘Lyline Borrowing Spirit’ has been strengthened, the maintenance time has been increased to 20 minutes, and the cooldown time has been shortened to 12 hours;

The skill 'Vine Dragon' has been strengthened, the number that can be summoned at one time has been increased to 3, and the spiritual power consumption has been reduced;

The skill ‘Wrath of the Earth’ has been strengthened and the cooldown time has been shortened to 48 hours;

Awakening a new skill - Ghost Fury Fire Lotus (magical skill - using the fire spirit bead as a medium to mobilize the strong fire aura between heaven and earth, releasing the fire lotus with terrifying explosive power);

Obtain the magic weapon - the Blood Demon Flying Blade (a weapon comparable to the Hurricane Seal and Green Veil Armor, with superior lethality and penetrating power. It is about one meter long, with only a sharp edge and no hilt. It can be controlled remotely and can be melted into The blood that condenses but never disperses, then splits and reunites into multiple parts. The larger the number, the smaller the volume, and the more it tests the host’s mental power);


Proficiency +9%, reaching 68%;

Earn rewards:

The skill 'glare' has been strengthened and the cooldown time has been reduced to 1 minute;

The skill 'Charge' has been strengthened, the power of the next attack is increased to 3 times, and the cooldown is shortened to 10 minutes;

The skill ‘Thunder Sacrifice’ has been strengthened and the cooldown time has been reduced to 5 minutes;

The skill ‘Thunder Cut’ has been strengthened and its length has been increased to 100 meters;

Awakening a new skill - paralysis critical strike (any thunder and lightning basic attack has a certain probability of causing the enemy to fall into varying degrees of paralysis);

Awakening a new skill - Aurora Blade (a special physical attack that does not contain thunder elements, causing decent damage and can eliminate all the enemy's frontal buffs);

【King Ghidorah】

Earn rewards:

The skill 'Split Body' has been strengthened, the number of splits has been increased from 9 to 99, and the survivability has been greatly improved;

The number of Gacha balls is +2, and there are currently 7 times. "


Chu Xin slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a breath.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a long summary interface. The most unexpected thing is that Ghidorah’s [Split Body] has been strengthened, but even if you don’t mention this, it can still be said to be a “huge benefit”!

Don't look at the reduction of time and so on, but the collection of these details, combined with Chu Xin's experienced experience and quality, is enough to increase the combat power of [Five Poison Beasts] and [Rei] by several levels.

"Everyone, thank you for setting up the formation to protect the Dharma." Chu Xin said calmly.

"That's serious." Taoist Master Jingming said with a smile.

"Then let's set off." Chu Xin unfolded his wind and thunder wings.

"Changqing said they are waiting for you in Leizhou." Taoist priest Canggu said.

"Okay." Chu Xin said, taking the lead and taking off into the air, followed by hundreds of young men in white wearing swords.

By the time Chu Xin arrived in Leizhou, Jingtian and others had already eliminated the attacking demon clan and established a good friendship with the Yun family.

At this moment, the backyard of Yun Mansion.

"This is the Five Poison Brother I mentioned before. He is not a monster, but a fairy beast naturally bred by heaven and earth." Xu Changqing introduced Chu Xin to Yun Ting.

"Five Poison Beasts? Seeing is better than hearing it a hundred times. Brother Wudu is really extraordinary!" Yun Ting was not bragging politely, but praising from the bottom of his heart, because in his opinion, although Chu Xin is a beast, Body, but there is great wisdom in the eyebrows.

"By the way, it was Wu Du who told us how to deal with your body. You have to thank him profusely~" Tang Xue Jian said plainly, with a hint of pride in her tone.

When Yun Ting heard this, he immediately stood up and bowed to Chu Xin, "I didn't expect it to be like this, Brother Wudu, I..."

Chu Xin, who didn't like trouble, used his spiritual power to hold him up, "What I did was for the Thunder Lingzhu. Even without me, Xu Changqing and the others would have found a way. You don't have to be grateful to me."

When Yun Ting heard this, he admired Chu Xin's behavior even more, but he also guessed that Chu Xin was not a pedantic person, so he stopped expressing his verbal gratitude with sincerity.

"Brother Wudu, I almost forgot to give it to you." Xu Changqing took out the Thunder Spirit Pearl after being reminded like this.

Chu Xin took it smoothly, put it into the storage space smoothly, and then asked: "When will we set off?"

Yun Ting answered first: "Tonight there will be an annual fireworks feast in Leizhou. Why don't you all stay one more night so that I can fulfill my duty as a landlord again?"

"That's right! I almost forgot, Wudu, how about we stay and have fun one night?" Sedum glided over to Chu Xin to serve tea and water.

"Hehehe, there seems to be a lot of delicious food tonight, Wudu, it's a rare opportunity!" Maomao also followed.

Chu Xin looked at the expectant young faces and nodded, "Okay." (End of Chapter)

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