All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 344 A river of blood! Rivers of blood!

Under the endless blue sky, there is endless grassland.

Although it is quiet and peaceful with lush vegetation, herds of cattle and sheep, it looks extremely solemn and solemn against the backdrop of the giant wall-like Lianmian Snow Mountain in the distance.

Especially when the sun hits the top of the mountain and shines with golden scales, people can't help but feel reverence and fear, as if there are immortals living there who cannot be disturbed.

"Finally we're here, it's been a bloody journey."

Chu Xin breathed the thin air and was in this holy world. He didn't know whether it was the lack of oxygen or the purity of his spiritual energy. He felt that his brain was very ethereal and clear, and the blood was drained from his body.

After killing the Black Wind Lei Zun, he encountered at least seven or eight waves of ambushes and interceptions along the way, but they were basically little monsters that were not worth worrying about, so he did not waste much time. In addition, Chu Xin kept using Lei Yi On the road, no matter how far the distance is in the wind and lightning, it is just that.

At this time, the card text appeared:

“Going through the levels and defeating enemies, constantly tempering two cards, the fierce battle showed the ultimate in roughness and finesse, becoming a synonym for bravery and strategy;

【Five poisonous beasts】

Proficiency +4%, reaching 59%;

Earn rewards:

Awakening a new skill - Wind and Thunder Wings (the wings can be switched to the form of wind and thunder, and the speed increases while releasing the power of wind and thunder);


Proficiency +5%, reaching 59%;

Earn rewards:

‘Thunderstorm’ is strengthened into ‘Thunderstorm Zone’ (the radius of the domain is increased to 500 meters);

Awakened new skill - Electro Chidori (group skill, releasing extremely fast thunderbirds to strike multiple enemies, causing damage while also causing varying degrees of paralysis effects). "

"After all, the improvement is too little," Chu Xin murmured to himself calmly, "I hope the destination of this trip will not disappoint me."

His eyes passed over the vast grasslands and towering mountains, and focused on a quiet mountain gorge.

If a mortal without cultivation would naturally not feel anything unusual, but in Chu Xin's field of vision, the gathering and flow of spiritual energy followed its own rules. With his spiritual body, he could easily detect the unusual.

Based on the general scope of Shushan's positioning method, it is not difficult to infer that it is one of the entrances and exits of the Blood Cang Demon Realm.


Chu Xin found a hidden bush to rest, restored his condition to its best, and observed his surroundings.

Sure enough, during this period, many demon clans who thought they were hiding their whereabouts hurriedly entered, shouting "lost you" in panic.

So, regardless of day or night, Chu Xin flew out openly and headed towards the canyon.


Some monsters looked at the visitor in astonishment. Before they could react, the mysterious demon dart had already taken away their lives.

In this way, Chu Xin went in with great fanfare, going all the way down until he saw the real blood-hiding demon world hidden in the underground world!

At this moment, the demon world is under full martial law.

I saw densely packed figures standing on the roofs of buildings. They were all filled with murderous intent and blood, and pairs of deep eyes of various colors formed a terrifying scene like all the ghosts in hell.

They knew that Chu Xin's strength was extraordinary. After all, so many of the mainstays of the Blood Demon Realm who had been sent out were gone forever. If they didn't use their full strength, they would probably follow suit.

They better understand the principle of finding wealth and wealth in danger. If they perform well in the current situation and win the attention of the Blood Demon King, they will have a place in the blood demon world in the future.

"You actually dare to deliver it to your door in person? But that's fine, it saves me the trouble!"

It was the Blood Demon King who spoke. He sat at the top of the demon tower casually. Although he had his legs crossed and a cold face, in fact, he was already filled with anger and wanted to kill his enemy with his own blood right away.

But he is a demon king, and people with high positions and powerful positions should not do everything by themselves. He has raised a group of subordinates just for times like this. If he dies, he will die. If the old ones don't go away, the new ones won't come.

"Come together, remember not to kill yourself, and save your breath." The Blood Demon King waved his fingers lightly.


At this moment, thousands of monsters poured out like a tide, and thousands of magic weapons rose from the ground.

The momentum is majestic and the demonic aura is overwhelming!

"What a lively scene, I haven't seen it in a long time."

Chu Xin was above all the demons, his eyes were like the calm sea gradually turning into stormy waves, and the aura around him also changed accordingly. Extreme violence crawled into the corners of his eyes, making the Blood Demon King below frown slightly.


The six wings transformed into wind and thunder wings, and the moment the electric sparks bloomed, they turned into a blurry afterimage and disappeared without a trace.



When his figure reappeared, dozens of monsters had died under the ax blade, all of them killed with a single clean blow.

Whoosh whoosh!

The Nether Flame stray bullets were fired continuously, easily penetrating the chests of each demon clan, burning their corpses into charcoal.

Facing thousands of troops, Chu Xin showed up uninvited and felt brave as he rushed to the Hongmen Banquet with millions of gifts.


The poisonous mist spreads out, greatly weakening the enemies at close range. Combined with the Mysterious Demonic Darts and Corpse Poison Diamonds, they immediately began to harvest without emotion.

"Don't go near it!"

"This guy's melee combat experience is so sophisticated!"

"Use long-range attacks on me!"

The group of monsters are not stupid either. After a wave of deaths, they no longer send the atomic battle ax to the neck one after another, but madly output from a distance.

Being besieged by successive attacks, even Chu Xin, who was pushing forward unimpeded, showed a little powerlessness. Even if the Xuanmo Dart could fire arrows without missing a beat and make fatal moves, there were too many enemies. There are still more than a hundred, and it is really no small challenge to defeat ten thousand with one.

But Chu Xin doesn't care about the results. For the [Five Poison Beasts], he cares more about the process.


Immortal magic, earth vein borrowing spirit!

With a pinch of his hand, the earth's spiritual power surged.


Two vine dragons burst out of the ground, catching the group of monsters off guard and tearing them into pieces with overwhelming force.

Under the interference of the Vine Dragon, Chu Xin was able to breathe. After several eagle flashes, he broke through to the outside of the encirclement. When the demons bared their teeth and claws to surround him, he immediately took out the hurricane seal.


Strong winds were blowing, and the group of monsters completely messed up their formation, squandering their monster power in the hurricane. However, what they hit after a long time of effort was just an afterimage of Chu Xin.

As Chu Xin came to the top of the underground world and released the hurricane seal downwards, the group of monsters were suddenly blown into the city. Bricks and tiles of a large number of buildings also flew, and the entire Blood Treasure Demon World was swept by the storm.

Among them, only the Blood Demon King condensed a blood-colored light film without moving like a mountain, removing the wind spirit power from his body.

Chu Xin held the seal in his left hand and took out the Earth Spirit Bead in his right hand.

Should it be his luck or the Blood Demon King's misfortune? Just like the Paradise, this Blood Demon Realm is also underground.

Buzz buzz~

Divine spell - Wrath of the Earth activates!

In an instant, the earth trembled and the mountains shook. The scene was exactly the same as the Paradise, except that there was less of the hot magma pouring down.



Countless huge rubbles cracked and fell, smashing the demon city below into ruins. Not only that, the ground and rock walls also cracked with dense and thick gaps, and they expanded and spread wildly with great momentum.

The key hurricane seal did not stop outputting, and the thick smoke was carried by the strong wind, making the visibility of the Xue Zang Demon Realm less than ten meters, and Chu Xin's poisonous mist was still being released.

"Zarp! It turns out you relied on this trick to destroy Paradise!"

The furious voice of the Blood Demon King came from a certain direction, and the mixed anger could no longer be suppressed.


In an instant, bunches of blood pillars scattered and splashed, and everything touched melted and collapsed, including hundreds of friendly monsters.

The Blood Demon King followed the fluctuations of spiritual power and focused on taking care of the area where Chu Xin was.

Chu Xin used the wind and thunder wings to dodge at high speed, but he was performing too many advanced spells at the same time. Even though he was in the state of using earth veins to borrow spirits, it really affected his speed.


One of the blood pillars hit his chest hard.


The blue-threaded armor immediately emerged and collided with it, creating a fierce glare. Under the erosion of the blood demon's power, a large number of armor fragments could be seen flying around.

There is no doubt that Qingluojia has encountered the most severe challenge in history.


The Blood Demon King also knew the exact location of Chu Xin, and soon more than a dozen bloody spears shot towards him, causing a deafening sonic boom as they rubbed against the air.

Feeling the demon power stronger than that of the Green Demon King, Chu Xin knew that the Qinglui Armor would definitely be penetrated.

Ever since, the cards were switched.

In the flash of lightning, Chu Xin, who turned into Lei, drove thousands of meters away at lightning speed.

Without the hurricane mark, the fierce wind gradually subsided, but the chain reaction caused by the wrath of the earth continued. Landslides and ground cracks caused rolling rocks, and countless monsters were smashed into meat patties in a daze.


Chu Xin took advantage of this gap to drive a thousand-meter-wide thunderstorm belt, holding a thunder halberd and a thunder snake shield. He used forehand thunder and lightning strikes and backhand flash strikes. He rubbed and pulled his hands to throw out the thunderous sword.

"The power of thunder and lightning? A mysterious transformation spell? Even I can't see through its principle~ How many secrets are hidden in you, I will let you explain them all by then." The Blood Demon King did not take action again, but watched with interest With Chu Xin killing everyone.

The house has almost collapsed, not to mention he is not good at earth magic, so he can't stop the wrath of the earth, so he simply calms down and focuses all his attention on Chu Xin, not to mention anything else, just the earth spirit beads and The Fire Spirit Pearl is priceless.

Therefore, in order to test Chu Xin's trump cards and limits, the Blood Demon King shouted: "Anyone who inflicts wounds on it will be heavily rewarded! Anyone who captures it alive will be named the new guardian of the left and right!"

At this moment, the group of demons who had already shown their dejection seemed to have been given a shot of vitality, and each one launched a fierce offensive with all their strength.


Chu Xin shuttled around the enemy like thunder, and in a trance he released more than a dozen falcons composed of golden thunder. They cried out and took away lives one by one. The overturned city was filled with charred corpses.

It is one of Rey's famous skills: the Electric Chidori!

"There are endless fancy tricks, no wonder that old bird fell into your hands." As the big demon said, it turned into a giant python that was a hundred meters long, opened its mouth and tried to swallow Chu Xin from below.

Chu Xin did not retreat but advanced, and flew into the giant python's mouth unconventionally. He never closed the gap between his teeth and went straight into its throat.

The next second, the giant python twisted its body as if it had a stomach cramp, and then fell straight to the ground.

Accompanied by the thunderous sound of "chichichichi", the size of the thundering halberd expanded rapidly, and it did not stop until it was twenty or thirty meters away. Giant bulges that were hard and glittering with golden light also appeared exaggeratedly on the python's abdomen and other places. .


Even the best flexibility has its limits.

With his skin torn apart and his flesh torn apart, Chu Xin burst out of his belly with a fifty-meter-long thundering halberd in his arms, killing a big monster in an unexpected way.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as Chu Xin appeared, he spun 360 degrees on the spot, and the thundering halberd exploded with electricity, sending a large group of monsters flying away. Even if they didn't die, they would be paralyzed.

However, for the tens of thousands of monsters, the five poisonous beasts and Lei Yi killed only one or two thousand at most, which was really not worth mentioning.

"Those who show bravery will be rewarded with blood elixirs!" The Blood Demon King spoke just right.

At this time, the wrath of the earth also completely stopped, and the entire blood demon world was turned upside down in a short period of time. Except for the blood demon tower under the blood demon king, which was intact, all the ruins were in ruins as far as the eye could see.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't angry. The Blood Demon King's fingers hidden in his sleeves couldn't stop trembling, but it wasn't fear or worry, but rage, and a trace of excitement and excitement.

He longed to suck the blood of Chu Xin, wanted to peel off the secrets of Chu Xin like a cocoon, and wanted to seize the various mysterious spells used by Chu Xin. The nature of the blood demon was curiosity, violence and greed, and his son Luo Man completely inherited it. Unfortunately, he ran into Chu Xin, the even more terrifying god of death.


Chu Xin switched back to the five poisonous beasts and continued to fight in a roundabout way with the group of monsters that were like an endless tide.

As time went by, the spiritual power in his body was gradually exhausted. Not only was his efficiency in killing enemies greatly reduced, but he was also hit by enemies many times. The durability of his green wisp armor also weakened rapidly, and his defensive capabilities were greatly reduced.


Switch to Rey and continue fighting!

The scars all over his body are nothing to worry about, they are all symbols of honor!

Kill kill kill——

Rivers of blood!

Rivers of blood!

This process is repeated over and over again, constantly squeezing out the last bit of strength, and rebounding again and again, bursting out with greater potential.

This made the demons and the blood demon king look solemnly. Even if they were rewarded a lot, their momentum was still less than one-tenth of the previous one.

The Blood Demon King was also speechless for a moment, feeling a ray of respect for Chu Xin, and inexplicably feeling that his side was about to lose.

"It's so refreshing!"

Chu Xin's spirit was extremely active and he was not tired at all, but the two cards could not withstand his increasingly fierce will to kill and were completely drained first.

He could no longer fly without retaining the Five Poison Beast card, and landed on a boulder panting like an ox.

Two of the six wings were broken, and they flapped tremblingly against the remaining two pairs. The damaged Qingwei armor was taken back to the storage stone. The fur that could be used as armor was already in tatters, and blood was flowing out from dozens of bloody wounds. Due to lack of spiritual power, his whole body was dark and lifeless. The only thing that is still intact is probably the atomic battle ax in his hand.

"Let's just go ahead and capture you. I won't kill you for the time being." Seeing that it was almost done, the Blood Demon King stood up and stood on the top of the tower.

When the demons saw this, they quickly stopped. Even though Chu Xin was in such a miserable state at the moment, they didn't dare to gamble anymore. After all, the bloody lessons were happening tragically right in front of them again and again.

"Although we are at odds with each other, I respect you for your real ability. My son's death at your hands is not unjust," the Blood Demon King said while preparing to take action, "It's over!"

"It's indeed over." Chu Xin said.


Card switching.


Seeing the golden electric light flashing, the Blood Demon King snorted sarcastically, "Isn't your other form also at the end of its battle? It's better to give up your stubborn resistance as soon as possible!"

At the same time, Leizhou far to the south.

Yun Mansion.

This luxurious house belongs to the Yun family of Leizhou. The head of the Yun family is the governor of Leizhou, the highest administrator of Leizhou.

Yun Ting, the young master of the Yun family, serves as the commander-in-chief of Leizhou. He has been carrying lightning since he was born. No one can touch his body. His wife also died unexpectedly because of this.

But a blessing in disguise, Yun Ting was able to control thunder and lightning and turn it into his own power, thus becoming the strongest man in Leizhou, killing countless demons and monsters, allowing the people in Leizhou to enjoy years of peace and tranquility.

And the root of all this comes from the Thunder Spirit Bead in his body!

As for why the Thunder Lingzhu is in his body, it is unknown, maybe it is fate.

But at this moment today, Yun Ting is facing a major turning point in his life.

"Brother Yun, are you ready?" Xu Changqing looked seriously at Yun Ting, who was lying on the bed.

"Well, let's get started." Yun Ting stared at Xu Changqing. His eyes contained complex emotions, including excitement, nervousness, and helplessness.

"Breathe naturally, without distracting thoughts." Xu Changqing said, placing his hand two centimeters above Yun Ting's chest.

Of course it's not that difficult.

Xu Changqing's right hand was wearing a special magic weapon similar to a glove. As his five fingers touched it and pulled it upward, a special suction force emerged.


Yun Ting let out an uncontrollable cry deep in his throat, feeling that he was losing something very important, as if something was about to be pulled out of his body.


The spiritual energy in the room suddenly became chaotic, and the thunder spiritual energy increased rapidly.


With Xu Changqing's efforts, a gold and silver spirit bead emerged from Yun Ting's chest, and was finally caught by Xu Changqing.

"It turned out to be it, which has harmed me for nearly thirty years."

Yun Ting breathed a long sigh of relief, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Boom boom!

It was also at this moment that Leizhou was hit by dark clouds.

Thick dark clouds covered the sky and the sun. One second it was sunny, but in the next moment it was dark.

This is not the vision of heaven and earth where Lei Lingzhu appears, but the countless monsters entrenched outside Leizhou!

They all have a blood feud with Yun Ting. In the past, they did not dare to enter the city because of the Thunder Lingzhu, so they only dared to hide outside the city and wait for the opportunity. No, after feeling that Yun Ting had lost his lightning power, they entered the city non-stop and headed towards Yun Mansion to outflank him.

"Don't worry," Xu Changqing said comfortingly, "We will fulfill our promise and conquer all evil spirits in the future."

After saying that, he unsheathed his sword, strode out, jumped to the roof, and looked proudly at dozens of menacing monsters.

"Brother Jing, in the next few days, we must deal with all the demons near Leizhou. Thank you for your hard work." He lowered his head and said.

"Of course I understand! This is the promise we made with the young master of the Yun family!" Jingtian held the magic sword and smiled, "And don't we still have to wait for the Five Poisons to gather in Leizhou! I heard that in a few days there will be There is a fireworks display, so let’s just play it for a few days, and we don’t miss this amount of time anyway.”

"Okay!" Xu Changqing was in a great mood after getting the Thunder Lingzhu easily, and couldn't help but feel more gratitude and respect for Chu Xin.

Blood hides the demon world.


In the eyes of the Blood Demon King that instantly solidified, Chu Xin shone with hot golden light, and his one-meter body suddenly expanded to hundreds of meters and two hundred thousand tons!


The wings dragged the golden light and spread out shockingly, covering the sky like a curtain, illuminating the terror on every face clearly.

The three songs are high-spirited, and the roar of the dragon is endless!

The golden scales glowing with gravitational particles are like the armor of a god. The overflowing gravitational turbulence wipes out all the demonic energy, instantly transforming the blood-hiding demon world into an energy environment suitable for fighting and survival.


The air flow surged violently, and a thunder and lightning storm took shape automatically.

That's right, it's Ghidorah!

The training of [Rey] and [Five Poisonous Beasts] has reached the upper limit this time. In this case, Chu Xin is not going to let anyone here go, so he simply sacrifices one of the king bombs to avoid omissions.

"What the hell is this?!"

The Blood Demon King stared at the condescending Chu Xin in astonishment. In front of the thunderous tyrant-like beast, he, who had always boasted of being cruel, had no confidence at all.

Even he looked so dull and frightened, and the other monsters were even more embarrassed. They were all possessed by Old Demon Han and retreated behind the Blood Demon King, fully prepared to run away.

Chu Xin's three heads looked around, taking in all the entrances and exits.

Then, open your mouth.


Three gravitational rays spurted out and bombarded the exit first. Thousands of demon clans that were affected were instantly wiped out.

Witnessing this horrific scene, the demons felt their blood flow back and their whole bodies became cold. They scrambled to hide in all directions, hoping to die last. As long as they lived long enough, they would have a glimmer of hope.

"Sir! Take action quickly!" The big demon yelled heartbreakingly at the Blood Demon King the second before it was disintegrated by the ray.

"Who are you? It's fun to hide your clumsiness like this!" The Blood Demon King was like being put on a fire, and he had no other choice but to fight to the death.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Gravitational rays have become the only theme in the Blood Demon World.

All that can be seen is the golden thunder and lightning that represents death. Whether they are large or small monsters or building rocks, they are all disintegrated into invisible microscopic dregs.

The three heads move and spray in all directions, shooting wherever there are many people, killing a whole nest with one shot. The place where it passes will first explode and splash, and then leave a clean pitted ground. It is more environmentally friendly than cremation.

This is a powerful crushing of cards with full proficiency that start extremely high!


And between the three rays, the Blood Demon King turned into a ray of blood and flew into the sky.

gurgling gurgling~

His arms melted into condensed blood, and then turned into two ten-meter-long dark red scythes. He swung the Blood Demon Blade twice in the air.

Immediately afterwards, he crossed his arms and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it. Suddenly, the blood burst out, and the huge cross blade was shot out with dense demonic energy at high speed. On the way, a dozen demons a hundred meters apart were dissolved into disgusting blood in the blink of an eye. liquid.


However, Chu Xin just flicked his tail casually, and the few wisps of electric sparks that flew out wiped out all the Blood Demon King's moves.


When the Blood Demon King saw this battle, he braked suddenly, then turned around and ran away resolutely.

The group of demons who originally had the slightest illusion were completely confused and ran out one by one with all their strength. However, they could not outrun the gravity rays. Tens of thousands of demons were like a colony of ants being ravaged by flamethrowers. There are no corpses left on the ground.

The top priority, the Blood Demon King, naturally received special attention. Chu Xin's head in the middle was chasing after him, and Chu Xin never moved from the beginning to the end, just like a fixed turret blasting mosquitoes.

"The true identity appears!"

Seeing that he could not escape, the Blood Demon King had no choice but to fight for a chance to survive.


He exploded into a condensed sea of ​​blood, about thirty meters high, about two hundred meters long from front to back, left and right, and moved like a bloody giant slime.

The next second, the gravity rays actually hit the Blood Demon King.


The bloody water exploded, but was evaporated the moment it rose. When the dignified Blood Demon King faced the gravity rays, he seemed to be no different from other monsters.

With just one sweep, the sea of ​​​​blood was torn apart.

However, this is exactly what the Blood Demon King wanted. The split blood sea was seen fleeing in different directions. It is not difficult to guess that as long as one drop of it escapes by chance, the Blood Demon King will one day make a comeback.

"No matter who it is, this kind of trick is always disgusting," Chu Xin muttered secretly, "Fortunately, I also have this kind of skill."

In order to ensure that the medicine would cure the disease and avoid causing trouble in the future, he decisively used one of King Ghidorah's ultimate moves.

Gravity laser blast!


In an instant, 90% of the energy contained in the body burst out from the head, wings, and tail. In less than a second, a gravitational thunderstorm belt was formed, shaking the space, spreading in all directions with ripples visible to the naked eye.

Bang bang bang!

Wherever it passed, everything was shattered, and tens of thousands of monsters disappeared on the spot, including the standing Blood Demon Tower that also turned into nothingness.

"What kind of magic is this? Fairy magic or divine magic!"

"It is definitely a life from the five mortal realms, it must come from the divine realm!"

"Why! Why do the gods target me!"

"No, no, no, I can't die!"

"So hot! Ahhh!"

"So warm..."

The gravitational thunderstorm zone was completely released, and the Blood Demon Realm was disintegrated and completely wiped off the map in a few seconds.

The Blood Demon King was not spared, and all his clones were wiped out.


Under the blue sky and white clouds, as the golden waves swept upward, the ground within an area of ​​at least 20,000 meters exploded, and the earth and rocks rose up to thousands of meters high, and then sank downwards with great force, until the Xue Zang Demon Realm no longer existed. Exposed to the sun, a bottomless abyss was formed.


At this moment, in the sky not far away, hundreds of people who were flying towards this were all shocked. They stopped in mid-air and all looked up in fear.

"According to the location, there is the Blood Demon Realm down there. Look at this terrifying momentum, what happened inside?" The old man who spoke, whose Taoist name was Jingming, was one of the five elders of Shushan.

"Chang Qing said that the five poisonous beasts arrived first. Is it related to it? Impossible. How can any ordinary person in the world be able to achieve such a power of moving mountains and filling seas?" Taoist Priest Canggu, who had a sinister face, wondered. Not only did he He is one of the elders and Xu Changqing's master.

"You two, why don't we go and find out?" The person who spoke was not a member of Shushan, but the deputy head of the Kunlun Sect.

Behind the three people, there are Shushan disciples and Kunlun disciples.

The two factions joined forces this time to eradicate the lineage of the Blood Demon King.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the Blood Demon King has repeatedly sent killers, threatening the safety of the protagonist group. The head of Shushan was worried about affecting the mission of Jingtian and his party, so he sent two elders and hundreds of elite disciples to destroy the Blood Demon King.

As the strongest local cultivating force, Kunlun was inevitably invited to help out.


When hundreds of people looked down at the huge abyss crater created by the bombing, they all took a deep breath and swallowed with dry mouths.

"Here, huh? There's no demonic energy here, but according to the compass, this is indeed the Blood Hidden Demon Realm!" Chang Yin frowned in disbelief, thinking that he had made a mistake.

"You are not wrong," Taoist Master Cang Gu showed a stern look, "Everyone cheer me up, I feel a terrifying aura!"

"Me too." Taoist Master Jingming flicked his fly whisk and pinched out a magic formula with his left hand.

"It's moving upwards, and it's about to come out!" Kunlun's deputy head took off a small white jade clock from his waist and stared into the abyss in readiness.


Suddenly, everyone felt a chill running down their spines at the same time, as if they were being stared into an abyss.


The next moment, the grand golden light bloomed and then subsided, and Chu Xin, who switched back to the Five Poison Beast, flew out of the giant pit and appeared in front of them.

Wave after wave of spiritual power surged, and the frightened people subconsciously launched a fierce attack.

"Wait a minute!" Taoist Master Jingming shouted sternly, "It's a five-poison beast!"

Everyone who was hit by the feint almost had their meridians explode, and it took a while to calm down the roiling spiritual energy.

"Is it really you?!"

Taoist Priest Canggu stared at Chu Xin in disbelief, and then looked down at the lifeless Blood Demon World at his feet with a shocked expression.

Not even an insect could be sensed, let alone the demonic Blood Demon King.

When he looked at Chu Xin again, he accidentally met Chu Xin's eyes. At this moment, Canggu felt chills all over his body. Compared with the abyss under his feet, the small fairy beast in front of him seemed to be the real infinity. Bottom of the abyss! (End of chapter)

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