All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 342 King of Hell: What! My casino is gone?


The Fire Ghost King's head flashed across the air, and the heart-rending screams resounded throughout the Paradise, shocking the hearts of countless ghosts.

But knowing that she had no way to recover after losing the Fire Pearl, she went completely crazy and did one last thing before she died.

All her body was melted into visible illusory fire, spreading like ribbons fluttering in the wind, spreading to every inch of the Elysian World at a rapid speed.

These are not actual flames, but the resentment of the Ghost King that the Fire Ghost King erupted when he was about to die. All ghosts infected by the resentment will inherit the Fire Ghost King's desire for revenge against Chu Xin and others, and lose their rationality. In short , the countless ghosts and ghosts in Paradise will launch a crazy attack on Chu Xin and the three of them without fear of life and death in the next time!

"Just stay in Paradise and be buried with me~~~"

The last evil whisper of the Fire Ghost King echoed in their ears.

Soon, Chu Xin understood the meaning of her laughter.

Because the last two ghost generals suddenly pounced on them fearlessly. If they hadn't witnessed the Fire Ghost King being killed a few seconds ago, they would have thought that they were loyal and wanted to avenge the Lord.

Not only that, the only entrance and exit was also crowded with ghosts who came from nowhere. They were running on the ground and floating in the sky in dense numbers. Those with severed limbs and heads were appearing in endless streams. Looking around, there were so many ghosts and so many ghosts. It came like a torrential rain.

They seemed to have lost their minds, and regardless of whether they had fighting ability or not, they all rushed forward and bared their teeth and claws as if they had been drugged.

"Oh my god, two eldest brothers, do you have any other tricks? If we don't use it, we will be eaten to pieces!" Jingtian got goosebumps all over his body and hid behind Xu Changqing tremblingly. With a straight face.

Don't blame him for making a fuss, even Xu Changqing, who was used to seeing monsters, couldn't help but take a breath and feel frightened when he saw this scene.

"My power is exhausted, I'm afraid I have no choice but to give it a try." Xu Changqing clenched his fist and said.

"There's still half a minute." Chu Xin muttered.

"What's half a minute left, Brother Wudu?" Jingtian asked tremblingly.

They had no way to retreat. There was a rock wall behind them and rocks under their feet. Except for these two directions, the rest were completely filled with ghosts, and the dense will-o'-the-wisp eyes were like stars all over the sky.

The half minute mentioned by Chu Xin naturally refers to the remaining time for the earth vein to borrow the spirit.

Once this time has passed, his condition will weaken instantly, and it will be almost impossible to escape with the [Five Poison Beasts].



Chu Xin took out the earth spirit bead from the storage stone.

"It seems Brother Wudu has a plan to deal with it." Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that thousands of ghosts were about to surround them, as Chu Xin used the skill [Wrath of the Earth], the earth spirit beads burst out with powerful and heavy wild power.


In an instant, the earth roared like a giant beast.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Paradise began to shake, like a doomsday earthquake, with falling rocks, rock walls collapsing, and the ground denting.

The magma river turned into turbulent waves, flowing along the rapidly opening gaps, swallowing countless screaming ghosts.


Chu Xin put away the earth spirit bead and flew towards the exit at the earliest opportunity.

"Brother Jing, hold me tight!"

Xu Changqing wielded the sword alone, while Jingtian held his waist tightly, fearing that he would be dragged down by the ghost hands on the left and right sides.



Bang bang bang!

At this moment, the entire Elysian World was collapsing, magma poured in, and a large area of ​​the ground was covered with a carpet of blazing flames. The passages extending in all directions were also filled with lava, spurting out scalding beams of fire.

However, luck and misfortune depended on each other. The ghost clan who gathered fire to attack Chu Xin and his group naturally fell into a dangerous situation where they had no time to take care of themselves. They had no energy left to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Fire Ghost King.

In this way, Chu Xin left the collapsed Paradise behind and led the two of them back to the human world.


"elder brother!"

"Pig head!"

Before they could see what was in front of them clearly, three voices reached their ears first. It was the three people from Solanum nigrum and Kui who had been waiting at the door.

"Wow! Maomao, I'm still alive! I'm still alive!"

Jingtian, who was surviving the disaster, excitedly hugged Maomao and circled around, and then hugged Nightshade with all his strength. Just when he was about to hug Tang Xuejian into his arms, he coughed awkwardly.

But when he saw Tang Xuejian opening his arms expectantly, the corners of his mouth subconsciously rose, and he said with a teasing smile: "What's wrong? Piggy, are you plotting against me?"

Only then did Tang Xue realize that she had forgotten to cover up, and immediately punched and kicked Jingtian, "I think you are the one who has ill intentions towards me! There is no way that I, the young lady, will fall in love with you, a scoundrel like you!"

"Wait? Do you like it?" Jingtian asked with a half-smile, "That's not what I meant just now."

"You!" Tang Xuejian immediately realized that he had let slip again, "Huh! I'm ignoring you!"

After saying that, she turned around and left in a big stride. Seeing this, Jingtian hurriedly followed, muttering nonsense beside her.

Looking at the backs of the two people playing around, Nightshade smiled slightly at first, but soon a sad look appeared on her face.

She definitely wanted her brother to be happy, but her strong possessiveness towards him made her jealous when she saw Jingtian being so close to other girls, and her conflicting psychology caused her to struggle internally.

"Brother Wu Du, I heard that you have a magic weapon that can be stored." Xu Changqing held the fire spirit bead, "In this case, I will leave it to you for safekeeping."

Chu Xin took it calmly. The Fire Ghost King was dead. The Fire Spirit Bead that she had disguised as a small bead had returned to its original state. It was a red and white bead the size of a billiard ball. The red and white were like intertwined flowing clouds, forming a vivid, natural but warm and fiery bead. picture.

He placed it in the storage stone, and the mystery of the mysterious stone ax went one step closer.

At this time, Xu Changqing hesitated for a moment and asked: "Brother Wu Du, did you borrow the Earth Spirit Pearl to cast the last spell you used?"

"Yes." Chu Xin replied.

Xu Changqing thought as he walked, "If you want to activate the five spiritual beads, you must use immortal magic to achieve it, and the Paradise of Paradise has been shaken. I think Brother Wudu used divine magic from the divine world?"

"Yes." Chu Xin had no need to hide it.

After getting the affirmative answer, Xu Changqing couldn't help showing surprise. He was even more respectful to Chu Xin, and became more and more curious and confused about Chu Xin's identity and origin.

"It's already dawn! It's great. We don't have to worry about those ghosts chasing them out." Maomao in front looked at the bright morning sky, and there was a sound of hunger in his belly.

ten minutes later.

"How come there's no one left!" Maomao screamed to the sky, clutching his hungry belly.

After last night's turmoil, Fengdu has truly become a deserted ghost town. At dawn, the few residents took their families to the peach blossoms without any nostalgia.

There is no one, so naturally there is no cook.

"No one wants these things anyway," Jingtian waved his hand, "There are kitchen utensils and ingredients, we can make them ourselves!"

"So boss, you can also cook!" Maomao said in surprise.

"How can I not," Jingtian shrugged, "Maomao, come here!"

"Me? I can only eat, hehehe~" Maomao laughed sillyly.

"Zigma definitely won't. Even if she cooks it, I won't dare to eat it. If food poisoning happens, it will delay my ability to save the world." Sedum didn't forget her skin.

"You! My cooking skills are indeed not good, but I know a little bit about boxing and kicking!" Tang Xuejian said as he kicked Jingtian with a flying kick that made Jingtian angry on the spot.

Nightshade was stunned. As a princess of a country, she had never even entered the kitchen. It would be impossible for her to cook a table of delicious food.

As for Xu Changqing, the great disciple of Shushan, he was unparalleled in the world when it came to conquering and catching demons, but when it came to cooking, he knew nothing about it.


Just as they were sitting in the empty restaurant, bored, the sound of cooking could be heard from the kitchen.

Several people looked around in astonishment and found that Chu Xin was fanning his wings and controlling a large iron pot in front of the stove. He stir-fried the fat and thin meat slices and the fragrant green peppers with a shovel.


Smelling the aroma, everyone including Xu Changqing swallowed their saliva, returned to the table with a tacit understanding, and consciously prepared the dishes and chopsticks.

At this moment, their recognition of Chu Xin reached an unprecedented peak.

While Chu Xin was cooking, he was also checking the text on the card that just appeared:

"Calmly respond to attacks and kills, rely on your own power to reverse the situation and protect the team, but also show the cohesion of team operations, make full use of various skills, kill all incoming enemies, peek, grasp, and amplify the enemy's weaknesses, and control the enemy With his own mentality, he finally succeeded in killing the Fire Ghost King and obtained the Fire Spirit Pearl;

Proficiency +12%, reaching 55%;

Earn rewards:

[Eagle Flash] has been strengthened, the dodge distance is increased, and the casting efficiency is improved;

[Tiger Roar] is strengthened, the sound wave range is expanded, and the penetration power is increased;

[Tiger Strength] is strengthened into [Double Tiger Strength] (literal meaning);

[Vine Dragon] has been strengthened, and the number that can be condensed at one time has been increased to 2, and the spiritual power consumed has been slightly reduced;

[Earthline Borrowing Spirit] has been strengthened, and its maintenance time has been increased to 15 minutes;

Awakening a new skill [Ghost Flame Bullet] (ghost technique - transforming both arms into flame guns, and firing long-range flame bombs by consuming spiritual power. The longer the spiritual power and energy storage time are consumed at one time, the longer the fire bombs fired. Will turn into a flame cannon). "

Speaking of why Chu Xin followed the protagonist group to obtain the Five Spirit Orbs, the reason is simple and mysterious.

Because it is the task of Jingtian and Xu Changqing to obtain the Five Spiritual Pearls and enter the God Realm to purify evil thoughts. It can be said that it is a script that has been arranged long ago and is closely related to the fate of everyone in the protagonist group.

If Chu Xin had obtained the Five Spiritual Pearls alone, wouldn't it be equivalent to destroying the script that was destined by Heaven and tampering with the development of the plot from beginning to end? This behavior would most likely offend the gods in the God Realm who had nothing to do. , causing unnecessary trouble. And acting together with Jingtian and the others can cover up people's eyes to a certain extent. If the Gods turn a blind eye, they will pretend that they have not seen it. On the contrary, they feel that it adds drama and makes the plot more twists and turns.

What's more, Chu Xin alone can't collect all five spirit beads, because what's extremely annoying is that the wind spirit beads are in the God Realm!

This means that the key to the door is at home.

"Twice-cooked pork with garlic sprouts, shredded pork with chives, mapo tofu, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, pea dumpling soup, stir-fried pork head, and spicy and sour potato shreds! Brother Wudu, from now on you are my reborn parent!"

Jingtian announced the names of the dishes on the table. Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was filled with saliva and he couldn't hold back. He quickly used his chopsticks to scoop rice into his mouth.

"Five Poisons, I love you to death!" Tang Xuejian said vaguely.

"I didn't expect Brother Wudu to be so good at cooking. Changqing is really ashamed of himself." Xu Changqing said sincerely.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!" Maomao buried his head and fucked hard, giving Chu Xin a thumbs-up with his left hand.

As for Chu Xin, who cooked the food himself, he was not reserved at all.

To put it bluntly, this table of food was not made for them, but Chu Xin himself wanted to eat it. After so many years, he could finally have a hot and fragrant Chinese food, instead of diesel fuel and nuclear radiation.

As for cooking skills, before Chu Xin started to travel through the heavens, he was good at all kinds of Sichuan and Chongqing home-cooked dishes. Although he was not as good as the veteran chefs who had been in the fly restaurant for decades, he thought he had reached the passing level of a Sichuan and Chongqing man.

What's more, after a night of frightening, everyone was already very hungry and in urgent need of a high-carbohydrate, high-fat supplement. At this moment, even holding two steamed buns, they could taste the delicacies of the mountains and seas.

An hour later, everyone who was full of food and wine slumped in their chairs, feeling sleepy after being warm and full.

"Everyone, Feng is not a good place to rest," Xu Changqing stood up and said, "Let's leave here first and find a safe place to spend the night."

Perhaps thinking that there was a door in the city leading to the underworld, several people suddenly lost their sleep and quickly packed their bags and left Fengdu.

at the same time.

In the dark and desolate ghost world, there are very few cities, and only one ghost king sits there.

In this ghost world, apart from Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge, and Meng Po Tang, which have long been famous, the Underworld is the place where all ghosts must bow their heads.

The palace in the center of the capital is called "Yam Luo Palace", where King Yama, the lord of the ghost world, lives.

Although he is the supreme being of the ghost world, he actually has a divine status and is a manager sent by the Emperor of Heaven, thereby claiming that the ghost world is also the jurisdiction of the divine world.


At this moment, in the Yama Hall, a middle-aged man with strong features and majestic eyes slapped the table and said in shock and anger: "What did you just say! Is the Paradise gone?"

"Yes, sir, more than half of the Elysian World has collapsed and was occupied by a sea of ​​lava and fire. It is difficult to recover. Moreover, the Fire Ghost King is in disarray and the whereabouts of the Fire Spirit Orb is unknown. It is suspected that it was caused by a spell that caused an earth riot." Below. The horse answered.

"The Fire Ghost King is dead. The Fire Spirit Pearl is useless to me, but it destroyed my paradise and showed his contempt for me. It is a provocation to the Yama Palace!" King Yama said in a low voice.

He raised his head angrily, "Investigate it immediately, and no matter who it is, bring it back to me for questioning!"

However, at this moment, a clear-voiced male voice sounded out of thin air in King Yama's mind: "Isn't it just a casino where people spend their time drinking and drinking? If it is gone, it will be gone. Why are you still in trouble? Don't forget your identity and responsibilities. This That’s the end of the matter.”


When King Yama heard this, he immediately stopped his horse and said, "That's all. The Fire Ghost King ran a casino for personal gain and established a private army with evil intentions. She brought her own destruction and announced the closure of the Paradise. There is no need to delve into this matter further." (End of Chapter)

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