All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 327 Honestly, are you playing a big game?

It's getting dark.

Although the Qingling Demon World at night is not as noisy as during the day, it is even better in terms of excitement and celebration.

The vendors in the market were also tired of shouting, so they rolled up sacks and closed their stalls. They took the day's harvest to the official chamber of commerce in the Qingling Demon Realm to exchange for Qingling currency, and then went out to spend their money.

Although the Green Demon King strictly prohibits private fights, he does not strictly manage other aspects, such as casinos, brothels and other high-consumption places. After all, allowing money to circulate in his own family is helpful to the maintenance and development of the economy, and can also improve the demon clan. Dependence on the Qingling Demon Realm.

These matters are all arranged by Elder Xuan, and the Green Demon King himself does not like to take charge of them.

Tracing back to the origin, the Green Demon King founded the Qingling Demon Realm just because he wanted to have a quiet place to live. Unexpectedly, due to a combination of circumstances, it actually grew bigger and bigger until it became famous far and wide.



Suddenly, a loud explosion spread from the demon king's mansion throughout the city, causing the demons to panic, thinking that the demon world was being attacked by the cultivating sect.

When they all looked away, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be fireworks.


Why are there fireworks in the Demon King's Mansion?

Isn't the Demon King's daughter in danger?

For a time, the neighborhood teahouses were all discussing, wondering whether the Demon King's daughter had been cured, and who was that expert?

"I guess it's Mr. Mingui, the four great demon doctors of Bashu! I saw with my own eyes that he was invited into the demon king's mansion today!"

"It turns out to be the immortal Mr. Mingui. He has lived for two thousand years and has seen a lot. There is really no difficult or complicated disease that can trouble him."

"Hey! Look there, is that Mr. Mingui sitting there?"

In the largest teahouse in the Qingling Demon World, the endless discussion suddenly stopped. Dozens of demon clans looked at the corner of the terrace facing the street. There was a little old man with a turtle shell on his back and a hunched back.

His face is old but full of vitality, his body is short but his bones are thick. He is dressed in simple linen clothes and can hardly hide his noble temperament. There is a faint smell of herbal medicine in his movements. The key is that there is a sign hanging on the crutches against the wall, which reads " The word "Min".

After hearing that the demons mentioned and discovered him, Old Man Mingui was too embarrassed to pretend not to have heard of it.

He stood up, clasped his fists at the surroundings, and smiled bitterly: "Everyone, I am ashamed to say that I cannot accept the words of praise from your mouth. I have not been able to detoxify the poison. Someone else should have taken action."

As he said that, he couldn't help but think of Hei Ling. Could it be that that shameless playboy had extraordinary magical powers?

Or, that flying orange cat?

It shouldn't be, it hasn't even taken shape yet, it can only be regarded as an intelligent beast.

After hearing what Old Man Mingui said, the teahouse was filled with surprise, and the previous discussions resumed.

Tingfeng Pavilion.

The light melody flows gracefully and washes away the depressing atmosphere in the house.

The maids in the courtyard were all smiling and gathered together to watch the fireworks happily.

On the first floor of the pavilion.

The Green Demon King sat in the first place, and Rui'er knelt obediently beside him, but his big eyes stared at the lower right, full of longing.

"Rui'er, why do you keep looking at your savior?" the Green Demon King chuckled.

"Savior," Rui'er hesitated for a moment, "But~ thank you Mr. Wudu for saving Rui'er, Rui'er is grateful."

Not only did she speak, she also stood up and saluted gracefully, showing her good family education.

After all, most of the second-generation demons were little demon kings when they were young, and there were very few like Rui'er.

Bang bang~

As Mr. Xuan, the first person from the lower left, clapped his hands, the dinner began.

I saw a famous dancer in a dress walking elegantly into the hall and dancing a pleasing classical dance.

At the same time, a maid quietly came in and out with the food, placing multiple courses of equally pleasing food on the table for several people.

"Mr. Five Poisons, do you know anything about the poison my little girl was exposed to?" asked the Green Demon King.

"Based on the classification, it is a poison from the demon world called dead blood coagulation," Chu Xin answered based on the introduction of Baidu Library. "Mixing the demonic energy with the poison can cause the poisoned person's blood to be in a semi-coagulated state." The state of death gradually takes away life in a slow and torturous way. The toxicity itself is not strong, but it is too unconventional, and the world does not know much about it."

After hearing what he said, the Green Demon King showed anger, and Elder Xuan was also thoughtful.

Because this clearly shows that someone did it deliberately. Otherwise, how could Rui'er be exposed to such an unheard of poison if she just went to a human city for a day?

"Poison from the demon world? Sir, we have never offended the demon clan in the past hundred years, and we have not even interacted with the demon cultivating sect in the human world. This matter is extremely strange when you think about it carefully," Elder Xuan said.

"It's possible to kill someone with a borrowed knife. In short, there are some dirty rats with evil intentions somewhere we can't see." The Green Demon King changed his expression and resumed his smile, "That's all, I won't mention this matter tonight. Please enjoy it, my two benefactors." Have fun!"

Next, they chatted and laughed, and the Green Demon King enthusiastically introduced Chu Xin to the delicious food, drinks and fun in the Qingling Demon World, and even recommended to him a place where spiritual energy gathers not far away.

"You two are here for the first time and you don't have a place to live yet. Why don't you just rest in a humble house?" At the end of the dinner, the Green Demon King said.

"Thank you Demon King for your hospitality." Chu Xin did not refuse, because he found that the Demon King's mansion was the place with the richest aura in the entire Qingling Demon World.

At this time, Rui'er walked up to Chu Xin with two boxes in her arms and said, "Mr. Five Poisons, here you go!"

Chu Xin took it, placed it on the table, and opened it one by one.

It was the hurricane mark and blue-threaded armor promised in the bounty.

The former is like a cyan hollow bookmark, engraved with flying feathers surrounded by runes. Although it is small in size, it is particularly delicate.

"Injecting spiritual power into it will activate it, and a hurricane will be released. The more spiritual power is injected, the greater the intensity of the hurricane. Of course, demon power, true energy, divine power, or demonic energy will all work," the Green Demon King said kindly, " However, the wind power stored in the hurricane mark is limited. When it is exhausted, it will automatically absorb the reserve from nature. You can see the remaining reserve by observing the gloss and brightness of the mark."

After a cursory observation, Chu Xin put it down and picked up the Qinglui Armor.

This is a nearly transparent cyan armor, not as bulky and rough as other armors. If you look closely, the wind lingers in it, forming threads and lines, which is extremely mysterious.

"Put it on and try it." The Green Demon King smiled.

The Qingwei armor was not too small, almost the same as an adult's vest, but Chu Xin still wore it loosely on his body.


The next second, the Qingpi armor actually changed and shrank, fitting perfectly with Chu Xin's torso, without even breaking the hair.

At this moment, Chu Xin was amazed.

Because this armor does not resemble the real thing, it looks like the emperor's new clothes at first glance, but once it is attacked, the wind lingering around the skin will instantly stir and spin, forming a defensive armor.

"It's quite magical." Chu Xin said.

"Of course, mother only knitted two pieces," Rui'er said, "one for you and one for me!"

"Although this green-striped armor only takes forty-nine days to weave, it consumes your essence and blood very much. The one worn by Mr. Five Poisons took you three full years of rest before you could recover," Elder Xuan said. .

"There is no need to mention the old things again. Does Mr. Wu Du's clothes still fit him?" the Green Demon King waved his hand.

"It's very suitable." Chu Xin couldn't feel the slightest presence of Qinglui Armor at all, and almost thought he was wearing it.


"It doesn't matter." Chu Xin replied.

"Today's debt cannot be repaid with just two magic weapons. Mr. Wudu, the feeling of saving my daughter will be unforgettable." After that, the Green Demon King took Rui'er to the Tingfeng Pavilion.

"You two, please follow me." Mr. Xuan led the way.

Hei Ling followed behind, waving his arms excitedly towards Chu Xin and gesturing in sign language for a while.

Chu Xin guessed that he was saying: Today's trip is the right one, we can make a lot of money.

They came to a quiet courtyard, and Elder Xuan turned sideways and said, "You two can stay here. There are maids at the door. Let them know if you need anything."

He paused, took out a small jade plaque from his arms, and handed it to Chu Xin, "I regard Rui'er as my granddaughter. You saved her, and I am extremely grateful. This is my little thought. In times of crisis, Crush it into pieces, and I will sense your position, and no matter who the enemy is, I will rush to your aid as quickly as possible."

"Thank you." Chu Xin said politely, without refusing, he put the distress sign into the storage stone.

He had seen the speed of Mr. Xuan. Whether he appeared suddenly or killed the bear demon instantly, he only left a very faint afterimage in Chu Xin's eyes.

According to Hei Ling, Xuan Lao is a gyrfalcon, also known as Haidongqing. Not to mention his combat power, his speed is extremely terrifying.

"I won't disturb you, you two can do your own thing." Mr. Xuan said goodbye.

Seeing him walking away, Hei Ling finally went crazy with excitement, "Boss! We have made a lot of money! You are simply a child of luck. You have achieved so much on the first day you came here. Recognizing you as the boss is the best thing in my life." Wise choice!"

"Did you just want to say this to me?" Chu Xin was quite calm.

"Ah? No," Hei Ling looked around, then leaned into Chu Xin's ear, "I was just saying that seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times. The Green Demon King is really awesome in every aspect~"

"You kid~" Chu Xin was very knowledgeable, and the aspects Hei Ling mentioned were definitely not quality, virtue, or skills, but the side, the front, and the back.

He looked at Hei Ling's handsome face and sighed, a good skin was really wasted.

"Enjoy yourself in time in your limited life, and you will be a demon on the right path!" Hei Ling chuckled, "Boss, I'm going to sleep first."

Chu Xin also entered another bedroom, but did not sleep.

He took out everything from the storage stone and placed it on the table.

There are four or five demon clan inner elixirs, among which the lion demon inner elixir and the tiger demon inner elixir are the most valuable, followed by the mysterious magic dart, the mysterious stone axe, the hurricane seal, the green wisp armor and the Xuanlao distress card.

Hei Ling's excitement was not without reason. After all, they just dropped by the Qingling Demon Realm to see the world. Unexpectedly, they gained an unexpected fortune and received favors from the Qing Demon King.

"The magic weapons include the Mysterious Demonic Dart, the Hurricane Seal, the Blue Ray Armor, and the Atomic Tomahawk. I don't have to worry about the weapons and equipment. My own overall quality can only be said to be barely good enough, but it is still too fragile to deal with Xuan Lao or Qing. If you want to win with a character like the Demon King, you may have to switch cards. However, the lethality and reserves of the five poisonous spiritual powers are more than a star and a half stronger than when they first arrived."

Chu Xin analyzed his current self, and then he immediately began to absorb spiritual energy and practice.

No wonder people say that the path of cultivation is boring. Chu Xin, who has experienced it personally, agrees. He inhales the spiritual energy into the body and circulates it through the meridians according to the established route, nourishing the organs and tempering the flesh and blood. This process repeats itself day and night, without any slowness or speed. After all, this is also the reason why cultivators fight for a piece of paradise.

Later in the night.

Chu Xin, who was concentrating on his cultivation, opened his eyes and glanced at Hei Ling's room opposite in shock.

At three o'clock in the morning, the tune is melodious, sometimes exciting, sometimes gentle, laughing, crying, and intoxicated.

"Good fellow, Elder Xuan said that if you have any needs, just ask them. Physical needs also count?" Chu Xin heard it and realized that the person singing the song was one of the maids at the entrance of the courtyard. She seemed to be a petite and pitiful oriole banshee.

The next morning.

"Good morning, boss, how did you sleep last night?" Hei Ling walked out of the room and stretched.

"How do you like Qu'er?" Chu Xin asked.

"Hehe, very good." Hei Ling replied with a pun.

"Be merciful everywhere, sow seeds everywhere, and in a few decades all races in the world will be descendants?" Chu Xin stared at Hei Ling with suspicion, and said jokingly, "Honestly, are you playing a big game of chess?"

"Ah?" Hei Ling looked confused, "I just follow my heart and indulge my nature, but when you say this, I think it's a good idea!" (End of Chapter)

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