Who dares?

Even though Tang Tai's voice was almost hoarse from shouting, no one present dared to act rashly.

Under Chu Xin's pressure, he couldn't even breathe smoothly, let alone take steps.

"Monster~Monster~" Tang Tai still whimpered unwillingly. The wound on his broken arm was so large that it was impossible to completely stop the bleeding with internal force alone. Therefore, as time went by, his vitality was rapidly lost.

Seeing how pitiful he was, the compassionate Chu Xin extended a helping hand and used the spiritual power of the Five Poisons to erase Tang Tai's decades of poisonous skills, so that he would no longer suffer from the backlash of his skills.


Tang Tai, who had lost all his strength, was unable to stop the bleeding. Qi and blood immediately surged in his mouth, and his broken arm spurted out hot blood.

"Where did you lock up Zhu and Tang Xue? Let her out so that this old bastard can live!" Jingtian summoned up the courage to shout.

As soon as he reminded them, everyone in the Tang family hurriedly sent people to the dungeon.

Tang Tai's wife took her son and granddaughter and knelt in front of Chu Xin and Jingtian, crying and saying: "Master Immortal Beast, please let him go, please let us go, we know we were wrong! We shouldn't have spoken rudely, We were wrong, I'm sorry!"

"You shouldn't say this to me." Chu Xin gave up his position.

Upon seeing this, Tang Tai's son hurriedly stopped the bleeding and treated his father's injuries.

Tang Tai, who truly felt that death was imminent, stopped speaking harshly and gave in as he was dying. He was completely afraid of Chu Xin from the bottom of his heart.

He regretted provoking this seemingly harmless monster. Didn't the books describe the Five Poison Beasts as pure and good spirits naturally bred by heaven and earth? Why is the reality so different from the book? Apart from their initial appearance, they are basically two different species.

After a while, Tang Xuejian was staggered and brought over.

"Pig woman!"

Jingtian's voice trembled. He pushed away the two servants and went to help Tang Xuejian himself.

Seeing her appearance, even the mean-mouthed Jingtian couldn't bear to tease her. He suppressed the anger in his heart and poured a cup of tea for Tang Xuejian.

His whole body was covered with black blisters from the inside to the outside, his lips were gray and white, and all his orifices were covered with coagulated blood. His whole body was so weak that he could no longer walk. His overall condition was comparable to that of Tang Tai at the moment, as if he would die and belch in the next second.

Not to mention Chu Xin and others, even everyone in the Tang family couldn't bear to look at him, and they immediately knew that Tang Tai was really ruthless.

"Sedum~Five Poisons~Maomao~" Tang Xuejian raised her bloodshot eyes tiredly, and a few familiar faces immediately brought tears to her eyes, "It's so good that I can still see you alive~"

She then looked at the half-dead Tang Tai lying in the courtyard, and a pitiful fear flashed subconsciously in her eyes, "What's going on?"

"The five poisons vented their anger on you and avenged you." Jingtian explained.

"You suffered because of me, and I can't ignore it. He deserves this fate." Chu Xinfei came to Tang Xue and couldn't help but look at this eighteen-year-old girl in a different light.


The spiritual power of the Five Poisons emerged and detoxified her body in just a few seconds. The toxin symptoms were eliminated, but the loss of energy and spirit would still take time to slowly make up for.

"Thank you Wudu," Tang Xuejian said softly, then looked at Tang Tai, "You are right, he deserves it."

"What about me? Why don't you thank me?" Jingtian approached.

"Boss, I suffered a lot for saving you!" Maomao assisted from the side.

"Okay, thank you Zhutou, as well as Maomao and Biping. Everyone has worked hard for me." Tang Xuejian was indeed tortured so much that he didn't even argue with Jingtian.

While a few people were chatting, Tang Tai's wife, children, and children all gathered around. Reluctantly but reluctantly, they bowed their heads and apologized to Tang Xuejian, and informed them of the location of Tang Kun's grave.

"You all should stop being hypocritical. From now on, I have nothing to do with the Tang family. I, Tang Xuejian, do not need you to invite me. I will leave on my own initiative." Tang Xuejian thought for a while and said coldly, "You are not allowed to come here again in the future. I, I don’t want to see your faces again at all, and I don’t want to have any ideas about Wudu. Besides, if I want to redeem Xiaoyi’s life, I will use the silver I put in the bed cabinet."

Xiaoyi is his personal maid and the person with whom she has the best relationship besides Tang Kun.

She no longer cared about the Tang family, walked lightly, turned a blind eye to Tang Tai lying on the ground, and walked straight out of the Tang family's door.

She didn't stay for a moment, and trotted towards her grandfather's grave with red eyes.

After Chu Xin and his party left, the Tang family was completely silent, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing. A sense of frustration and fear lingered in the heart.

Several Tang family masters cooperated with the doctor and finally temporarily saved Tang Tai's life.

"I will never let you go. Even if I am left with only a broken body, I will use all my strength to ensure that you die without a burial place!" Tang Tai swore in his heart.

"Dad, don't worry, we will definitely take revenge." Tang Tai's son said angrily.

"Grandpa, we can't let Tang Xue see that bitch and leave like that!" Tang Tai's granddaughter gritted her teeth.

"Ten years are not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Our Tang family has some prestige in the world, but we can't beat a beast and a few gangsters?" Tang Tai's wife followed.

They saw with their own eyes that Chu Xin easily detoxified Tang Xuejian's poison. The wonderful magic that was no different from the magic of gods made their hearts move. Even if they were filled with fear, the seeds of greed still took root and sprouted.

Tang Xuejian severed ties with the Tang family and temporarily lived in Yong'an.

As for the cost of food and accommodation, Jingtian had to bear it sadly.

And that night, as Chu Xin expected, the sword spirit Nightshade of the Demon Sword appeared.

She forced herself to rely on Jingtian and called him brother. Jingtian had no choice but to bring Nightshade back.

But there is one difference from the original plot, that is, Tang Xuejian was injured and was in bed recuperating, so he did not have a direct conflict with Long Kui. He just felt that Jingtian was very inexplicable, and he actually brought a pitiful girl back at night. It was ridiculous. , Tang Xuejian also experienced jealousy for the first time in her life. After realizing that she might like Sedum, she chose to escape and deny herself.

Yong'an Dang, bedroom.

"Brother, you have so many good friends around you. Solanum is happy for you." Solanum, wearing a blue fairy dress with wide sleeves, smiled softly.

"Hey, if you want to call me brother, then go ahead. Just don't use your title. It's too serious, as if you are how old I am." Jingtian said.

Naturally, they don't know the identity of Nightshade. After all, it involves past life karma.

One of Jingtian's previous lives was Long Yang, the prince of the Jiang Kingdom a thousand years ago, and his biological sister was Solanum nigrum.

The brother and sister grew up with a love stronger than water, and Nightshade was dependent on Long Yang to the point of never leaving.

But the good times did not last long, and Jiang was defeated in war.

In order to win the victory, Long Yang violated the ancestral precepts and forged the magic sword. Only at the last step did he realize that the sword holder needed to sacrifice the flesh and blood of the sword holder's closest relatives before the sword could be completed.

Long Kui was willing to sacrifice the sword, but Long Yang refused, saying, "Without that sword, I can still annihilate the enemy."

But the final outcome was that Long Yang died at the city gate, and the despairing Nightshade jumped into the forging furnace when the enemy troops entered the palace, and became the sword spirit of the magic sword.

The palace collapsed and the magic sword was buried. Years later, it was discovered by Shushan and sealed in the Demon Locking Tower. The sword spirit Nightshade was bullied by thousands of demons in the tower, and was eventually forced to develop another tough and violent fighting personality, which ended hundreds of years ago. Years of fear.

Or maybe the fate was not over yet, and the magic sword was taken away by Chonglou and handed over to Jingtian, so that the brother and sister could meet again. At this time, they were in trouble at the Tang family the next day, and it was Long Kui who controlled the magic sword to help.

Chu Xin suddenly remembered a meme on the Internet:

Long Yang said: Without that sword, I can still annihilate the enemy.

Nightshade said: Stop bragging, brother.

Then the scene changed, Long Yang died in battle, and Nightshade sacrificed the sword, which was somewhat of a joke from hell.

"Brother and sister are really disgusting. Do you understand that stinky pig head? She is a woman of unknown origin, and you just brought her here casually?" Tang Xue suddenly became jealous when she saw how intimate they were.

"I asked Granny Pig, why are you so energetic?" Jingtian returned to his old attitude towards Tang Xuejian, "Besides, didn't I just bring you back here casually? All the money you spent eating, drinking and having sex is counted. On my head, now I am raising you."

"You! I don't want you to raise me!" Tang Xuejian wanted to struggle to get up, but her body was too weak. In the end, she could only shudder angrily twice on the bed, and then retract her head into the quilt to sulk.

Seeing that she had regained some of her previous momentum, Jingtian calmly showed a hint of relief.

"This is the former dignified eldest lady of the Tang family. I'm not used to her cute look during the day." Jingtian smiled coquettishly.

"Humph! Don't talk to me!" Tang Xuejian squirmed in the quilt.

"Do you really like smelling my and Maomao's stinky farts? I won't go too far. Just last night, I farted seven or eighty-nine times in a row under the quilt." Jingtian said again.

"Ahhh!" Tang Xue couldn't bear it anymore. She jumped up and sat on the ground and beat Jingtian wildly.

"Wow, are you serious~" Sedum turned into panda eyes before she could react.

Seeing her brother being beaten, or seeing her brother so intimate with another woman, Long Kui felt inexplicably uncomfortable, her negative emotions were aroused, and her other personality was stimulated.

Seeing her blue dress gradually turning red from underneath, Chu Xin patted her shoulder in time.

Nightshade was startled, and then she realized that her emotions were a little out of control, and the red color faded instantly.

In this way, everyone fell asleep in a huddle in a room.

That night.

Three generations, including Tang Tai, and a family of eight, all died suddenly from inexplicable poisons. The death was extremely miserable, and it was suspected that dozens of poisons were mixed together.

In this regard, a branch of the Tang family who was confused and full of fear but took control of Tangjiabao claimed that it was an unnatural accident caused by the leakage of the Tang family's poison, and banned everyone in the house from talking about it.

Chu Xin's [Five Poisonous Beasts] proficiency also increased by 1%, reaching 30%.

Well, you can switch to other cards.

The next day, early morning.

Yongan is the backyard.

"I've been listening to your song for a long time~" Chu Xin said.

"Hey, I was planning to leave as soon as the song was finished. But before the song ended, another song started again. Before I could recover, I was surrounded by music from all directions. However, the enthusiasm of the singers was hard to control. I had no choice but to finish the wonderful chorus with them. Who would have expected that when I looked up, it was already this hour. Hey, I came here to find you without any hesitation!" Hei Ling was like a storyteller, and he could vaguely understand between the lines. To the gentle vibration of the tune.

"Hold on to the wall and come out?" Chu Xin asked.

"How could that be possible?" Hei Ling straightened his back, indeed he looked like a playboy.

He poked his head inside and said, "Has your matter been resolved? That murderous look yesterday was from you, boss, right?"

Seeing Chu Xin's acquiescence, he said with a frightened look on his face: "It's so dangerous, it's so dangerous, I was almost scared by you."

"No need to elaborate." Chu Xin said hurriedly, interrupting Hei Ling's eagerness to give it a try.

Not long after, Jingtian and others also woke up one after another.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hei Ling. I am the boss's younger brother. From now on we are one family. If you can help in any way, please let me know." Hei Ling took the lead and showed that he was better at socializing than Jingtiandu.

The sleepy people immediately woke up and looked at Chu Xin and Hei Ling incredulously but logically. After learning that Chu Xin saved Hei Ling from the monster, they gradually accepted the unexpected turn of events when a handsome guy suddenly appeared.

After all, there was Nightshade that suddenly appeared in front of them, and it didn't hurt to have one more Hei Ling. Compared with Jingtian's inexplicable rhetoric, Chu Xin and Hei Ling's story was more reasonable.

Come noon.

Xu Changqing, who was rescued by Zixuan but didn't know how to be saved, rushed back.

When he entered the room and saw a female ghost and a monster in the team, he was immediately confused. He had only been away for a few days, what on earth happened here!

Not only him, Nightshade and Hei Ling were also on guard and nervous. They were both fugitive prisoners from the Demon Locking Tower.

Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was stagnant, Chu Xin flew out.

"Are you? Five Poisons?" Xu Changqing recognized him with his breath and spiritual power.

"Hei Ling is my little brother. He has never done any big bad things. Moreover, he knows the outside world far better than you and I. Staying by his side is a big help," Chu Xin said to him. "As for Nightshade, he is the spirit of the magic sword." , is indeed Jingtian’s sister. As for more, the secret must not be leaked. As an immortal cultivator, you should be able to understand?"

"I see. It seems that everything is under the control of the Five Poison Brothers. It's Changqing who is worried." Xu Changqing replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Despite this, as a disciple of Shushan, he still glanced at Hei Ling and the others with great vigilance. He had an occupational disease and there was nothing he could do about it. After all, their training in going down the mountain was to catch and kill monsters.

"This world is full of different races. There are many human races, but they have no right to expel other races unreasonably. As long as they don't invade each other, there is no need to have grudges." Chu Xin said.

When Xu Changqing heard this, he thought about it carefully in his heart, "What Brother Wudu said makes sense, and Changqing understands."

Then, he looked at Jingtian and said seriously: "Brother Jing, we can't delay any longer. In more than two hundred and ninety days, it will be the predicted doomsday. Next, I will redeem the lives of several of you and teach you some simple skills." The magic sword is very suitable for you in terms of martial arts and swordsmanship, so you should be able to quickly learn to fly with the sword."

Jingtian, who was originally uninterested, immediately lit up his eyes when he heard the sword flying, "Quick, quick, quick, then what are we waiting for!"

In this way, Xu Changqing used a bag of gold to redeem the bodies of Jingtian, Maomao, and He Biping, and then taught Jingtian some basic immortal cultivation techniques according to the instructions of his master, and trained him to fly with a sword for traveling.

During this period, Chu Xin and Hei Ling continued to hunt a small number of monsters outside Yuzhou City, and collected their inner elixirs to use as a "Snickers bar" for use when their spiritual power was exhausted.

However, the monsters heard that there was a fairy beast pretending to be a pig and eating tigers in Yuzhou City, so they stopped coming here. As a result, they had nothing to gain the next day, and Hei Ling went to listen to music again without any interest.

It wasn't until the third day that Feipeng's reincarnation potential was huge, and Jingtian lived up to expectations and learned to fly with a sword.

Noon that day.

Jingtian, Tang Xuejian, Maomao, Xu Changqing, and Long Kui left Yuzhou City and embarked on a journey to find the Five Spiritual Pearls according to the coordinates shown on the map.

Chu Xin also walked with them at first, but soon changed direction with Hei Ling.

"You go first. After I finish handling the matter, I will meet you in Anning Village." (End of Chapter)

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