
Chu Xin tore open the fox corpse with his sharp claws, put his hand into the warm skin bag and rummaged around, and finally took out a dark red and round bead, exuding a strong demonic aura.

This is the inner elixir of the fox demon, the condensed power of her demon spirit.

"Take what you killed." Chu Xin threw it to Hei Ling without hesitation.

"I just stole someone's head, and all the credit belongs to you, boss. Only if you become stronger can I follow behind and enjoy the gains~" Hei Ling said with a frank smile, and offered the inner elixir with both hands without hesitation.

"Did you learn the ways of the world in the Demon Locking Tower?" Chu Xin took it and asked.

"Yes and no, before I was captured in the Demon Locking Tower, I stayed in the house of an official in Chang'an, and I learned some human speech skills under the influence of my ears and eyes. In the Demon Locking Tower, little monsters like me were just like me. You must seek refuge with a reliable boss!" Hei Ling replied.

"So where is the boss in your Demon Locking Tower?" Chu Xin asked again.

"Well, I'm ashamed to say that the former boss led us to break out of the encirclement, sacrificing his own future and gaining freedom for all his subordinates." Hei Ling said sadly.

"Be straightforward." Chu Xin was already used to this fancy crow's mouth.

"I took advantage of him being surrounded by Shushan disciples and slipped away." Hei Ling wiped away the grief on his face and said neatly.

"It's really a hearty brotherhood." Chu Xin spoke highly of it.

"What kind of brothers are we not brothers? My brainless ex-boss knew how to fight and kill, and he used me as a punching bag all day long. He didn't know how to dig out my gold that was buried in the dust. But you, boss, are different. We crows are here The past is a symbol of auspiciousness. In my intuition, you are otherworldly, transcendent, and super awesome!" Hei Ling couldn't help but flatter him as he spoke.

He added before Chu Xin could: "In short, boss, you eat meat and I drink soup. We will prosper together and become bigger and stronger. I believe you, boss, have this potential!"

"Besides the official's house and the Demon Locking Tower, where else have you stayed?" Chu Xin poked his ears.

"Boss is really smart and sophisticated. I was originally an ornamental bird raised by a storyteller in a teahouse." Hei Ling confessed honestly.

"Teahouse, Mr. Storyteller~ No wonder." Chu Xin found the source of Hei Ling's nonsense.

While the two were talking, Chu Xin regarded the fox demon's inner elixir as a crunchy nut, and gnawed it all into its belly in one bite.


Wave after wave of huge but violent, impurity-laden demon spirit power poured in.

If this fox demon hadn't been imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower for many years, and all its demonic power was exhausted, how could it be solved so easily? However, her inner elixir is the foundation of a lifetime of cultivation, and it contains extremely high nutritional value. It can be said to be great if swallowed directly. Tonify until the limbs twitch and the orifices bleed.

Ordinary monsters like Hei Ling do not dare to eat it directly. Instead, they have to slowly refine and absorb it, or use it to refine elixirs and medicines.

But Chu Xin is an immortal beast, and the spiritual power of the five poisons circulating in his body has a rare purification effect in the world, and can easily erase all kinds of toxins.

As for the violent momentum of the inner alchemy, Chu Xin didn't care at all. On the contrary, he enjoyed the pleasure of suppressing it in the end.

When Chu Xin gradually absorbed the energy of the fox demon's inner elixir and converted it into his own spiritual power, the text on the card also appeared:

“Many days of field combat have increased my experience in life-and-death battles with monsters. I have a preliminary understanding of the methods of low-level monsters, and I have also become stronger in the process of consuming and recovering spiritual power.

In the eyes of the host, no matter how beautiful, pitiful or young the monster appears, it is just a meaningless skin that can be killed;

Proficiency +6%, reaching 26%;

Earn rewards:

Spiritual strength, reserves, recovery speed, etc. are enhanced;

Awakening a new ability [Spiritual Object Control] (By consuming spiritual power, the effect of controlling foreign objects is achieved. The larger and heavier the object controlled, and the more extraordinary the object, the more difficult it is to control. The host's spiritual power is enhanced, Ability will also be enhanced);

Awakens a new ability [Poison Mist] (turns the poison in the body into white mist and spreads it out. Although the power is weakened, it expands the spread area. With the strengthening of the five poison spiritual powers, it is even effective against non-human races and can be controlled independently. Target). "

"Spiritual power to control objects?" Chu Xin murmured, then pointed at a stone not far away and stretched out his hand.

In an instant, the spiritual power of the five poisons came out from the palm of his hand, wrapped around the stone like a thousand threads, and then flew into Chu Xin's hand.

Next, he tried a variety of items and tested the distance of the objects to get an idea in his mind.

If the distance exceeds fifty meters, it is difficult to control. Not only does it consume a lot of spiritual power, but it also has no accuracy. It is best to do it within thirty meters, with no lag, no delay, and silky smoothness.

However, he discovered an unexpected surprise.

That is, the Atomic Battle Ax can be easily recalled even from a hundred meters away. It is probably because it is essentially a card owned by Chu Xin, and their mutual compatibility creates outstanding control.



The blue light flew back and forth, and Chu Xin kept throwing the atomic battle ax away like the God of Thunder.

Suddenly, he and Hei Ling looked sideways and stared at the southwest.

"What a violent monster, it's a big fish." Chu Xin said.

"Boss, it's better to be careful. I feel this breath is a bit familiar." Hei Ling reminded.

"Don't say it's your former boss." Chu Xin said.

"That's not true, he is stronger than this." Hei Ling replied.

The two stopped talking and ducked into the leafy tree.



Two burly figures, one in front and one behind.

The person being chased in front was a tiger demon that was more than two meters tall. It had a tiger head, tiger claws, and a tiger tail. It had layers of muscles like armor, but it was also covered with ferocious scars, the most obvious of which were several sword blades. The resulting penetrating injury and the remaining sword energy are continuing to cause damage, making it difficult for the tiger demon to heal.

The one chasing after him was not the Shushan disciples, but the lion demon who also maintained the form of a half-orc.

"Jin Hui, you idiot, you actually attacked me!" The tiger demon yelled while running on all fours.

"Old Mang, you misunderstood, I just want to heal your wounds!" The lion demon said in a ferocious tone.

"What the hell! I saw with my own eyes that you wanted to dig your claws into my heart!" The tiger demon's condition got even worse, and he was almost out of breath when he spoke.

"I don't want to pretend anymore, you must die in my hands today!" The lion demon said and jumped up, turning into a golden smoke and hitting the tiger demon's back hard.


The two demons entangled and rolled around, creating smoke and erupting with such powerful demonic energy that other demons around them did not dare to say a word.

Ordinary animals would have been so frightened that they shivered in their nests, so except for the movement of the two of them, the area was completely silent.

"Jin Hui and Lao Mang were the two guardians of my former boss. They had always been at odds with each other. Unexpectedly, they ended up fighting to the death after they escaped." Hei Ling whispered.

"How is your relationship with them?" Chu Xin asked.

"They can manipulate me at will," Hei Ling said honestly, "Boss, do you want to do something?"

"Don't worry, the ligers and tigers are fighting, let's sit back and watch what happens." Chu Xin replied.

"That's exactly what I meant, boss, we two are really a match made in heaven." Hei Ling chuckled.

"Shh~" Chu Xin signaled him not to push.


The fight officially begins below.

"If I don't show off my power, do you really think I'm the submissive loser from Hei Ling?!" The tiger demon Lao Mang uprooted a big tree and used it as a weapon to attack the lion demon Jin Hui.


The lion monster punched the big tree and said sarcastically: "You are not even as good as Black Feather. At least he is smarter than you. He was the only one among a dozen of you monsters who escaped unscathed."

"If you hadn't been injured by those stinky Taoist priests, I would have cut off your head within ten moves!" The tiger demon was furious.

"You want to try killing one?" The lion demon swung out its two claws, and the demonic power penetrated the body and turned into a sharp blade, leaving a bloody mouth on the tiger demon's arm.


The tiger demon is not an ordinary person. He opens his mouth and uses the Tiger Roar Mountain Forest move. The terrifying sound waves are overwhelming, and the lion demon and the trees are thrown away together.

The lion demon forcibly stabilized his body, realizing that this "old friend" would definitely not be easy to deal with even if he was seriously injured.

He immediately mobilized all his demon power and once again fought hand-to-hand with the tiger demon. Every blow was aimed at the tiger demon's wounds, especially those serious sword wounds.

However, just when the Tiger Demon Festival was retreating, unexpected changes occurred in the seemingly determined battle.


The lion demon, who had the upper hand, looked down at his chest, which had been penetrated from the front and back, and said in disbelief: "Is this brother's magic weapon, the Mysterious Demon Dart? It turns out you stole it!"


Under the control of the tiger demon's mind, the mysterious magic dart in his mouth returned from mid-air, and pierced a bloody hole in the lion demon's body.

It is the size of a leaf, pitch black, diamond-shaped, with sharp edges on all four sides, without a handle, and extremely sharp.

Puff puff!

The next scene was too horrific to watch. The seriously injured tiger demon laughed wildly and controlled the mysterious dart, piercing the lion demon with dozens and hundreds of holes. It didn't stop until its head was riddled with holes.

"Hoo~ho~" The tiger demon, which had consumed a lot of demon power, lay on the ground, looking at the body of the lion demon and grinning ferociously, "This mysterious demon dart is really powerful. It is worthy of being rewarded by the demon king to my eldest brother. What does it mean to steal? My eldest brother was stolen again. Once I capture the Demon Locking Tower, the Xuan Demon Dart will be put to good use in my hands!"


Hei Ling trotted out and said in shock from about ten meters away: "Master Mang, what happened? Could it be that Master Jin is plotting against you?"

"Hei Ling?" The tiger demon was equally shocked, "Have you been watching the show?"

"Master Mang, what else can I do besides watching the show between you two? How dare I interfere in the slightest? Don't worry, I'm here to save you." Hei Ling said eagerly, but he didn't move his feet at all.

"Do you really think I'm stupid? How come I knew you so well before, but you really want me to be cut into pieces and save me? Boy, stop joking!" The tiger demon is not as stupid as he looks. The tiger's eyes reveal a dangerous sheen.

"You have always misunderstood. Even if you give me ten thousand courages, you won't dare. After all, the mysterious magic dart is already hanging over my head~" Hei Ling spread his hands and smiled bitterly.

As he said, the tiger demon's mysterious dart has already been suspended twenty meters above Hei Ling's head. As long as he makes a rash move, it will disappear in an instant.

The tiger demon is aware of his current situation, and at the same time he knows nothing about Hei Ling's true strength. The main reason is that Hei Ling is respectful to everyone in the Demon Locking Tower, rarely takes action, and basically solves problems with a shy face.

After being reminded by the lion demon just now, the tiger demon faced up to this crow spirit who had a strong presence but dared to bully anyone.

"Bring me Jin Hui's inner elixir." However, the tiger demon didn't have much choice and could only reluctantly trust Hei Ling.

"Okay!" Hei Ling did as he was told without saying anything.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about him, the tiger demon relaxed and began to heal himself.

Daybreak was coming, and there would be more disciples in Shushan. He didn't want to be imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower for another hundred years.


Suddenly, there was a violent blast of wind.

The tiger demon's expression changed, and he turned around with his heavy body.

I saw Chu Xin flying over at a speed of 300 miles per hour, intertwining with the atomic battle ax in his hand to form a brilliant golden and blue meteor.

"Immortal energy? It's actually an immortal beast!"

The tiger demon was shocked and hurriedly mobilized the mysterious magic darts guarding Hei Ling.

Hei Ling's eyes changed. He gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and used his body to intercept the mysterious magic dart.


The black feathers like armor covered the chest and abdomen, but they still failed to resist the mysterious demon dart, which penetrated through the abdomen.

"Brother! Kill him!"

But it was these two seemingly insignificant seconds that allowed Chu Xin to touch the frightened tiger demon first.

He was shocked that the toy-like weapon in Chu Xin's hand was actually able to split his tough flesh, and also released a violent special force that shattered his meridians and demon power.

What he was afraid of was the way Chu Xin stared at him, like a bottomless abyss, which made him tremble from the bottom of his soul. Such a terrifying feeling had only been experienced by the supreme demon king of the demon world in the Demon Locking Tower.


The belated Xuan Mo Dart was blocked by the atomic battle ax that Chu Xin used to fly. After it deviated from the trajectory, it only made a deep bloody gash on Chu Xin's arm. It soon fell to the ground because the controller was distracted. .

"No, no~"

The tiger demon lowered his head unexpectedly, staring blankly at his abdomen that was completely torn open from left to right.

At this moment, a cavity of his heart was rolling out, and his vitality was also leaving his body.

"That weapon is even better than the Mysterious Demonic Dart~"

He stared at the atomic battle ax in disbelief. He couldn't find the dent left by the mysterious magic dart on the axe's surface.

Just like that, the tiger demon fell to the ground with mixed emotions and mixed emotions, and the inner elixir mixed in his internal organs also rolled out.

"Are you okay?" Chu Xin did not rush to take away the loot, but asked Hei Ling immediately.

"Don't worry, you won't die. Boss, that blow you just gave was really fierce." Hei Ling was also a careful person, so he could naturally see this detail, and was immediately moved, secretly thinking that he had finally followed the right brother this time.

"Indeed." Chu Xin had no choice but to brag and give the tiger demon a fatal axe, truly entering into a state of combat in which nature and man were united.

But Hei Ling's contribution is also very huge. After all, the Xuan Mo Dart returns to attack Chu Xin and may not be able to win with one blow.

at the same time.

In the forest on the other side of Yuzhou City.

Xu Changqing, who was catching monsters, ran into big trouble.

What was suspended above his head at this moment was not the monsters in the Demon Locking Tower, but the Lord of the Realm who could easily kill the monsters in the entire Demon Locking Tower - Demonic Respect Tower.

His facial features are strong and handsome, but there is a hint of evil charm. He has two horns on his head and a full head of red hair. He has a calm and self-confident temperament that can intimidate all demons.

He is tall, wearing indestructible black armor, and the arm armor on both sides comes with two sharp magic blades.

"You are the supreme leader of the demon world, but you have repeatedly failed to keep your word. Why!" Xu Changqing said sternly, ready to fight.

"Credit? I never talk about this, except for Feipeng," Demon Lord looked down at Xu Changqing with contempt, "You have offended me by blocking my decisive battle with Feipeng. In this way, you can take three moves from me and I will no longer embarrass you."

This is one reason, and another is his partial recognition of Xu Changqing's strength. After all, not just any cat or dog is qualified to take on the Demon Lord's moves.

Before Xu Changqing could say anything, Zhonglou immediately waved his hand violently, releasing a stream of pure blood-red magic power.

Facing the seemingly ordinary magic light, Xu Changqing's complexion changed drastically, he hurriedly blocked it with his sword, and used the Shushan body magic to turn it into white afterimages. The whole process was completed in one go. The gold content of today's senior brother is at its best in.

However, even so, Xu Changqing still did not escape.

The magic light was like a positioning and tracking missile, passing through the differentiated sword light, passing through the illusory afterimage, and hit Xu Changqing's chest cleanly.


With just this blow, Xu Changqing jumped up like a falling leaf and fell to the ground. He immediately vomited blood and his face was like gold paper.

"You're not dead?" Chonglou said in surprise, then he flashed close to him and punched out.

Xu Changqing, who was seriously injured, took a deep breath. With this breath, he stood up and leaned back. He pinched out the sword technique with his right hand. The long sword in the distance rushed towards him in an instant, and split into dozens of swords during the flight, forming a torrent of swords and shooting them one after another. To Chonglou.

Swish, swish, swish!

Chonglou turned a blind eye and knocked Xu Changqing fifty meters away with one punch.

With a "pop" sound, a jade talisman on his waist was broken, but it also shared a lot of damage for him.

This was an amulet given by his master when he left Shushan a few days ago. He didn't expect it to be effective so quickly.

Bang bang bang!

The torrent of sword blades also hit Chonglou.

The momentum is not small, but the damage is zero.

None of the long swords could penetrate Chonglou's armor at all, let alone injure the flesh.

"You've exceeded my expectations for being able to take two of my moves. Are you ready for the third move?" Chonglou said proudly.

"Uh~uh~" Xu Changqing said something vaguely. His consciousness was already blurred. Not to mention resisting the third move, he couldn't stand up at all. Even moving his fingers was like praying.


Chonglou didn't care about this. He put his hands on his chest and condensed a dark red magic ball like a thunderstorm cloud in his palm. Most likely, he wanted to blow Xu Changqing to nothing.


Just when he was about to throw the magic ball, a giant purple python roared out of the darkness, bit the Chonglou who was caught off guard, and then pushed it thousands of meters with its huge body.

"Who is coming!" Chonglou yelled angrily and kicked the giant python away with a knee.


This python is extremely beautiful. The scales all over its back are a dreamy purple color, with a little crystal halo, and it also exudes a fresh breath. Although the mouth is full of sharp teeth and murderous intent, it still has an inexplicable sense of charm.

It pounced on Chonglou relentlessly. The angry Chonglou no longer held back, and a circle of red light burst out from his body, sending it flying away.


The giant python fell to the ground and turned into a enchanting woman.

Her black hair is like a waterfall, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her mouth is smiling. Her purple gauze dress cannot hide her snow-white skin, and her blood-throbbing thighs are freely exposed to the air, causing the surrounding temperature to rise.

"The current generation of Nuwa descendants should be called Zixuan." Mo Zhonglou recognized his identity and stopped taking action after thinking about it for a moment.

"The Demon Lord has good eyesight," Zixuan said with a sweet smile, "Why do you have to argue with a little Shushan Taoist priest?"

"That's my business, it has nothing to do with you." Chonglou snorted.

"His business is my business. Touching him is equivalent to being my enemy." Zixuan said forcefully.

"Just for a Taoist priest?" Chonglou frowned in confusion, "That's all, I'll sell you face today and spare him a life."

After saying that, Zhonglou, who lost interest, turned into an eagle and flew away from the place.

After he left, Zixuan couldn't hold on and spat out a mouthful of blood, but she had no time to think about herself and hurriedly returned to the unconscious Xu Changqing.

"Liu Fang, Ye Ping, Chang Qing," she did not hesitate to spend her energy and essence to heal their injuries, "don't die, don't die in front of me again."

These two people have been entangled for several generations. Xu Changqing fell in love with Zixuan in his first two lives, but they both ended in sadness and regret. Until the third life of Xu Changqing, Zixuan, who shoulders the great responsibility of the world, made a promise with Qing Hui, the leader of Shushan. No more meeting.

But Zixuan is an out-and-out love brain. She has been secretly by Xu Changqing's side for a long time, watching the person she loves deeply from afar. But luckily she is here, otherwise Xu Changqing may really die at the hands of Chonglou.

Seeing that Xu Changqing was too seriously injured, she simply took him to a nearby Nuwa Temple.

During this period, Xu Changqing had a dream in which he fell in love with a woman. In the dream, his name was both Liufang and Yeping. (End of chapter)

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