
Chu Xin poured down the corrosive acid poison that the Tang family specialized in destroying corpses, and destroyed Luo Rulie's miserable corpse into a puddle of yellow water.

The card text also appeared:

"Not only did we punish the enemy, but we also used resources and skills to enrich the poison library and refined 35 types of poisons. There are currently 36 types, all of which are [Human Realm Poisons]:

The poison of the Yin Corpse, the red crown of the crane, the spittle of the King of Snakes, the death from diarrhea, the ant-eating elixir... the fire of desire dissipates;

Proficiency +3%, reaching 20%;

The number of times the gashapon machine is drawn is +1, and there are currently 7 times. "

There are hundreds of poisons in the Tang family, but the effects are often the same. Chu Xin did not waste time to get them all, but just selected a few, but without exception they were all lethal and difficult to cure poisons.


Just when he was about to leave, something strange happened to his body.

The spiritual energy in his body was like boiling, seeping out from the inside out, turning him into a dense, warm and luminous body.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong pulling and dragging sensation all over Hun's body. In the blink of an eye, it was transmitted from the Tianling Gai to his toes, and a shock wave-like numbness hit him.

"What's going on? Could it be that the poison was too much and had backlash?" Chu Xin observed himself without any panic.

"The first form evolution of [Five Poison Beasts] is about to begin. Please host immediately enter a quiet state of unity of mind and heart." The card system gave a timely answer.

"I see." Chu Xin closed the opened stone door again and activated the trap to prevent anyone from entering at will.

Then, he followed the system's prompts and squatted down in a small corner to wait silently.


The spiritual power surged more and more, filling every inch of his muscles and organs.

Gradually, noticeable changes occurred.

The spiritual power was like peeling off a cocoon, transforming into countless fluttering fluorescent silk threads, and then tightly and seamlessly wrapped Chu Xin around and around, layer after layer, until it became a ball about the size of a basketball, glowing with yellow-green light. Egg.

Bang bang bang~

The sound of the door lock was heard outside the door.

Tang Xue, who was holding a plate of fruit and food in her hand, saw that the door had not been opened yet. She couldn't help but wonder how Luo Rulie had been tortured by Chu Xin. She was even more curious about whether Chu Xin had found out any important secrets during interrogation.

"It's already past noon. Nothing will happen to them inside, right?" Thinking of the terrifying poisons and mechanisms of the Tang family, Tang Xuejian immediately shouted urgently, "Five poisons! Five poisons!"

He was not worried that Chu Xin would be poisoned to death, but he was worried that Chu Xin would accidentally touch the deceitful mechanism of Baidu Tower, and he was even more worried that Luo Rulie would fight back with all his life.

Just as she was getting anxious, the door opened.

"Five Poisons!?" Tang Xuejian poked her head inside, and her expression changed to one of astonishment and confusion. She hesitated for a moment, pointed inside and asked tentatively, "Are you...Five Poisons?"

In front of her, it was no longer the palm-sized baby with a bare butt, but a cub with flapping wings.

Chu Xin has completed his first form evolution.

"[Five Poisonous Beasts - Golden Velvet]

The size is similar to that of a strong adult British Shorthair cat, and the body structure is also similar to that of cats, but without a tail;

The eyes are oval-shaped, with black pupils reflecting gold, and animal noses and ears. The mouth is full of sharp teeth, which is one of the ways to poison;

The whole body is covered with a layer of down that can play a certain defensive role. The base is yellow, and there are symmetrical golden-orange hairs on it, forming a smart and natural golden pattern, adding a sense of majesty and nobility. The hair is as hard as iron after being fried. ;

The limbs become slender, the muscle tissue is strengthened, and the five fingers can reveal sharp nails, which is one of the ways to poison;

It has six rhombus-shaped wings on its back, which are as good as emerald. It starts to flap very quickly, with a maximum speed of 300 kilometers per hour. It can burn out a dazzling light by consuming spiritual power to achieve the functions of illuminating and driving away enemies. "

It can be said that the appearance and form have completely changed, but the identity can still be identified by acquaintances, mainly due to the natural fairy spirit that belongs to the Five Poison Beasts, and the cold and indifferent Chu Xin inadvertently exudes.

"Why does this look like a tiger-spotted gold gradient with a broken tail?"

Chu Xin gave a sharp evaluation of his new form, but the lazy posture of his limbs hanging down when flying was very similar to Xiao Ke in "Cardcaptor Sakura", the sealed beast named Kerberos. .

Of course, the current appearance of the ginseng fruit is more than ten or twenty times more exquisite and pleasing to the eye than the previous one, and Chu Xin is still quite satisfied.

Silent like an auspicious beast in the palace, full of majesty but with a trace of madness, moving like an ominous evil spirit in the dark night, hiding one hundred percent calmness in the midst of its killing sprees.

"It's me." Chu Xin replied.

"Wow, it turns out you can change your appearance!" Tang Xuejian said in surprise.

"Yes, it's normal to change your form as your practice deepens." Chu Xin said, taking the nuts from Tang Xuejian's hand and eating them. After having a set of fangs, eating became more convenient and efficient.

"I see, can you turn into a human form?" Tang Xuejian asked curiously.

"No." Chu Xin didn't lie. He knew Tang Xuejian and others thoroughly. There was no need to hide insignificant things.

"Eh? Where's Luo Rulie?" Tang Xuejian glanced indoors.

"He, let's go first." Chu Xin flew out of Baidu Tower.

"Gone? Where have you gone?" Before Tang Xuejian could think deeply, she saw a figure walking quickly and resolutely. A look of anger suddenly appeared on her face, but she still shouted in a light tone, "Uncle Third. "

The person who came was none other than Tang Tai, the second in command of the Tang family.

He looked angry at this moment, and immediately pointed at Tang Xuejian and rebuked: "You damn girl, the last time you went in was under special circumstances, so I won't pursue it anymore, but today you went in again and again, how could you do this as a member of the Tang family?" Ignorant of etiquette and rules, women are not allowed to enter the Baidu Tower, and they are not qualified to come into contact with the poisons of the Tang family!"

"Grandpa allowed it!" Tang Xuejian retorted loudly.

"Hmph! The old hall master is really stupid. Even if you are his granddaughter, you can't ignore the Tang family's hundreds of thousands of years of ancestral training." Tang Tai said with suppressed anger.

He didn't bother to argue with her, and turned to look at Chu Xin, astonished: "What is this? Wait, could it be the Five Poison Beast? Why has it changed its appearance?"

Chu Xin ignored him and flew past him coldly.

"Third uncle, grandpa is ill. Xuejian begs you, please don't argue with him again recently." Tang Xuejian thought for a while and begged softly.

"If you, my granddaughter, are smarter, my brother may live a few more days!" Tang Tai waved his sleeves, turned and left, his eyes full of possessiveness as he looked at Chu Xin's back in the distance, "These five poisonous beasts are indeed the most precious treasures in the world. The best fairy beast~ I really like it more and more the more I look at it~"

In the afternoon, outside Yuzhou City.

In a beautiful mountain forest, springs are tinkling, and winding streams flow through scattered rocks, nourishing flowers, trees, and schools of fish and shrimp.


There are many drops in the rocks, and the streams fall like tassels, creating hazy mist in the pools. The sunlight cut by the branches and leaves is projected down in small pieces, adding a certain beauty to this ordinary mountain stream.

"This is a nice place, very suitable for practicing."

A figure descended from the sky, it was Chu Xin.

There are many mortals and livestock in Yuzhou City, which is where turbid energy gathers. It is difficult for spiritual energy to circulate and gather. Practicing in the city is a waste of time.

Therefore, Chu Xin left the city alone, staying away from the official roads built, and flew to the uninhabited but beautiful mountains and rivers to find a place with strong spiritual energy.

During the flight, some falcons regarded him as prey and attacked him, but Chu Xin unceremoniously cut their throats and beheaded them all.

"I wonder if others can see the spiritual energy floating around the world?"

With the blessing of [Spiritual Body], as long as Chu Xin thought about it, he could see the five-color spiritual energy floating in the air like dust.

For example, here, brown, blue, and cyan are the main colors, and red and purple are extremely rare.

Brown represents earth, blue represents water, green represents wind, red represents fire, and purple represents thunder. The five spiritual beads containing majestic spiritual power are also of these five colors.

Moreover, the water spiritual power and earth spiritual power here are extremely rich, far exceeding the area he overlooked when he came.

"According to the Tang family's book records, nine out of ten wild places with strong spiritual energy are inhabited by spirits and monsters. They are ordinary animals, but they are nourished by spiritual energy all year round, and their bodies and even souls will gradually change. From wildness, spirituality will be born, and then spiritual beings will be born again. Wisdom, absorb the essence of the five spirits and the sun and the moon, and after accumulating over time until it transforms, it is officially promoted from the beast clan to the demon clan, and breaks away from the way of animals."

Chu Xin did not start to absorb the spiritual energy impatiently. He took advantage of his flight and looked down at the plants and trees under him, trying to find any clues.

I scanned around and found nothing out of the ordinary.

But he was careful and discovered something. He immediately moved his right hand and released a stream of five poisonous spiritual powers.


The spiritual energy surrounded his forearm like a whirlwind, forming a sharp cone shape at the front.

The speed became more and more intense, and the color changed quickly and smoothly, turning into a creepy and strange dark green, but the sound was not too loud, like a cold poisonous snake hiding in the bushes and preying on people.

This is the skill [Corpse Poison Diamond] used for the first time.

Chu Xin retracted his right arm and then thrust it downwards.

Woo buzz!

The dark green whirlwind separated from the arm, like a drill bit that was sprayed out.

The speed was as fast as the wind, and in the blink of an eye he was on a rock rising out of the water.


The rock screamed in agony.

Not only that, the area hit by the corpse poison drill was covered in blood and flesh, the hard black carapace was full of cracks, and red and white viscous liquid continued to seep out.

The rocks revealed their true colors.

It was a huge crab as black as ink, with the body of a ten-year-old child, and the corpse poison drill hit its back.

Except for its size, it is no different from ordinary river crabs. By the way, a pair of eyes is full of shock, anger and murderous intent.

Obviously, with the nourishment of spiritual energy, this big crab not only changed its body, but also gained spirituality and even wisdom!

In an instant, Chu Xin felt an evil thought towards him from the big crab, but he couldn't fly and could only stare.

"That cat wanted to sneak attack me, but I attacked first and then got angry because of my incompetence?" Chu Xin muttered.


Suddenly, the big crab spewed out a water column from its mouth, rising more than twenty meters from the ground.

The impact was not weak, similar to that of a high-pressure water gun. Unfortunately, the crosshair was too poor, and Chu Xin didn't even hit it without moving.

In fact, it was the corpse poison drill's corpse poison that took effect.


The big crab struggled around in pain, the corpse poison spread quickly, and its black body emitted streams of gray-green poisonous smoke.

Soon, the fresh flesh and blood in the body rotted quickly, becoming indistinguishable from a corpse.

After a while, there was no need for Chu Xin to take any further action. The big crab, which would become a monster in a hundred years, turned its belly and died without resting in peace, but it could not rest in peace in the first place.


Chu Xin came to the ground and found a hidden place with the strongest spiritual energy to start absorbing and refining.

"It is indeed very different from the city of Yuzhou. No wonder there are so many monsters who have become monsters."

From this immersion, it was already early in the morning when I finally got out.

Chu Xin did not end his training on his own initiative, but abnormalities in the outside world caught his attention.


There are gusts of evil wind and a gloomy air.

Not the demonic style that is often talked about, but the serious demonic style!

I saw streaks of gray smoke streaking across like meteors, flying in one direction and then spreading apart.

Those gray smoke are not smoke or mist, but are transformed by many monsters.

Within Chu Xin's field of vision, all kinds of monsters were flying in the sky. They seemed to be avoiding something, and they seemed to be escaping from prison together.

"Has it started? The Demon Lord breaks into Shu Mountain, breaks the Demon Lock Tower, and takes the Demon Sword."

As he expected, that night, the Lord of the Demon Realm, Demon Zhengzhenglou, broke into Shushan and took away the magic sword stored in the Demon Locking Tower. Countless imprisoned monsters also took the opportunity to escape, making the Shushan disciples who had just rested busy again. .

Fortunately, the head of Shushan and all the elders worked together to block and fix the leak, so the situation did not get worse. They only forced a group of disciples to go down the mountain and catch the escaped monsters one by one.

The Demon Lord took away the Demon Sword in order to return it to its original owner, which was Sedum.

If we continue to trace the origins, we have to mention Jingtian's identity before his reincarnation - the number one general in the God Realm, Fei Peng.

At the beginning, Feipeng was nearly invincible in the divine world, and no one in the heavenly soldiers or generals was his opponent, so he was looking for a well-matched enemy to satisfy his desire to fight.

It just so happened that Demon Zunzunlou was able to defeat all the demons in the Demon Realm, and he also sought defeat alone, so he went to the God Realm to fight with Fei Peng sympathetically.

The impact of the battle between the two was extremely bad. As a general, Fei Peng focused on fighting the Demon Lord, causing chaos in the divine world. He committed a taboo of neglecting his duties and was demoted to the mortal world by the Emperor Fuxi. He became a mortal who lost his memory and went through reincarnation. .

But the battle between Feipeng and Chonglou was inconclusive. Chonglou, who was boring and full of fighting and killing, finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he took the magic sword to find Feipeng's reincarnated Jingtian.

"Let me recall," Chu Xin looked at the sky illuminated by the morning sun and murmured to himself: "Xu Changqing happened to follow the order of the head of Shushan to pick up Jingtian, and by chance he met Chonglou who forced Jingtian to fight with him. , facing the Supreme Being of the Demon World, Xu Changqing fearlessly rescued Jingtian and took him to fly to Shushan."

"The Demon Lord chased him all the way. Even Xu Changqing, as a genius disciple rarely seen in a hundred years in Shushan, could only be beaten, and he was beaten unconscious after a few blows." What Chu Xin recalled was what was about to happen this morning, but He had no intention of getting involved. After all, Mo Zunzunlou was not the big crab just now. A serious attack from the other party could kill the current Chu Xin in seconds.

"Fortunately, Jingtian is a little smart, and Chonglou, who has never kept his promises, only trusted his words. He used some tricks to send Zhonglou away in a few words," Chu Xin continued to murmur, "Jingtian took the seriously injured Xu Changqing with him. After climbing up Shushan Mountain with great difficulty, the two also established a deep bond. Next, Xu Changqing was treated, and Jingtian finally met under the arrangement of Qing Hui, the leader of Shushan Mountain, and received the three-hundred-day main mission."

The above content will probably take two or three days, and Chu Xin does not plan to go to Shushan.

As the first sect in cultivating immortals today, Shushan is also in the immortal world of Cave Heaven and Paradise. Naturally, its spiritual energy is abundant to the extreme, and its absorption and cultivation must be like divine help.

But now that he can't switch cards, Chu Xin doesn't want to get in touch with big sects like Shushan. The key is that the old men who cultivate immortals are by no means ordinary people. Although they are not evil people, they want to be on the safe side and "stabilize" Chu Xin chose not to meet.

Woo! Woo!

He looked at the little monsters and monsters flying in the sky, and eagerly summoned the atomic battle axe, preparing to increase his proficiency in both [combat] and [hunting].

Being arrogant and unruly are two different things. Being dazzled by the glory of history is a taboo in the world. Playing slowly and taking advantage of the waves is the secret of sustainable development. (End of chapter)

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