"With the five poisonous beasts, Yuzhou City can be saved!" Tang Xuejian said excitedly.

"It's almost daybreak. I hope nothing happens to Maomao and He Biping, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, we found the Five Poisonous Beasts," Jingtian said with a smile on his face, "In this way, we are A great hero who has made indispensable contributions, why should he be rewarded with a lot of money, right?"

"Money, money, money, thinking about getting rich all day long." Tang Xuejian complained.

"Hey, you are the eldest lady of the Tang family. Of course it is different. You have been opening your mouth and stretching your hands since you were a child. How can a full man know that a hungry man is hungry~" Jingtian curled his lips and said.

On the other side, Chu Xin also waited for the card text:

"The first time I used the spiritual power of the Five Poisons, I successfully detoxified the poison in batches. The performance was excellent, and the character was not pessimistic because the character was weak at the beginning. There is no doubt about the strong mentality;

Proficiency +3%, reaching 3%;

Earn rewards:

The spiritual power reserve is slightly increased;

[Hundred Poison Refining] (After resolving a certain poison, you can refine it yourself and use it for your own use). "

The Hundred Poison Refining takes effect immediately.

Buzz buzz~

The poisonous gas expelled from the poisonous man's body did not evaporate into the air, but was swallowed into Chu Xin's mouth.

Refining begins.

gurgling gurgling~

Chu Xin's belly was boiling crazily, like boiling spring water, so that the skin all over his body turned red and visible gas evaporated.

"What happened to it?" Tang Xuejian asked worriedly.

"You have a fever?" Jingtian was also confused.

Just when the refining of Chu Xin was completed, the sky gradually became brighter, the night faded, and day came.

The poisonous people who spent the night in Tangjiabao dispersed and hid in dark places where the sun could not shine, leaving behind a bloody mess all over the courtyard.

The card text appears again:

"The first poison refining is completed, and the Baidu Library now has:

The poison of the Inferi (the infected person is like a walking zombie without the sense of pain and thinking. After infection, the eyes are scarlet, the canine teeth and nails become longer and sharper, and the person has a violent desire to attack the same kind. It spreads through biting. It is afraid of the sun and likes the shade. cold). "

"Hundred Poison Refining, Hundred Poison Library, it seems that I have a clear training route. Once a certain poison is resolved, it can be refined and used. It is a one-stop process of detoxification, refining and poisoning. Detoxification can also increase proficiency. It can detoxify hundreds of poisons, and it can also be used as a weapon to fight. It has great potential for development." Chu Xin thought to himself.

However, Bai Du Lian has just started, and its nature is just a means to become stronger. Chu Xin currently needs strong attack/self-protection capabilities.

He glanced at the card package and said, "Why did you forget this thing!"

In the card pack, a universal equipment card named Atomic Tomahawk is clearly listed.

This card has no restrictions. Any card can be summoned at any proficiency level. In fact, in the previous world, the atomic battle ax could be installed on the Phoenix City and split Asgard in half with one axe.

Therefore, Chu Xin, who is now a five-poison beast, can also wield a mini version of the atomic battle ax with automatically adapted proportions to kill.

However, he still opened the gashapon machine interface.


Draw once.

Number of times remaining: 6

Total number of guaranteed cards: 7

A gashapon rolls out and unscrews automatically.

"Get the skill card: [Psychic Communication] (can carry out silent psychic communication with others)."

It's not a combat type, but it's still an extremely important ability. Chu Xin said it came in time, and he couldn't keep comparing sign language with others.

He did not continue to draw. According to the current plot, the situation was not dangerous. Flying + Inferi Poison + Atomic Tomahawk were enough.

Moreover, he also found that after spending his spiritual energy to detoxify the poisoned people, he obviously felt exhausted and tired. However, as his proficiency increased, he would get some spiritual energy supply. If he wanted to completely replenish it, You still need to slowly absorb the spiritual energy yourself.

Moreover, the spiritual power reserves can be expanded, which means that the spiritual power contained in his body is not static. If he only relies on simply refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it will definitely take an extremely long time. The system is like an installed rocket thruster, which greatly improves the efficiency. , saving time costs.

After all, according to the prophecy of the original plot, the end of the world will happen in three hundred days. Not only Jingtian and others, Chu Xin must also become stronger before then.


About half an hour later, the rising sun broke through the shackles of the earth.

The long night of terror finally ushered in the sun rising in the east, and the clear sky always has the magic power to dispel fear.

After the people of Yuzhou City, who had been shivering all night, saw that there was no longer a terrible poisonous man on the street, they walked out shrunken and carrying sticks for self-defense.

The streets were in a mess, and footprints stained with sticky blood could be seen everywhere. Along the main road towards Tangjiapu, the scene became more chaotic, until behind the collapsed door of the Tang family, it became even more unbearable to look at it. Many servants The bodies of the guards were left undisposed of, and various gold and silver jewels were scattered among the semi-congealed blood.

The overlord of Yuzhou City is now extremely miserable.

The whereabouts of the head of the family are unknown. The second-in-command Tang Laosan was also infected on the way to find the Five Poisonous Beasts. The third-in-command Tang Yi has disappeared for two days. The seven aunts and eight aunts who are usually fake and powerful have already fled elsewhere with Panmao. Now there is only one famous and unruly daughter Tang Xuejian left.

But Tang Xuejian did not look as sad as Xu Changqing thought. With Chu Xin, the five-poisonous beast, she believed that the poisonous incident would soon come to an end.

At dawn, two Shushan disciples, Xu Changqing and Chang Yin, rushed to Yuzhou City, and on the way they rescued Maomao and He Biping who were surrounded by poisonous people.

"Boss! It's great that you are still alive!" The naive fat man Maomao ran to Jingtian and giggled with tears of joy.

"Jingtian, do you know that Maomao and I almost died trying to find you? Fortunately, two Shushan Taoist priests came to our aid!" He Biping, who had a sly look on his face, complained.

These two people are also Yongan's clerks. They have been friends since childhood, but Jingtian and Maomao have a better relationship. After all, Maomao is an orphan adopted by Jingtian's parents.

"To find me? He Biping, you can't tell me where you've been hiding all night~" Jingtian glanced at him, then ran his hands over Maomao's body and said with a smile, "Is everything okay? Boss, please let me Look, hey, hey, he’s still as plump as before, not a single piece of meat is missing!”

"Boss, don't worry. Nothing will happen to you under the protection of Hero Changqing. I'm worried about you." Maomao is actually a few years older than Jingtian, but he has a pure, kind and honest nature, and has always been dominated by the slippery Jingtian.

"What a great hero, Changqing? He is just a fool. Isn't it that he knows some martial arts and magic?" Jingtian Zhengfeng said jealously, "Forget it, Maomao, let me tell you, I have made a great contribution and found the legend." The five poisonous beasts among them!"

As soon as these words came out, the two handsome young men in white immediately turned their attention to him.

Xu Changqing, the great disciple of Shushan, put away the detection magic weapon and quickly came to the front, "Brother Jing, did you just mention the five poisonous beasts?"

Shushan disciple Chang Yin also asked hurriedly: "Are you serious? Jingtian, you can't talk nonsense about such a big matter!"

Jingtian looked at the two of them, and raised the corners of his mouth proudly, "I, Jingtian, want to be a hero, how can I talk for nothing! Last night, I went through all the way with Pig Woman, and after all the hardships, I finally found the Five Poisonous Beasts , and turned a lot of poisonous people back to normal!"

Seeing that his airy appearance didn't look like he was faking it, Xu Changqing, who had upright and upright features, immediately showed a smile of relief, "Master and several uncles said that as long as the five poisonous beasts are found, Yuzhou City can be saved."

The ordinary-looking Chang Yin also laughed and asked: "Where are the five poisonous beasts!"

"It and Mrs. Pig are inside Tangjiabao. Come with me." Jingtian turned around and led the way, strutting with his hands behind his back.

At this time, Tang Xuejian, who was the young lady of the Tang family, became more sensible after going through a lot of hardships and witnessing the Tang family in such a miserable state.

"Be careful~"

"Are you thirsty? I'll bring you some water."

She was working with a group of Tang family members and servants to take care of the injured last night, and also to clean up the messy courtyard.

And Chu Xin also followed. With his small arms and legs, he was naturally not helping to carry things, but detoxifying the infected Tang family members, and wanted to understand himself carefully through practice.

After several times, he basically determined a rule. Although detoxification will consume spiritual energy, isn't the process of consuming, restoring, refining spiritual energy, and consuming it all the same as cultivation?

And this consumption is not only detoxification, but also consumption in other aspects such as fighting.

The consumption and refining day after day has improved the reserve of spiritual power, the intensity of spiritual power, the control of spiritual power, and the purity of spiritual energy. Don't these added together mean that it is stronger? For orcs who don't need to practice exercises, this is the simplest and crudest way.

In general, it’s this: If you want to cook, practice more. Even if there are shortcuts, it still requires hard work.

"Pig woman!"

Jingtian led several people through the courtyard gate and came to the main hall.

"Shh! It's casting a spell~" Tang Xue reminded everyone in a low voice when she covered Sedum's mouth and was about to open it.

"Is that the Five Poison Beast? It looks delicious." Maomao muttered, and his stomach immediately began to growl.

In his eyes, Chu Xin, who had a warm luster all over his body and a faint fragrance of melons and fruits, really looked like the fairy fruit eaten by the gods.

Buzz buzz~

As Chu Xin output his spiritual power, the poisonous people who were tied up by Wuhua stopped struggling and lay peacefully on the ground.

Seeing is believing, Xu Changqing immediately believed what Jingtian said. The two looked at each other, and Xu Changqing whispered to Chang Yin: "Junior brother, you should go back to Shushan immediately to report this matter and ask everyone to transfer all the poisonous people treated in Shushan."

Chang Yin nodded, turned and left without saying a word.

Chu Xin floated quietly, looking at the proficiency that only increased by 2% after a lot of busy work, and understood something.

Detoxification can indeed increase proficiency, but it is impossible to achieve full proficiency by just relying on it. It may be related to the strength of the poison and the number of times the same poison has been detoxified. For example, the current poisonous man is like the same mobs that he keeps swiping. It was effective at first, but gradually there was no experience value left.

This goes back to the proficiency analysis given by the original system: combat (fighting with stronger enemies is more efficient), ability (continuously tempering oneself, exploring and unleashing the potential of abilities), and hunting (using blood and killing to achieve a perfect fit) ).

The detoxification of the Five Poison Beasts meets the requirements of [Ability], but if we really want to fully advance it, we must take into account the other two factors.

"Can it talk?" Xu Changqing asked.

"It doesn't seem possible." Tang Xuejian shook his head.

"You're like a little kid, how can you talk? How come you don't even know this bit of common sense about Bai Tofu." Sedum picked up the sunflower seeds on the table and started eating them.

"Everyone, this is the first time we meet, you can just call me Wudu."

"What five poisons, such a strange name."

"Maomao, are you talking to me?"

"It must be Hero Changqing!"

"Huh? It wasn't me, I heard it too."

Everyone with bewildered faces focused their attention on Chu Xin and stared at him in disbelief.

"It, it, it! Monster!" He Biping was so frightened that he hid behind Maomao.

"You idiot, it's not a human in the first place!" Jingtian laughed.

"So you would say, no, your voice appeared directly in our ears." Tang Xuejian said in surprise.

"Communication of ideas? It is indeed the immortal beast that everyone in the world longs for. It is actually born with such immortal skills." Xu Changqing exclaimed.

"You can do it too?" Maomao asked.

"There are many immortal spells in Shushan, and I know a little about these spells." Xu Changqing answered modestly.

He paused and said in a polite tone: "Five poisons, if they are poisons that poison the mother's body, can you possibly cure them?"

After everyone in Shushan judged, the poisonous people who caused trouble in Yuzhou City must have a source of poison, which is the mother body hidden by the mastermind behind the scenes. As long as the mother body is found, not only can the poisonous people be cut off from the source, but the initiator can also be caught.

"Yes," Chu Xin communicated with several people, "This incident was planned by Pili Hall. In addition, I know their hiding place."

Xu Changqing's eyes lit up, "It's better not to delay things. Delay will lead to changes. Five Poisons, can you take me there?"

"Follow me." Chu Xin flapped his wings.

"I also need to go!"

"Grandpa may have been abducted by Perak Hall!"

Jingtian and Tang Xue followed Ma Liu.

Maomao also wanted to follow, but He Biping grabbed him and said, "Why are you following! Didn't you hear about Perak Hall? That is an evil sect with a reputation in the world!"

"Boss is gone, so I can save him if he is in danger~" Maomao answered without thinking, but when he ran out of Tangjiapu, he could no longer see the backs of Chu Xin and others, so he could only say angrily Sit on the steps.

at the same time.

Thunderbolt Hall.

The dark and cold stone hall was filled with the stench of fermented old blood.

"Hundreds of poisonous people besieged Tangjiapu last night, which really made me feel so happy!" Luo Rulie, the leader of the Perak Hall, was sitting cross-legged on the metal throne. He had a fierce look with beards, scars and flesh, which could not be covered by his black armor. Hold his burly body.

He turned to look at the person next to him and persuaded him: "Don't look so bitter when I tell you. Anyway, Tangjia Fort will be rebuilt in your hands. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

"I hope you can abide by the agreement, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." The man who spoke turned out to be Tang Yi, the second eldest son of the Tang family.

And in the chair opposite the two of them, the old man tied up with a rope turned out to be Tang Kun, the missing head of the Tang family!

"Tang Yi, stop here. You grew up in the Tang family after all, why would you destroy your own home like this?" Tang Kun said heartbrokenly.

"You all look down on me and think that I should just hide behind and make poisons for the Tang family all my life. Then I don't believe in evil. I have to prove to you that I can also be the head of the Tang family!" Tang Yi yelled at the top of his lungs. He said, "Tang Kun, pass the title of family head to me, and I will let you go immediately!"

Luo Rulie looked at the two of them happily. His dark and treacherous eyes showed that he would not go as Tang Yi wanted at all, but was just using Tang Yi.

The whole story is clear.

Tang Yi, who had always had a low self-esteem, believed that his relatives and friends looked down upon him, so under Luo Rulie's instigation, he colluded with others and did not hesitate to create poisonous people to force the Tang family into trouble. He took the opportunity to seize the position of head of the family and wanted to prove that he had the ability to be the head of the family.

Da da da~

A Perak Hall disciple knelt down quickly, clasped his fists and said, "Master, we have made a great discovery!"

Luo Rulie waved his hand, "Say."

"The legendary five poisonous beasts appeared in Tangjiabao!" the disciple said.

"What?!" Luo Rulie stood up in shock.

Tang Yi also trembled and looked away.

Tang Kun smiled happily. He knew that as long as the five poisonous beasts appeared in the world, the so-called poisonous people would be nothing more than insignificant waves.

"Moreover, the Five Poisonous Beasts and Shushan Taoist Priests are coming towards us!" the disciple said again.

"No problem, tell all the disciples to set up a trap for me and catch the five poisonous beasts alive no matter what!" Luo Rulie laughed greedily, "It's just a good time to test the depth of your skills in the past twenty years, Old Sect Master Tang!"

Upon hearing the following words, Tang Yi was stunned and quickly checked Tang Kun's body. He was shocked to find that Tang Kun had lost all his power and became a useless person. He had obviously been sucked away by Luo Rulie.

"Didn't you agree not to hurt him?" Tang Yi scolded angrily.

"Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. He is so ill that he is about to die. Wouldn't all his internal strength be wasted?" Luo Rulie said with a smile, "Tang Yi, the Five Poison Beasts are at your fingertips. If you get the Five Poison Pearls, you will be completely famous in the world!"

Thinking of such glory, Tang Yi's clenched fists relaxed a little, "Okay, but you can't continue to hurt him, you must spare his life!" (End of Chapter)

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