All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 313 Nirvana Transformation, Phoenix Heavenly Palace! (The end of this world)

"Go to the Phoenix City, you are nothing in front of Asgard!" Odin laughed proudly.

"Looking at it this way, the Loki armor installed back then was quite far-sighted!" An elder wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a smile after the disaster.

Loki is the god of deceit, and the defense system based on the golden cicada's shelling principle is consistent with it, hence the name.

"Those two pieces of scrap metal can't make any difference, so why don't we just bomb them?" an elder suggested.

Odin waved his hand, "Don't let your anger go to your head. Don't forget what I said before. The Emperor Chu Xiuchuan and Prince Chu Yanhai of Great Xia must be captured alive, otherwise the Xia Kingdom's large population will not be enough." Very easy to suppress and manage.”

Asgard, whose vitality was also greatly damaged, did not land or continue to waste cannonballs. Instead, it sent out the Tyrian special forces, while Odin and others waited leisurely.

In a crater that no one cares about, the intact phoenix statue emits a layer of faint light.

"Eh? The Phoenix isn't completely dead yet?"

"Wait a minute, this soul-burning pleasure, isn't it? There is a one percent chance that the Phoenix Nirvana will be triggered?"

"Tsk, it's a pity. I also said that it would shock Asgard with a little storm iron monster~"

To be honest, Chu Xin started to wonder whether he should switch to [Storm Crimson] or [Ghidora], but he didn't expect that his torn body would have sensory feedback again.

To be honest, he admitted that he underestimated Asgard, but he dared to touch his chest and say that he definitely did not underestimate the enemy, let alone fool around. The fact is that the current Phoenix cannot beat Asgard. If nothing else, Asgard alone The flying advantage pushed the Phoenix to the ground and rubbed it.

This entertainment copy sent by [Random World Travel Card] did give Chu Xin some unexpected surprises when it was about to end. After all, it is not common to experience the death of a card, even though [Phoenix City] died He was alive again, but the excitement of being blasted to pieces by violent energy could not be faked.

Buzz buzz~

The sound of guns and artillery not far away became more and more intense. Longyin City and King Chu City, which had all kinds of artillery devices scrapped, also sent troops, and the two sides engaged in fierce exchanges of fire.

No one noticed that the eyes of the Phoenix statue burned, and the red-gold flames quickly spread throughout the body.

Until, a loud sound of bursting fire waves was heard.


The battle came to an abrupt end, and both the enemy and ourselves turned around and cast surprised and uncertain glances.

"what's the situation?"

"Fake, what is that?"

"Do you want to give it another dose of HeLa?"

Odin and others stared blankly at the scene on the big screen, feeling that their IQs were being crushed by a higher dimension.

"Is that...Phoenix Nirvana?"

"How can things in myths and legends happen in reality?"

"Yes, the key point is that the Phoenix is ​​not a real Phoenix, it is just a city made of machinery and concrete!"

Only Chu Xiuchuan and others, who had inherited Eastern culture, reacted with great shock after being in a daze and astonishment.

Boom boom!

I saw a phoenix statue rising up with a huge flame screen that looked like a fire phoenix spreading its wings. In the flames that had no science at all, bizarre events that were even more contrary to science took place.

Metal and machinery come into being from scratch, like flesh and blood that grows naturally, overlapping, piecing together, opening and closing, extending, and circulating in a smooth and silky way.

Getting bigger and more sophisticated.

Until the prototype of a city is built!

Unknowingly, no one dared to speak loudly, and even their breathing was subconsciously restrained, as if they were afraid of disturbing the unknown existence in the flames.

Clang clang clang!

The speed of Nirvana suddenly increased, and people's ears echoed with the endless sound of metal.

"What the hell, fight!" Odin shouted in fear.

Bang bang!

Cannonballs were fired at Chu Xin one after another, but they were all licked and detonated by the tongue of Nirvana fire, failing to damage the inside.

Under this sky full of artillery fire, the Phoenix City was like an artifact, being reshaped and completed in this tempering process.

"Damn it, what kind of technology is it? There is no mention of it in the ancient materials!" Odin said tremblingly.

After all, the attacks are non-stop.


The Howl of Hella was released again, but the power was obviously weaker.

The wrath of the divine phoenix was shot out at the same time to offset it.

Keng Keng Keng Keng Keng Keng ~

At this time, the changes in Chu Xin were still continuing and did not stop due to Nirvana's resurrection.

"What is the one-in-ten chance that I will be able to transform after Nirvana? I hope my luck today is not overdrawn Yang Shou, and I don't want to mess with the guarantee card of the gashapon machine."

After all, the category of non-human beings is extremely broad, and it is possible to draw anything. He has no interest in cultivating some characters with too big hips, such as [Licker]. In the past, he would have spent time and effort on cultivating them. Yes, but nowadays, there is really no motivation.

Next, in the eyes of a pair of incredible eyes, the phoenix transformed crazily, its size stacking up layer by layer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The card text also appeared in Chu Xin's mind:

“Sometimes, death is not the end, but a new beginning;

Recognize the upper limit of each card, but do not retreat or resist because of its ordinaryness. After tempering, the ordinary may also bloom with its own brilliance;

Proficiency +4%, reaching 100%;

The number of gashapon draws +1, there are currently 7 times;

Reward received (record):

Nirvana and rebirth, transforming from [Phoenix City] to [Phoenix Heavenly Palace],

The length increases to 8000 meters, the width increases to 6000 meters, and the height increases to 3000 meters.

The comprehensive quality of each component has been greatly improved, and various weapons data have been improved accordingly. Ammunition types have been diversified, fuel warehouse capacity has doubled, and the nuclear power system has been strengthened;

[Quantum Energy Weapon-Wrath of the Divine Phoenix] Enhanced: The cooling time is cancelled, each launch consumes one-sixth of the conventional fuel tank, the number is increased by two, and the maximum range is increased to 30,000 kilometers;

Added [Tiangong Flight System] (expanded fire nozzles on the bottom and sides to achieve flight goals and become a Tiangong city across the sea, land and air);

Acquire super skills: [Quantum Weapon - Heavenly Punishment] (launch a rocket high into the sky with its own interception system, release the Heavenly Punishment device after rising to the near-Earth universe, and then drop 6 quantum rays from the sky that can strike accurately). "

At this point, the transformation is over.

The even more spectacular, classically exquisite Phoenix Heavenly Palace has suddenly appeared. The three-headed phoenix statues stand proudly at three directions in the main hall at the top. The height of 3,000 meters is enough to rival Mount Emei. When one stands on the ground and looks up, one cannot see the end. There is no difference at the bottom of the mountain.

Not to mention anything else, the eye-shaking size alone made everyone present speechless, shocked, frightened, panicked, and happy.

"The unprecedented wonder in the world, the Phoenix City, is definitely not a thing in the world!" Chu Xiuchuan announced that from this moment on, he was no longer an atheist or a materialist, because what he saw with his own eyes and heard with his own ears cannot be explained by science at all. Yes, if Chu Xin was a god descending to earth, then all the complicated ins and outs could be sorted out.

Compared to here, Asgard is much more depressing.

"Retreat, go back to the base first." Odin's reason defeated his impulse.

Something is wrong, completely beyond the scope of knowledge. If you continue to stay here, you will be seeking your own death.

The elders and officers were not opposed. They were still in a state of brain deadness. Their brains had spent a lifetime of computing power and they could not figure out how Chu Xin turned from the wreckage on the ground into this creepy "monster" in front of them. of.


A rocket lifted off from the back of Chu Xin's head.

Asgard, who was flying away, habitually launched a large number of missiles in pursuit.

Upon detecting an attack, the rocket separated dozens of interceptor missiles, each of which successfully intercepted one missile, allowing the rocket to ascend into the clouds unharmed and pass through the atmosphere.

Odin, who suddenly felt bad, turned all the Fenrir engines to flying speed without saying a word, and turned into a stream of light and swept towards the east.

At this moment, the rocket has disintegrated in the near-Earth universe, and the core Heavenly Punishment Device has been deployed. This is a precise polyhedral mechanical object.


The scan started automatically, covering almost half of Europe, the entire Asian continent, and most of the Pacific Ocean.


Asgard locked in supersonic flight.


The Heavenly Punishment begins to rotate and the energy storage is completed.

At the same time, Chu Xin also synchronized Tianpu's vision, and then it was up to him to issue the launch order.

"Six shots in a row."

The order was received instantly and the divine punishment was immediately carried out.

Six thunderous golden beams burst out silently, and only spread the terrifying explosion after reaching the earth.

"Super strong quantum energy fluctuations detected!"

"Confirm the source, it's far away from us... huh? Near-Earth universe!"

"Six quantum rays in total!"

At this moment, it was as if the thunder from heaven came to destroy evil spirits, and all six rays of punishment hit Asgard.

"Why is this happening~What the hell is it~" Odin roared unwillingly and angrily before being engulfed in fire.

Bang bang——

The monstrous explosion released a spreading ring-shaped halo, and the sky, sea and earth were rendered golden.

Chu Xiuchuan and others looked at the discolored sky, and the hanging stones in their hearts finally fell to the ground. Although they could not figure out what happened, their intuition told them that everything had settled.

"It's done, no one survived." Chu Xin's voice reached their ears.


"Holy shit, you're still alive!" Chu Yanhai let out a sharp blast.

Chu Xiuchuan was convinced that Chu Xin was the manifestation of God!

With the destruction of Angel Ark and Asgard, the world has entered an unprecedented period of peace.

After the initial reorganization of the Xia Kingdom, they organized troops to cross the ocean without stopping and destroyed all the bases in Asgard one by one to avoid future troubles.

As for Chu Xin, he did not stay in Xia Kingdom for long. He flew back to Shan Kingdom within two days and returned to the continent with Simon and others who were stunned.

One month later, a new country called the Phoenix Republic emerged.

Chu Xin declined the position of president and handed it over to Simon. He only had the title of founding emperor, while Arthur and others also held the position of founding general.

The main reason is that Chu Xin has no interest in this kind of plot. He has become a famous figure in many planes through the ages. There seems to be a descendant in the Transformers world?

And on an ordinary morning, the Phoenix Heavenly Palace, which had left a mark in human history, disappeared. It was as mysterious and fantastic as when it first appeared, as if it was a messenger who came only to end the chaos in the world.

Later, the old Simon built the capital according to the structure of the Phoenix City, and with the help of the Xia Kingdom, he gradually absorbed most of the land in Europe. The displaced humans had a home, and the era of predation became a thing of the past.

Later generations called this period of history the "Nirvana Year", and the phoenix has become a common belief and mascot of mankind. (End of chapter)

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