All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 306 In ancient times, there was King Qin who conquered Liuhe, but now there is King Chu who

Looking at the Napoleon wrapped in a sea of ​​flames in the distance, everyone in the country stared blankly.

The twists and turns were so ups and downs that Victor was holding on to the fort and kept giggling happily, and said to himself: "Hey~ Hehe~ City Lord Chu, City Lord Chu, you are the chosen one, right? I really didn't expect that you The day when my great ideal was realized came so quickly, and I didn’t expect that I would be able to witness it with my own eyes.”

At this time, Guan Ye walked up, looked at the vague outline of Chu Xin with flickering eyes, and said with emotion: "You are indeed very good at judging people. That Chu City Lord only has a worthless verbal agreement with us." , but they risked their lives to rush to the rescue, and Fang said that they had just ended the war with Stadt City, which is really touching and admirable."

"What a terrible long-range firepower. Fortunately, you got along well with him before and didn't turn against him," Guan added. "Phoenix City has an oriental architectural style and Chinese mythological elements. The city lord is also named Chu. Could it be related to the Xia Kingdom?"

"Is Xia Kingdom the easternmost superpower?" Victor asked curiously.

"Yes, I regard you as a candidate for the next leader of the Shan Kingdom. There are some things you should know," Guan said calmly. "Thousands of years ago, the quantum weapons war that broke out between the eastern power and the overlord power across the sea led to After the fall of ancient civilizations, the world fell apart, and countless countries became history that no one cares about. However, those two countries were not completely cut off. The great eastern countries lost the land in the east and even the central part, and their descendants had to retreat to the current basin and On the plateau in the south, a country was re-established there, named the Xia Kingdom, led by the Chu royal family. Later, in order to resist the frequent invasions of predatory cities from the west, the Xia Kingdom sent envoys and troops to unite various local ethnic groups to create what is now The mountain country of the multi-ethnic alliance, and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build this steel city wall."

The corner of Victor's mouth twitched twice, "You said that the current Shan Kingdom is just a barrier used by the Xia Kingdom to defend the European continent? Then how strong must the Xia Kingdom be! In this case, why don't they send troops to suppress the European continent? Wait, I knew……"

"You guessed it right," Guan continued, "The Xia Kingdom is indeed very strong, but as I said, that ancient overlord and power still continues to this day."

"Angel Ark in South America?!" Victor guessed.

Guan nodded, "Yes, North America has been shattered by the quantum weapon called 'Haotian', but South America below has been preserved intact. Angel Ark is just their most active mobile city, and it is also used by them to plunder everywhere." city, in fact, Angel Ark belongs to another extremely terrifying city, some people call it Free City, and its name is Asgard, the legendary kingdom of the gods."

After he finished speaking in a calm tone and at a gentle speed, Chu Xin's second round of artillery strikes also ended. The Napoleon was like a dead fish that could not turn over, without any chance of life.

For Victor, the shock he felt from the truth about the world told by Guan was no less shocking than the audio-visual impact Chu Xin gave him.

"It's over, another era," Guan looked away with emotion. "In ancient times, the King of Qin conquered Liuhe, and now the King of Chu rules Europe."

It is not difficult to see that he subconsciously believed that Chu Xin was the royal family member of the Xia Kingdom. After all, they all had the surname Chu. How could there be so many coincidences.

In his opinion, the Xia royal family sent Chu Xin in order to let Chu Xin sweep across the European continent and establish a new clan country here. In this case, Chu Xin is the founder of the country, so it is appropriate to call him Emperor Chu.

In fact, when someone mentioned blaming, he could also say that the Emperor of Chu was referring to the current emperor who was far away in the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom.

"Tsk tsk, Guan, are you really going to let me take over your position?" Victor asked.

"What? You don't want to?" Guan asked.

"Shouldn't this kind of thing be arranged by our immediate superior, Xia Guo?" Victor smiled.

"Although the Xia Kingdom is ruled by the royal family, it is not a feudal dynasty as recorded in ancient books. Many things cannot be decided by the emperor alone. In addition, I have already submitted your personal information, and it has been reviewed and approved. Just wait for my retirement. ." Guan replied.

While they were talking, Chu Xin had already stopped outputting, dragging his nearly hollowed-out body to the front of two super cities, with several searchlights shining brightly like a starving ghost seeing food.

This is still a stationary launch. If it is moving at high speed while bombing indiscriminately, the fuel consumption rate will definitely be no less than that of a rocket taking off.


A white mark appears on the eastern skyline, and the rising sun tears the white line apart and rushes to the earth.

Its daybreak.

The tragic battle scene was clearly exposed to everyone's eyes. Whether it was the steel city wall blasted through by Medusa or the metal city bombarded by artillery fire, they were all filled with the violent beauty of another kind of destruction.

The residents of Shanguo were silent and showed no particular excitement, because behind the victory were the deaths of countless relatives and friends. The heroic death of the Air Force last night was still replayed repeatedly in their minds.

What's more, when I saw the huge circular gap in the city wall, I couldn't laugh at all. Instead, I just felt a deep hatred for the war.

And when they saw the reinforcements arriving not far away, and learned about Chu Xin's great ambition to unify Europe and end the chaos, their admiration arose spontaneously, and they all looked at Chu Xin with respect, all without saying a word.

"Oh my god, isn't Phoenix City's firepower too fierce?" Achim stared blankly at the two super cities that had turned into ruins.

"The city lord is really shocked. Although he expected to sweep across Europe one day, it only took one night~ Achim, give me a slap in the face, am I not dreaming?" Simon was shaking with excitement in his wheelchair.

"How dare I slap you?" Achim said, scratching Simon's creaky nest twice.

"Stop, stop, stop, it's not a dream, it's not a dream!" Simon smiled so brightly.

All the residents of Phoenix City came out of the city to witness the changing times with their own eyes.

At this time, the Phoenix Guard Army led by Arthur and the Shanguo Army led by Fang Anna were moving all the survivors out of the two cities.

Interestingly, most of the survivors were middle- and lower-class residents, and the casualties were almost all from the elite class. The reason was also very simple, because the artillery fire first and most importantly hit the top of the city, which happened to be the upper city area with beautiful scenery and wide views.

On the contrary, the area where the middle- and low-rise residents live is closed, dark, and depressing, but it is solid, stable, and connected in all directions. It is surrounded by various huge equipment. It is almost impossible to penetrate it with rocket launchers and grenades that have not been systematically strengthened. Even the strongest in ancient times. The ground-penetrating bomb ripped through his head and he was helpless.

At this moment, most residents of the two cities are confused about the current situation.

Especially when they looked back and saw the two ruins in full view, their heads suddenly buzzed, and each of them was as silent as a mute. However, it was not difficult to see from their extremely complicated eyes that at this moment, their Countless thoughts came to mind.

Home is gone, but that seems to be a good thing?

The living ones have been transferred, and the rest are dead. This process takes a lot of time.

During this period, Shanguo leader Guan visited.

"City Master Chu rushed to the rescue at the critical moment. Guan is extremely grateful. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you on behalf of all the people of Shan Kingdom. If you don't mind, please go to Shan Kingdom to rest first. I will inform you after the arrangement is completed here?" He said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner. He said calmly.

"Thank you for your kindness. Now the Shan Kingdom is also in a period of reconstruction, so don't bother me. I'll just wait here." Chu Xin refused.

"I don't force others to do anything, but please accept some special fruits from the mountain country." Guan said with a smile.

The soldiers behind him brought out more than a dozen baskets of fresh and juicy fruits. Their bright and delicious appearance immediately made Achim's eyes wide open. Even the products from the fruit and vegetable greenhouses in uptown London were definitely not as delicious.

"Let's share the food, don't let others down," Chu Xin said.

In this way, Simon and others lit a bonfire, camped and cooked next to Chu Xin, and held an open-air barbecue party. As for how the residents of the two cities were dealt with, Chu Xin didn't care. There was a high probability that he would become a new member of the Shan Kingdom.

At this time, there was a small chaos on the Napoleon, and noisy voices were heard.

Guan walked over and everyone gave way.

He chuckled and said, "Moro, it's been a long time since we last met. I just didn't expect to be in this kind of situation."

The burly old man being escorted by two Shanguo soldiers was the unkempt Generalissimo Moreau. Hearing Guan's words, he tried to make a few sarcastic remarks, but when he caught a glimpse of Chu Xinhou not far away from the corner of his eye, he was speechless and had nothing to say. Able to sigh deeply: "I admit defeat!"

But after walking a few steps, the unwilling Moreau turned his head and looked at Guan with a dark smile, "It's not just Europe that's in chaos. The whole world is already in turmoil. I'm just responding to the call."

Guan stared at him without saying a word, but his shifting eyes showed that he still cared about the profound meaning of Moreau's words.

"Could it be~" He left quickly and returned to Shanguo City Wall.

However, Chu Xin didn't pay attention to all this. After the two cities were almost emptied, he couldn't wait to open the Taotie Gate, tear up the two steel corpses bit by bit, chew them, and swallow them into the stomach of the crusher. .

This swallow made everyone in Shan Kingdom stunned, but they couldn't say anything to their savior.

A full day passed, and the two former super cities were eaten away by Chu Xin. Only parts were left, as well as the semi-coagulated blood of the two cities in the mud.

Finally, the card text appeared:

“A hearty and indiscriminate bombing showed the enemy what it means to be baptized by artillery fire. As the saying goes: dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!

Proficiency +10%, reaching 90%;

Unlock [Phoenix City] fusion permission;

Earn rewards:

The height increases to 1500 meters, the length increases to 4500 meters, and the width increases to 4000 meters;

[Luanfeng Radar] The detection range has been increased to 300 kilometers;

The number of [1130 close-in defense guns] has been increased to 10;

The number of [Suzaku air defense missile systems] has been increased to 30;

The number of [White Tiger Rocket Launchers] has been increased to 6, the number of mounted and fired ammunition has been increased to 25, and the maximum range has been increased to 80 kilometers;

The number of [Xuanwu Howitzers] has been increased to 16, including 10 on the front, and the maximum range has been increased to 50 kilometers;

Added [Nuclear Power System] (built-in nuclear reactor, which can turn on nuclear power mode to provide more powerful power and efficiency);

Added [Quantum Energy Weapon·Wrath of the Divine Phoenix] (the Phoenix statue in the main hall becomes a quantum ray releaser, consuming one-third of the fuel reserve at a time, with a maximum range of 10,000 kilometers, and can cause a collapse explosion on the target. Cooling time 5 minutes). "(End of chapter)

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