All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 299 Hidden Dragon Tengyuan, the general trend


The wreckage of the plane was scattered all over the place, just like Annie and Benjamin's bad mood before they died.

"It's over like this~" Arthur said with emotion.

"No, it's just the beginning of a new life." Victor smiled.

"If I faced the Phoenix City, maybe the ending would be the same. First, I would destroy the three major warlords, then outsmart Paris, and win a complete victory with my ruthlessness and sophistication." Arthur looked at Chu Xin, who was more than a thousand meters away. Gave it a very high rating.

But he was not sure what kind of people lived in Phoenix City, so he looked at Victor and asked, "What's your plan next?"

"According to the original plan, we evacuated Paris, destroyed it, and then left together." Victor touched his chin wrapped in a clean beard, "But now I am very interested in Phoenix. I want to know how to make Simon abandon it." What kind of stakeholder is the Gui Guhui?"

He paused and said, "Of course, if you are worried about safety, you can go ahead and use the vehicles in Paris. If I am still alive, I will arrive soon. Let's go to the Pilgrim Tavern to have a good drink tonight."

However, no one left.

Some people choose to believe in their president. After all, it was Victor who awakened the fire in their hearts.

Some people choose to believe in Vice President Arthur. Victor was able to create and expand the Dawn Commune. Arthur played a vital role. What’s more, he is sincere in treating people. Before Victor appeared in Paris, Arthur already had A large number of loyal men.

"President, the moment you told me to take action, we had already put life and death at risk."

"Being able to eliminate the group of human-skinned evil spirits in the upper city is already a profit. Without your presence, I am destined to die of illness in the never-ending steam room."

"Sir, we are all soldiers you brought out, and we are all poor boys who grew up in the lower city. It was you who allowed us to see the scenery of the upper city and became a revolutionary army to resist oppression. It has been worth it!"

"That's right, we can do whatever you ask us to do. We are all phoenixes. We can fight and die. I can live to be forty years old in this wasteland, which is already better than most people!"

The death of Anne and others was also a shot of stimulant, which directly excited the already excited crowd.

One person may be afraid, and ten people may be intimidated. When there are a hundred, a thousand or even ten thousand people, high emotions spread quickly, and everyone is a fearless martyr.

If he is the last person left, with the bones of his comrades at his feet, then he is a hero who carries countless sorrows. There is no way out, no escape, and death is the only destination.

"Don't worry, everyone. It would be best if we could turn the conflict into friendship." Victor pressed his palms and said.

Arthur would definitely not sit still and wait for death. He immediately sent people to the vehicle warehouse to activate all vehicles and aircraft. If the situation went bad, it would be the best option.

You can walk as much as you can, and this is everyone's own choice. From the moment they join Dawn Commune, they must be prepared to make sacrifices.

At this time, Victor connected to the loudspeaker in Paris, coughed and shouted: "Everyone in Phoenix City, I think we are not enemies!"

Chu Xin ignored him. To be honest, he knew nothing about what was happening in Paris, but looking at the situation, he could deduce that they were pretty much inseparable.

"City Lord, I know the person who spoke." Simon suddenly spoke.

"Oh~" Chu Xin sent out a modal particle, indicating for him to continue speaking.

"Although I don't know why he appeared in Paris, I can confirm that he made no mistake," Simon said suspiciously, "His name is Victor, and his surname should be Hugo. Yes, he has the same name as that ancient literary giant. As far as I know You know, he is from Shanguo, and he seems to be acquainted with the leader of Shanguo."

"Shanguo people?" After hearing this, Chu Xin roughly figured out the whole story.

It seems that Shanguo not only has armed organizations like the Anti-Traction Alliance, but is also very good at strategies to penetrate into enemy camps and disintegrate them.

It is understandable that mobile cities have always been eyeing the mountain country, and several super cities even jointly attacked it many years ago. However, facing the towering steel city wall, several mayors and city lords made a strategic retreat in unison.

But ambitions never die, and Super City's actions against the Mountain Kingdom and the Anti-Traction Alliance have never stopped, and the two sides have always been in a state of hostility that is difficult to resolve.

"He can be regarded as an old friend of mine who has not been with me for a long time. He is indeed a capable person with real abilities and a deep understanding of ancient political history." Simon spoke highly of him.

"Okay." Chu Xin said.

The top of Paris at this time.

"Um, why didn't they reply? It's strange that they didn't attack us?" a soldier asked in confusion.

"There's something going on!" Victor raised the corners of his mouth.

After a while, Simon's voice came through the Phoenix City's loudspeaker (Chu Xin's mouth): "Victor, it's me, Simon."

"You won the bet, you are very brave." Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

"In life, you have to be bold to avoid suffering losses," Victor smiled and patted Arthur's arm, then shouted back, "Old friend, we haven't seen each other for five years, right? I still miss you. Drinking the pot of ancient special black tea you brewed for me!"

"Haha, you kid, just think about my collection." Simon replied happily.

There is an age difference of more than 20 years between the two. They are obviously father and son, but they are more like close friends and confidants when talking and laughing.

"I didn't expect that the Guigu Society would have changed by the time we met again." Victor said with a hint of meaning.

"Take your thoughts, old man, I can hear it," Simon replied, "The Lord of Phoenix City and City Chu have been kind to me and Guigu more than once. When we lost our home, it was the Lord of the City who selflessly accepted us. There are about a hundred people, so we can live a good life with no worries about food and clothing. Don't worry, the city lord is not a bad person who does evil."

"With your words, I feel relieved," Victor laughed heartily, "I would also like to thank City Lord Chu for your noble hand. Compared with Phoenix City's amazing battle performance, I admire your great mind even more."

Arthur smacked his lips twice, and he had to admit that in terms of emotional intelligence, he couldn't even see Victor's taillights. He likes to use practical actions to express a certain emotion or determination.

"Everyone, please put down your weapons. Phoenix is ​​not an enemy. Our enemy is a cold-blooded and cruel ruler like Anne." Victor turned around and said loudly.

"Paris is my trophy. As for the people inside, you can do whatever you want. I'll give you one day." Chu Xin spoke.

"Don't worry, Lord Chu. The super city Paris will no longer exist. Our goal has been achieved." Victor answered frankly.

after one day.

The huge city of Paris was empty of people, and all the nobles and ordinary residents came out with extraordinary significance.

Naturally, some people are happy and some are worried, because there is no going back from now on.

The city is big and there are many people.

When we stood in the valley, there was a huge crowd of people, chattering, crying and making a fuss all the time. Even Chu Xin was disturbed by the noise.

"Quiet, everyone!" Arthur yelled, holding a trumpet.

His own people obediently kept their mouths shut, while the tied up dignitaries became even more noisy. Many people yelled at Arthur, accusing him of giving up his glory and wealth for a bunch of low-level trash.

Bang bang bang!

Chu Xin shot a bunch of "fireworks" into the sky, and when he heard the joyful sound, the whole place fell into silence.

Most people in this world are afraid of power rather than virtue. To these people, speaking politely is seen as weakness and lack of confidence. Only when they are really hurt will they surrender.

Victor first waved his hand to Chu Xin gratefully, and then said in a stern and solemn tone: "After our discussion, we decided to publicly execute James, Marilyn and other seventy-three criminals who had committed heinous crimes, and the remaining six hundred Fifty-nine Uptown residents banished into the wilderness!”

As soon as the words fell, there was applause, cheers, curses, and tears, and a wonderful show of joy and sorrow was staged.

The next step is to execute it immediately.

The sound of gunshots means that sinful souls have been punished one by one. The hands of each of the executed dignitaries are stained with blood. They used their power and power to bully and humiliate the middle-class and lower-class residents. Over the years, countless girls have disappeared from Xiacheng District. Ended his life tragically.

I can work as a bottom-class person honestly and provide labor in exchange for shelter and food. This is a fair transaction, but you cannot be arrogant and shameless because of this. The bottom-class residents are also an important and indispensable part of a city.

But the Paris dignitaries turned a blind eye and intensified the situation.

This hatred has been accumulated for more than ten or twenty years, but has been deeply buried since the official use of the city of Paris.

Therefore, the Commune of Dawn would destroy the Parisian dignitaries regardless of the invasion of foreign enemies, and it would follow the path of destruction.

A closed cage is prone to deterioration and mildew, exuding the stench of blood, so the nobles can only cover it up with a golden coat of culture and art.

At the same time, Arthur sent people to place many of Paris's equipment, transportation tools, antiques and cultural relics in one corner, and piled them into hills by category.

At this point, Paris is truly an empty city.

In fact, today's Paris Grand Prix is ​​full of injuries inside and out, and core equipment such as engines have also failed due to overload operation.

The cost of repairing such a super city is immeasurable, and it is extremely difficult to do so with the current wasteland resources and technology unless a large amount of time, manpower and materials are spent.

It can be said that Paris is indeed ruined.

Under the starry sky, several people sat around the fire.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will take them back to Shanguo. This is the condition I promised in advance." Victor said.

"It turns out that a stable living environment seems more stable than wandering all year round." Simon said.

"I didn't expect that so many things have happened to you recently, and fate has its way, but joining Lord Chu Xin might be a good new beginning." Victor had already learned the whole story from Simon.

He turned his head and shouted to Chu Xin who was not far away: "City Lord Chu, don't be alone, come down and chat for a while!"

"Let's talk. The fierce battle in Phoenix has just ended, and many faults need to be repaired." Chu Xin gave a reason.

"What a pity. I really want to study history and discuss philosophy with a powerful character like you. Well, thank you for the water and food you gave me." Victor smiled.

While everyone was chatting, Simon mentioned Chu Xin's goal.

"Unify Europe, end division, and liberate the people," Arthur murmured to himself, and couldn't help but begin to imagine such a world. "It's an ideal worthy of respect."

"It feels so difficult. Just thinking about it makes us ordinary civilians feel like a dream."

"Now I sit down and think about it carefully, and I realize that the Lord of Chu City is really powerful. He came out of nowhere, defeated Paris, and had such a great goal."

"If it really succeeds, let me eat five meals a day!"

"You brat don't want to suffer any loss, right~"

Victor looked at Chu Xin with twinkling eyes and said with some excitement: "Perhaps your dream can come true. Who would have thought that Paris, which was showing off its power the day before yesterday, is already paralyzed at this moment, and those noble ladies and gentlemen Being reduced to a prisoner, you will be exiled early tomorrow morning? What is this called? This is what the ancient oriental saying goes: Hidden dragons rise into the abyss, the general trend is inevitable!"

He stood up unconsciously and said loudly: "Guan once told me an Eastern saying, the general trend of the world will divide and unite for a long time, and the European continent has been in turmoil and chaos for thousands of years. It is time for earth-shaking to change. In my opinion, it is now."

When he said this, everyone felt that there was something wrong, and the probability was not small.

For a moment, everyone turned their blazing eyes on Chu Xin, and it was clear that he had the will of the people.

"Ahem, please don't put too much psychological pressure on the city lord. The right time, place and people are indispensable for this kind of thing. You should rest early and welcome tomorrow's new life." The female doctor Wu Tana said, taking the initiative to give Chu Salary rescue.

After spending some time together, she felt that Chu Xin was not a talkative person and could solve problems in a simple and crude way without wasting words.

"When I think about my new life, I am so excited that I can't sleep!"

"Mr. Victor, what is the mountain country like? I heard that the mountain country is more powerful than a super city, and Paris doesn't dare to approach it at all?"

"Yeah, yeah, is the air good there? I'm tired of the smell of steam."

"The scenery and architecture are both the most beautiful in the world. I can't describe it in words. I have to wait for you to appreciate it with your own eyes. The most important thing is that under Guan's leadership, everyone lives in harmony, unity and friendship, without oppression or slavery." Wei Wei. Kedo smiled proudly.

In this way, most people really didn't sleep and kept talking freely until the sky turned white.

In contrast, the imprisoned nobles were undoubtedly sitting on pins and needles, full of panic and worry about their upcoming exile.

However, as they were leaving to say goodbye, differences arose in the team.

"Sorry, I want to stay and follow City Lord Chu," Arthur said sincerely. "His ideals shocked me. To be honest, I want to personally witness and participate in such a grand occasion."

Behind him, there were more than 300 people, most of whom were Arthur's soldiers.

"I respect your choice, Arthur, and you will always be my friend. Come to Shanguo to have a drink with me when you have time." Victor seemed to have expected this, and calmly hugged Arthur goodbye.

Due to the long distance, the two sides did not linger for too long.


A huge convoy, led by the leader Victor, headed east in a mighty way.

They vacated all the vehicles in Paris, carried a large number of weapons, and a terrifying number of people. In this continent, except for super cities, almost no one dared to provoke them.

Of course, they were accompanied by frightened nobles.

When they arrived at a deserted wilderness with no village or shop, Victor led the men behind them with guns and cannons, forcing the nobles to run around.

There is no water source, no food, only one scavenger organization after another, and the ending of the nobles with fine skin and tender meat can be imagined. (End of chapter)

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