"Hiss~ this kind of missile?" Benjamin stared at the Stinger missile played back in slow motion on the screen, looking suspicious.

"What?" Annie asked.

"It should be an imitation of ancient weapons. This phoenix is ​​quite mysterious. The people inside must be arrested and interrogated." Benjamin said.

"As long as we win the Phoenix City, we will definitely get a huge improvement. By then, we will no longer be afraid of London and Stadt City." Anne said with a stern smile.

Although Paris is a super city, it is the smallest among several cities. Naturally, it is at a disadvantage. Although its appearance is only comparable to that of London, in this era of the jungle, its appearance is not even a vase. superior.

The howitzers in Stadt and the huge size of London made Paris intimidated.

As for the Napoleon, it is the most powerful mobile city in Europe today. Because its comprehensive data can be called a hexagon, Anne did not count it as an enemy at all and could not defeat it at all, so why bother herself.

"It seems that only the Wind-breaking Ballista and Katyusha are effective long-range means, but close-range anti-cannons are a problem," Chu Xin thought while moving at high speed, "If it's not far enough, then close combat is the best way to try the Phoenix Feather Blade. And Phoenix Tail Feathers.”

But instead of going head-on immediately, he drifted and changed direction.

More than ten kilometers away, there is a stone forest with steep and complex terrain. Layers of gravel are covered with mountain streams and canyons, and the intricate mountains are concave and convex. Chu Xin's size is smaller than Paris, which gives him a more flexible advantage. In addition, he is relatively familiar with the area. Putting the drone up is equivalent to opening up a global view.

Finally, once you enter the stone forest, it is not easy to get out. It is suitable for trapping Paris and slowly torturing him to death. In addition, it can reduce the probability of unexpected variables and prevent third-party forces from intervening.

"It ran away, is there nothing to do? Could it be that the missile just now was a weapon to annihilate the hounds?" Annie asked doubtfully.

"At present, it seems that it should be the case. After all, the Hound Squadron does not have close-range defense artillery, so it is normal for them to be wiped out in one wave." Benjamin analyzed logically.

"But according to the report of the reconnaissance pilot, the momentum is more than that. Should we be cautious?" Arthur asked behind him.

"The pilot was in a state of extreme nervousness and fear at the time, and it was normal for his audio-visual judgment to be exaggerated." Benjamin continued his analysis on his own.

"I think..." Arthur wanted to say something else.

"Dear Arthur," Anne turned her head and smiled, "No matter whether Phoenix still has the means or not, we will always take it down. Europe is so big, there are not many opportunities to meet it. I don't want to watch it helplessly." Everything in it flies away."

"I understand." Arthur replied calmly.

"Pursue at full speed!" Benjamin glanced at Arthur, telling him to shut up, and then gave a stern order to the staff in the central control room.

"Brainless crazy woman." Arthur cursed in his heart, feeling that Anne was not as good as the dead Lady Snow White in Crazy Horse Town. After all, Anne took over the city of Paris from her father. She had been pampered and extravagant since she was a child. The latter However, to climb from a prostitute to the leader of a town by means of her skills, her psychological quality alone makes her stand out.

General Benjamin was a friend of Anne's father, and he and Anne were in a symbiotic relationship. It was rumored that the two had an affair on the night of Anne's father's death.

Arthur knew that Anne wanted to win over Benjamin in that way, and was worried that Benjamin would become rebellious.

And this kind of dirty behavior like that of ancient royal courts happened to be something that Arthur looked down on and didn't like.

With such an improper upper beam, how can the lower beam not be crooked?


The wind roared, blowing up dust and sand all over the sky.

A huge sandstorm came from the west and swallowed up two cities in an instant.

How could Chu Xin let go of such a God-given opportunity?

He hid behind a hill and waited. Since he was a member of the Phoenix City, he had a strong sense of ground vibrations and sound transmission, and could completely target enemies at medium to short distances.

Because they were in a sandstorm, the radar system in Paris lost its function and knew nothing about distant places. They could only continue to move forward according to the established route to prevent Chu Xin from escaping.


Amidst the continuous rumbling and muffled sound, there was a faint sound of breaking through the air.

As the visible fire light rushed into his field of vision, Benjamin realized that Chu Xin was not far away, but was waiting unconventionally.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the close-in defense artillery poured out ammunition again, intercepting several Stinger missiles again.

But Chu Xin's wave was not a test. Since he had solar charging, he was no longer ambiguous about fire coverage. If he could bomb the entire map, he would never strike accurately.

Only the increasingly dense sound of breaking through the sky was heard, which suppressed the movement of the sandstorm for a while, and immediately increased the intensity of Paris's close-in defense artillery.

"If you turn on the overload mode, I won't believe you have tens of thousands of coins in stock!" Benjamin snorted coldly.

Buzz buzz~

Metal fragments flew everywhere in the flying gravel, and Paris swallowed up densely packed palm-sized bullet casings.

"General, they are consuming our ammunition reserves!" Arthur reminded.

"Do you think I don't know?" Benjamin said disdainfully, "You use missiles to consume bullets, but there are a group of people with cerebral palsy living across the street!"

In fact, Arthur has not figured out why such a powerful and rare weapon like missiles is so extravagant and wasteful. Is it a desperate attempt?


In such an environment, there was an oversight. Two stingers flew to the blind spot of the close-in defense gun and hit the lower half of Paris' outer armor.

However, there is smoke but no damage. The Stinger is not an armor-piercing projectile that specializes in armor. The damage caused to Paris is much the same as that of the Blazing Cannon.

But as Arthur guessed, what Chu Xin did was indeed to consume Paris's ammunition reserves, and then force Paris to have to fight with him in a narrow environment.


The sandstorm gradually subsided.

Chu Xin stopped entangled, leaving Paris with a silhouette that swept into the mountain stream and stone forest.

Seeing this scene, Annie picked up her glass of wine contentedly and said, "They were so focused on escaping that they really had no choice. Facing a super city, they are somewhat self-aware."

Almost all the middle and upper classes in super cities enjoy the process of hunting. They can complete a hearty fight from the perspective of a hunter and satisfy their inner desire for brutal conquest.


Through the "eyes" behind him, Chu Xin discovered that Paris City was indeed chasing in with great confidence.

He was driving quickly through the precipitous mountain stream filled with piles of rocks, dodging thick stone pillars hundreds of meters high. His movements were as agile as a snake's, but he deliberately kept a distance so that he could not get rid of Paris.

If he really wanted to escape, he would have disappeared long ago.

As a result, the two cities chased each other so passionately, making the originally silent stone forest very lively. Looking from a distance, you can see the falling rocks rolling without stopping, and the towering stone pillars are falling every second. It may collapse, only to see dust rising like heavy fog in the sky.

Bang bang bang!

Paris also took the initiative to launch a long-range offensive.

Three cannons fired three precious shells from the front. This was one of the few powerful firepowers in Paris. After all, a super city could crush small and medium-sized towns just by its size, and it was impossible to open fire.

It can be seen that Anne and Benjamin have spent a lot of money to win Chu Xin.

The blazing cannon located behind Chu Xin's butt responded quickly. The effective range of three thousand meters can ensure that the target is dealt with at an extremely far distance. Although the rate of fire and other aspects are not as good as the close-in defense cannon, the three cannon shells are not a problem. After a round of swinging fire, it exploded at high altitude.

Perhaps it was the commotion of the two cities that caused large-scale landslides on the surrounding mountain walls.


The mudless stone flow poured down, and the overwhelming dust was comparable to the sandstorm just now, making the already narrow road even more dangerous. If you are not careful, you may hit the wall or fall down the hillside.

Suddenly, Paris brakes suddenly at an intersection.

"Where did it go?" Annie frowned slightly.

"Stay strong, don't let those despicable guys go!" Benjamin said sternly.

"The reconnaissance plane is taking off!" Annie said.

"If a reconnaissance plane is released at this time, the probability of crashing is extremely high." Someone reminded.

"Don't let me say it a second time." Anne said forcefully.

Soon, two helicopter-like steam aircraft took off, but the thick smoke and dust caused the two pilots to lose their vision and could only keep raising the altitude.



The first sound was a huge falling rock hitting the reconnaissance plane.

The second sound, Benjamin heard something strange, like an explosion.

"No, it didn't escape!" he shouted excitedly.


The next second, Chu Xin tore through the dust, collided shoulder to shoulder with Paris, and then passed by.


A tooth-piercing, sharp sound suddenly sounded, and immediately after, a red warning light flashed in the Paris control room.

"The left concha is damaged and is being detected. The left concha is damaged...a three-dimensional view has been presented."

Anne and others were shocked when they saw a shockingly large hole on the 3D map of Paris, which was three hundred meters long, and the terrifying depth of nearly two hundred meters had cut off many pipeline facilities.

"What the hell happened!" Annie screamed at the top of her lungs. She turned to Benjamin angrily, "Find it out for me!"

"Start! Stopping will give it an opportunity to sneak attack!" Benjamin yelled with a slightly trembling voice.


Paris sped forward again, as if it were alive and intelligent, its engine erupting with a furious roar, venting its traumatized rage.

"Go there and take the high ground," Benjamin said.

Soon, Paris drove to the top of a relatively gentle mountain, and suddenly had a clear view point.

"Enemy missile detected on radar."

"Close-in defense artillery interception!"

Nearly ten Stinger missiles flew out one after another, flying towards the close-in defense gun moths.

Chu Xin will not do anything meaningless, and the stinger will only attack in the east and west.

He stopped motionless at the foot of the hill, mostly hidden behind a few stone pillars, with only Katyusha's gun barrel sticking out.


Twenty rocket launchers were fired.

Fighting low and high may seem like a disadvantage, but in fact the target is clear. The key close-in defense gun is delayed by the Stinger missile, and the angle is limited, making it impossible to turn the gun head in time.


The rockets hit the tracks and tires on one side of Paris, causing the entire Paris to tilt to one side and causing a huge earthquake. The residents in the city were so frightened that their thoughts stopped, especially the arrogant gentlemen, who were all frightened. Must be like a grandson.

In the chaos, Benjamin, whose mind was buzzing, saw the red malfunction text on the big screen. He suddenly realized it and felt cold at the same time.

The thick track on the left side was directly interrupted, the two main tires and five secondary tires were smashed, and the three axles were broken or misaligned. The precision gears of the chassis were even jammed.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Annie got up from the floor with her hair disheveled. She had been in a state of anger and confusion since before.

Arthur's judgment was correct. This woman did know some tricks to win over people's hearts, and her methods were ruthless. But once faced with a big-scale war, her little thoughts were worthless, and would instead accelerate her own self-destruction.

"Don't panic, don't panic, disable the track mode, you can still drive on the tires," Benjamin finally woke up, and the general's thinking in his bones finally came online, "We have fallen into a trap, and those bastards in Phoenix City never planned to escape from the beginning to the end. , we wanted to devour them, but they actually had the same plan, I underestimated it.”

"What?" Annie laughed angrily on the spot, "A group of guys with unknown origins actually dare to take advantage of us? They have taken the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage!"

"Don't underestimate it. Phoenix City is indeed different from ordinary mobile cities. We must leave this area as soon as possible and cannot be led by them." Benjamin took a deep breath to calm down.

Anne curled her lips secretly, but said nothing. She also knew that she knew nothing about leading troops in war.


Paris gave up chasing Chu Xin and instead tried to get out of trouble along the way they came.

However, Chu Xin spent a lot of time to invite you to the urn, how could he just leave?

He had already destroyed the path he had taken. Not only was it difficult to walk, but he was not sure whether he would be able to find the exit.

In the next ten minutes, Paris was wandering around like a maze, and from time to time he was cut out by Chu Xinhua who was making surprise attacks.

The phoenix feather blades on both sides have been unfolded. Every time they pass by, sparks and lightning will burst out, tearing the fashionable and romantic Paris to pieces.

And Chu Xin was not cheating. After the continuous confrontation, he also had a lot of damage on his body, but none of it hurt the internal core. The most serious thing was just a big gap caused by the cannon.

Suddenly, a DJI drone flashed across the big screen in the central control room in Paris.

Hovering high in the sky, overlooking the whole situation from a high position.

"Ever since we entered here, they have been monitoring us from high altitude?!" Benjamin suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and the fear of being trapped in a quagmire gradually filled his heart.

"Hiss..." The others all felt trembling with fear, as if they had unknowingly run into the devil's trap.

Anne remained silent. She, who always prided herself on being aloof, calm and elegant, admitted that she felt a little inexplicably panicked at this moment.

Arthur at the door shook his head, like a teacher giving up on an ungrateful student.

"Arrogance is chronic suicide." He murmured, turned around and left, walking quickly to the lower city through the chaotic uptown shrouded in panic.

Here, although the residents are also very uneasy, the whole atmosphere is filled with a feeling of blood boiling and death.

Victor had been waiting for a long time. He stared at Arthur with twinkling eyes, "Revolution, let's start!" (End of this chapter)

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