Chu Xin had seen the movie and naturally knew Guan. He was a bald middle-aged Asian man wearing a dark red trumpet costume. When he spoke, he showed an indifference that could see through the essence of everything in the world.

And Shanguo is very special. It is not just a maverick fixed city, but also a country where multi-racial and multi-ethnic people coexist peacefully.

In the movie, the architectural styles of Shanguo are rich and diverse, including Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern, Tibetan and other strong cultural characteristics. Its residents range from yellow to white, brown and black. The whole world is about living in harmony and friendship in the global village as described in elementary school textbooks.

The Shan Kingdom and the Anti-Traction Alliance have always been a thorn in the Super City's side. They are both coveted and jealous of the Shan Kingdom's abundant supplies and manpower, but they are afraid of the Shan Kingdom's towering city walls and the row of terrifying cannons on the city walls.

Many people tried to swallow the big piece of meat in Shanguo, but they were all turned into ruins under the bombardment of artillery fire.

Some people say that the nameless land in front of Shanguo is far more worthy of its name than Burial Bone Ridge.

"The mountain country may not be our enemy," Achim said, "but even so, several other super cities together are no less than a few mountains weighing on our shoulders."

"I believe in the city lord and the Phoenix City." Vincent suddenly said with certainty.

Achim nodded and smiled, "Indeed, the city lord brought us too much surprise and shock. His words about unifying the continent made my old bones boil with excitement."

"We will do our best to assist the city lord in this matter. If you have any requests, please feel free to ask." Simon said seriously to Chu Xin.

"Well, send me more detailed information on Europe's current situation later." After Chu Xin finished speaking, he turned off the projection.

Everyone looked at each other, then got up and went about their business.

Not to mention that there is still a large amount of transported materials that need to be sorted out. Even what Chu Xin just said will take some time and energy to go through and sort through.

"Hey, what does our city lord look like?"

"A burly body of muscles and a scarred bald head?"

"What kind of heavy taste do you have~"

"handsome or not?"

"Isn't it a head of blond hair like the sun and eyes like sapphires!"

As soon as Dr. Wu went out, he was intercepted by several of his best friends, who all asked curiously.

Dr. Wu, who had become excited since seeing Chu Xin just now, finally smiled, "No, he is Asian like me, and we seem to have the same ethnic origin~ Unfortunately, I just don't know his name. "

"Do you have black hair and black eyes? Does that make you handsome?" a pretty eighteen-year-old girl asked without forgetting her original intention.

Dr. Wu deliberately remained silent, but hinted at them with "you know" eyes, which made the girls and women stamp their feet in anxiety.

"Stop being so pretentious!" Dr. Wu's best friend who was her bedmate patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay," Doctor Wu said as he walked, "When I think about the men I have met in my life, no one can compare with the appearance of the city lord. Maybe there will always be someone better in this world, but If you add the otherworldly temperament of the city lord, then he is unique."

She lowered her voice and joked: "To be honest, I was almost tempted~"


The good sisters immediately made a joking sound, and they all became extremely curious about Chu Xin, wanting to take a peek at his face.

A few peaceful days passed.

Everyone in the Guigu Society gradually became familiar with their new life in Phoenix City, and many people even lamented, "What a hard life I lived before."

The clean and tidy environment, rich and diverse entertainment, safe and comfortable sleep, delicious and healthy food and other aspects have brought them an unprecedented excellent experience. This is by no means comparable to the wooden beds and brown bread of Guigu Club in the past.

As the saying goes, remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet, they have not forgotten the pain of the past, nor are they addicted to the comfort of the present. They still carry out their own work and maintain a healthy life.

"It turns out that Europe in ancient times was so miserable, and those nobles were too careless~"

Achim, who was holding several European history books in his arms, passed by the public recreation room. Hearing the intense sounds one after another, he glanced inside.

It's not a heart-stirring scene of love between a man and a woman, but seven or eight men gathered in front of the TV and frantically rubbing the handle.

At a glance, the battles vary.

The yellow-haired boy sneaks around the pig, the stick-playing monkey is hacked to death by the tiger again and again in the blood pool, the two puppet villains cooperate to fight back the bee swarm, the garlic toad VS the yellow-skinned mouse...

Achim glanced at his watch, "You've been sitting here since six o'clock in the morning. It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon. Why don't you get down to business?"

John raised his head and replied seriously: "The city lord said that these games come from thousands of years ago. Each one is a popular masterpiece and is the ninth art that covers many fields. Therefore, when we play ancient games, we are also learning about history." Research and verification!”

Vincent on the side also echoed: "He is right. I tried to figure out the psychology of the ancients from their games at that time, and combined it with historical facts to determine its authenticity, and..."

"Stop, stop! You won't stop talking once you start talking." Achim waved his hand, interrupting Vincent's speech.

Then, he stood behind and watched for a while. When Vincent fell into the pool of blood again, he put down the book in his arms and smoothly knelt down and passed the handle from Vincent's hand, "It looks like It’s a bit difficult, so let me also study the contradictory psychological process of the ancients.”

As the night progressed, Achim, with tired features and an excited look, stretched out. When he tilted his head, he saw Simon in a wheelchair, swinging the controller wildly and playing Mario Party with John and other teenagers.

"Elder you?" Achim said in shock.

"The wisdom of the ancients is really unfathomable. I admire their understanding and application of happiness. They truly made the whole family happy and enjoyed it by all ages." Simon said seriously, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

Achim was stunned and thought for a moment, "I think so too."

At the same time, in the Phoenix main hall, Chu Xin watched the public entertainment room through the surveillance camera, becoming more and more determined to launch the "game anti-addiction" system.

Northern part of the Paris Basin.

Paris, one of the great cities, stands on a flat plain.

The lower part is almost completely closed, with few windows, like a prison.

The upper part is magnificent, showing the style of a romantic city. Various open-air squares stand out, and buildings with great design sense emerge in endlessly. You can see the famous Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and Palace of Versailles. , the Opera House, and the Arc de Triomphe are all imitations of later generations, and the originals were wiped out in the quantum weapons war.

In the open-air garden, the upper-class dignitaries were dressed exactly like the ancient gentlemen. They carried goblets and led beautiful women through the crowd. Their conversations were filled with oil paintings, music, dance, sculptures, etc., which were full of artistic atmosphere. The content seems to be a beautiful utopian world.

However, under their feet, countless middle- and lower-class residents are busy working day and night to ensure that this super city can operate normally and is not invaded by foreign enemies.

They knew it, but they just kept silent, for fear that the coal and steam would dirty their mouths.

Under the Eiffel Tower, on the front of the city of Paris, is the indoor room with the best view - the mayor's office.

At this time, the female mayor Anne was listening to the secretary's report.

"According to the report of the reconnaissance pilot... Iroh, as well as the rumors about the southern valley, um~ well, it can now be confirmed that the city that killed the chief executive, Mr. Morgan, and caused the death of the entire Hound Team was the same city, named... Phoenix City ." After the young female secretary finished speaking intermittently, she pursed her lips and clamped her legs, as if she was suffering.

"The Hound Team can't die in vain, and Morgan can't do it either." Anne raised her legs. Even though she was nearly fifty years old, she was still very charming, and her red jumpsuit and hip-hugging skirt made her extremely hot.

"Do we want revenge?" the female secretary asked.

"Dear, no," Anne put a finger on the female secretary's plump lips and said with a smile, "Revenge is not an elegant word. Everything we do is for the Renaissance."

As soon as she finished speaking, she took the female secretary into her arms and leaned close to her.

The guard at the door closed the door sensibly and swallowed subconsciously.

This position is really torturous. (End of chapter)

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