All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 30 Fierce battle under the sea (please follow up)

The sky gradually became brighter, and under the gray sky was the endless sea water. There was no land in sight in all directions. For a moment, it was like floating on an alien star.


The four mechas were submerged in the sea water and sank to the seabed with crisscrossed ravines.

This is the 60 million-year-old Mariana Trench, located in the northeastern waters of the Philippines.

As we dive deeper and deeper, endless darkness and silence swarm in.

Chu Xin turned on the lights, and the surrounding area immediately became bright, like daylight.

Rugged stone peaks stand all around, ranging from tens of meters in size to hundreds of meters in size. Their ferocious and twisted appearance sets off the depressing environment. It feels like you have arrived at the palace where the evil god Cthulhu sleeps. Floating in the sea water makes people feel uncomfortable. An uneasy atmosphere.

"Keep going, the entrance of the cave is five hundred meters away." Chu Xin said.

Only two signal sources have been detected so far, which means that Ultralisk and Abomination are still waiting for their teammates in the wormhole, which is the first level five monster.

Soon, they came to a huge collapsed pit.

It stands to reason that there should be a lot of fish in the sea, but when you look at it, it is completely empty, and it is very easy to accidentally spot a frightened marine creature.

Perhaps they sensed the danger and had already fled or hid in the crevices of the rocks.


There is a second floor with a drop of tens of meters below. After looking around, the four mechas jumped down in turn vigilantly.

Due to the long-term impact of energy, the terrain below has become more complex and changeable. Interlaced dark cracks are densely spread under the feet. Circular magma mouths more than ten or twenty meters wide can be seen everywhere, and hot air flows continue to spurt out.

In the center of the pit, there is a cave on the ground, which is emitting a dazzling golden light. This is the unknown energy released by the so-called "Two Worlds Teleportation Array".

"They should be hidden in the rocks, and the radar system cannot detect them." Heike said solemnly.

"The monster is getting smarter," Asako Mori murmured.

"Keep the formation and pay attention to changes in the water flow." Chu Xin reminded everyone.

The four mechas quickly adjusted their positions, from being lined up in a row to facing back to back, allowing them to respond to sneak attacks from all directions in a timely manner.


"The third energy, level five wave, codenamed Poison Woman, was detected."

"It's right in front of you!"

There was no need for the command to say anything more, because an extremely huge figure had already crawled out of the golden wormhole, looking down at Chu Xin and the others.

This is a monster that is 70% similar to the tailed rat.

But if the tailed rat is in the growth stage, then the poisonous woman in front of him is the complete body!

With a slender body and strong limbs, muscles are set on the surface of the body like rocks, and sharp protrusions grow on the back.

The upper lip is an inverted obtuse triangle, like a moon-arc boomerang, with two pairs of small, glowing eyes on the left and right sides.

Its mouth and skin are flashing with a faint blue fluorescence. The previous leatherback turtles and tailed mice all had this kind of special effect glare, either green or blue. Of course, these are not fancy decorations, but real poisons. !

The Pioneers relied on this poisonous blood to pollute the earth and kill humans on a large scale.

The Poison Woman's toxicity is the most powerful among all monsters currently.

In addition, every aspect of it will make drivers jaw-dropping.

The body length is 181 meters and the weight is 6750 tons!

Even the 85-meter large bucket Cherno Alpha looks like a thin dog standing in front of it, and its weight is only 2.6 times that of the poisonous woman.


The poisonous woman stared fiercely at the four lumps of iron. Five slender whip-like tails stretched out, and then began to stir under her body, twisting at high speed in a spiral shape.

"Get ready to fight!" Raleigh shouted.


The next second, the five tails twisted in a circle flew out at high speed.

Like a turbine, the tail gun crashed straight into Chu Xin, who was facing him, and the sea water it touched was instantly turned into a horizontal waterspout by high speed.

This blow was enough to penetrate the breastplate of the Eureka Raider and disable the proud anti-monster missile device.

In the flash of lightning, Chu Xin, who had been on guard for a long time, bent his legs and lowered his body. While lying down, he opened and closed his back compartment and launched two anti-monster missiles.


The missiles moved to the left and right, just passing by the tail gun in the middle.

And the tail cannon attached to Chu Xin's back also hit without any suspense... the air and sea water, as well as a large number of invisible microorganisms!

Bang bang!

The anti-monster missile hit the poisonous woman's shoulder and lower abdomen, tearing part of the flesh and splattering blood, causing some non-fatal wounds.

The huge dull sound was mixed with Alexis's roar: "Monster attacks!!!"


I saw a dark shadow suddenly rushing out from the high mountains behind.

So cunning, he actually chose to take action during such a noisy time.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow collided with Cherno Alpha who was hastily blocking.

Level 4 monster, hateful.

He is 134 meters tall and weighs 3230 tons.

It walks on two legs and has a long tail. In addition to its normal arms, it also has a pair of smaller arms under its armpits.

The head looks like a big bull, with two terrifying blades and horns as its sharp weapons.

No, in just one encounter, two holes were poked out of Cherno Alpha's forehead.

"The nuclear reactor is flooded!" Sasha said hurriedly.

"The energy continues to leak. I'm afraid Alpha won't be able to fight for long, thirty minutes at most." Alexis said distressedly.

As a Russian-style first-generation machine with simple functions and hard-core style, its entire brain is filled with reserve energy for fighting. This is normal, right~

"You should be lucky that the one who was hit was not the one in the middle." Heike said.

The couple were also frightened for a while. If they went further down, the cockpit where they were sitting would disappear.

It was also thanks to the fact that they were both experienced veterans that their arms acted as buffers when the abomination approached, giving them an extra gap, which prevented the nuclear reactor from being completely smashed through.

"Where did it go?" Asako Mori asked nervously.

A wave of hatred disappeared into the darkness again, not knowing where the next attack would appear.

"To protect the Raiders and Storm Red, we need them to launch nuclear bombs." Raleigh emphasized the key point.


In front, the poisonous woman who had been shot twice roared angrily, and the huge body of the tiger came down the mountain and pounced on Chu Xin.

Its cry is not only cathartic, but also means giving instructions.

Suddenly, the trench continued to echo with terrifying roars, as if thousands of ghosts were about to rush out of the hell.


Hate sneaked in and tried to score twice against Cherno Alpha.

But the Wanderer released his arm chain sword and used a violent stab based on his muscle reaction. He actually hit the abomination coming at high speed and cut off one of its small arms.


The pain-stricken Abomination simply swung its claws on the Wanderer, and the two started a close fight. It pressed the Wanderer on the sea bed and exploded wildly.

"Fire!" Rowley yelled.

In cooperation with Asako Mori, the plasma cannon in the Ranger's right hand hit Abomination's abdomen, but after one shot, Abomination's little arm held it down.

The attacker on the opposite side raised his right hand, retracted the hydraulic lever, and aimed the unsheathed double-edged ejection knife at the back of the abomination's head.

"One must be killed as soon as possible, we need the key!" Chuck shouted anxiously.


Just when it was about to be stabbed, the monster codenamed Thunder Beast was approaching quickly like a torpedo. Its head split from the tip of its mouth into three "piranha petals". In addition to the sharp teeth, there was also a tooth that was twice the size. Real head.

Alpha, who also wanted to support the Rangers, had no choice but to protect the more important raider. He turned around and punched out, hitting the Thunder Beast's open mouth.

The thunder beast was pushed back dozens of meters, then took a detour and accelerated its charge again. This time the target was Chu Xin, who was struggling with the poisonous woman!

"Don't even think about getting close to him!"

Alexis was furious, and she and Sasha broke into a fierce fighting spirit.

The spirit is commendable, but Alpha is too clumsy to catch the Ultralisk, which is known for its speed.


The thunder beast, which was 109 meters long and weighed 3,475 tons, opened its three-petal mouth and aimed at the back of Chu Xin's head.

It is enough to show how obsessed the pioneer clan's monster scientists are with Chu Xin's head.

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