"Where did you come from? I have never heard of you in this land." Hunter cursed.

"We are all just living together, so why not sit down and have a good talk? If we can make money together, there is no need to fight and kill each other~" Jabari said with a hidden smile.

Nowadays, Chu Xin's actions can be said to be sitting on the head of the South. Instead of talking about making money through harmony, it is better to say that nuclear energy produces talents. Baofengchihong killed a lot of long-term partners with one shot, and spent too much money. His old lover, how could a smiling tiger like Jabari, who was determined to retaliate, give up.

The few of them who are delaying at this moment are just trying to buy time to relax and make emergency repairs and replenish fuel and ammunition for their respective cities.

At this time, Chu Xin's superiority was fully demonstrated.

He does not need a second party to achieve his goal. The high degree of automation in his body only requires his will to control it, and ammunition filling and energy conversion can be carried out with almost zero delay.

Moreover, during the battle, he did not forget to devour some small towns and vehicles, which greatly improved his long-term combat capability. Therefore, the number of missiles and bullets he had poured out so far made Miller and others feel chills down their spines. They always felt that they were facing The right thing is not a simple mobile city, but an abyssal beast covered with a steel veil.


Angel City took the lead in launching the second round of offensive, and Miller did not hesitate to activate the Angel Cannon that had not been used for many years.

This is a cannon-like cannon located at the forehead of the city. The slender barrel glows with a cold light. As it shrinks back and forth, a huge cannonball shoots out.

In fact, Miller once belonged to the super city of Stadt and served as an artillery colonel in its army. Later, because he offended his immediate boss, he defected with a group of cronies and established the current number one warlord Gabriel Holy. Military state.

This cannon was secretly taken away from the city of Stadt, which is famous for its howitzers and is so powerful in Europe that even large cities such as London are extremely afraid of it.


Facing the super-doubled version of the howitzer, Chu Xin was unaware but had already taken precautions. After all, Gabriel's Holy Military State had the ability to overwhelm the other two warlords, so it must have something to rely on, and its trump card was essential.

The shell was extremely fast, and Chu Xin pulled it sideways. Unexpectedly, the Six-Pointed Holy City also launched a large-scale attack, releasing six six-pointed star hunting chains, blocking Chu Xin's movement trajectory in advance.

Not only that, the Woodpecker tank was not to be outdone and rushed over. All the guns were turned in unison, aiming at Chu Xin's cannon and concentrating fire attacks, as if they wanted to kill the operator hiding inside.

Compared to the three of them, Asmodeus was a little embarrassed because he lacked obvious long-range weapons. However, as a businessman, Jabari had the intuition and judgment of a soldier. He immediately drove Asmodeus to Chu Xin's rear, which was able to Cutting off the escape route would open Chu Xin's eyes.


Although the shell did not hit Chu Xin head-on, it still passed by and removed several insect limbs on the right side along with a large number of bricks and tiles, creating a ravine from front to back, and finally exploded in Chu Xin's lower back. Suddenly, pieces of red-hot glazed tiles were seen splashing everywhere.


Three of the six-pointed chains flew into the air, one was blocked by the temporarily shot eagle claws, one was hit by a machine gun bullet and deflected, but only one successfully penetrated Chu Xin's body.

Unexpectedly, after the saw teeth of the hexagram were bitten, it actually triggered the rotating mechanism, and then like a gopher digging a hole, it frantically dug deeper.

As for the attack of the Woodpecker Chariot, it seemed insignificant. There were many barrages, but the power was too scattered. At most, it wiped a layer of putty off Chu Xin's face.


Seeing that Chu Xin was finally deflated, Jabari adhered to the traditional virtue of "killing you while you are sick" and immediately launched an impatient charge towards Chu Xin's butt.

Swish, swish, swish!

This kind of scene was common for Chu Xin, and it only took him less than a second to think of a way to break the situation.

All the eagle claws and nail lotus shot at the six-rayed holy city that was linked to them at a negative distance at the same time, and they all hit without exception.

This wave was beyond Anders' expectations. Just when he didn't understand why, Chu Xin's hunting chain began to shrink rapidly, using the Six-pointed Holy City as a weight, he realized a vigorous two-way rush.

"What do they want to do! A bunch of lunatics! Get rid of those chains for me quickly!" Anders suddenly became red-eyed and panicked when he saw that the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

"Hahaha, Anders, you coward, are you scared?" Hunter, who was sharing the communication, taunted, "Let's hit him!"

"Fuck you, uncle! Extend the sawtooth! Give me full power!" Anders yelled through gritted teeth.


The chain connecting the two cities was violently pulled, tensing and trembling shockingly. The internal contraction device was filled with sparks, and the temperature was almost overloaded.

The dense gravel was rolled up and splashed by the tracks, turning into bullets from nature. As soon as the wave came down, many people who were eating melons were shot to death with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Jabari's momentum at the rear continued unabated, further increasing Asmod's speed.


Chu Xin and Liumang Holy City were already face to face, and the door plaque of the Phoenix Capital Palace appeared clearly in Anders' eyes.

At this critical moment when the city was destroyed and people were killed, Chu Xin was prepared and stuck the left insect limb in the gap of the mountain wall, forcibly exchanged with the Liumang Holy City, and used this inertia to destroy the Liumang Holy City. Throw it out.

At this moment, Anders realized it, and so did Jabari.

Sausage guys who already have a place in the underground say you're all too green.

"Jabari, stop!" Anders looked at Asmode who was getting closer and closer, his voice trembling.

"Sorry brother, I really can't do anything." Jabari smiled bitterly, feeling helpless from the bottom of his heart.

A few seconds later, as Miller and Hunter looked on dumbfounded, Six-Gang Holy City was hit in the front and abdomen by Asmodeus's bullet. A terrible dent suddenly appeared, and the hard armor steel plate went from bending to cracking. It only took a few seconds.

The first thing to suffer was the central control room directly above. The floor that was pulled and pulled instantly twisted and collapsed. All the backbones of the Hexagram Army, including Anders, fell to the ground, and almost ten of them died tragically without any injuries.

If Asmodeus hadn't applied the emergency brake, the entire Six-Gang Holy City would probably have been pierced in half, but even so, it was truly destroyed and could no longer be started.

Appeared and scored twice!

Chu Xin's loyal teammate Asmod took another kill!

This series of operations was extremely precise, with no mistakes in details such as forward trajectory and misalignment timing, so much so that Miller and the others mistakenly thought it was a coincidence.

"Fuck~~" He hit his teammates twice in a row, and even Jabari, who had excellent psychological quality, couldn't help but feel depressed.

As for Hunter and others, they also have something to say but don’t know what to say, mainly because this fact is too painful.

"Jabari, you old fox, are you teaming up with that city to get us?!" Hunter yelled.

"What am I trying to do!" Jabari said angrily, not bothering to remain hypocritically polite.

Next, the scene seemed to have reached a deadlock again.

Hunter has already started to back off. After all, if he leaves now, he won't suffer any loss.

Miller and Jabari wanted to continue. They were both curious and greedy about the secret of Chu Xin's transformation. The latter had to find his place, otherwise who else on the continent would be friends with the South in the future?


When the enemy hesitates, it is when Chu Xin changes the situation of the battle.

Several Stinger missiles were fired directly at the cannons that had not yet been recovered in the Angel City. A sudden bombing attack directly caused some of their devices to be scrapped, making them unusable.

Bang bang bang!

The blazing cannon focused on the tracks of the Woodpecker chariot. Hearing the system's continuous failure alarms, Hunter became angry and changed his mind. Without saying a word, he ordered his men to rush towards the exit of the valley.

When the other small forces took a look, they were completely dumbfounded and panicked. They really didn't expect that one of the three major warlords would ascend to heaven and the other would give in.

The most funny and ironic thing is that Hunter had been yelling at Anders before.

But Chu Xin would not just watch the duck flying away, and immediately chased after it. A spike of nail lotus penetrated the rear of the Woodpecker chariot, and relied on its superior weight to force it to a stop.

"Miller, you block it, I'll use Asmod to knock it through." Jabari shouted.

"Well," Miller added, "you gotta aim."

Having learned from the past, he didn't want to follow in the same footsteps.

The City of Angels quickly drove to the right side of Chu Xin. Asmodeus on the left side had already been withdrawn from the body of the Six-Gang Holy City that was still warm, and was attacking Chu Xin non-stop.

"You two beasts, are you using me as bait?" Hunter suddenly felt sweaty when he saw the battle.

"A deserter must have the consciousness of a deserter." Miller said quietly.

"I want 40%!" Hunter yelled.

After saying that, he changed his mind and actually retreated instead of advancing. He took the initiative to reverse the car and tried to stop Chu Xin.

It's a pity that he forgot about it. The Woodpecker Chariot is very short, so short that Chu Xin can easily ride on it.

Therefore, when Chu Xin's tracks hit the back of the Woodpecker Chariot, Hunter wished he could turn back time. He would never retreat. No, he wouldn't even come to this auction!

But it's too late to say anything now.

Boom~bang bang~pa~puff~

With a series of explosions, Chu Xin fully drove onto the Woodpecker chariot, and pressed it so hard that parts continued to explode. The integrated back armor was crazily dented, and its height sank by one-third.

At this time, Asmodeus came.

Knowing that it would affect or even destroy the Woodpecker Armed Forces, Jabari still moved forward at full speed without hesitation. No matter who it hit, as long as it could knock Chu Xin to the ground, it was victory!


The glistening bullet hit the side of the Woodpecker chariot as expected, still some distance from the bottom of Chu Xin's tracks.

"I knew it~" Hunter spat before dying.

Appeared and scored three times!


Asmodeus continued to exert force and pierced the Woodpecker chariot. The internal fuel furnace exploded, and Hunter was not even left alive.

With his unremitting efforts to beat his teammates, Chu Xin was pushed to his side and was about to fall down. The Angel City on the other side became Chu Xin's strong support in time.

Miller reacted and wanted to retreat, but what Chu Xin was waiting for was his support. He turned his right wheel violently, ignored the complicated "road surface" and quickly escaped, escaping safely from their joint encirclement several times.

Without Chu Xin's weight to suppress it, the Woodpecker chariot was penetrated directly by Asmodeus. Fortunately, Jabari braked in time, so that it did not affect the City of Angels.

"There is only one sapling left among the three major warlords. Jabari, you are indispensable~" Chu Xin gave a rare congratulation.

"..." Jabari, who knew he was in the wrong, did not say anything. In fact, he did not expect Asmode's bullets to be so powerful. One of the four major demon cities hundreds of years ago really lived up to its reputation. He was glad that this city did not give others.

"What's the name of your city?" Miller suddenly asked.

"Phoenix City." Chu Xin introduced himself.

"Phoenix? Is it some kind of creature?" Miller said. "Phoenix City's control system and movement principles are extremely advanced. Even Stadt City is far behind. Who are you, where do you come from, and what is your purpose? ?”

"Purpose? There should indeed be one," Chu Xin thought for a moment, "Why not unify the continent!"

"It's not a small talk, it's a big ambition. It doesn't matter if you defeat us. The overlords of the European continent are always the four super cities. In front of them, you are just tempting food." Miller scolded with a bit of self-mockery.

He raised his head and looked at the night sky, "After fighting for so long, your fuel should be almost exhausted. It is not a rational thing to exhaust it in this dangerous wasteland. Let's stop the war. I still have my fuel." I have something to do, and I don’t want to fight with you to a bloody end.”

He was telling the truth. Miller had already obtained the air coordinates of the airport, but he wanted to avenge his brother more.

"Brother Miller, you seem to have forgotten what the Lord of Phoenix Capital just said," Jabari interrupted, "Unify the continent! Aren't we the cornerstone of his fame in one battle!"

In response to his reminder, Chu Xin launched long-range strikes against the two cities without hesitation.

In the dense barrage, the wind-breaking crossbow bolt that had instantly killed the Holy Father took the lead and sank into the control room of the Angel City. It blocked the astonished Miller in the waist and exploded, then continued to penetrate the copper walls and iron walls, but in the end it failed. It can connect the front and rear. After all, the size and mass of the Angel City are better than the Holy Father.

The trump card is a powerful weapon, even if it requires a surprise move!


Asmodeus took the opportunity to attack, and after all the hardships, he finally hit Chu Xin from the front.

The hard and hot bullet head is like a pillar of heaven, carrying countless soul rings and coming hard.

Chu Xin has nowhere to hide, so welcome him calmly.

Therefore, he fully opened the Taotie Gate, took Asmodeus's bullet in his mouth beautifully, and then closed it tightly, biting it tightly.

"What the hell is this operation? Are you that bitch Bai Xue? You can do this kind of dirty work!" Jabari was furious and would not give in at all.

Neither side showed weakness. The harder Chu Xin bit him, the harder Asmodeus hit him. The Taotie Gate trembled and trembled crazily, and the bullet head twitched like crazy.

Keng ~ Keng ~

A crisp sound was heard, and dense cracks appeared on the roots of Taotiemen's upper and lower teeth.

However, before Jabari could be overjoyed, a red page flashed on the control screen - Asmod's Head is damaged, please stop using it!

He immediately called up the 3D structure diagram and was horrified to find that there were two tearing holes in the area where the bullet was bitten.

When he thought that such a brave city would be scrapped, Jabari felt heartbroken and said, "Retreat immediately!"

"Boss, you can't retreat. It's completely stuck. Once you retreat, it will break faster." The chief mechanical engineer of the south replied.

When Jabari was in a dilemma, Chu Xin solved the problem for him.


The big steel treasure that Asmodeus was proud of was completely bitten off by the Taotie Gate and sent to the crushing furnace to be squeezed into fuel.

"No!!!" Jabari screamed, as if what he had broken was his own bullet. (End of chapter)

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