One hundred million!

Jabari and others all glanced at Miller subconsciously, only to find that he also had a look of astonishment on his face.

So, following the turned heads one by one, they found the real owner of the quotation.

"Hiss~that city~"

Jabari admitted that the moment he saw Chu Xin, his aesthetic level was suddenly raised a lot, and an indescribable magnificence exploded in his mind.

make it their own!

The instinctive gene of a robber drives this idea.

In fact, Jabari was reluctant to part with Asmodeus when he auctioned it off. However, in order to pave the way for a broader future in the south, he needs to further strengthen his position in the hearts of everyone in Europe, such as the steward of Paris who secretly participated. In the past, those super cities looked down upon them. Gabriel's Holy Army, Crazy Horse Town, and the South were just a group of rotten fish and shrimps who entertained themselves, and they were the building blocks that formed the most basic level of society.

Not only Jabari, but everyone discovered that there was actually a strange, boss-like force hiding in the corner.

At the same height of 100 meters as Asmode, it stands out in the entire venue. Only a few large forces with this size have it. Even Sausage Man's car is only 70 or 80 meters tall.

"One hundred million? You really dare to talk nonsense!" Roman Morgan snapped, feeling insulted.

Chu Xin ignored him and reiterated, "Yes, 100 million."

For a moment, the whole place was in a commotion, and Chu Xin, who was the center of attention, was at peace.

Jabari organized his words, "If you are not joking, then I have to take it seriously~ But I am very curious, where did you get 100 million? Our banknotes have all been treated with special anti-counterfeiting treatments."

"Barter, I will make you so satisfied that you have nothing to say." Chu Xin replied flatly.

As we all know: nothing to say = speechless.

"In this case, I will follow the rules of the auction," Jabari said with a smile, "Then Asmod will belong to this gentleman who spends a lot of money. However, if this gentleman cannot bring out a treasure worth 100 million, Ah The rights to Smulders belong to Mr. Morgan."

He paused, staring at the handsome Phoenix City (Chu Xin), and raised the corners of his mouth, "If you want to trade a city for a city, I would very much welcome it!"

Whether it is him or others, they are all captured by the Phoenix City at this moment, especially when the sun sets little by little, and the green bricks and jade tiles are dyed into an intoxicating orange, turning into flowing golden ribbons between the glazed windows. Winding and rolling.

Even Miller, who has always been a pragmatist, was shocked and had romantic thoughts of standing on the top square and looking at the distant mountains at dusk.

After thousands of years, the beauty of Chinese style once again made waves in the West, once again attracting the evil thoughts of all the wolves, tigers and leopards.

"Hey, one hundred million? I want to see how they come up with something worth this amount~" Hunter mocked mercilessly.

"I have never seen this city in Europe, what about you?" Anders asked.

Miller shook his head, "Nothing."

"They look like rich people. I wonder what kind of people are hidden inside~" Mrs. Snow White guessed curiously.

"Strangers! They must be despicable strangers, either from Africa or the East." shouted Sausage Man.

"Although the treasure of the platform has been auctioned, there is still one last important link in our auction. The gentlemen and ladies participating in the auction are also invited to go backstage to conduct transactions later." Jabari said.

He clapped his hands, and then a dozen graceful bunny and cat ladies came onto the stage carrying plates or boxes of different sizes.

"In order to thank some old friends for their in-depth cooperation with the South over the past few years, I will give them small gifts that are not at all disrespectful. These are my personal collection. Although they are not worth a few dollars, they are real and hard to find. Ancient works of art, and most importantly, this is a symbol of our friendship!" Jabari said, "This move is also to encourage further exchanges and cooperation with the south. Only by twisting together can we develop and grow together and make a fortune together!"

He glanced back and shouted: "There is no special arrangement, please bear with me. First of all, I would like to invite Mr. Anders, Lord of the Blood Mang Army, to take the stage!"

One of the bunny girls stepped forward and uncovered the red cloth covering the rectangular plate, revealing a simple but exquisite short knife. The scabbard was inlaid with many blue and green gems, which were unique in terms of patterns and other aspects. You can tell by looking at it that it is a real antique.

"You've been collecting all kinds of swords lately, haven't you? Take a look, do you like it?" Jabari said with a smile to Anders.

Anders raised his eyebrows, picked up and pulled out the short knife, and a cold light jumped out. It had obviously gone through a tedious polishing process.

As the saying goes, it is the details that win people's hearts, and Jabari's human sophistication is already superb.

Anders immediately smiled and said, "Thank you very much. I'll be disrespectful then."

When everyone else took a look, they all began to expect what Jabari would prepare for them.

"Sausage man, why are you scratching your head? It's embarrassing," Jabari said with a smile, "Come up, you will be next."

Ever since, Sausage Man happily received a tailor-made suit and large-leather shoes, and said that the lady who danced with him at the dinner would receive five hundred pure meat sausages. Unexpectedly, this perverted man who had been wearing a butcher's apron for many years would also Have this hobby.

Later, Mrs. Snow received a set of top-notch perfumes produced in Paris, and Miller received a box of cigars from Jabari's private collection. Seven or eight people in a row had gifts that they liked, and smiles bloomed on their faces. Jabari had a great conversation.

"Put me last. Why, Jabari, do you look down on me?" Hunter said unhappily.

"What happened? There is no order of arrangement. Didn't I say it at the beginning? Don't be so stingy." Jabari smiled and patted Hunter on the shoulder. "I know you like to collect various mecha models. Isn't that right?" , do what you want, I won’t let you down!”

As he said that, he kindly put his arm around Hunter's shoulders and walked up with him.

"You mean, that's a model?" Hunter looked at the plate held by the last cat girl. The red cloth stood high, and it looked like it from the outline.

"Of course, I spent a lot of money to get this treasure from a smuggler in London. It has been stored in the London Museum before!" Jabari whispered.

After saying that, he smoothly lifted the red cloth, revealing another touch of red.

This is a humanoid mecha about thirty centimeters tall. The whole body is painted in a rich dark red and the material is alloy. However, the head has a peculiar camera style and has three arms with serrated palms. At first glance, There are some alien shapes, but if you look closely, they are extremely fascinating, and the violent beauty of the mecha is revealed everywhere.

"Tsk! There's something there. This thing must be thousands of years old, and it's actually so well preserved. None of my dozen collections can match it!" Hunter said in surprise, "Does it have a name?"

"There are some ancient characters on the base, but I don't recognize it," Jabari picked it up, "so it's up to you to rename it!"

"Let me think about it," Hunter said, rubbing his chin, "Just call him Red Killer?"

"Red Killer? What a good name, concise and concise, revealing a pure killing spirit!" Jabari said loudly.

Bang bang bang!

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Only Chu Xin's mind was full of dark thoughts at the moment, and he had countless things to say in his heart.

The text on the base of the mecha model is not the name, but the manufacturer printed in Chinese characters - Kaitian Studio!

Chu Xin was quite familiar with this studio. He had purchased their Mashiba photo frame figure before. The quality control and design of this studio were quite good, and it had a good reputation among players.

Perhaps none of Kaitian's designers expected that their products would be perfectly preserved in the London Museum to this day, praised repeatedly by a group of wasteland heroes, and even become priceless antiques and artworks!

"Red killer? Do you have a cultural desert in your mind?" Chu Xin couldn't help but ask.


Suddenly, the whole place was dead silent for a few seconds.

Everyone turned to look at him, their eyes filled with pity and gloating for Chu Xin.

"Cultural Desert? Are you praising me? But your tone seems to be mocking me!" Hunter squinted his eyes, a trace of invisible murderous intent spread, and the warlord leader's momentum exploded instantly.

"It has a name," Chu Xin said calmly, "Its name is Storm Scarlet."

"Storm Crimson? What a nonsense name, I tell you what it is, that's what it is." Hunter threatened.

"You don't understand the value of the name Baofeng Chihong at all~" Chu Xin chuckled.

The auction is over, and it's time for his dinner party.

"Card switching."


Let this group of rural bandits learn a lot today!


Along with the dazzling totem halo, the phoenixes disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, in the reflection of countless demented eyes, a red storm rose from the ground, the majestic murderous intent gathered into a substantial air current and surged out, and the deafening roar of the engine resounded throughout the world.

Chu Xin didn't like to pretend to be bad, because most of the time it would not bring any actual benefits, but would cause a lot of trouble. But in this situation, if he didn't be friendly with them as Baofeng Chihong, If we communicate with each other, we may feel regret when we die.


The rotating blade retracted around, the palm of its hand spread out to reveal the muzzle, and then it aimed at the parking lot where the largest number of mobile cities were gathered.

"Damn it, you said it's called Storm Red, I really believe it~~~" Hunter looked down at the identical mecha model in a daze, his mind seemed to be frozen.


The blazing light condensed, and a continuous and frightening trembling sound was heard.


A beam of blue light poured out.

The plasma cannon in normal mode has a range of five thousand meters. This strike was like the earth falling apart. The cities that were like strong fortresses in everyone's hearts were torn apart on the spot, flying into ashes in all directions, and large areas melted into ashes and dust.

Blue light overflowed, and everything touched, whether it was the flesh, rocks, or metals, were transformed into their most primitive structures by the terrifying heat.

Bang bang bang!

The plasma cannon blasted onto the mountain wall, shooting straight down a smooth slope of nearly five kilometers. Asmodeus, who was parked on it, happened to be on the top of the slope, and was extremely lucky not to be affected. He immediately slid down. The driver inside scrambled to brake suddenly one second before hitting the ground.

Thick smoke billowed, and wailing and screaming could not be heard.


In this chaos, Chu Xin returned to Phoenix City.

A little red shock is enough, but a large wave of experience points cannot be wasted by a max-level character. (End of chapter)

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