
The Exile was like a centipede surrounded by pesticides. It struggled unwillingly for a few times and finally collapsed completely to the ground.


Soon, the sound of the engine stalling was heard from inside.



Chu Xin launched two eagle claws without hesitation. They opened them wide as they flew by. The moment they touched the Exile, they closed them tightly. One clamped tightly on its limbs, and the other was tightly clasped in the gap in the carapace. Hydraulic rod.

Then, the recovery device in Chu Xin's body operated at full strength and quickly dragged him back.

At the same time, the Taotie mouth between the two eagle claws gradually opened, not simply up and down or left and right, but twisted and opened.

The originally dark abdominal cavity also revealed a terrifying scene under the moonlight. After the brief throat (a metal corridor for people to walk), there was a crusher like a bloodthirsty beast!

"Shet! How can such a small city have a devouring configuration? Wait, what is the architectural style of this city?"

The owner of the Exile could see everything clearly through the periscope, which made him tremble with fear.

At this moment, there was no time to think about Chu Xin's painting style. He lifted up the carpet without hesitation, kicked open the spare escape hatch, reluctantly jumped out, rolled into the mud and lay motionless.

At this time, Chu Xin also dragged the Exile to his lips.

Although the Exile is not big, it is somewhat difficult for the current Taotie Sect to swallow it in one gulp.

However, the Taotie Mouth is not a decoration that only opens and closes.

No, as Chu Xin advanced, the tail of the Exile was stuffed into it.

Ceng Ceng Ceng ~

In an instant, the originally contracted spiral teeth suddenly closed together, like a wild animal struggling to gnaw on a hard bone.


In just one move, the Exile was cut into pieces.

This process was repeated, and after a while, all the Exiles became Chu Xin's hard-core food.


The inner corridor closed downwards, and the gear conveyor belt quickly pushed the mutilated Exile into a crusher that could crush everything.

"What are you doing~ They didn't come down to collect the loot? Just threw it into the stove? It's such a waste. It's a pity for my collection of old antiques!"

The man who survived stared at Chu Xin dumbfounded.

For some reason, the strange town in front of him made him shudder, and an indescribable horror lingered, as if it was really a ferocious beast with steel as its flesh and bones, eating blood.

Instinct urged him to stay away quickly, but reason told him that he must not move at this time. If he was not careful, he would be discovered.

Therefore, the man still lay dormant in the mud, planning to wait for Chu Xin to leave first.

During this period, Chu Xin closed the Taotie Gate and returned to his position.

The card text appeared as expected:

“I completed my first hunt as a predator city, and my performance was remarkable, but I quickly integrated the methods I observed and learned into my own, showing my profound and diversified combat experience;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 10%;

Earn rewards:

[Vulture Claw] quantity +1, newly added above the Taotie Gate;

Fuel reserves are replenished to 100%;

The height increases by 3 meters, and the overall volume and weight increase accordingly;

[Insect Limbs] (The left and right sides can release two mechanical limbs in the shape of spider legs, which can prevent rollover and attack at special times). "

Don't look at the height increase of only 3 meters, because this is not only an increase in height, the length and width have also increased in the same proportion, and the internal volume has also been greatly expanded.

Moreover, Chu Xin was not sure about the benefits that swallowing would bring at first, but now he has an idea. He does not need to collect fuel or a specific material, he only needs to swallow!

Of course, it seems that the food, medicine, etc. needed by humans cannot be obtained from it. The specific situation needs to be discovered later.


Chu Xin released the insect limbs.

I saw the lower outer walls on the left and right sides of the Phoenix City spread out. A total of four silver "spider legs" expanded rapidly and then inserted into the ground on both sides. The sharp and hard tips easily pierced the rock.

This is like pitching a tent. It does enhance stability to a certain extent. Especially when the speed is too fast and the terrain is very complex, the effect may be extremely huge.

"What kind of strange structures are those? I have never seen anything of this style. Could it be that it came from the other side of the wall?" The man who was about to turn into a mud monster cursed in a low voice, "His uncle's Fake, Aren’t these bastards going to leave now?”

Ten minutes later, the man watched Chu Xin disappear into the dark night, and he stood up shakily, his body already stiff.

"That kind of architectural style, I seem to have seen it in ancient video tapes. Damn it, how could such an unlucky thing happen to me!"

"It's a pity that several miniature statues of ancient armor would have been auctioned the day before yesterday if I had known!"

When a man thinks of this, his heart bleeds.

And Chu Xin would never have guessed that the antiques that the man cared about were actually a few well-preserved alloy gunpla models from a private studio.

"Damn it, I'd better go back early and inform the boss that it must be taken down."

The man cursed and walked toward the southern camp.

Suddenly, he froze in place.

Because, he clearly saw a gradually lengthening shadow under his feet, which was himself.

"Fake." The man cursed tremblingly and turned his head away tremblingly.

At the corner of the mountains two thousand meters away, Chu Xin's multiple searchlights were focusing on his back.

"It's over, I've been tricked." The man twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking he was unlucky.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as he finished speaking, gunshots rang out and blood mist flew in the wind.

The next day.

In the quiet and peaceful morning, the air is filled with refreshing water vapor blowing from the Atlantic Ocean.

But if you lower your head and take a deep breath, the pungent smell of metal and coal will rush into your nose, and the fishy smell of mud and corpses mixed with it will instantly refresh you.

Chu Xin stopped on the mountainside and looked down at the rolling hills below.

This place is different from the area we walked through yesterday. There are many more tire marks in the vast land. They are of different shades, complex, intertwined, and layered. They disappear in all directions of the southeast, northwest, and there are also scrapped and rusted tires. In the town, the collapsed scrap copper and iron are like huge decaying corpses. Barbaric weeds and vines emerge from the cracks and holes and are spread out indiscriminately, covering up the rust.

In addition to this strong and choking apocalyptic desolate atmosphere, it also means one thing: this place is extremely dangerous!

Chu Xin moved forward without hesitation. The more crisis-ridden he was, the more lucrative the benefits.

He passed by the ruins of a moving castle that was at least a hundred meters high. The huge empty warehouse inside showed that it had once been a predatory city, but now it was full of skeletons hugging each other for warmth, and groups of snake-like plants shuttled between the ribs. Twining around, bright flowers bloom from the eye sockets and mouth.

Under the lush shrubs, the remains of buildings from thousands of years ago can be vaguely seen. Countless reinforced concretes have become part of the earth, burying a civilization that was highly technologically advanced and extremely lacking in ideas.

Bang bang bang~

Suddenly, Chu Xin's tires ran over a large area of ​​slightly sunken grass, making continuous crisp sounds.

As a slayer covered in soul rings, he knew exactly what this familiar voice was.

It is not difficult to guess that there must be layers of extremely thick bones below, otherwise with the weight of Chu Xin, he would have fallen into it on the spot.

No one knows what happened, and no one cares. No matter how glorious and painful it is, it will eventually disappear with the dust.

Chu Xin did not stop and left here following the direction with the most complicated road tracks.

Passing through the river valley and over the hills, the intermittent roar of steam engines echoed among the mountains and rivers, and Chu Xin heard it.

Sure enough, on a slope, a mobile trading town leaned against the mountain wall. It seemed to have malfunctioned. The tires on one side were at an abnormal angle. A dozen men were surrounding it with their hands on their hips.

"Someone is coming!" A little boy about ten years old turned around inadvertently and saw Chu Xin.

In an instant, everyone nervously took out their hot and cold weapons and looked warily at Chu Xin who poked his head out from behind the hill.

The leader of the old man hesitated for a moment, returned to the control room, and shouted through the loudspeaker: "Friends over there, we are Karoka Trading City. One of our axles is missing parts and cannot drive safely. Can you help us! We are grateful and will reward you accordingly!”

Seeing that Chu Xin was indifferent, the old man continued sincerely and helplessly: "This is not a unilateral request for help. If you need anything, we will also help you... This is Burial Bone Ridge, and there are a lot of exiled thugs. If we haven't left by night, If so, it will definitely be a disaster, so please help me, just treat it as a transaction!"

A minute later, the group showed happy expressions because Chu Xin came towards them.

"Trading town? It should be a fat sheep ~ about 20 meters tall. The internal space looks quite large. There is probably a lot of fuel and so on. It should be able to increase a lot if it is consumed." Chu Xin thought to himself while moving forward steadily. .

In this case, then try to be a good Samaritan for once~

When Chu Xin clearly appeared in the field of vision of this group of people, astonishment, confusion and curiosity crawled onto their faces. They started pointing and talking, obviously very surprised by the architectural style of Phoenix City.

"Put down your weapons, we are not thugs...that's weird!" The old man's tone suddenly changed, and his triumphant smile immediately echoed throughout the valley.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of gunfire echoed like thunder.

Bang bang bang!

The pungent smell of gunpowder filled the air, followed closely by the fresh smell of blood. Broken flesh and blood bodies fell to the ground, with three parts hypocrisy, three parts ferocity, and four parts fear remaining on their faces.

In the blink of an eye, everyone standing outside the trading town lay down quietly and fell asleep.

Including the old man in the control room, his entire Tianling Cap was blown away by a 15mm bullet, and the glass in front of him was as fragile as paper.

Chu Xin took the lead and launched a fierce offensive that left no room for survival.

Almost at the same time, the sound of more than a dozen engines came from the surrounding slopes.

"Damn it, did you find a hard nut to crack this time? You actually struck first!"

"Not to mention, I like to chew hard things!"

"Brothers, rush me!"

“All for the Holy Father!”

More than a dozen vehicles with billowing steam rushed down the hillside. They were of different sizes and shapes. There were four-wheeled motorcycles with skulls on them, small mobile fortresses in the style of forklifts, and iron tank chariots that looked like hedgehogs. But the inverted triangle totem in the gold color of the local tycoon was spray-painted uniformly.

As for people, they may be more crazy and abstract than vehicles.

All of them are heavy metal practitioners with bare upper bodies full of scars, bald heads or mohawks, and an electric guitar on their back.

Moreover, their chests were also spray-painted with golden inverted triangles.

Chu Xin noticed that there were also residents of the so-called trading town who were beaten to death by him.

It seems they are in the same group, just wait and see~

It's a pity that it's not the little white rabbit, but the ruthless jackal!

"There is no surrender, only death!"

The mob roared in unison and attacked decisively.

Firearms of varying quality ejected various types of ammunition, and even things similar to RPG grenades flew out.

Faced with such brutal and violent output, Chu Xin's mood showed no fluctuations and his heart felt calm.

Bang bang bang!

He immediately deployed eight heavy machine guns and began a bloody counterattack with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The grenade was intercepted by firepower in the air, and the remaining bullets, which were no different from garbage, caused no real damage to Chu Xin's outer wall. After all, the style was just that of ancient China, and most of the materials used were real metal and concrete.


At this time, the mobile fortress with a shovel carried heavy firepower and crashed straight into Chu Xin.

Chu Xin was not used to it, and immediately launched with all his strength, and they collided brazenly amidst the heart-rending cheers of the thugs.


In the fierce collision, Bao Bao tried to shovel Chu Xin to the ground, but Chu Xin used his insect limbs to support him in time.

Then, he rode up the fortress along the shovel!

It was said to be a fortress, but in fact it was just that the outer armor was relatively hard. In order to increase the speed, the overall frame and weight were very weak, so it only lasted for a few seconds before being crushed by Chu Xin into a discus, with no one inside surviving.

However, such a tragic death method failed to frighten the other thugs. Instead, they drew an inverted triangle on their chests and chanted "Return to the Holy Father" fanatically. They seemed to be quite envious and were ready to die too.

Seeing this, Chu Xin understood that these were fanatics with abnormal brains. They were probably brainwashed by the leader of the organization day after day, much like the villains in "Mad Max."

Sure enough, in the last days of the wasteland, religious belief is one of the best ways to seduce people's hearts. It is more reliable and loyal than relying solely on materials to win over people.



Many thugs on bicycles took the opportunity to get close. They launched hooks and ropes to cling to Chu Xin. Some even jumped directly, regardless of whether they would be crushed into pulp by Chu Xin.

"Poor children, come out and accept death. If you are eaten by us, you can return to the Holy Father!"

The leader of the thugs stuck his head out from the sunroof of the tin chariot, laughing with blood on his mouth.

But in the blink of an eye, his head turned into an exploding watermelon.

Chu Xin gave him a bullet without mercy and bought him an express ticket to the Holy Father.

When the thugs saw this, they finally realized that the situation was out of their control.

As a result, they gradually calmed down in their fanaticism. They no longer blindly flew into the flames, but relied on the terrain to deal with Chu Xin, and were reluctant to give up the fat Chu Xin. (End of chapter)

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