Hearing the crisp sounds coming from above his head, Chu Xin, who reacted quickly, flapped his wings and flew away without hesitation. He picked up Gandalf and the others with his two claws and took them away from the range of Mount Doom.


Almost as soon as the front foot left, the back foot of the sky opened a large black hole with a diameter of several hundred meters.

That kind of blackness cannot be described in words. It is not a simple color, but a kind of emptiness, like a withered black hole.

There were no unexpected sounds, just the dead silence of the universe.

The suppressed rapid breathing on the battlefield is like the last heartbeat of a dying person, helplessly waiting for death to come.


Suddenly, a hoarse and terrifying roar came from it, and everyone who heard it could not help but feel terrified.

However, at this tense moment, the words on the card appeared in Chu Xin's mind, causing him to lose the atmosphere of urgency and excitement.

"Showing valor while retaining calm methods, slaying the Dark Lord Sauron, ending the chaos in Middle-earth for several eras, and personally pushing the course of history to the next stage;

Proficiency +8%, reaching 88%;

Earn rewards:

The hardness, toughness and other qualities of the skeletal body have been greatly improved, and even the demigod Maia cannot easily cause damage;

[The Dark Lord Arrives] (This is the power called 'blackening'. After it is turned on, in addition to turning the skin and flames into a more shocking black, the overall quality of the self is greatly improved. The specific gain effect is related to the host's heart. The dark side is hooked, but there is an upper limit and it is not unlimited; the duration is 10 minutes and the cooling time is 48 hours). "

There is no doubt that the strengthening this time is not small.

This directly gave Chu Xin the confidence to truly fight against the demi-god level.


With a deafening roar, a huge monster flew out from the broken dome carrying majestic demonic energy.

When people saw his appearance clearly, they all glanced at Chu Xin with frightened expressions on their faces.

The ferocious head is connected to the torso through a slender neck, and is covered with blood-colored exoskeleton spikes and metallic black triangular scales. It has a pair of huge wings like a demon in the world, and a sharp tail that accounts for half of its body length.

It was like a visitor from outside the world who had just arrived, looking around at the devastated land of Mordor with violent eyes, but did not immediately launch an attack below.

To everyone, his image is simply too familiar.

"Things are getting interesting~" Chu Xin murmured in surprise.

"Dragon?" Angelit said to herself in astonishment.

"It's Morgoth? Why is it a dragon?" Gimli scratched his head in confusion.

"Of course it's not Morgoth, but it is said that the dragon race is a race he created. These are probably Morgoth's men!" Faramir said.

"Tsk~ It's a pity that we didn't bring our dragon-slaying equipment." Iron-footed Daine said with great regret.

"With a body length of nearly two hundred meters, it is bigger than Smaug. Are you sure it will be useful?" a dwarf elder said sternly.

This giant dragon, in addition to bringing a strong visual impact, the terrifying demonic energy it exudes is even more overwhelming, making everyone breathless, as if they will be torn into pieces in the next second, and the feeling of impending death is rising. Waves of waves occupy my heart.

Kenantriel clenched his fists subconsciously, "What a terrifying aura. This evil spirit even makes me feel scared. Its power is comparable to that of a powerful Maia."

"Take him away, wait, and let the coalition forces retreat immediately. The situation is beyond our control, and the next battle is unimaginable." Gandalf entrusted the unconscious Aragorn to Elrond, and spoke with Angeli very sternly. Looking at each other from afar.

After hearing this, Elrond took out a small horn and blew it with his cheeks to convey the signal to evacuate.

This blow instantly attracted the attention of the giant dragon. When the coalition forces retreated at a rapid speed, it also lowered its blood-red eyes, looked over, and then focused on Chu Xin and the others.

From its eyes, Chu Xin saw some intelligence, but not much. It was probably driven by instinct.

This is nothing compared to the dragon clan that once existed in Middle-earth.


It opened its big mouth full of sharp fangs, and a ball of black flame condensed in the mouth, and it expanded rapidly in the blink of an eye, spraying out straight in the form of a column.

It looks like fire, but it is closer to some kind of evil magic between gaseous and solid states.

The feeling given to Chu Xin was very strange and special, like energy that was not native to Middle-earth, but filled with a primitive sense that was older than Middle-earth.

In an instant, he came to an accurate conclusion that this blow could hurt his current self.

Don't forget, Chu Xin's physical fitness has just been strengthened.

It can be seen from this that Kenantriel's judgment was not wrong. The strength of this dragon was comparable to that of the minor god Maia.


The Skeleton Balrog couldn't stand it, so he tried to stop him with a fire whip.


Chu Xin shouted that he could not let this powerful general perish. To be on the safe side, he immediately put all the skeleton servants back into their card packs.

Just as he was preparing to climb up, an unexpected figure jumped up from the top of the mountain.


The hairband was blown away by the strong wind, and her long hair spread out like a waterfall, covering her slender and well-proportioned figure.

It's Angelite the Bard!

With this jump, she jumped nearly a thousand meters.

Wisps of gorgeous light emerged from all over the body, and the originally relatively simple clothes suddenly looked like golden gauze draped by angels.


Angelette's pupils turned platinum, and then the powerful holy power came out of her body, condensing into a flowing light curtain, fighting against the dragon.

"Gift of light, divine protection."

She recited divine spells and crossed her arms on Fengyun's chest.

A statue of light whose facial features cannot be seen clearly appears above the earth, protecting everyone on the ground.


The pillar of black flames hit the front of the statue heavily, making a sound of earth shattering, and the energy splashed burned the mountains in all directions, creating countless huge gaps.

"Praise of Light, Sword of Judgment!"

Angelite reacted quickly, counterattacked in an instant, and simply threw a twenty-meter-long giant sword of light.

Then, the clothes on her body turned into battle armor, two thin swords formed in each hand, and she flew towards the dragon in person.

Demigods have no authority and power, and the god-level magic they can use is very limited, and it consumes a lot of magic energy. They often choose melee combat to quickly eliminate enemies.


Seeing that there was a powerful enemy worthy of attention, the demon dragon immediately withdrew its attention from Chu Xin and went all out to fight Angelite in the sky.

"I didn't expect that Middle-earth would usher in the War of the Gods after so many years. The evil dragon did smell of Morgoth, and the stench was so bad that I couldn't ignore it." Gandalf's old face said. He was almost wrinkled into a bitter melon, and it was obvious that he was extremely impressed by that period of the war between the gods.

"Angelit is just her name and identity in Middle-earth. She is Maia of Aman like me," Gandalf did not forget to explain to Chu Xin, "Her real name is Ilmari, and she serves the Light." The goddess Varda, in terms of status and strength in Maya, is second only to Ionwë, the leader of Maya."

"Ilmari said that she came to Middle-earth earlier than Gandalf and the others, and has changed into more than a dozen different identities and appearances." Canantriel whispered.

Chu Xin had already suspected this, so he was not too surprised.

He was more curious about Anji...Ilmari's mission, but it was not difficult to see that she was always recording what she saw and heard, and wrote many events that happened in Middle-earth in the golden book.

Behind them, not only the coalition forces were retreating, but the dark army of Mordor also began to flee.

They are not brainless fools. The magic dragon's attack does not distinguish between friend and foe. Once it falls, half of the casualties will be Orcs and Trolls.

Such a cruel reality shocked them. The famous Lord Morgoth had never been a soft-hearted person. Taking refuge was necessary, but he could not be reduced to worthless cannon fodder.

As a result, the Black Gate battlefield quickly became empty, leaving debris everywhere.

Apart from this, only Chu Xin, Canantriel and Gandalf were still on a higher hillside.


The dragon's huge and rugged body fell backwards, crushing a mountain.

In mid-air, Irmari gasped repeatedly, and her chest wrapped in platinum armor rose and fell violently.

"What kind of fire is this? Wasn't Morgoth exiled to the realm of emptiness, so how did he create such a more terrifying dragon?"

She raised her hand and looked at the two lightsabers stained by black, and felt a chilling shiver down her spine.

"The Lord Gods should have already learned about this matter. I hope they can prepare for the war as soon as possible."

With infinite worry, Irmari once again released hundreds of streams of light, shooting at the rising dragon like a volley of thousands of arrows.

"She can't end the battle on her own for a while." Chu Xin said, planning to give the magic dragon a small chrysanthemum attack.

However, before he could take off, another familiar dragon roar came from behind the healing sky.

Sure enough, in the next second, another demonic dragon with the same style and almost identical appearance rushed out violently.

To Gandalf's relief, a few seconds after it arrived, the crack in the sky finally disappeared completely, and the large hole that seemed to be a realm of emptiness seemed like an illusion.

"Sure enough, there is more than one!" Ilmari glanced back, her pretty face suddenly turned white.

But when she saw the giant white shadow rising from the ground, she subconsciously relaxed and smiled unconsciously, remembering that she was not alone.

"Thank you, I owe you a favor." Ilmari said without looking back.

"I'm flattered." Chu Xin said calmly.

"Be careful. The power controlled by these dragons is very strange. I have never seen it before. They are full of the will to destroy." Ilmari reminded briskly.

"Indeed, no wonder he doesn't look very smart." Chu Xin felt the breath of the demon dragon carefully, and what rushed into his mind was endless violence, bloodthirsty, madness, paranoia and other negative emotions, without even a trace of them. Distracted thoughts converged into violence that annihilated all things. Under such circumstances, how could this dragon still have normal thinking?

While the two were having a brief exchange, something strange happened to Gandalf below.


A dazzling white light burst out from his whole body, turning into a pillar soaring into the sky, immediately attracting the attention of everyone and the dragon, and forcing a pause in the imminent war in the sky.

"Is this?" Canantriel was surprised and then happy.

"My magic seal has been lifted, and the main gods know what happened in Middle-earth!" Gandalf's temperament suddenly changed, and the powerful power belonging to the minor god Maia emerged.

He slammed the wand on the ground, and the plain old wand suddenly took on a new look, with a star-studded diamond inlaid on the top.


In an instant, Gandalf violently rose into the air like a surface-to-air missile, and the wand in his hand was like a sharp spear, bursting out with bursts of wind.

The second demon dragon immediately swooped down and counterattacked with the same black flames as the first demon dragon.

"Go and help Gandalf, he doesn't have much advantage." After Irmari said that, he rushed out without hesitation and forcibly pulled the first dragon away so as not to affect the others.


Gandalf has fought the dragon.

In the turbulent aftermath, a god and a dragon fell to the ground while entangled.

And Gandalf is indeed a well-known melee mage. Even after returning to Maia's heyday, he still wields a wand blessed with various attack magics. Occasionally, he will explode a glare spell to disturb the dragon and take the opportunity to inflict magical effects on it. physical damage.

But the reality is here. Even the second strongest Maia is in a fight with the dragon. How can Gandalf have the upper hand?

Just when he made a dent in the demon dragon's face with his staff, he was pushed hard by its huge body into the mountain rock wall, and then was burned by a large mouthful of black flames.

Despite his defense, he still suffered a lot of trauma.

Bang bang bang!

The angered dragon went completely crazy. It used its body advantage arrogantly, and slashed at Gandalf with its sharp scales and claws, who was struggling to deal with it.

"Sky magic, lift off and explode."

Gandalf clenched the wand with both hands, united his waist and horse, and thrust it upwards. The magic diamond at the top released a violent shock wave.


The demonic dragon was instantly lifted up to a thousand meters in the air, and it took a while for it to regain its balance.

Although there was no substantial harm, Gandalf had achieved his goal.


The demon-killing dragon flames exploded on the demon dragon's back.


The dragon that was caught off guard howled in pain, and a large number of broken scales flew in all directions.

Just as it was about to turn its head to see which beast had no martial ethics, it felt as if it was being chased by a heavy object from behind. It hit the Black Gate Fortress, completely destroying this relic with a rich history. Unrecognizable.

The person riding on it was naturally Chu Xin. He raised and lowered his hands, using all his skills to attack it in turn.

Regrettably, the demon-killing dragon flame has some effect, but it is really difficult to inflict serious damage or even kill it in a short period of time. After all, there is no difference in the strength of the two demon dragons.

No, after the demon dragon calmed down, it suppressed it in reverse with its superior size and weight. After a few rolls, it rode on Chu Xin's body and moved wantonly. A pair of independent forelimbs smashed Chu Xin's penis again and again. Several ribs.

Apart from anything else, with the dragon pressing down on him, it was really difficult for Chu Xin to break free.

After struggling for a long time, Chu Xin was doing useless work and at most left some insignificant wounds on the demon dragon's body.


The Burning Body is activated.

Feeling the terrible scorching heat, the dragon finally became wary, but it was like an evil ghost in the heart. It would not get off Chu Xin no matter what, and had flesh-and-blood communication with Chu Xin unsatisfied.

"I didn't expect that I would be pushed to the ground and ravaged one day. It was such a rare and precious experience." Although Chu Xin was thrashing about violently, he actually didn't panic at all.

He knew very well that the current strength of Smaug's card was equivalent to that of the above-average minor god Maia, and the dragon in front of him was enough to make the top Maia feel overwhelmed, and the gap between the two sides could not be ignored.

But he didn't feel aggrieved or helpless, because Smaug's upper limit was not high in the first place, and it was commendable to be able to strengthen it step by step to the current level!

Although the proficiency level is 88%, is it guaranteed that the ultimate skill is 100% awesome?

"The Dark Lord is coming." Chu Xin said silently in his heart.


In an instant, the flames burning on the body turned into a dark, demonic color, and every bone seemed to be soaked in ink.

Chu Xin, whose comprehensive quality had skyrocketed, immediately had the strength to arm-wrestle with him. In the astonished eyes of the demon dragon, he pushed up like a carp, and his strong hip bones pushed the demon dragon out.

Then, the tail bone blade pierced its relatively weak abdomen cunningly, and it continued to penetrate deeply while stirring vigorously, causing the demon dragon to moan and howl in anger uncontrollably.

At the same time, Gandalf, who had rested enough, also threw out a blazing white light, burning one of the dragon's forelimbs with obvious white marks.

It's not fire that burns, but divine light magic that purifies evil forces.

"What evil spirits do they control? What did Morgoth do behind our backs?" Gandalf was shocked when he saw that they only caused so little damage.

Don't look at the fact that what he just used was just an ordinary white light. In fact, it was the magic taught by God King Manwe, which has 300% super lethality against dark and evil things.


The demon dragon was forced to panic, and it flapped its wings fiercely and jumped into the sky.

Massive black flames overflowed from its mouth, and the world was suddenly filled with pure will to destroy. In the blink of an eye, it transformed into hundreds of streams of light and attacked from all directions.

Upon seeing this, Chu Xin began to play movie clips in his mind, flashing through dark scenes such as killings, mountains of corpses and seas of blood. With this blessing, the increase in the blackened state also increased.


The black flames all over his body swelled up in the storm, forming an irregular ball to block the dragon's concentrated fire attack.

After a short period of silence, an overwhelming roar swept over like a wave. The explosion caused the surrounding rocks to collapse, and the earth even cracked many cracks.

On the other side, Ilmari was distracted by this, and was seized by the dragon who was obsessed with fighting.


She was flung away by the huge claws, and her breastplate and clothes were shattered into pieces, revealing a large area of ​​suffocating snow-white color.

But she couldn't care about this, because the dragon's continuous attacks followed closely.

After all, Ilmari has relatively little combat experience. He rarely fights creatures such as dragons, and often fails to make accurate judgments.


The billowing smoke lingered.

Gandalf in the distance did not dare to act rashly. He knew nothing about Chu Xin's life and death, so he could only stand there and worry.

"There's something."

At this moment, Chu Xin casually threw away his shattered tail and one hind leg, staring fiercely at the demonic dragon a thousand meters away.

The wounds on its body had healed unknowingly.

That’s right, it’s the ability to regenerate!

"I wanted to continue the fight slowly, but unfortunately, the situation in Middle-earth has exceeded my psychological safety threshold, so the sooner the better~"

Chu Xin examined and analyzed the current situation, worried that Morgoth, the real dark boss, would suddenly come, and his side should not be delayed here. It was too passive.

Moreover, there happens to be a particularly suitable card that is only 90% good.

Anyway, the current situation has become complicated. The God of Creation has lifted Gandalf's seal, which means that a storm is approaching, so there is no need to continue to hide it.

When you should hide your clumsiness, you should be steady, but if you are always steady, it is not called hiding your clumsiness. That is called cowardice!


With a thought, a golden card was pulled out of the card pack.

"Switch cards, Ghidorah!" (End of this chapter)

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