A few days later.

The plains outside Baicheng have been cleaned up, but the pungent smell of burning remains in the air.

Although the land was desolate and scorched, it was still better than the layers of carrion and maggots. After all, the army of skeletons transformed by Chu Xin only accounted for a part of the death toll.

Skeleton servants including Skeleton General, Skeleton Balrog and other skeleton servants were all put into card packs by Chu Xin and would be sacrificed when used.

During this period, all the armies from the western cities of Gondor were mobilized to the White City to assemble, and after some repairs, the Gondor Crusade Army was established.

There are a lot of people, but the shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, the combat quality and weapons and equipment of the soldiers are not good enough. 80% of Gondor's most elite troops were killed in the Battle of White City.


A sentry hurriedly sounded the alarm, and the frightened city defense troops immediately stood ready.

At the end of the northern plains, an army with a fairy spirit slowly emerged.

Two slender flags fluttered in the wind.

Gandalf climbed up the city wall and smiled sincerely, "Don't be nervous, it's Rivendell and Lothlórien, our allies are finally here."

At the front of the thousands of elven warriors, a man and a woman rode a holy white horse side by side.

The man is Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, who has mastered the Wind Ring "Viya", which has wonderful effects such as healing and protection.

The woman's name is Canantriel. She is Elrond's mother-in-law and the mistress of the elven territory Lothlorien. She has mastered the water ring "Nanya", which has the effects of protecting and delaying time.

She has blond hair, looks noble and holy, and her eyes show kindness and compassion that makes people feel safe.

Canandriel is like a pure Virgin engraved in the scroll. Every breath, every move, and movement are completely natural, as if they are integrated with heaven and earth.

Her status is as high as her strength.

Both her grandfather and father were the High King of the Noldor elves, and I am a princess of the Noldor elves. She is about 7,000 years old and has a prestigious position among the elves.

When she was still living in Aman, she learned various knowledge and skills from many gods. She was already the strongest among the Noldor elves. In today's Middle-earth continent, she is a well-deserved member of the pyramid of combat power.

What's more, Canantriel has boundless wisdom to see into people's hearts, and the knowledge stored in his mind is a priceless treasure.

After seeing the leader clearly, Gandalf couldn't help but be shocked.

He never expected that Canantriel, who had always been reclusive and indifferent, would personally lead the elven army to help. After all, Gandalf initially guessed that she and Elrond would lead the elves to leave Middle-earth and return to their homeland in the later stage. Aman, stay out of Sauron's affairs and give Middle Earth to mankind.

"What changed their minds? Could it be him?" Gandalf muttered secretly, subconsciously glancing at Chu Xin who was lying on the cliff.

At the gate of the city, human leaders such as Aragorn and Boromir greeted them one after another, with smiles in the style of "Great Harmony of All Nations in Middle-earth".

Chu Xin's army of skeletons had already given them confidence, but now, even the strongest elves have arrived in person, and their chances of winning have increased exponentially. How can they not be happy from the bottom of their hearts?

After a simple exchange, this group of elves with extraordinary temperament were led into the top palace.

"Killing the Balrog, the bone dragon named Smaug, who used the black magic of Fallen Flame Body, is not as simple as we have seen," Canantriel looked up at Chu Xin with deep eyes and said in an indifferent and gentle tone. "I tried to peer into his heart, but behind the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, there was an airtight darkness like a rock."

"He is indeed full of mysteries. I don't even know why he joined forces with us. I guess even Gandalf doesn't have an accurate answer." Elrond said helplessly.

"We should have crossed west to Aman, but fate led us here." Canantriel's eyes turned to a tower.

Angelit stood quietly inside and smiled at Canantriel.

"I'm going to see an old friend, you go first." Canantriel said to Elrond, and then left the team alone.

Chu Xin on the cliff moved his flaming eyes and witnessed two women with noble temperament and outstanding appearance gathering together to talk about something.

The so-called bard Angelite was able to treat the lofty Canantriel as an equal, and her words and actions seemed very familiar, more like an old friend whom she had known for a long time. As expected, this so-called bard Angelite had hidden her true identity.

Elves from Aman?

Or are they gods like Gandalf and Saruman who came to Middle-earth?

Chu Xin did not dwell on this, but raised his eyes to look north.

As soon as the elf's front foot arrived, reinforcements arrived.

Ten minutes later, as Chu Xin sensed through the vibrations on the ground, three different flags appeared in everyone's sight.

They are the Gray Elf Woodland Kingdom, the Dwarf Solitary Mountain Kingdom, and the Human River Valley State!

Although the combined number of the three forces is very pitiful, only a little over 2,000, they have just experienced a battle with the Dongyi people and their vitality has been severely damaged. Being able to send reinforcements at this moment can be said to be extremely sincere.

The key is that the three leaders are all leaders in their own right.

Thranduil, the king of the gray elves, Dane Ironfoot, the dwarf king, and Brand, the king of the Vale State.

What moved Aragorn and others was that the latter two were still injured, but their eyes were firm, without any timidity or regret.

When Legolas saw that he hadn't seen his father for a long time, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth as he was always calm.

When Gimli saw his king, he was even more happy and proud to boast to the soldiers beside him.

"Is that the grandson of Bard the Dragon Slayer? He looks quite brave." Boromir looked at him and said.

The city gate that had just been closed opened again, and Aragorn and his entourage once again went out to greet them with smiles on their faces.

In this way, Baicheng, which was originally filled with a sad atmosphere, suddenly became lively.

Until night falls, the streets are brightly lit, especially in the pubs and restaurants, which are extremely noisy.

Dwarves and humans gathered together, and the air was filled with the smell of tobacco and beer. These soldiers, who did not know each other, were eating and drinking freely while talking freely, as if they wanted to spit out all the hidden words.

The noise that was about to blow the roof off, the smoke mixed with the pungent smell, the dirty jokes that made the waitress blush...

The tavern owners and waiters did not complain, and always maintained full enthusiasm, because they knew that these men were real heroes, and they would go out to conquer Mordor tomorrow. Perhaps this would be the happiest time in the lives of the heroes. It's night.

At the same time, on the cliff behind Baicheng.


Chu Xin noticed the sound of footsteps behind him and slowly turned around, the flames of his eyes lighting up his two cheeks.

Brand and Ironfoot Dyne were startled and immediately showed friendly smiles to him.

"Looking for me?" Chu Xin spoke first.

"Yes, yes, yes," Dain hummed, "We came here just to, well, how should I put it, do you want to drink?"

He stammered at a loss, not knowing how to explain, so he simply raised his right hand and actually grabbed a large bucket of beer.

Brand glanced at Chu Xin's empty abdomen, then looked at Dyne, and shook his head helplessly.

"Drink?" Chu Xin probably saw through the minds of the two people, but did not challenge them, "King of the Lonely Mountain, do you think it is necessary for me to drink?"

Dain scratched his head in embarrassment, "Dear Lord Smaug, I'm sorry, I didn't think it through properly."

Brand took a step forward and said sincerely, "Thank you for your help. If you hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid Lonely Mountain and River Valley State would have become history."

Dain also hurriedly bent down and bowed. This move was simply impossible for the arrogant dwarves, not to mention that this was the king of dwarves.

"To express our gratitude, we Gushan are willing to forge a batch of sophisticated weapons and equipment for you for free!"

Brand followed, "We are also willing to become an eternal ally with you. As long as you have orders, I will do my best to satisfy you within my ability."

"I accept your wishes." After Chu Xin said this, he turned his head.

The two looked at each other and quietly left knowingly.

At midnight, Baicheng became quiet.

Soldiers of all ethnic groups returned to their temporary dormitories to rest and got up at noon the next day.

After a rich lunch, the strongest coalition forces in Middle-earth gathered on the plains outside the city. Their lineup was probably only as powerful as the last Battle of Mordor.

Perhaps, this time it was even better because there were Chu Xin, Canantriel, Gandalf, and Angelite who wanted to record the trip.


The army marched towards the east, and the rushing dust rose.

The people of Baicheng walked outside the city in unison and prayed for them with the most pious hearts.

Suddenly, the army stopped.

Aragorn and others frowned and looked at the left-hand ridge. Under the sunlight, a large amount of smoke and dust rolled over, and there was an increasingly violent tremor.

Friend or foe?

Gradually, the cry of war horses echoed in the sky.

Hearing this, everyone relaxed their vigilance.

As neighbors with a good relationship, they immediately recognized that this was the Rohan Cavalry.

Chu Xin soared in the sky and saw the coming person earlier.

It was a small cavalry team, about three hundred people at most. Even the Rohan flag held by the leader was somewhat tattered and stained with blood.

At this moment, even Chu Xin was moved.

The Fire Demon came from Rohan, and the Wild Spirit defended the capital of Rohan but died in battle. The core of Rohan must have suffered huge losses. Even when the country was so close to being destroyed and the family was destroyed, they still sent out their elites to fight for a near-death battle. journey.

Whether in movies or in reality, Chu Xin greatly respects Rohan, who lives toward death and is fearless.

Soon, Generalissimo Eomond led the guards and appeared in front of the coalition forces.

"King Théoden fought bravely with the Balrog until dawn, saving Rohan's honor with his life. Everyone, this is the greatest strength we can contribute." Eomund took off his helmet, a resolute face on his face. He seemed to have aged several years.

The royal capital was destroyed, and the second city of Fort Ord was located on the eastern front. He had no choice but to take the refugees to a small city in the middle. After resting, he came to White City without stopping.

"Thank you." Aragorn patted Iomond's shoulder, his eyes fiery and sincere.

He turned to the two Boromir brothers and said, "Théoden and Denethor are both heroes of Middle-earth. They are not superior because of their status. Instead, they use their flesh and blood to defend Middle-earth with everyone. The family behind us!”

In terms of age and status, Aragorn was older than the other two, so he called them by their first names.

This situation, coupled with his inspiring encouragement, instantly attracted thousands of troops to cheer, and for a while everyone was excited and high-spirited.

"Go forward!" Seeing this, Gandalf also raised his wand and released a brilliant stream of fire towards the sky to encourage him.

Angelette looked at Gandalf with interesting eyes and concealed a smile when she noticed that he turned back.

"The hymn of men is the hymn of courage," muttered Gandalf, "Middle-earth is an unforgettable place."

"The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage~This sentence is interesting~" Angelit savored it carefully and wrote it down in the golden book in her arms.

"I didn't say it, it came from him." Gandalf raised his head.

"Oh?" Angelette was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Smaug was actually a cultural dragon and a philosopher.

Gondor borders Mordor, and the White City, which was once a fortress, is on the edge.

Across the Anduin River, and then over the natural defense lines of the Ash Mountains and Shadow Mountains, you will find Mordor, which is defended on three sides.

However, it is no more than a dream for such a large army to cross the steep Shadow Mountains where the enemy is in the dark. Therefore, the plan is to go around to the "Black Gate" fortress at the Pass of Mordor slightly north, attack directly, and insert it in the most violent way. Mordor, reaching the climax of the war "The Black Tower and Mount Doom".

Chu Xin did not act alone. From the overall perspective, he was able to fly and was strong and flew over the Shadow Mountains, and then unexpectedly entered Sauron's lair behind him to engage in a front-to-back attack with the coalition forces. This was the most cost-effective way.

But for Chu Xin personally, it is not cost-effective at all!

Not to mention how many casualties the coalition would have suffered without him, just wasting countless experience points would be a huge loss!

Although Sauron is a meal with extremely high nutritional value, the rich and varied appetizers cannot be completely ignored~

Gandalf and Aragorn didn't say anything. After all, they knew very well that the road ahead was extremely dangerous, and accompanying Chu Xin was nothing short of super insurance.

Canantriel didn't say much. She and the elven army stood out from the crowd. They were clearly moving forward with the army, but they had the illusion of staying outside the incident.

"Then there is the War Plains below." Gandalf looked down at the desolate and flat land from the edge of the cliff.

"Two hours further ahead is the Black Gate Fortress," Aragorn said.

"During this period, I discovered many of Sauron's black crows. He must be ready to fight. I saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood scattered throughout the Black Gate." Kanantriel said leisurely, with concern and pity for all living beings in his eyes. .

Especially for the elves, she was extremely reluctant to let their people die. After all, elves had a nearly eternal lifespan, and death meant that everything was in vain.

"The roles are reversed. Today is our turn to attack the city. We vow to take revenge. Father, I wish you your blessing." Boromir said to himself firmly.

As they get closer to the Black Gate, the atmosphere in the coalition becomes more tense, but under this oppression, everyone's hot blood surges.

"Stop! Form up!" Aragorn shouted.


Thousands of troops stood there, filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, opposite them was a towering fortress built on the mountain. On the huge metal black door, the white-robed wizard Saruman stood proudly.

Chu Xin's field of vision was vast. He did not give Saruman the slightest glance, but concentrated on staring at the "flaming sun" in the distant sky.

To be precise, it's the huge one-eye sitting on the top of the Evil Black Tower!

"Dark Lord, Sauron~" Chu Xin murmured expectantly.


Sauron sensed this and turned his gaze.


He saw the Supreme Lord of the Rings stuck between his teeth, and his thoughts stopped for a moment. After a few seconds, he glared angrily and burst out into circles of physical flames full of anger.

This is tantamount to sounding the clarion call for war.

Buzz! ! !

The black door opened wide, and an overwhelming army of darkness filed out. (End of chapter)

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