All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 266 I'm waiting for the skill CD, what are you waiting for?

Chu Xin's skeletal front paws were holding a huge battle ax that glowed with blue light, and streams of extreme atomic energy spilled out.

The atomic battle ax made from none other than the legendary Godzilla's dorsal fin.

With just one blow, the fire sword made of rock by Balrog was shattered!


Then, Chu Xin pounced, and hit the ground with the Balrog, echoing the long tail. The bone blade pierced the back of its head like a sharp scimitar.

Balrog's fighting skills were also extremely high. He used his tail sensitively and quickly to resist, intertwining with Chu Xin's bone tail.

It fell to the ground with a "thud", and the top of a small mountain was covered.

The earthquake in Baicheng was very strong, and everyone was dumbfounded by its momentum.

Have they ever seen such a shocking fierce battle? The audio-visual impact of just two combat units overwhelmed the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of people were fighting.

Fortunately, it was far away, otherwise Baicheng would have been razed to the ground in one wave.


Suddenly, Chu Xin was wrapped around the waist by a flame whip, and in the next second he was savagely thrown eight hundred meters away by the Balrog.

"You can force me to this point. As a bone dragon, you do have some strength."

The Balrog wielded the burning fire whip as dexterously as a living creature, as if it were a red python growing out of his right arm.

The fire whip is the most powerful and powerful weapon of the Balrog clan, and its unpredictable attacks have caused countless enemies to die miserably in a daze.


Fire Whip pursued Chu Xin closely, and their offensive was aggressive and brutal.

Chu Xin spread his wings to increase the wind resistance, and tried his best to explore with his two hind limbs. Two skeletal slashes flew out, intercepting the fire whip.

The next moment, he advanced instead of retreating, and swooped down with his battle ax in hand.


Before anyone arrived, magical wind blades charged forward.

Balrog, who originally wanted to fight back with a fire whip, had to switch from offense to defense. There was no cover around him, so he put his arms above his head to block.

There were only two "puff" sounds, and the wind blade left a cut on Balrog's arm, and magma blood immediately flowed out.


Feeling the stinging pain of being cut apart, Yan Mo's eyes became more fierce and resentful, and he put away his contempt for Chu Xin, gradually treating him as a serious enemy worthy of seriousness.

It is true that the dragon flames cannot cause harm. After all, the flame temperature of the Balrog clan is much better than Chu Xin's current dragon flames. It has been stored in the body for a long time and has already tempered the burly flesh and blood body like a metal that can withstand high heat.

But the wind blade is different. It is not only a different element from fire, but also essentially a magical power, so it can pose a certain threat to the Balrog.

"Is this guy your subordinate?!"

Balrog roared, and sent a straight punch towards Chu Xin with his left arm, while the skull of the Wild Spirit wrapped around his forearm was at the forefront.

Looking at the huge skull, Chu Xin's face did not change as he struck out with an axe.


Under the sharp ax blade, the skull shattered, revealing a fist bursting with flames.

The raging flames swept across like tongues of fire, and the terrifying heat wave caused Chu Xin's right palm to show scorch marks, but the atomic battle ax did not change at all.

Seeing this, Chu Xin suddenly exerted force, and the ax blade brewed in blue light struck hard on the back of Balrog's hand.

With a cry of pain that sounded like a curse, the skin on the back of Balrog's rock-textured hand was torn open and the bones were visible. Blood dripped down, burning a pit of black smoke on the ground.

"Go to hell!"

Yan Mo swung his right fist heavily, and the brute force he unleashed directly broke one of Chu Xin's ribs.


Chu Xin also lost his temper and pressed on the Balrog's shoulders without giving in. His hind feet were caught off guard and embedded in its wings. Then, his wings flapped at high speed, leading the Balrog to fly thousands of meters into the air.

Several bone claws used great force to crush its fleshy wings into a wrinkled rag.

Then, in the stunned eyes of Yan Mo, Chu Xin decisively released his claws and let it fall freely.

After seeing this scene, Legend Brother Fatty called him an expert.

"Have you forgotten that I can also fly!" Balrog felt a little insulted.

But in a blink of an eye, it realized something was wrong.

I don't know when a terrifying gap appeared on my left wing, as if it had been scratched by something sharp. The air leaked out when I flapped it, and I couldn't control it at all.

It glanced at the tail bone blade that Chu Xin was retracting. It suddenly realized that it was extremely angry at the same time, realizing that it had been tricked by this cunning skeletal dragon.


At the critical moment, Balrog raised the fire whip in his hand, displaying a series of ultra-high-level operations. Under his super control of strength, precision, and muscle memory, he actually wrapped around Chu Xin's tail smoothly. The end is particularly firmly stuck in the gap between the joints.

With just such a drag, Chu Xin was also taken down.

"What the hell~"

In this situation, even Chu Xin couldn't help but let out a beautiful compliment.

This Balrog can survive the Wrathful War in ancient times and survive to this day. Sure enough, he has some real skills. His combat experience and on-the-spot reaction are really sophisticated.

But Chu Xin's fighting ability should not be underestimated. He can make many judgments and actions in one second.


In an instant, the intertwined magical wind blades shot at the Balrog, and there was also an invisible skeletal slash.

Yan Mo was startled. He didn't expect Chu Xin to attack like this. In a hurry, he had to use his left big arm to block in front of him.

Puff puff puff~

A series of sounds of tearing flesh and blood echoed, mixed with the hissing curses of the Balrog.

At the same time, Chu Xin accelerated his dive, clamped down on the Balrog again, and used a move to throw him over his shoulder in the air, throwing him heavily to the ground.

The continuous and multiple strong impacts caused the Balrog's tail to fracture. As the atomic battle ax slashed through at a tricky angle, half of the dark red long tail was broken off, and Chu Xin broke free.

Seeing that the Balrog was about to fall to death, it suddenly thought out of its wits, and aimed a large mouthful of flames at the bottom, spurting out, forming a surging updraft during the rolling heat waves.


Despite the effective cushioning, Balrog still fell hard, and his legs were trembling when he got up.

Baicheng's side had already been dumbfounded, and countless soldiers couldn't help but feel grateful that Chu Xin didn't have murderous intentions towards Baicheng at the beginning, and was only slightly frightened.

Otherwise, when will the army of Mordor invade?

"How long can we survive if we participate in this battle?" Gimli said in a daze.

"Depends on how fast you can run." Legolas accurately gave the standard answer.

"What can we do? We can't just watch and do nothing, right?" Boromir said anxiously.

"What can be done?" Aragorn looked back helplessly, "Immediately arrange for the people to hide underground, protected by soldiers, and then pray for Smaug to win a victory."

On the tower, Gandalf was also amazed by it.

"In my current state, I can't defeat that Balrog. Even if I sacrifice my life, it will be difficult to kill it. You can do it in full state," he said.

"Ordinary Maiya will most likely be defeated if he encounters this Balrog. There is a violent force in his body that comes from the same source. It is probably the heart of a stronger Balrog." Angelit said calmly.

"I'm curious. Did you come to Middle-earth because of Smaug?" Gandalf asked cautiously.

"I've been in Middle-earth longer than you think," Angelit said.

"That's it~" Gandalf said no more.

Suddenly, Angelite leaned her upper body forward a little, and kept writing quickly on the book with the pen in her hand, "The real show has just begun. Their fight is just like a corner of the angry battle."

After hearing this, Gandalf immediately became serious. He clenched his wand and was ready to release magic at any time to protect his friends.


Yan Mo raised his chin high and stared at Chu Xin in the air unruly and violently.

"You have completely angered me. In this case, I will let you understand why we are called... Balrogs by the gods!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark red heat flow emerged in a ring, rippling out and instantly igniting the flowers, plants and trees wherever it passed.

Its head, mane, wings, and arms were all ignited with evil demonic flames, dancing crazily in the strong wind. The stronger the wind, the stronger the fire, and dense cracks quickly opened in the nearby rock ground.

Even the breath coming out of the nose is fire.

"Demon body, fallen into flame body."

The Balrog waved the fire whip, and bursts of bursting fire spiraled upward, increasing in diameter and extending in length.

Its back is slightly stooped, and its legs protrude forward from the knees. The surface of its increasingly swollen muscles is covered with bulging veins and blood vessels, and the overall shape is closer to a savage beast.

This is the black magic created by Morgoth and given to the Balrog clan. This Balrog did not have the ability to control it, but after swallowing a heart of the same kind, its strength skyrocketed and it was able to be activated.

"Being burned to death by me is your only fate."

The voice of the Balrog became full of magnetism. It locked Chu Xin with its cold and fiery eyes, kicked its legs hard, and jumped hundreds of meters without using its wings.

Both fists struck hard in the air, and streaks of hot flames were pushed out.

Its temperature reached at least six thousand degrees Celsius!

The 2,000 degrees Celsius temperature of the dragon's flames is like cool bath water in summer to the Balrog, and it is indeed unable to harm it.


Facing the fire that could burn the skeletal body, Chu Xin had to temporarily avoid it. He relied on his advantage of flying speed to successfully miss.

Seeing that it was difficult to hit, the Balrog exhausted himself so much that he became irritated, so he flapped his wings that were gradually healing and flew away.

Chu Xin was not stupid, how could he casually confront the current Balrog head-on and directly release the Wind Blade and Skeleton Slash to block it from a distance. Engage in a war of attrition against it.

"Want to play delay with me?"

Yan Mo saw Chu Xin's thoughts and simply reduced the frequency of active attacks and only dodged and defended.

The two sides immediately reversed roles.

The battle fell into an awkward stalemate for a while.

"It's really tough. There are few enemies I've met that are as old and fierce as it." Chu Xin was not defeated, and a strong desire to fight arose in his heart.

As the card system said, he needs a decent fierce battle.




Eaten alive!

Mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

Rivers of blood!

Purgatory on earth!

Scenes of dark and terrifying memory scrolls were quickly played in his mind, and Chu Xin suddenly felt a soul climax, and a violent outburst that had not occurred for a long time filled his body and mind.

I have lived without desires for too long, and I almost forgot that I am not a kind person who is willing to help others.

Reason slumbers, and wildness revives.

“It’s time to end playing house.”

The flames in Chu Xin's eyes were beating, and the unparalleled heavy pressure overflowed, causing the Balrog to tilt his head, feeling something was wrong.

Gandalf and Angelit in the tower looked at each other in shock, feeling a strong palpitation in their hearts, as if they were on the bed of a peerless beast.


Uncharacteristically, Chu Xin pounced on the Balrog, and dense wind blades burst out from his wings, like an endless green waterfall.

The fierce wind pressure made the Balrog unable to resist, and it was difficult for the flames to break out.

Just when it thought Chu Xin would sneak attack from behind, air flow came from directly in front, and then a huge bone fist with bone scales bloomed hit the Balrog's face hard.

Before it could take a breath, a violent storm of fists and kicks began to bombard it in turn. The dull and loud sound was like the trumpet of God resounding through the sky, making people tremble in fear.

A few minutes later.


Chu Xin once again smashed the Balrog into the hilltop. He was also covered in burn marks and broke his two sagging ribs before diving straight down.

Put aside all worries and be 100% immersed in the battle!

Not crazy, not live!

Just like this, from day to night, the plains outside Baicheng were full of pits, the mountains were full of gaps, there was scorched earth with no grass growing everywhere, and shocking ravines.

The soldiers in Baicheng were already numb. The audio-visual impact that lasted for half a day made them dizzy. What's more, there were man-made earthquakes one after another that enhanced the experience of the parties involved.


Balrog leaned against a mountain wall, gasping for breath.

Its wings were completely uprooted, its left forearm was severed by a wind blade and its whereabouts are unknown, and its right arm was also covered with cuts. The wounds on its body were solidified and stopped bleeding by the flames, making it look like a glass handicraft.

Of course, Chu Xin, who was completely crazy, also felt uncomfortable and even more embarrassed.

He was two thousand meters away. The frame of one of his wings was completely broken. It seemed that it was broken by the Balrog. Only four symmetrical ribs were left, and most of his tail was broken off.

It was difficult to find a patch of white on the whole body, which was directly dyed into black coke.

The worst part was the skull, with the back of the head missing. The process was simple and violent: Balrog first burned it with fire, then opened the skull with a punch. It originally wanted to hit the head directly, but Chu Xin dodged it.

Even so, they are still not dead.


The flames on Balrog's body gradually extinguished, and his body returned to its normal appearance.

"Unreasonable lunatic, I just want to kill you, how can I be so crazy?" It stared at Chu Xin with lingering fear, and then stepped closer, "Unfortunately, I still have enough strength to dismantle you into parts. What about you? ? It’s hard to even stand up, right?”

Harsh words are harsh words, if it happens again, Yan Mo will not want to fight Chu Xin even to death.

For no other reason, it was just too crazy. When he thought of Chu Xin's desperate fighting posture, Yan Mo felt a chill in his vest and trembled inexplicably.

Suddenly, Yan Mo stopped and looked at Chu Xin suspiciously.

Chu Xin also raised his head to look at it, and finally spoke, "I'm waiting for the skill CD, what are you waiting for?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Mo asked in confusion.


The next second, a warm and warm light emanated from Chu Xin's chest, wrapping his broken body.

The Great Skeleton Healing Technique!

The Balrog was stunned as if he had been hit hard, "You really deserve to die~" (End of Chapter)

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