
Mountains were sliced ​​and blasted by blue and golden beams of light, and countless Skull Island native monsters were affected, each and every one of them died miserably without any body parts.

The entire island seemed to have become a battlefield for the two kings, causing mountains to collapse and the ground to break up, and rivers to dry up.

Rodon and Tiamat fled and watched the battle from a very far away place, and King Kong, the owner of the island, went to seek refuge somewhere.


Suddenly, the ground beneath Godzilla's feet collapsed without warning, like the monster's bloody mouth.


The moment it fell, it grabbed Chu Xin's tail. With its weight of 100,000 tons and being caught off guard, they both fell into the dark pit.

The further down you go, the more stench of skeletal lizards fills you, and a rustling growl comes from the shadows.

It is not difficult to guess that this hole leads to the underground of Skull Island, which is the crypt where the skeleton lizard tribe lives.

Dark, damp, and cold.

Waves of cold wind mixed with the smell of the ocean hit, indicating that the underground was not airtight, but that there were passages extending in all directions to connect to the outside world.

The two of them were falling endlessly while fighting fiercely.

Sometimes it seems to have fallen to the bottom, but those rocks are fragile under the heavy impact of more than 200,000 tons, and continue to fall apart after falling apart.


Until a huge earthquake shocked the entire island, and finally arrived at a wide cave world.

The rock walls here are dotted with scattered luminous stones, and the faint green light makes the surrounding atmosphere even more bizarre, as if they have fallen directly into the Palace of Hell.


I don’t know if there is King Yama, but countless skeleton giant lizards have poked out their skulls. Under the dim light, they look like a group of ghosts.

It's a pity that even if Auntie Mei, Kayako, and Sadako gather together today, they still have to drink their hatred and dissipate under the beam of the giant beast.


No, Chu Xin descended to earth with thunder like a god from heaven, instantly sending light and warmth to the skeleton giant lizards.

Godzilla saw that they were living such a hard life, huddled in the cold and narrow cave and shivering, and he kindly gave them atomic breath.

A few minutes later, although the skeleton monitor lizards died without their whole bodies, they felt great kindness and understood what it means to be a good Samaritan.

Presumably, they are happy to accept such death~


Godzilla took advantage of the environment, took the opportunity to clamp Chu Xin's left head with the armpit of his right arm, and blasted the hammer with his other hand.


Chu Xin didn't panic at all, he opened his upward-facing left mouth, and a mouthful of rich and powerful gravity rays hit Godzilla's chin directly.


The violent impact caused it to fall backwards to the ground, crushing the last few surviving skeleton giant lizards into two-dimensional lizards.

However, it whipped out its long tail in an instant, and driven by inertia, it hit Chu Xin's legs, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

After some back and forth, Chu Xin successfully grabbed Godzilla's back with his claws, controlled the change of gravity while flapping his wings, and forcefully led Godzilla across the pit, all the way to the ground.


However, just as he regained sight of the sky, something plummeted from above his head.

The next second, fission, fusion, fission.



A huge mushroom cloud rises over Skull Island.

The scorching shock wave spread and burned the precious virgin forest to death.


The Lonely Reef Bull Demon ran for its life in fear, but it still couldn't outrun the fateful chase.

Including it, precious creatures such as the sacred tiger, the knife-spine jackal, the giant swamp squid, etc. were all devoured by the heat wave, leaving not even ashes.

Chu Xin and Godzilla, who were directly under the nuclear explosion, were also pushed back to the depths of the pit by the wave.

A huge amount of nuclear radiation instantly filled Skull Island, filling the air and seeping into the sea, affecting every plant, tree, dust and stone here.

Nuclear radiation is a lethal substance to normal organisms and can cause distortion and even death.

But this is Skull Island that retains its ancient appearance. The vegetation, insects and beasts are all extraordinary. No one knows how they will change after being exposed to nuclear radiation.

Perhaps a new behemoth school will be born that is independent of the Titan lineage.

When the noise of the nuclear explosion gradually faded away, Skull Island became silent, as if everything had died.


Suddenly, the thick nuclear dust was pierced by an extremely dazzling golden light.

Chu Xin, whose whole body was filled with unstable thunder and lightning, flapped his wings and flew high, like a big flying squirrel with fried hair, swooping up into the gray sky.

If you look closely, you will find that it is covered in burns.

However, while the huge amount of nuclear radiation caused damage, it also turned into energy and entered his body.

As Dr. Chen expected, Ghidorah from the universe can absorb nuclear radiation and convert it into what it needs. However, its demand for it is not as strong as that of Godzilla and other Titans, and the amount it can convert is also very limited. Mainly It's not the same number of steps.

However, the current Chu Xin is indeed no longer suitable for fierce fighting.

Evacuate strategically first, stay stable when necessary, and make waves when necessary.

He needs time and energy to heal his injuries and absorb and digest them. After all, his current state is very extreme and violent. If he is not careful, it will be counterproductive, not to mention the changing battlefield situation.

We must also worry about mankind's next methods and how much strength Godzilla will gain after receiving another major boost.

In short, there is nothing wrong with playing it safe. There is a long way to go. Take your time. It is not appropriate to rush for quick success. Take the opportunity to strengthen the Destroyer camp.

"call out!"

A loud cry sounded.

Raton flew out of the high clouds and continued to follow Chu Xin.


A slender figure also floated on the sea below, it was the sea dragon Tiamat.

Chu Xin noticed that there was also a lot of nuclear radiation lingering on the bodies of these two men. Those invisible substances were gradually integrating with their bodies, and then stimulated the cells to divide and proliferate in a positive way.

It is not difficult to predict that in the near future, their size and combat power will definitely increase greatly!

Chu Xin secretly thought that he could lead his younger brothers to loot the nuclear power plant and restore them to their peak, or even take them to the next level, after being dormant for thousands of years.

At this time, the card text appeared:

"The extremely long-lasting battle between the giant beasts severely damaged the two supreme beings' joint efforts, and they had the energy to kill Quetzalcoatl, suppress the top human armies, and defeat Mothra with a comprehensive suppression attitude;

After many battles, he finally fully adapted to Ghidorah's body and discovered all the superior comprehensive qualities he should have had;

In addition to the opening release, the gravitational rays also learned the form of wing release;

Proficiency +15%, reaching 35%;

Reach 30% to unlock other card usage rights;

Earn rewards:

The weight increases by 10,000 tons, reaching 150,000 tons, the volume remains unchanged, and the density is enhanced;

[Emergency Absorption] (Turns on when there is not much energy left in the body. The body surface will absorb any elemental material present in the surrounding environment and convert it into what it needs to solve urgent needs, or even reverse the situation of the battle. The cooling time is 24 Hour). "

Chu Xin remembered that he still had one Gacha count left, and now was the time to increase his combat power.

So I immediately turned on the gashapon machine.


Guaranteed cumulative number of times: 5

A gashapon rolls out and opens automatically.

Inside is a pair of metal equipment, like a pair of golden armor boots with dragon head carvings, and also looks like a pair of arm armor that wraps the hands. The whole body has a gilt texture, and there are lifelike scales that perfectly fit the skin and flesh. It is difficult to distinguish without looking carefully.

"[Golden Dragon Armor Sundering] (a permanent piece of equipment capable of both offense and defense. It is worn on both legs and covers both feet. The claw blades are extremely sharp and have a strong armor-breaking effect)"


Reality also emerges.

Feeling the sharp grip of the claws and the sharp sound when the claw tips are swung, you know that their sharpness is numbing.


Chu Xin took Rodon and flew into the distance, and Tiamat disappeared into the ocean with her head buried.

Skull Island.


Godzilla's roar is like a bell, awakening the island's vitality.

It crawled out of the crypt, and the skin all over its body shone with a deep blue light. Waves of nearly substantial energy rippled around it.

Immediately afterwards, King Kong also emerged from a cave, and the hair on his body actually had a shiny and smooth texture.

It is in its youth and needs a lot of nutrients, and the quality of radiation on Skull Island and even on the earth's surface makes it difficult for it to grow quickly.

But when a nuclear bomb comes down, King Kong's potential will be fully unleashed, and huge changes will occur in a short period of time.


A big fluttering moth fell from the sky and lay obediently on Godzilla's shoulder and back, rubbing the side of his face with its forelimbs, as if rubbing his ears and whispering.

Mothra, who was originally extremely miserable, is now being nourished by nuclear radiation. Her injuries are gradually recovering. After being absorbed, she will definitely be able to return to her true peak state.


The waves rolled on the sea surface.

Several tentacles swayed out, and Kraken stuck out his head to observe the situation on the island.

When it saw that Godzilla was not dead and had become stronger, it couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was not moral to have a boss today and a boss tomorrow. It was estimated that the alien boss would not accept him.

Kraken naturally followed suit, and the barbed suction cups on his tentacles retracted and retracted, bathing in the nuclear radiation happily.

At this time, Godzilla, who had finished communicating with Mothra, looked around, his eyes firmly looking in the direction where Chu Xin flew away.


It roared, signaling everyone to seize this opportunity to develop. This was also the result of discussions with Mothra.

Kong and Kraken growled in reply.

The former can be considered convinced for the time being. After all, Godzilla can fight Chu Xin back and forth. If it were him, he would have died seven or eight times.

Even if his ancestors had a grudge against the Atomic Dinosaurs, they could only put it aside for the time being and speak to the outside world unanimously first.

The sea outside Skull Island.

In the aircraft carrier Lincoln, the captain is reporting the situation to the Department of Defense.

"Ghidora is not dead, but he seems to have been seriously injured. I have sent the Falcon Team to follow him."

The minister mused, "What's going on with Godzilla and Mothra?"

"It's not clear yet, but their life feedback shows nothing unusual and they are still alive." The captain replied.

The minister asked again, "Have those indigenous people been transferred?"

"Don't worry, sir, we have taken them all away before the nuclear explosion, and are currently serving them delicious food and drinks on the ship," the captain replied.

The indigenous people they refer to refer to the Yiwei people.

As early as many years ago, the Imperial Organization had contact with the Yiwei tribe and learned that the Yiwei tribe could communicate friendly with King Kong through special sign language. This is why the military specially sent a warship to pick them up.

Using the Yiwei tribe, one can directly negotiate with the Titans, which is an extremely important part of the cooperation between the two parties.

Suddenly, the captain's expression froze, and he said angrily, "The entire Falcon Squadron was sacrificed because of the hand of Balrog Raton."

The minister had already expected, "According to the predictions made by Serizawa and others, Ghidorah and Godzilla will be peaceful for a while. We must seize the time to deploy military strategies. You leave a few battleships to continue to monitor Godzilla and the others. The large force Come back first, there are still a few Titans making trouble in our homeland."

"Yes." The captain ordered, and immediately sent the fleet back to sea, and no longer carried out patrol missions in the Asia-Pacific.

Department of Defense.

The minister who ended the call rubbed his temples with a headache and muttered, "Even the three-phase bomb couldn't kill those two beasts. Are they still carbon-based creatures?"

Dr. Serizawa on the big screen said, "Even I can't predict the final result of your big gamble. I hope you can shoulder the responsibility for the people of the world."

He has always been like this. He doesn't really care who the other person is or what his identity is. Especially when he is in charge, his words are even more unceremonious.

What's more, Dr. Serizawa is really angry this time. The military is simply a violent maniac who only knows how to explode and always wants to use amateur means to solve troubles.

"This is not something I can decide alone." The minister said helplessly.

For such a major event as launching a nuclear bomb, a mere minister cannot yet fully control it. The main reason is that the real bosses do not think that the Titan beast can withstand a large-yield nuclear explosion.

But the reality slapped everyone in the face across the screen. Those old men who didn't understand the giant beast at all finally realized that the overlord of the earth was someone else.

"What should we do next?" Vivian asked worriedly.

"Find Emma, ​​the Oka device might be able to work." Dr. Serizawa looked at the general.

The general nodded, "I will use all my strength to find their hiding place."

"I have made deductions and found that those giant beasts will gradually become quiet in the future and find suitable habitats to carve out their own private territory," Dr. Chen said. "One thing is very important at this time. There will probably be Titans there. Go to the underground world recorded in the data."

"The underground world is indeed possible." Dr. Serizawa murmured.

"I will look for more information about Ghidorah and find out its weaknesses, although they are slim." Dr. Chen shrugged.

Dr. Serizawa sighed, "Everyone, please work hard for the destiny of mankind."

Ever since the Titans reappeared, everyone's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The school is on holiday, but the students are not as happy and excited as they should be.

The company is on holiday, but the workers' loans have not been suspended.

All cities and towns are organizing emergency evacuation drills to ensure the highest survival rate when giant beasts invade.

It was fine at the beginning, but as the days passed, the news of disasters was overwhelming day after day. Words such as death, city destruction, sea of ​​corpses, etc. were deeply rooted in people's brains. Even in their dreams, they were chased and eaten by giant beasts.

People who were not affected by the Titans gradually became irritable, especially when they saw refugees who had lost their homes being sent to their cities in military trucks, and their mentality was on the verge of collapse.

Few countries can truly survive this disaster. After all, they are alive, flying, running and swimming.

Also because more and more Titans are awakening from all corners, and their number even exceeds the monitoring base established by the Imperial Organization.

At least one hundred and fifty!

Perhaps more than half of them have mediocre combat effectiveness, but that's only for first-level Titans. Even though the army can kill or severely damage them with artillery fire, the streets and alleys are also destroyed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Seeing that the situation is becoming increasingly serious, various countries have launched bunker plans.

After prediction, residents of cities with a high probability of being attacked were uniformly arranged to take refuge in bunkers.

The fourth day.

People were shocked to find that 70% of the Titans had left the city, and they all launched violent attacks on nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities in various countries.

Day five.

The other 30% of the titan beasts launched an organized attack on the 70%, seeming to be competing for territory filled with nuclear radiation.

Day six.

The disputes centered on nuclear facilities in various countries slowly subsided. The Titans mysteriously disappeared before the eyes of the world, hibernating into deep mountains and forests, or directly sleeping in radiation zones.

This extremely strange truce made people shudder.

Some experts posted comments online, calling it "the calm before the storm"!

On the night of the sixth day.

Abandoned bunker in Boston.

In a studio full of precision instruments, Emma stretched tiredly.

In front of her was the Oka device that had just been renovated. On the surface, it didn't seem to have changed much, except for the addition of a few buttons.

"Done?" Allen appeared quietly at the door.

"Theoretically it's completed, but it requires practical testing," Emma replied. "And there is a drawback, that is, it must be close to Ghidorah. It is best to be in the same city when starting it."

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