All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 183 90%, obtain fusion permission!

Twenty minutes ago.

The Hudu area is the economic backbone of the eight major regions of Chi Kingdom.

Although the area is not the largest, its overall quality is second to none.

At the same time, here is the second strongest starter army in the Red Kingdom, coupled with many advanced weapons, it has achieved great results in the past few years.

One thing worth mentioning is that most of the starters in Chi Country are not listed in the global rankings. Their identity information is closely guarded and will not be known to the outside world casually.

Therefore, no country knows the true situation of the founders of the Red Kingdom.

The night is gradually pierced by the sun, and the sun rises in the east.

But along with the day comes Gemini, one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac!

This level 5 gastrea came from the sea and had a fierce confrontation with the naval fleet in an instant.

Just as its name suggests, its huge body is divided into two parts, connected by an umbilical cord-like tube, about three hundred meters apart.

Pushing forward one to the left and one to the right at the same time, it turns out that they are two independent thinking entities, but their bodies are connected and cannot be separated.

The body resembles a hairy ape, but its head is drooping and bloated, like a ferocious bloated sea lion, with a pair of fangs more than ten meters long protruding from its lips.

The legs are like a liger, but the hands are not palms and fingers, but two ferocious giant mantis sickles.

They also possess the physical characteristics of various creatures, forming these two mountain-like monsters.

Bang bang!

Cannonballs flew out from the warship's muzzle and fell on Gemini like a violent storm.


The four scythe arms waved, and the surrounding warships were immediately chopped into pieces or sunk by the rolling waves.

Standing on the stone monument on the coast, a transport helicopter hovered high in the sky.

"Is this the Gemini that once destroyed half of South America?" A colonel looked down seriously.

"According to the public documents of Qixing Village, Gemini was mutated from a pair of twins, and its abilities are currently unknown." A fellow scientist said solemnly.

The colonel looked at the three petite figures sitting upright behind him with heavy eyes.

These are three starters wearing uniforms, all ten years old.

Black clothing that fits your body shape fits snugly against your skin without causing the slightest discomfort. Important parts such as the chest and neck are made of tough alloy materials as armor.

Paired with tailor-made holmium metal weapons and armor, their advantages can be maximized.

In addition, they also have supporting auxiliary combat troops!

Provide fire support, medical rescue, intelligence support and other assistance to the maximum extent possible.

Collectively known as the Eastern Theater Starter Special Battalion.

It is precisely because of such a complete military starter mechanism that the Red Kingdom continues to maintain its largest territory and population in today's wasteland apocalypse.

The three girls in the helicopter are the strongest in the Hudu area.

Their real names are unknown, only code names.

Qingluan, Erya, fried chicken.

It can be seen from the name that their daily life is not repressed, and even a bit unrestrained.

None of the three are listed in the world starter rankings, but in terms of strength, they are all qualified to enter the top 20.

"How are you doing?" The colonel forced a smile.

"Great." Erya, who was wearing a ponytail, said clearly.

"Is that the target to be eliminated? It's really unprecedentedly huge." The long-haired Qingluan said calmly.

"Aba Aba~" Fried Chicken quickly took out the remaining chicken nuggets from last night while there was still time.

When the colonel saw this scene, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

"The battle is about to begin. Check the equipment." He rubbed the fried chicken's head helplessly, "Don't eat it. I'll treat you when you get back."

The three people stood up immediately, and their momentum changed instantly from the inside to the outside, revealing a wind of iron and blood.


An explosion occurred in the sea below.

A huge cannon located on the coast fired a 100% holmium projectile.

Although it is not as fast as the sub-light speed of the ladder weapon, the power it erupts is also terrifying, and it hits one of the Geminis hard in an instant.

"Get out now!" the colonel shouted.


The three of them jumped off without hesitation, activated the wingsuit flying device, and headed towards the Gemini.

"Field, open." They said in unison, not only informing each other, but also informing the command center.

Opening a field is a dangerous thing, so the auxiliary troops need to be prepared for rescue and prepare virus inhibitors in advance for rescue.


The eyes of the three people glowed red at the same time.


The gliding device automatically disengages.

They disappeared directly into the fire and smoke.

The surrounding conventional troops immediately ceased fire and moved away, lining up on the stone monument defense line.

"What if the battle fails?"

"Not just here, the inland areas of the Hudu area are also invaded by gastrea. The most troublesome thing is that they are not affected by holmium metal."

"Fortunately, we got the news in advance and had buffer time to deploy our defenses, otherwise we would have ended up like Dahan."

Several officers chatted wordlessly.

"Who on earth tipped us off?"

"I don't know. It may be an insider planted by us."

"Probably not. If we really had insiders in Wuxiang Society, we wouldn't be as passive as today."

"As far as I know, we have reached an agreement with that mysterious organization."


Suddenly, two identical roars dispersed the thick smoke.

I saw that the majestic sea had been lifted up by hundreds of meters of waves, and a fierce battle broke out as soon as they met.

"Wait, the Hudu cannon didn't cause damage to Gemini?" The colonel keenly discovered the doubt.

"Yes, a shell with that kind of power will definitely leave a lot of scars no matter how well it heals!" the scientist said suspiciously.

The colonel quickly touched the headset and said, "You three, be careful. Don't be impulsive. Find out its capabilities first."


In the turbulent waves, Qingluan and the others shuttled between the Geminis flexibly and swiftly.

"Concentrate your strength to attack one of the individuals." Qingluan said.

"Okay." The other two replied.

After saying that, the three of them attacked from different directions.

They can cause bursts of sonic booms as they fly by, and the rocks they step on are like fragile bubbles, bursting on the spot.

"Wing Slash!"

Qingluan's two forearms extended with wing-shaped blades made of holmium metal, and drew a bloody mouth that was hundreds of meters long on Gemini's body from bottom to top.

The other two had to be a step slower. When their attacks arrived, the attacked individual suddenly expanded, its injuries healed instantly, and its overall qualities such as size and defense increased without warning.

Therefore, Erya and Fried Chicken's attacks that could shatter a building were all scraped, and Gemini took the opportunity to fly them away.

"So that's it." Qingluan looked at the other person and understood immediately.

Following her line of sight, there was another "child" who was not attacked.

At this moment, it became inexplicably rickety and shrunken, as if its body had been hollowed out.

"Gemini are one body and can transmit energy to each other without any delay to improve defense, regeneration, etc." Erya suddenly realized.

Previously, Gemini was able to withstand holmium shells without any damage.

"Don't think of it as two gastrula, remember that it is one!" Qingluan warned.

Next, Qingluan was alone in a group, and Erya and Fried Chicken were in a group, attacking the two parts of Gemini at the same time.

Under attack from both sides, the two sides fought to an evenly matched draw.


At this time, the auxiliary troops also launched a interference attack, distracting Gemini's attention.

Things are looking great.


Gemini suddenly approached each other.

"What does it want to do?" Fried Chicken asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but my intuition tells me that it must be stopped!" Qingluan shouted.

The three of them regarded Gemini as a rugged mountain and jumped directly onto its shoulders.

But they were still a step too late, and the Geminis actually merged together, one on the left and the other on the right!

The flesh and blood melted and reorganized in an extremely disgusting way, like remelting melted metal.

Thus, the full form of Gemini was officially revealed.

There are two heads on the broad body, and two scythe arms grow out of the chest. Together with the four legs below, the overall image looks like something from the movie "The Thing".

Bang bang bang!

The Geminis spun around in circles, and the fishy wind they created stirred up and spread out, knocking the three people nearby flying away.

Fried Chicken and Erya fainted on the spot and fell into the sea a thousand meters away without knowing whether to live or die.

Fortunately, auxiliary troops were on standby to rescue them in time after being seriously injured.

Qingluan was the only one left who was still struggling to hold on. She actually pulled out the blade and inserted it into Gemini's shoulder, like grass swaying in a typhoon.

"It's approaching us, get out of here!"

"There is a stone monument behind us, there is no way to retreat!"

"Then let's fight and fire!"

After a brief period of panic, the navy and army made up their minds to defend to the end.

After all, even if you retreat, there is nothing you can do. Behind you is both your home and your prison.


Just as Gemini was about to hit a stone monument, waves suddenly appeared on the sea on the side.

It turned its two heads upon noticing, and thrust out the sickle without thinking. Its decisiveness and ruthlessness could be called a cold-blooded executioner among gastrea animals.

"Luanfeng Hammer!"

Qingluan seized the opportunity, clenched his hands into fists, raised them above his head and aimed at the back of one of the Geminis' heads and gave it a heavy blow.


At the same time, Chu Xin grabbed the sickle with his left hand and rose from the bottom of the sea with a violent attitude.


An atomic heat shield emerged, and purple electric flames jumped wildly.


An exoskeleton gauntlet called the Blightbone covers the right hand.

The intertwined white bones are wrapped along the back of the hand and fingers, forming a ferocious killing weapon, and the black substance is attached to it like the shadow of hell.

Critical hits plus real damage.

A fierce straight punch struck out!


Two dull loud noises came from the two heads of Gemini.


This scene happened to be photographed by soldiers recording the war.

Qingluan, whose combat power is enough to rank among the top five in the world, bursts out with huge power like missiles from his fists.

The holmium dagger in his hand was pushed with brute force, penetrating into the scalp and skull, directly piercing the inner brain.

Effectively damaging, but not fatal.

Because Gemini must destroy two "children" at the same time to kill it, this is also its extremely difficult feature.

Moreover, even if both heads are gone, they can be regenerated quickly, and their combat power will at most be reduced.


The force was mutual, and Qingluan was thrown out by the shock.

A pair of small hands instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist, leaving only the tattered tendons at the wrists.

The second before she lost consciousness, she witnessed Chu Xin blasting another head.

The atomic heat shield first exploded Gemini's flesh, and then shattered everything it touched. Just when it wanted to regenerate and heal itself, it was affected by the withered bones, and its efficiency was greatly reduced. It could not make up for the damage caused by Chu Xin.


Chu Xin stepped forward, opened his mouth, and struck Gemini's arm with a bone-crushing bite.

Three times the bite force exploded, directly tearing off its left scythe arm.

Just when it was about to grow a new arm, Chu Xin pierced the wound with a claw, and his fingers turned into sharp blades armed with the withered bone, smashing the inside into pieces and inhibiting the regeneration activity of this part of the virus.

"W-what's going on?"

The colonel looked at this shocking scene in disbelief.

"Cancer is called the rebel of the zodiac!" the scientist exclaimed in amazement.

"Is it hunting its own kind?" the colonel choked.

"Is there a possibility that they are not the same kind at all?" The scientist made a bold guess.

Imperial City area.

The highest scientific research institute in Chi Kingdom.

In a huge central control room, dozens of technicians are busy.

"What are these fluctuations?"

"how so!"

The exclamations of several people immediately attracted the dean's attention.

"Wait a minute, satellite tracking is being mobilized."

"Dean, come and see this!"

On the screen, six red circles suddenly appeared, moving towards the same position from all directions on the earth.

"What is this?" the dean asked in shock.

"It is a real-time monitoring of virus concentration and biological heat. It is likely to be a beast tide composed of six waves of gastrula."

"But what is incomprehensible is that according to the Black Swan Project documents, the Wuxiang Society does not control such a large number of gastrula at all."

"One of them appeared in the North Country. I have contacted the comrades there and asked them to help provide information."

Two minutes later.

A video came from the Siberian region of the northern country.

When it played on the screen, everyone present was stunned and broke into cold sweats.

I saw a wild beast hundreds of meters tall leading thousands of gastrea animals to gallop at great speed!

"This is Leo, the zodiac sign!" the dean said with twitching cheeks.

His face turned pale immediately, "What about the others? Is it possible!"

"Ten years ago, there were only a few twelve palaces who could control the beast tide. Ten years later, they have all evolved and deepened their mutations on the original basis." The deputy dean murmured.

The dean's hand tapped on the keyboard a few times, and predictions of six lines appeared on the floor plan.

The common intersection of the six lines is in the Hudu area!

"What happened there!" asked the dean. He had been formulating combat strategies in the imperial capital area and had no time to care about other areas.

"I just got news that Gemini and Cancer are fighting, and the former doesn't seem to have the upper hand." His subordinate replied.

"Ecological rejection!" the vice-president ventured to guess, "Cancer is likely to have undergone a major mutation, breaking away from the original intestinal ecology, and hunting original intestinal animals in reverse. The two sides naturally became hostile. This is an ecological war. .”

"It seems that the one-on-one fight will turn into a group fight. I hope it won't spread to the Shanghai area." The dean said solemnly.

Hudu area.





Loud noises echoed endlessly.

Under the horrified gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Chu Xin disassembled the Gemini into thousands of parts with his bare hands without even using radiation flow.

In addition to Gemini's characteristic of coexistence, physical combat is its greatest reliance.

Because of its human-like body structure, its flexible limbs and extremely high IQ, it can easily crush human armies.

Unfortunately, it met Chu Xin, who was physically stronger, more experienced and sophisticated, and was suppressed and ravaged like a small witch.

Finally, in order to eliminate the root cause, Chu Xin used the tail radiation stream to burn all the wreckage to ashes.

"There are six left. After freeing them all, it's time to go."

Chu Xin looked up at the clean sky and stood in the sea feeling lonely and defeated.

Card text appears:

“A clean and crisp battle, tearing the enemy apart with the attitude of a violent king, this is the ferocity and power Godzilla should have!

Proficiency +2%, reaching 90%;

【Godzilla】obtains card fusion permission. "

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