Early that night.

Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido.

There was a sea of ​​fire under the night, and even the night sky was rendered red.

Huge behemoths walk in the city.

"Launch the remaining missiles at once!"

The army is still resisting and launching meaningless attacks on Cancer.

As Judoji Tsukihiko expected, Chu Xin came, and he didn't stay overnight.

Bang bang bang!

The last artillery fire in Hokkaido bloomed on Chu Xin, and what was burned out was the fire of hope of the people.

The police and initiates were still fighting hard, but Chu Feng didn't bother to pay attention to their scraping behavior. Due to mission considerations, he did not specifically target the initiates.

His goal was the magnificent palace located on the hill in the center of the city.

It is a standard Japanese style, but the scale is huge, like the Potala Palace entrenched on the rock.

The seat of power in Sapporo, the Hokkaido Presidential Palace.

Although he is nominally the president, he is completely controlled by the Judoji family, and the model implemented internally is a one-person dictatorship.

Although they do not cover everyone from top to bottom, all major industries and power institutions in the Hokkaido region are closely related to them.

"Brother, let me try." A ten-year-old girl with long hair said, her silver hair cold and unparalleled.

"Cancer can kill Scorpio and Libra without causing any damage. The situation is very special. We know nothing about it. It would be too risky to send you out." Judōji Tsukihiko replied. He was wearing a slender kimono embroidered with snowflakes and the moon. , like a noble prince from ancient times.

"Sir, Yui is the ninth-ranked starter in the world. Maybe she really has the strength to fight." The assistant whispered.

The girl's full name is Yui Judoji, and she is the youngest sister of Tsukihiko Judoji.

My mother died because of her birth, but she never thought that she was a cursed child that represented disaster.

This directly caused her to be hated and spurned by the entire Judoji family.

She was originally going to be thrown away, but her father said something and she successfully stayed in the family.

"Instead of being eaten by wild dogs, it is better to train her into the family's sharpest weapon and give her a chance to atone for her sins."

Therefore, Judoji Yui grew up in an environment full of family members but extremely lacking in love, and survived as the end card of the Judoji family.

As a young girl, she had no idea what her brothers, sisters, father, and uncle were thinking and doing. She only knew that she had to work hard and work hard in order to gain their praise and eat her favorite octopus balls.

"Yui, are you scared?" Judōji Tsukihiko touched her head.

"I'm not afraid," Yui replied, "This big monster bothers my brother, so I will destroy it."

Judōji Tsukihiko's eyes were introverted, and after thinking for ten seconds, he knelt down and hugged Yui, "Okay, my brother will buy you octopus balls when you come back. It doesn't matter if you can't beat him. I won't blame you."

"Then I'm going!" Yui jumped out of the window.

Judoji Tsukihiko looked at her back and sighed quietly.

"Sir, are you worried about Yui?" the assistant asked cautiously.

"Worried, how can we not be worried?" Judōji Tsukihiko lamented, "If Hokkaido is really gone, take her to Deborah, and we will have another bargaining chip for equal talks, and an absolutely loyal bodyguard. So, she can’t die yet.”

He stared at the petite girl who rushed towards Chu Xin without hesitation, and murmured in a low voice, "My sister, you have not yet paid for the sin of killing your mother. You must come back alive."

After all, Judoji Tsukihiko has already arranged helicopters to transfer all family members at any time.

As for the people and officials in the city, they can only accept their destiny.


Chu Xin, who was crushing the army, was attracted by the sound of explosions breaking through the air.

Turning around, I saw a cannonball flying from the palace.

Terrifying sonic booms traveled through the streets and alleys, setting off fierce storms and shattering all the glass along the way.

The person who came was none other than Yui Judoji, the first person on the global ladder of individual strength.

"The Initiator?"

Chu Xin became a little interested. After all, he had never fought against a truly powerful Cursed Son.

Judging from this earth-shattering momentum, he must be a character in the top twenty or even top ten.

Just kicking her body at supersonic speeds with one foot is enough to prove her gold content.


Yui threw out a tender pink fist and crashed into Chu Xin.


Chu Xin slapped him.

The moment she felt the touch in her palm, Yui flew backwards and smashed through a dozen buildings in the blink of an eye.

Chu Xin did not continue, but turned his gaze to the palace on the mountain, and saw the angry face of Shidoji Tsukihiko.

That guy looks easy to beat~

"Don't hurt my family!"

With a childish scolding, Yui actually jumped up to a height of two hundred meters again.

She was covered in stains and blood, but no wounds, which apparently healed in a very short time.


Suddenly, Chu Xin noticed that her aura had changed.

Including the space around her, there were also subtle changes.

"I must protect my family, and the realm is open!" Yui shouted with firm eyes.

"Is this a field?" Chu Xin is also very vague about this concept. To be precise, it is a difficult problem that has not yet been broken through in the scientific community of this world.

When a Cursed Son understands the realm, his strength will increase dramatically, forming a gap between heaven and earth compared to 99% of Cursed Sons.

But how to understand it exactly is unknown, everyone’s way is different.

And it has great side effects!

As we all know, once the gastroenterovirus content in the Cursed Children exceeds 50%, they will become true gastroenterates.

The saddest thing is that this value will gradually increase with age. According to scientists' predictions, they will exceed the threshold when they are about fourteen or fifteen years old.

The concept of field is like the blood explosion in many novels and animations. When the strength is increased, the percentage value will also increase. Only when it is stopped will it slowly decrease.

If the field is opened excessively and for a long time, the value will be infinitely close to the threshold. If it is exceeded accidentally, consciousness will be lost and the body will mutate.


Suddenly, Yui screamed in great pain.

Black and red blood vessel lines appeared on her skin, veins popped up on her forehead, and her limbs twitched.

"Brother is watching me, I can't let him down."

"If I defeat the monster, I can eat octopus balls and watch one more episode of Ultraman."

"If my brother is happy, just allow me to go out."

"I'm sorry, I have to beat you!"

She raised her head sharply, dived at an even faster speed, and pulled out two short swords made of holmium metal from her waist.

"The smell is wrong, is the gastroenterovirus out of control?"

Chu Xin looked up at the silver-haired girl who was getting closer and closer, and every word she said fell into his ears clearly.

Judoji Yui's abnormality was also noticed by the palace.

"Could it be?" Judoji Tsukihiko asked in shock, "What was her data yesterday!"

The assistant was also at a loss. With so many things happening in the past two days, he had no time to care about them.

He immediately checked on the computer and pulled up Judoji Yui's latest physical examination report.

There is an infection value "49%" on the screen!

"Why didn't those guys at the research institute report to me?" Judoji Tsukihiko looked grim.

The assistant immediately flipped through hundreds of e-mails, "They have sent information, but you didn't pay attention."


Judoji Tsukihiko drew his sword and sheathed it.

"Ugh? Ugh!" The assistant covered his open neck and slowly fell to the ground, his eyes full of fear.

"Didn't pay attention? Are you blaming me?" Judoji Tsukihiko said coldly.

No one answered, and the assistant was dead.

"How could it be? She was only at 41% a week ago, and she hasn't been on a mission recently." Judoji Tsukihiko couldn't understand.

How could he possibly understand?

Yui never rested every day, and in the past week she had been training hard on her own in the field. Repeatedly activating it directly caused the infection value to skyrocket uncontrollably.

And she just wants to make herself stronger and defeat the enemy more magnificently, so that her brother can be happier.

Now that my brother is in a good mood, he might be able to take him outside to play.

It's a pity that Judoji Tsukihiko will never understand it in his life.

Because every time Yui calls "brother", he suppresses nausea and shows a fake smile.

In his opinion, his sister is an ugly gastrea.

She is still alive and is completely valuable.


Yui was in pain and cried, but she still attacked Chu Xin relentlessly.

After opening the realm, her strength indeed skyrocketed, and even Chu Xin was amazed by the power she unleashed.


Yui punched down, and the 100-meter-high building that was accidentally injured collapsed.

But the gastroenterovirus is gradually becoming more active. After ten years of hard work, it is finally going to completely conquer the host. Whether it can succeed depends on this moment.

The whites of her eyes were filled with blood red, and the dense irregular particles bulged under her skin, which were signs of imminent mutation.

"Trash," Judoji Tsukihiko snorted, "Evacuate immediately and go to Debai."

"Brother~" Yui turned her head and looked around as if feeling something, only to see his disappearing back.

"Am I finally abandoned~"

She couldn't help but recall the conversation she overheard between her brother and sister a year ago.

Those indifferent to cruel words are all used to describe myself.

But Yui felt that what she did was not good enough and did not satisfy her family.

Maybe she knew, but didn't want to believe it.


A violent fist wind struck.

Chu Xin slapped out a palm, and Yui fell weakly to the ground.

After losing consciousness, she released her domain state, and the restless gastroenterovirus gradually withered away.

Just one more second, and the outcome would be irreversible.

ten minutes later.

Tu tu tu tu~

More than a dozen helicopters and transport planes took off at the border of Sapporo, and all of them were members of the Judoji clan.

"Cancer, my only goal in this life is to eliminate you." Judōji Tsukihiko looked through the window at the city turned into a sea of ​​​​fire and purgatory, and swore a poisonous oath in his heart.

"Brother, what is that?" A twenty-year-old woman stretched out her hand.

Judoji Tsukihiko took a closer look and saw that it seemed to be a purple light spot approaching very quickly?

The next second.

The radiation flow was like a blade dividing the sky and the earth, hitting all aircraft.


Judoji Tsukihiko's roar was drowned in the brilliant firelight.

At this point, the Hokkaido area suffered a mass extinction.

A peaceful outer area.

"Take her to Tokyo and let Tendo Mugen seek treatment from Sumire Muroto." Chu Xin ordered a Transformer.

"As ordered." The Transformer picked up the unconscious Judoji Yui and transformed into a helicopter to quickly follow the moving troops.

The Free State, like most countries, was forcibly divided into pieces by gasterozoans.

But it is not directly divided like neon, but radiates from New York as the center, forming a super city in eastern America.

In addition, more than a dozen cities such as Los Angeles and Seattle have survived. Although the area has shrunk to less than one-fifth of its previous size, they have survived at least.

This also means that Chu Xin will be a little busy.

No, it was a non-stop journey across the ocean from Hokkaido.

He had no intention of using Godzilla to deal with the Free Country. After all, he almost vomited in the last world, and he really wasn't interested in it this time.

So try another way.

The Licker's virus has grown at a prehistoric rate. After infection, it is no longer a simple zombie. The mutated monster is comparable to gastrea. It also has the advantages of not being afraid of holmium metal and obeying simple commands.

Chu Xin switched to Lickers and spread the plague from the Earth's coast to the Atlantic Ocean.

No results can be seen in just a day or two, but in less than a week, the entire free country will be paralyzed and then destroyed.

By the time Chu Xin returned to Tokyo, it was already the third day.

The city in the past was desolate, the bustling streets were in a mess, and there were no people in sight.

But the damage suffered was not great. After all, this will be the real sanctuary from now on. No, it should be called Sanctuary City.

Don't ask why Tokyo's military didn't put up a fierce resistance.

The question is that all tanks, aircraft and artillery have become enemies.

What did they hit with?


Chu Xin came to the subway station square in the outer area.

"Thank you, there is no one left in the Tendo family. I finally avenged my parents and let the Tendo family be discredited before it died." Tendo Kisara bowed ninety degrees.

She hesitated for a moment, "Rentaro and Yanzhu, left Neon."

"Yeah." Chu Xin didn't care, after all, it was expected.

"They went to the Sunset Kingdom with the Holy Emperor. I don't know if they will see each other again in this life." Tendo Mugeng said sadly.

"Aren't you leaving?" Chu Xin asked.

"He has his choice, and I have mine," Tendo Mugen looked at Chu Xin, "I want to stay and help you, Rentaro also entrusted me to take care of the children."

Rentaro knows very well what revolution means. If the old is not eliminated, the new will not come.

But he had a good relationship with the Holy Emperor, but he didn't want to be an enemy of Chu Xin, so he took her away from the place of right and wrong.

"If you want to leave, I won't stop you." Chu Xin said calmly.

He doesn't care whether it's Rentaro or the Holy Emperor.

Chu Xin walked quickly underground, and the scene he saw made the corners of his eyes twitch.

Good guy!

Everywhere you look there are little girls with red eyes who are chirping!

There was no estimate during the transfer, so the number of things put together was so staggering that they could no longer be piled up. Even the entertainment room was used as a dormitory.

Look, if the subway station is not used for too long, it will grow like a row~

"It's the principal!"

"Is that the principal?"

"The principal is back——"

Especially when they shouted in unison, they tended to shatter the subway station.

"Beep! The mission [The Redemption of the Cursed Son] is completed, and you will receive a reward: 1 random world travel card."

Chu Xin was caught off guard. He didn't expect that one of the tasks would be completed like this.

It can be seen that the most serious contradiction with the Cursed Son is Neon.

“Everybody move, the shelters move.”

Chu Xin gave the order, and tens of thousands of mechanical armies led the Cursed Son and hundreds of human employees to the pleasant scenery of the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda District!

"This castle is the new shelter." He pointed to the residence of the Holy Emperor.

Next, he displayed the qualities that a mechanical emperor should have and properly arranged various miscellaneous matters to make the shelter operational.

after one day.

It is up to all countries to discuss and decide, and officially declare Neon to be subjugated, and this country no longer exists in the world.

This news completely wiped out the idea of ​​​​Sheng Tianzi reviving Neon. She lived in a foreign land with Rentaro and Aihara Enju and became a member of the general public.

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