Beyond the Tokyo Monument Line.

Ziyuan Xianyi was kidnapped by Chu Xin and brought to an uninhabited valley.


Without waiting for him to think, Chu Xin released the fusion state of [Iron-Blooded Tyrant] and turned back into a single Predator.

As can be seen from the name, the word tyrant here refers to the monster in Resident Evil, a mutant that is stronger than the Licker.

Of course, the product of this fusion is not strong.

It's probably more powerful than the Predator using the "Rage Beast Transformation" skill. More importantly, it has the virus ability of the Licker.

The Predator and Licker themselves are not very outstanding, mainly with the help of equipment. It is good to be able to achieve such a level after fusion.


After witnessing such a magical scene, Zi Yuanxian was filled with questions.

Is this guy a shape-shifting monster?

He stared at the suspiciously human creature in front of him in disbelief, and suddenly understood that there must be a country in this world that had mastered some otherworldly technology.

It turns out that it's not just Wu Xiang who is planning secretly, there are also forces unknown to them that are ready to make a move, and have even begun to implement it!

But how did the other party know about the top leaders of Wuxiang Society?

Is there a traitor among the Five Feathers?

However, before he could speak, Chu Xin grabbed his throat and lifted him up high.

A strong sense of suffocation rushed straight into his brain, and Zi Yuanxian could not suppress his body's instinctive struggle no matter how hard he tried.

"Tell me everything you know. What are you planning?" Chu Xin threatened while glancing at the inside of his calf.

Sure enough, it was the same five feathers as those of Qi Wu Xuanzong.

This means that Ziyuan Xianyi's status in that organization is not low, and the more secrets he knows.

"Do you think I will tell you obediently? Death is not a threat to me." Ziyuan Xianyi chuckled with black lips.

"Are you a neon person?" Chu Xin suddenly asked an unrelated question.

"That's right," Zi Yuan Xianyi stared at Chu Xin's two blood-stained eyes with blurred vision, and squeezed out a sullen but polite smile, "What about you?"

In his opinion, if the other party is willing to negotiate in words, there is still a glimmer of hope. Talk to them first and get useful information from them to increase your slim chance of survival.

"As long as he's from Neon." Chu Xin said something that made Ziyuan Xianyi confused.

Obviously, things did not develop as Ziyuan Xianyi expected. How could a monster like Chu Xin do what a normal person would infer.



Immediately afterwards, Ziyuan Xianyi found that he was rising into the sky at high speed, getting further and further away from the ground.

The armored man in front of him was also wrapped in a faint golden light. After a flash, a towering and huge mountain rose from the ground.

"This, this? How is that possible!"

Ziyuan Xianyi, who had always been calm and calm, couldn't stand it anymore.

He only felt that his heart was being strangled by a hand, and his whole body was so cold that he forgot to breathe.

The hot breath hit my face, the air was filled with a wild smell, and the heavy and violent oppression suddenly fell!

"You are actually... a Cancer!" Zi Yuanxian roared with eyes split open.


Chu Xin slowly lowered his head, his deep eyes ignited with smart flames, and he looked directly at him.

Because of his sudden appearance, the surrounding air flow became turbulent, like a group of frightened snakes wandering and gathering in the sky.

The cold and heat collide, and dark clouds gradually cover the sky, forming a background of dark clouds overwhelming the city.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? What is happening?"

Ziyuanxian no longer had his usual strategizing posture, and was trembling and talking to himself, trying to get his brain to work, but the huge shock was like an overwhelming wave, making it impossible for him to calm down.

Chu Xin carefully held the tiny Ziyuan Senyi with his two fingertips, perfectly controlling his own energy to be restrained and not overflowing, otherwise he would definitely steam Ziyuan Senyi alive.

He didn't say much and just used the achievement skill [God of Barbecue].

This is the title obtained after the first burning of Tokyo, which gives the Godzilla card the following effects:

The Neon nationality has its own mental coercion on human beings. Whether they see or hear your face or voice, it can make them have negative emotions such as fear and fear that are close to surrender. No matter how strong the willpower is, no individual can resist it.

The biggest difference from Tightrope's [Freedom Nemesis] achievement skill is that "no matter how strong the willpower is, no individual can resist"!

It can be said that the Neon Man is restrained to death.

The reason why I haven't used it is because I really don't have much interest in it, and the Neon Man has little use value.

However, it is always a good thing to have many skills at hand. You will only know how convenient it is when you need it.

For example, right now.


The moment Chu Xin activated his skill, the invisible pressure turned into a giant hammer and struck Ziyuan Xianyi's spiritual world.

With just this one blow, Ziyuan Xianyi's willpower was shattered into pieces.

Countless negative emotions surged up, and he gasped in embarrassment, the last trace of dignity being crushed and obliterated.

It was as if the rebellious minister who was kneeling on the ground heard the emperor's words, "Drag him out and behead him."

Suddenly, he remembered what Chu Xin had just said.

His subconscious told him over and over again that as long as he confessed everything, the mental torture he was suffering would be relieved.

After holding on for a full three seconds, Ziyuan Xianyi said with a distorted face, "We are the Wuxiang Society..."

In the following time, he explained the origin, senior officials, power distribution, etc. of the Wuxiang Society in detail.

"Our goal is to create a new world that belongs to a few people, and all humans under us are slaves. In order to realize this great ambition, we are ready to implement the Black Swan Plan," Ziyuan Senyi was extremely candid and boastful. A bottle of Erguotou, "Sooner or later, the holmium ore will be mined out. If no changes are made, mankind will surely perish! Therefore, a team of hundreds of scientists began research many years ago..."

He took a breath, calmed down and continued, "Use artificial methods to cultivate gastrula that are resistant to holmium metal, so that they are no longer afraid of holmium stone tablets, and then use drugs to control hypnosis, and develop chemicals to control them. Weapons drive gastrea animals to form a beast tide and obey our orders to engulf all countries that resist the Wuxiang Society. This is the Black Swan Plan."

The more I speak, the smoother and smoother I become, and I feel like I can’t stop talking and feel unhappy.

In fact, Ziyuan Xianyi had surrendered to Chu Xin during this process.

No, it's Godzilla to be precise. Once Chu Xin switches cards, he will still have a rebellious mentality.

So after squeezing out everything he knew, Chu Xin pinched it mercilessly with his fingertips.


Another top five-feather leader died.

But Chu Xin had no interest in talking to the other members of the Wuxiang Society at the moment, so he immediately took out the Iron-Blooded Spaceship and headed towards Sendai, north of Tokyo.


Peripheral area.

"Look, the city is on fire!"

"Even the ground is shaking. What happened?"

"Eh? Many people are running towards us!"

Many Cursed Sons looked at the bustling city in the distance with confusion and countless panicked people.

They showed unprecedented passion, as if they were rushing not to the outer areas that were once feared and excluded, but to the supermarket that was about to start a big sale.

"The gastrula have invaded, and you're actually here to watch?"

"Go and fight, you guys!"

"Where is your hiding place? Tell me quickly!"

"Don't try to hide it from us, we adults are not that easy to fool!"

The previous group had already arrived in the outer area, and they treated each of the Cursed Children as if they were ammunition in a warehouse, hoping that they would buy them some time to survive.

Seeing that the Cursed Sons were so frightened that they could not speak coherently, many people became furious and started beating and kicking them.

"You are indeed in the same group as the gasterozoans!"

"Still saying it's not? If not, then go fight it!"

"We are hopeless. We are almost at the stone monument line. Everyone will die."

"Before I die, I must kill a few cursed sons, otherwise I will never die in peace!"

Tens of thousands of people crazily poured into various outlying areas. When they were desperate, they completely lost control and vented their desires like wild beasts.

Hundreds of cursed children became the best targets to vent their anger. They were surrounded by evil spirits wearing human skins and endured heavy blows from sticks.


A metal object passed across the sky outside.

Because of the explosion caused by its terrifying speed, everyone looked up and watched.

"Is that reinforcements?"

"should be?"

"Come and save us!"

"We are here, come down quickly!"


Then, the deafening shouts went straight into the sky.

As if God heard their sincere prayers, or maybe they were not destined to die, the metal thing actually swooped down.

As the distance shortened, people saw clearly that the visitor was a strange-looking silver spaceship.

"Wow! It looks like an alien spaceship."

"It must be a secretly researched super technology. We can be saved!"

"It can even emit golden light. Can it also shoot lasers? It can definitely defeat Libra!"

In their extremely expectant eyes, the spacecraft miraculously disappeared out of thin air.

Instead, Godzilla fell from the sky!

No, seeing the majestic posture of the reinforcements, everyone's face was filled with surprise.

They were so happy that their facial features twitched!


The entire city of Sendai trembled, and the thick smoke was like a sandstorm.

Chu Xin was just an ordinary landing, and countless human beings were left dead.

The impact point happened to be in the middle of the crowd, and there was no Cursed Child.

He looked down at the ant-like crowd, and its long tail swept wildly like a giant python, plowing the ground into bloody depressions.

Since you pray sincerely, then reluctantly fulfill your wishes!

Who told me that I am a kind-hearted person in the new era?


Chu Xin stepped forward and walked towards the center of Sendai City.

Although I didn't see Libra, I could already feel the restless air currents.

He didn't deliberately kill people under his feet, but wiped out tens of thousands just by walking.

The people who were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were broken had no time to continue to embarrass the cursed son, so they fled in all directions in a panic.

When Chu Xin's back gradually faded away, the remaining tens of thousands of people breathed a sigh of relief. After the disaster, they slumped on the ground, dazed in despair.


Suddenly, planes flew into Sendai from a distance.

The first second they heard the sound, they were filled with fear.

"Not the one just now, these are Earth's fighter planes!"

"There's a sign of the Tokyo area on it, it's reinforcements!"

"We are saved!"

"Come and save us!"

When they saw it clearly, they mustered up the last bit of strength in their hearts and helped each other stand up, with expressions of joy on their faces again.

This time, hundreds of fighter planes, transport planes, and helicopters did not turn into monsters in mid-air.

They all landed on the ground.

Then in a burst of clanging metal sounds, it transformed into a tall and mighty mechanical life!

At this moment, everyone realized the true meaning of despair.

Just kill us, hurry up and don’t waste time~

"Follow the emperor's orders, and you will bring the girls back to the shelter." One of the leading Transformers waved a broadsword and said to the many transport planes behind them.

Not far away on the outskirts of the city, Sendai's army regrouped.

If you can't deal with the zodiac, you can't defeat a pile of scrap metal more than ten meters high? !

Sendai’s famous Crystal Road shopping street has been visited by Libra.

An entire commercial district collapsed into rubble.

"Help~Help, help me."

Although many people were not affected, their escape pace became slower and slower, and finally they all collapsed to the ground.

Some people's eyes were red and blood was spurting from their mouths and noses, some people's whole bodies were twitching like dogs barking, and some people's skin was swollen and it was difficult to breathe.

Some people struggled to death, while others continued to struggle in the pile of corpses.

Any place covered by strange fog presents such a purgatory scene.

Those places without thick fog will also be attacked by tens of thousands of viruses due to wind, water and birds!

Looking around, with the ravine left by Libra as the center line, the city areas on the north and south sides are full of intact corpses, and there are very few areas that have not spread.

The fact that it melts into the air is extremely terrifying!

Only a few starters are still fighting meaningless battles. Although they will also be affected by viruses, they have such devils as the gastroenterovirus in their bodies. At most, their bodies will become weak, and no matter how bad they are, they will not die on the spot.


Libra's cry is far less beautiful than Scorpio's, revealing an extremely gloomy feeling of sadness.


What Libra and the people didn't expect was that another shocking roar came from a far away place.

Boom boom~

Ultra-high-heat radioactive particles are flaming!

A huge wave of dark red flames rolled from the south, where there was a huge sea of ​​fire.

A black demon with red eyes loomed among them, and its violent and ferocious aura suddenly emerged.

Libra noticed and immediately changed direction.

Because it smelled the scent of Scorpio on Chu Xin.

But it knew that it was not the dead Scorpio, but the enemy.

Northern suburbs, edge of cairn line.

In a tent.

When President Sendai saw Chu Xin's figure on the screen, he almost fainted.

"How did Cancer come here? Wasn't it still in Tokyo some time ago?"

The chief scientist explained: "Scorpio died in its hands. It is speculated that Cancer may have the habit of hunting its own kind."

"I'm asking you how it got here, not about the grudges between them!" the president yelled.

Looking at his gaffe, one can probably guess why Wu Xiang ignored him.

"It seems that the mass extinction in Sendai is destined by God~"

At this time, the presidential secretary chuckled sinisterly.

Before the president could speak, he and two soldiers attacked fiercely, slitting the throats of the president and the chief scientist.

The three people have one two-feather and two one-feather tattoos on their bodies respectively.

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