All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 18 He really comes from an alien civilization! (Recommended period, please read it)

"After a month of hard work, with the full cooperation of all departments, a series of illegal organizations such as the Fanatic Monster Faction were severely investigated and cracked down, and significant progress was made, with more than 65,000 members captured..."

This is what the spokesperson of the Free Nation of the Pacific Rim Alliance Government said.

He spoke American English, stood on a podium surrounded by bodyguards, and boasted, as if he was personally leading a SEAL team to kill everyone.

He listed one real photo after another and proudly showed off to the world the great achievements of the Free Country.

But those heavily armed soldiers guarding the place and bodyguards with hawk-like eyes explained the speaker's guilty conscience in a certain way.

But in front of more than a dozen cameras, he had to hold his head high and pretend to be unafraid.

Chu Xin was also watching the live broadcast of the speech. As the top secret of Shattered Dome, he knew some truth.

During this period of time, the special operations against the Fanatic Monster Faction were not as easy as the news said, and the rewards were not proportional to the efforts.

It is true that tens of thousands of criminals have been arrested, but this is a global figure combined.

And except for the more than 10,000 grassroots cannon fodder of the Monster Faction, the rest are other miscellaneous organizational personnel.

This also includes the monster religion prevalent in Kowloon, Xianggang, which is the group of black-robed believers who use monster skulls as their home base.

Although they also believe in monsters and call them messengers of gods, they are not as crazy and radical as the Monster Fanatics. At most, a group of people gather together every week to engage in some smoky prayer rituals, and they have not yet developed to the point of killing people and setting fires.

The fanatical monster faction with strong backgrounds and wide network of contacts is very cunning, especially the serious middle- and high-level members.

Since the failure of the two major plans of "annihilating Storm Crimson" and "blowing up the monster wall", they are like moles smelling murderous intent, slithering into the underground world that extends in all directions, and no matter how hard they try to lure them, they don't show up.

The captured cannon fodder was just the bait they gave up. For example, when they wanted to gather for discussion, they would have the cannon fodder gather at another location to divert and distract the police's attention and manpower.

The biggest difficulty lies in their identity. If they are specially disguised agents and spies, it may be easier because there are traces to follow.

However, these guys are ordinary people themselves, and there is no need to pretend to be such unnecessary behavior.

Moreover, Chu Xin learned an hour ago that just this morning, Dahan's special forces fell into a suicide trap set by the fanatical monster faction and directly lost hundreds of elite elite soldiers.

This situation has happened frequently this month, and a secret war has quietly begun.

Chu Xin closed the live broadcast interface and reopened another web page in his skull.

This is theoretical information related to military-grade radars and drones, and it is also a deployment planning plan - "Draft of Functional Expansion of Storm Red".

The person in charge is Chen Sheng. After discussion, they decided to make some small upgrades to Baofeng Chihong and add some simple but practical new functions in response to the emergence of Chu Xin.

However, the specific implementation will take some time, and no bigger changes are possible. After all, Broken Dome is very short of funds, and it is impossible to make greater progress at the technical level.

We can't just spend a few years upgrading the Storm Red from the fourth-generation aircraft to the fifth-generation aircraft. First of all, the hard-line fence-sitters will never give any support.

Chu Xin read it roughly and agreed, because these requests were made by himself.

Since the time he passed through the soul, he has been either fighting monsters, watching dramas, reading novels, and studying hard.

Time is not so important to Chu Xin, who has become a man of steel.

He has twenty-four hours of free time a day to learn all kinds of knowledge on his own, and downloads many tedious and lengthy materials into the super-large-capacity brain hard drive, even if the Internet is disconnected.

November 28th.

Shattered Dome, Research Department.

Newton looked seriously at the old equipment on the table and the monster's accessory brain soaked in the culture tank.

"Sometimes, the more you know, the more torture you get," he said to himself, "Pioneers, alien races, biological weapons... If you want to confirm whether what he said is true, you can only do this, just try it. , as long as the link is released in time, there shouldn’t be much side effects.”

ten minutes later.

Herman limped into the commander's office and shouted urgently, "Mr. Steck, Newton and the monster are synesthetized!"

Sterk stood up from his chair with a sudden movement, frowning, "How is that possible? Where did he get the connector?"

Due to the massive reduction in funds, there is no redundant neural docking equipment. Even if the active mecha breaks down, it can only be repaired.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was put together using parts in a garbage dump," Herman replied. "It seems to be the Chinese mecha that was destroyed last year."

"The Shaolin Knight who left the factory in 2017 and died in 23 years is China's first third-generation machine and has the glorious honor of killing 13 enemies." Sterk said accurately.

The two of them walked quickly while talking.

They soon pushed the door open and slumped in the chairs. Newton, who was holding up the water glass tremblingly, came into their eyes.

Newton's face looked pale and weak, because his brain capacity was instantly overloaded, blood was still flowing from his nose, one eye was severely bloodshot, and he was completely delirious.

At this point, Sterk had no choice but to ask, "What did you see?"

Newton's eyes were wandering and he said, "This is only a small part of the brain, so all I can see is a series of images... and it's like some kind of wonderful impression..."

Sterk pulled a chair and sat down, pressed his shoulders, and slowly guided Newton in a steady voice, "Hey listen, now I want you to speak slowly and clearly."

"OK, OK," Newton forced a smile, "I feel that the monster's behavior is not following animal impulses, not the instinct of hunting or gathering, but following orders."

He paused and choked, "Their masters, their makers, are colonists, pioneers, yes, pioneers! They keep using monsters to occupy various planets and make them their own. They have indeed come to the earth. , Level 3 and Level 4 monsters are just the appetizer for the first wave, the second wave is the real attack, and it is imminent... Everything is exactly as Storm Red said! He did not deceive us!"

The increasingly intense and urgent tone was like the epic soundtrack that pushed the plot of the movie to a climax, hitting the roaring eardrums again and again, making a thumping sound in the skull.

Sterk and the two couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, as if they were pulled into the monster's brain world by language.

After a long time, Herman said to himself in horror, "He really comes from an alien civilization!"

Sterk clenched his hands and remained silent. He suddenly remembered the bad news Chu Xin had revealed some time ago, which directly overlapped with Newton's words.

Now Newton personally confirmed that everything Chu Xin said was true, completely dispelling the suspicion and wariness that Sterk had retained in his heart. If it was 90% trust before, then it is 99% now. Why not 100%? People may not completely trust each other, let alone aliens.

He realized that he must carry out truly in-depth cooperation with Chu Xin in order to obtain the most information beneficial to mankind, and also to have the best chance of ending the war of more than ten years.

"I discovered before that the genes of the two monsters are exactly the same. Now it can be explained, because they are specially cultivated and produced biological weapons. Storm Crimson also mentioned this." Newton, who was gradually recovering, added excitedly.

But suddenly, he was shocked to find Sterk staring closely at him, his eyes as fierce as a black bear that preys on others.

"Hug, sorry, I know what you want to say, but I can't help it. Who doesn't want to find out about this kind of thing?" Newton shrugged and smiled bitterly.

"You have signed a confidentiality agreement, and you are also aware of the consequences of violating the regulations," Sterk said solemnly, "You will face up to fifty years of prison life, and will be monitored for life, and will not be able to step outside the boundaries of Xianggang."

Herman wanted to plead for his old friend, but he opened his mouth and didn't know where to start, because he understood the seriousness of this matter.

"But for your contribution to the Broken Dome, the punishment will be postponed until the end of the war. During this period, you can only stay here for me to drain your professional knowledge." Sterk said without any doubt.

Then, he ordered people to destroy the equipment and deputy brain that Newton secretly obtained.

Steck walked towards where Chu Xin was, rehearsing his words over and over in his mind, thinking about how to sincerely apologize to the reinforcements who came from afar.

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