All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 157 He admitted that he spoke a bit loudly just now

Goto? ? ?

The king on the side quickly took out his mobile phone and started searching.

Sure enough, an account named "Eat Dumplings and Dip Candies" was actually live broadcasting. Click in and see, it's none of them!

The number of people in the key live broadcast room is so full that it cannot be displayed, and the barrage is even more crowded.

At first, some people said they must buy this game as soon as it came out, but gradually some people discovered something was wrong. Why was there a flashing heat ray beam and Godzilla's roar in the background of the promotional video?

This is so real!

In an instant, everyone understood that this was a "fox act" and informed their relatives and friends to come and watch the shocking secrets of the Free Country.

"Wow, these seem to be real, aren't the corpses and blood real too?"

"Does the superintendent care about it?"

"Yes, such a bloody scene will leave a psychological shadow on my son if he sees it!"

"A certain super tube is passing by~~~"

"Good guy, it turns out even the Supervisor is watching!"

"What time of the year is this? Even the free country has been destroyed. We don't need to be so conscientious."

"I'm an insider, and the management of a certain sound source is also looking at it, but it has already been reported to the capital."

"I heard that high-level officials in the Free State have been parasitized by aliens!"

"Holy shit, shit, shit, what about us here?"

"We should be fine, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see this live broadcast room."

As the popularity grew, social media and video platforms such as Twitter and YouTube reposted the live video and screenshots.

Then, other countries also learned about the incident and learned the details through diplomats stationed in Peanutton.

It has been confirmed that the live broadcast content is true!

Soon, Russell's live broadcast room was blocked and his account was banned.

Although it was short-lived, it was enough.

Moreover, some civilians near the White Palace ran to the surrounding buildings without fear of death, filmed everything that happened from a high place, and then uploaded it to the Internet.

Because of the exposure, the parasitic beast that manages the network platform is too lazy to pay attention to it.

Most of them set out to help, rise up to fight, and do their best to disrupt human society.

A small number remain stable and continue to survive as hosts to prevent extinction.

"In terms of insidiousness and treachery, human beings are indeed superior." Goto stared at Russell with stern eyes, and the surging anger made him tremble slightly.

"Kill them." The king ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the parasitic beasts surrounding him took action at the same time, some fired, and some rushed over with their heads swung.

Russell and others quickly rolled behind several off-road vehicles that were forming a circle, but several people were still beaten to death in the firefight.

"These guys are so disgusting!"

Jonas complained as he blasted a parasitic beast in the head with a spray gun.


Davis pushed Jonas away and hit the parasitic beast with a heavy iron mountain.

His body, comparable to that of a small giant beast, erupted with terrifying power, and his two punches dented the heart of the fallen parasitic beast.

Bang bang!

Jonas shot him sideways and killed him.

"Russell, it's too many!" Davis shouted over his shoulder.

"Get in the car and get out!" Russell is also a smart man who understands current affairs. Since the goal has been achieved, there is no need to die heroically.

However, now that they are deep in the enemy's camp, it is impossible for them to come and leave at the drop of a hat.

The king and the minister jumped dozens of meters away, one on the left and the other on the right, and both took action to chop the five soldiers into pieces.

"These two are extraordinary." Russell carried the RPG on his shoulder and fired a howitzer. "You go first, I will cover you!"

The grenade exploded in the fountain between the two people, splashing stones and shrapnel, and many parasitic beasts were hit.


Everyone got on the car one after another, and the leading car just drove to the door.


There was a loud bang.

Goto fell high and hit the roof of the car accurately while kneeling on one knee.

The force of the explosion instantly shattered the off-road vehicle, which was comparable to an armored vehicle, into pieces. The five retired agents inside were penetrated by the metal and became inhuman.

"Do I allow you to leave?"

Goto raised his chin, a look of arrogant contempt on his face.

His left hand turned into a shield, his right hand turned into a slender blade, his left leg twisted into a wheel-shaped sawtooth, and his right foot expanded like a cheetah.

With the support of his legs, his height increased to 2.5 meters.

The head, above the nose, rotated and gradually evolved into three double-headed sickles.

Whether it was a shield or a sickle, they all had large overlapping eyeballs without eyelids, staring at the humans who were causing trouble with extreme anger.


Goto flew out as fast as the wind, holding his shield in front of him to resist bullets and grenades.


The second off-road vehicle was split in two by the blade of his right arm.

He used practical actions to tell everyone that he was different from all the parasitic beasts and had two levels of strength.

"Is this guy the instigator?" Davis stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and crashed directly into it.

"Show us the recklessness of our Storm Bear team!" Jonas yelled.


Goto didn't back down but went forward and collided with his shoulder.

The entire off-road vehicle suddenly seemed to have hit an indestructible pillar. The hood flew up and the front of the vehicle was dented from the middle.

The two people inside are also really tough guys. This level of collision only caused skin injuries + dizziness, and they quickly raised their guns to fight back.


Just as Goto was about to kill him twice, Russell drove a pickup truck with a metal bumper and hit him.

Caught off guard, Goto flew out more than ten meters, his feet hitting the ground and creating two ravines before he forced the brakes.

The next second, he ducked and rushed towards Russell.

Some soldiers tried to stop them on the way, but all of them were killed by chopping melons and vegetables.

Buzz~bang bang bang!

Suddenly there was a dense barrage of bullets coming from overhead.

More than a dozen Apache helicopters flew across the sky, and the cannon of one of them rotated at high speed, pouring terrifying firepower onto Goto.

Goto protected his head with a shield.

He could barely block it for the first two seconds, but the continuous bombardment that followed left a lot of gaps in his shield.

He realized he couldn't waste any more time, "Withdraw!"

A few seconds later.


Unpredictably, this air force team, except for the Apache that descended from altitude, was all hit by the purple radiation stream not far away and exploded on the spot.

Countless burning debris crashed down, causing chaos near the White Palace.

"Godzilla is coming, let's go!"

Russell opened the door of Davis's car, pulled them out, and jumped into other vehicles under cover.

The remaining parasitic beasts stopped entangled, looked reluctantly at the giant looming among the buildings thousands of meters away, and then retreated one after another.


The ground began to shake.

The invisible pressure is like an invisible flood, rushing down the streets and alleys, submerging high-rise buildings one after another.

Liberty suffocated in the fire!

Goto was not in a hurry to leave. He jumped fifty or sixty meters high and landed on the rooftop of a building.

He looked down condescendingly, trying to find the convoy of Russell and others.

Goto, who was determined to retaliate, couldn't swallow this breath at all, and was bound to skin and break the bones of those hateful humans today.

Bang bang bang!

The Apache was in hot pursuit, chasing Goto.

Obviously, humans hate this kind of monster in human skin.


Goto jumped up carrying the firepower, cut off the Apache's wings in mid-air, and then got into the cabin, the three scythes on his head dancing wildly.

He landed smoothly on the rooftop of another building, and his whole body trembled before his feet were firmly planted.


A mouthful of hot breath hit Goto's back.

The intense heat causes the surrounding space to distort.

The radiation in the air was so thick that it made Goto feel very uncomfortable, even his breathing was sluggish.

He turned around slowly, and a pair of fierce and restrained eyes just met his own.

Suddenly, except for the head which was the leader, all the parasitic beasts on the limbs showed resistance and wanted to escape from the host.

"I know you have a mind, and I know you can understand!" Goto yelled a little crazily, "I have the same goal as you, use all your power to destroy mankind!"

He stared ferociously and tremblingly at the mountain-like beast in front of him, sweating profusely and his blood boiling at the same time.

This was Goto's first time face to face with Chu Xin at such a distance.

The overwhelming smell carried unpleasant toxic substances and invaded, and the high temperature caused the world to become like a steamer.

Just standing in front of him, Goto felt that his heart was tightly grasped by a devil's claw. The sharp nails pierced the aorta and were deeply embedded in the fragile heart muscle.

Goto wanted to run away, but the unparalleled pressure was like a mountain bearing down on him, causing roots to grow beneath his feet.

Chu Xin kept turning on the source of pollution, and under close contact, Goto's mouth and nose began to bleed.


The gorgeous purple light filled the gray of Goto's pupils, adding the color of this world to his eyes.

"Isn't that true?" Goto murmured bitterly.

He admitted that he spoke a little too loudly~

The instinct to survive surged out, and he gritted his teeth and twisted his body.


A stream of radiation shot through, and Goto was instantly wiped out.

The rays went downwards and turned into rake plowing across the earth, eventually burning all the white palaces.

There is another attack point in this southwest direction.

That is the Foot Covering Building 3.2 kilometers away from here!

The staff members were still busy destroying many confidential documents when they suddenly felt hot and knew nothing.

The entire pentagonal-shaped building exploded and collapsed, and many important secrets became unsolved mysteries.

So that’s it, Chu Xin is helping them improve their efficiency!

And it’s done in one step, fast forwarding directly to the steps of cremation.

At this moment, the card text appeared:

“Maintaining the same ruthless killing style as always, carrying out the original terror of Godzilla to the end;

Proficiency +4%, reaching 75%. "

Chu Xin looked at the bruised Peanut Village and felt bored.

But there is still one thing that has not been done. To be more precise, there is still one person that has not been killed.

That is the leader of the parasitic beasts, Tamiya Ryoko!

The parasitic beast hides behind the scenes in an attempt to strategize, and jumps in front of the eyes again and again. It is clear that it is using itself and humans to consume each other, and then the fishermen will benefit.

Chu Xin knew clearly that Goto was not controlling all this, so it must be Tamiya Ryoko, the IQ ceiling in the parasitic beast.

He doesn't quite understand what happened to Tamiya Ryoko who wanted to live in harmony with humans in the original drama, but at present, it seems that the male protagonist of the original drama is not advancing according to the normal plot.

But he wasn't interested either.


There was a flash of golden light and the cards were switched.

Chu Xin turned into a steel rope and flew high.

He needs to use the skill of electronic intrusion to monitor networks and electronic devices around the world to find traces of Tamiya Ryoko.

The survivors of Peanut Village were stunned, and they all looked at each other in shock and fear.

"Report, report, Godzilla has changed. I can't describe the details." A soldier said intermittently, holding up a communicator.

It took a long time for the other side to reply.

"The foot-covering building has been destroyed and the country is completely out of control. You first organize the people to move to nearby cities."

"As for Godzilla, I can't care about that now. As long as it's gone, God will bless him."


A small city in the west.

The provisional cabinet used this place as a resettlement site, but the power to operate it was simply not enough to support the country.

Everything is in short supply. Even the food we eat is donated by other countries. We have been eating kimchi for a week.

So, just a few weeks ago, they announced their national subjugation.

It sounds ridiculous, but what could be more ridiculous than a prime minister being a parasitic beast?

Neon Island was reduced to a special area, and the Free Nation was supposed to take over management and material support, but Godzilla disrupted the plan and they were too busy to take care of themselves.

Therefore, the big brother next door lends a helping hand and takes over the land, sea and air domains while providing assistance.


A heavily armed special forces sneaked in quietly and surrounded a Japanese-style mansion in an orderly manner.

Their red armbands sparkled in the moonlight.

"The action begins!"

They were divided into several teams and broke into the courtyard, and used vigorous and quiet methods to eliminate the soldiers responsible for guarding.

Afterwards, the scope of the mansion was continuously reduced and everyone was detained.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

The interim prime minister asked in English, stunned.

He was still wearing pajamas, and there were several ministers with equally confused faces standing beside him.

"According to our intelligence, there are parasitic monsters among you. Please cooperate with the investigation." the operations leader said sternly.

"Parasite monster?" the interim prime minister said with a smile, "How could it be possible, comrade, are you mistaken?"

"According to the clues, you are the biggest suspect. Get down on the ground immediately!" The captain did not accept this trick.

As he spoke, he asked someone else to take out a scanning device.

"Why do you have to kill them all?"

Before the scan could begin, the interim Prime Minister asked with a sly smile.

"If you insist on seeking death, don't blame me...Pfft!"

A bullet ejected from the captain's gun and penetrated into the temporary Prime Minister's eyebrows.

He fell to the ground and twitched, his head trembling and cracking, revealing the body tissue of the parasitic beast inside.

Bang bang bang!

After the concentrated fire, their bodies were scattered everywhere.

Several ministers were so frightened that they were surrounded by old men like little girls.

"Where are they?" the captain asked.

"No." The subordinate replied.

Actions like this are already taking place around the world.

There is a saying that when everyone learned that the top leaders of the Free State were all monsters, the chilling horror even surpassed Godzilla.

As a result, countries not affected by Godzilla have launched strict self-examination actions.

The method is also very simple, just scan the body, as long as the image inside the head is not a knotted deformity.

As the process develops, disputes between humans and parasitic beasts quickly surface.

People were horrified to discover that not only in free countries, but also in various continents, such disgusting and terrifying non-human beings existed in varying numbers!

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