All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 126 Evolution, hunting time! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Chu Xin came to a submarine canyon in the waters of Fukushima and hid in a dark cave.

While absorbing the radiation, let it soak into every inch of flesh and blood, stimulating that layer of film.

Since a neon soldier was killed before, the Self-Defense Forces stepped up aerial patrols in the area.

In addition, recent murder cases have continued in major neon cities, and some bizarre pictures and videos have emerged one after another, causing people to panic. The authorities immediately dealt with new supernatural events.

In fact, not only neon, but also a series of incidents have attracted the attention of many countries.

To this end, a secret discussion meeting was held in Singapore, the second day after Chu Xin fought the Megalodon.

Countries have set up temporary task forces, convened experts from all walks of life, and in view of the danger, soldiers have also been mobilized to form escort teams.

But Chu Xin didn't care at all at this time.

No matter how wind blows from east to west, north or south, I will remain unmoved!

Card text appears:

"Through diligent absorption and digestion day after day, and transforming into an ocean natural disaster to challenge the entire ocean predator pyramid, and perfectly hunting the megalodon, one of the former ocean overlords, with the promotion of proficiency, the past accumulation gradually produces practical effects, Make the energy in the body gradually explode;

When the radiation accumulates to a small critical point, the body will start a phased evolution, with main changes in direction such as volume expansion, organ generation, etc.;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 25%;

Obtain reward: an evolution;

Skill [Call of the Sea King] (with itself as the center of the circle, ordinary marine creatures within a depth of 5,000 meters and a radius of 50,000 meters will be controlled by the host's mind, permanent skill, no cooling time). "

As soon as Chu Xin finished browsing, he felt the nuclear energy volcano erupting in his body.

They were like poison that had been dormant for a long time and burst out at once, turning into steel thorns that shuttled through the blood vessels and bones, wreaking havoc on Chu Xin's body.


Severe pain!

Cells divide and proliferate in joy, the skin tightens and tears miserably, the flesh twists and expands crazily, the bones break and heal inch by inch, and the blood quickly boils to a boiling temperature.

The intense pain accompanied by the indescribable abnormal pleasure constantly stimulated Chu Xin's conscious nerves and made his soul tremble.

It's a wonderful feeling that can only be explained by the word "sublimation".


His entire body was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. He was like a piece of plasticine, being pulled from fifteen meters to thirty meters!

The torn skin was covered with scars, and a large amount of blood flowed out, dyeing the nearby sea water red.


The wound healed quickly, and the skin became rougher and tougher. Under the layers of texture, the fish scale tissue had faded away, resembling a lizard texture.

The upper body and tail are no longer as flat as before, but have become rounder, but the tail still accounts for more than half of the total length, which plays a balancing role to a certain extent.

The pair of hind limbs are more powerful, and the rock-like muscles seem to be able to support the weight of the entire body.

The changes in the torso are quite large, especially the abdomen which is swollen like a puffy puffer fish.

In addition to the accumulated nuclear energy reserves, two new internal organs were born: one is the lungs that can still breathe without water, and the other is the prototype of the atomic furnace that is located in the middle of the chest and abdomen but cannot yet function.

The dorsal fin blades on the back are still tucked in, and will be extended straight when needed, creating an unexpected effect.


A pair of cute fins emerge from the front body, obviously preparing for the birth of the arms.

Continuing upward, the fish's gills, which were originally like wounds, have shrunk a lot, but their respiratory filtration efficiency is actually higher.

The head has nothing to do with fish at all.

Much like a fusion of a crocodile, a toad, a dinosaur and a lizard, the bone joints in the jaw can shrink downwards, ensuring that the mouth full of fine teeth can still open and close 180°, giving the enemy the heaviest bite.

Coupled with the lungs, Chu Xin truly became an amphibian creature, with perfect vision, hearing and other senses.

The pair of eyes are more spiritual than before, no longer lifeless dead fish eyes. This is a change given by Chu Xin's soul. After all, Zhenjiang is a monster driven by wildness and instinct.

Both body size and weight have grown tremendously. Fortunately, his swimming speed has not decreased but increased, and his flexibility has not been affected.

It may be that the body cells think that defense and attack are not strong enough yet, so it is not time to weaken speed and sensitivity yet.

However, this evolution did not allow all the previously collected species DNA to take effect. After all, it is not yet a serious Godzilla. It will have to wait for the next evolution or the next evolution before it can be comprehensively applied to itself. Depending on the environment, Change to evolve or mutate.

However, the lungs appeared earlier than in the movie. It was obviously the system's credit that allowed Chu Xin to enjoy it in advance.

As for the basis, it should come from the DNA of humans and birds that fell into the sea.


Although Chu Xin's overall image has not changed much, it is a full thirty meters away.

The visual impact is absolutely full!

Imagine that a ferocious monster that is taller than a seven-story residential building quietly swims out of the dark and silent deep sea, showing you a kind smile with its fangs bared.

The 18-meter-long giant tail can set off rough waves with a flick, and the tip of the tail can crush seabed rocks with a single touch.

The scorching gas exhaled is mixed with deadly radiation, which can easily make all living beings fall into pain and torture until death. A single command can summon thousands of strange marine creatures. Who can't see it and call out the Dragon King?

Boom boom~

Suddenly, Chu Xin heard the roar of the engine.

After a while, the current surged and the fish scattered in all directions.

Chu Xin suddenly became alert.

Although this is not a deeply polluted offshore area, there is still a risk of being exposed to nuclear radiation, so it is impossible for cruise ships or cargo ships to appear unless they get lost.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of the helicopter's propeller rotating at high speed also reached my ears.

Chu Xin, who has experienced many battles, immediately recognized that this was no ordinary helicopter, and was most likely a military armed model.

This familiar sound and rhythm is most likely the Longbow Apache!

Don't ask how Chu Xin knew that the Apaches who fell in his hands could form a high school graduating class.

"How long have I been evolving?"

Chu Xin knew very well that he was probably exposed.

When evolving, it will release terrifying radiation, forming a heat source on its own, and an invisible overwhelming energy shock wave will spread out.

It is common sense to be discovered by the Self-Defense Forces who are on alert and patrolling.

It's just that this requires a process of investigation and monitoring. After all, the other party has not installed a tracker on himself.

From this, it can be judged that it took a long time to evolve, at least more than 48 hours.

He did not act rashly, but continued to lurk in the shallow trench, blending in with the dark surroundings.

Take a stab at the situation first.

Soon, four ships of varying sizes appeared in one direction.

Good guy~

Three large military ships and one Aegis destroyer.

And on top of them, there is a piece of dog skin plaster floating on the dirty eyes.


There was a sudden wave under the water, and the fish swam back in terror from the other side.

After a while, a dark, cold monster poked its head out.

It has no life, but is filled with an aura that makes countless creatures fear.

It is about 70 to 80 meters long and about 7 to 8 meters wide. It has no limbs.

This is a conventional submarine!

As luck would have it, it happened to hover dozens of meters above Chu Xin's head.

With such a lineup, Chu Xin, who is in a "stable mode", is not willing to go head-on.

However, the most suitable target for fighting at present is also this wave of Self-Defense Forces.

To fight against modern human weapons, the improvement of proficiency will definitely be more efficient than that of sharks, whales and the like.

Chu Xin thought for a moment, "Hit!"

Others are on top of his head, not to mention the enemy is overt and we are hidden. If he really keeps silent and dejected, how can he be worthy of the prestigious titles such as "Mechanical Emperor", "Ultimate Iron-Blooded", "Mecha God of War" and so on?

Seeking stability is not just a coward, take action when it’s time to take action!

But Chu Xin did not give it away like a reckless man, but turned on [Call of the Sea King].

In an instant, some kind of invisible wave band that conformed to the principles of science fiction spread rapidly towards the sea area with a radius of 50,000 meters, with him as the center of the circle.

For a moment, all the affected marine creatures trembled.

Under Chu Xin's mental instructions, they all came to the location of the submarine in unison.

Although there are no top predators such as whales and sharks, schools of fish of all sizes form a shocking wall of fish.

That’s right, it’s the Fish Wall!

When the fisherman saw it, he immediately had an orgasm.

Ten minutes later, the number of fish swarms increased, and they were squeezing and swarming with each other, enough to kill the cryptophobic patient on the spot.

There are also octopus, turtles, crabs, lobsters and more.


When the number was about the same, Chu Xin gave an order, and one hundred thousand men rushed to the submarine without fear of death.

Whether in the submarine or on the destroyer, all the soldiers and officers fell silent because this was beyond their knowledge.

"They should have been stimulated by some kind of biological wave," a military marine expert was analyzing clearly on the big screen in the warship's control room. "If I guess correctly, that monster is below you."

"We are completely surrounded by fish, requesting to move." At this time, the submarine commander's voice sounded.

"Permission." The commander of the operation on the shore said.


The submarine increased its power and stopped standing still.

But the fish were clinging to each other like pieces of brown candy, and they continued to hit them with their bodies like crazy.

In the midst of such tireless and ineffective harassment, Chu Xin quietly approached along the trench like a lump of stone, and restrained the nuclear energy he had inadvertently released.

By the time the submarine's sonar detected an obvious foreign object approaching, it was already too late.


Chu Xin no longer concealed his whereabouts and caught up with the submarine ahead as quickly as possible.

Rub rub rub rub!

The dorsal fin blade blooms!

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he first slapped his tail hard against the submarine's tail propeller device.

Wave Tail Cannon, three times more powerful.

It can be said that this attack is the largest and most powerful move that nearly a thousand tons of Chu Xin can perform.


The entire submarine was shaken.

As the propeller was dented, the submarine also came to a standstill.

Chu Xin didn't give them or the warship time to react, and directly pierced the dorsal fin blade into the belly of the submarine!

The whole body moved, and Nuclear Energy also became violent. The concave lines on the dorsal fins of the blades flickered with strange red light.


Chu Xin flicked his tail hard and sprinted forward.

The dorsal fin blade fiercely penetrated the steel skin of the submarine and cut all the way from back to front!


The terrible friction spread throughout the deep sea, making the soldiers inside feel cold all over.


The sirens in the submarine were ringing endlessly, and more than a dozen soldiers were at a loss, unable to aim even if they wanted to launch torpedoes.

The target is right under him, and there is no other way but to self-destruct.


Chu Xin pierced the submarine, causing a large amount of seawater to pour in.

"Don't panic, close the watertight door!" the submarine commander yelled, "Follow the procedure, Shanye, take the damage control team there immediately, and pay attention to safety."

"But, the entire submarine is taking in water~"

"Gu~ It disembowelled us~"

The words of several people were no different from the book of life and death of the Lord of Hell, and their faces were ashen.

The next second, I don't know which part Chu Xin destroyed, clusters of sparks ignited, causing an explosion almost in the blink of an eye.


Chu Xin dived into the rocky trench, avoiding the shock wave.

Waves suddenly broke out on the sea, and the soldiers on the ship all looked at each other, completely at a loss.

"Don't let their sacrifices be in vain," the land commander said solemnly, "attack the submarine's explosion point immediately!"


The destroyer immediately launched a torpedo, blowing up the only larger wreckage of the submarine.

From a distance, Chu Xin watched everything indifferently.

It seems that they are determined to complete it. In this case~

Chu Xin's heart trembled, his eyes bursting with fierceness as he stared at the naval guards above his head.

Then I will trample on your steel behemoth and let me increase it to 30% in one fell swoop!

Skill [Pollution Source], activated.

Hunting time~

at the same time.

Neon, Dongfushan City.

In a luxurious villa located in the suburbs, creepy gnawing sounds were heard constantly, and the smell of blood was so strong that it choked the nose.

It seemed that the wealthy owner had kept several male lions and tigers in captivity and was feeding them fresh raw meat carcasses.

Going deep along the corridor with exquisite tiles and expensive ancient paintings, you will find the elegant and bright living room.

Just something going on in the corner, out of place.

I saw two men in suits burying their heads in a square groove, and the chilling voice came from here.

Those two men were not humans, but parasitic beasts.

This is similar to the trough in which pigs eat. It is self-evident what kind of food is in it.

Their heads were all split into grotesque shapes, enjoying the moment to the fullest.

A few minutes later.

The two of them returned to their adult guise and tied their ties quite appropriately.

In the living room, there are seven or eight parasitic beasts.

There are police officers, doctors, capitalists, and officials.

Unlike most parasitic beasts, the expressions on their faces are no different from humans. They have obviously completely adapted to the false identity of humans and are deeply disguised in human society.

"We cannot continue like this. Unrestrained killing will only exacerbate our destruction."

"That's why we're here, to discuss how we should proceed."

"Human beings have obtained many corpses of the same kind and are studying us."

"Simply divide the entire city into canteens in different areas and not hunt across areas. This will ensure sustainable development."

They talked a lot.

"Coexisting with human society is the only way. After all, there are too many humans. If we really go to war, we have little chance of winning. The various weapons humans have are too terrifying." A long-haired woman said flatly.

"That's why I participated in the mayoral election," said a handsome man. "As long as I, Takeshi Hirokawa, am elected as mayor, everything will go more smoothly. I will promote the harmonious coexistence of the two ethnic groups."

Yes, he is not a parasitic beast, but a serious human being.

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