All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 117 New fusion, Red Explosion Dragon Rider!

"Cybertron? My Cybertron!"

Witnessing the long-cherished wish that he had thought about day and night shattered into pieces, the Emperor of the Universe roared heartbreakingly.


In an instant, the star core spear flew out like an arrow.

The tiny body of 10,000 meters drags a deep blue light with the diameter of the earth, intertwining with the deep darkness of the universe, splashing out a magnificent picture like a dream.

It turned into a beam of light, continuously shortening the distance with momentum close to the speed of light.

Despite the high heat generated by the extremely fast friction, the scrawled shape of the star core spear was not damaged at all.

Unicron did not retreat, but stared at the approaching blue ripples in surprise and joy.

This is what he has dreamed of, how could he refuse?

Of course, he currently doesn't have the ability to avoid it.

It’s not like the back-up man left behind by the dignified Supreme Lord doesn’t know how to turn and track.


Countless mechanical tentacles, like pear blossoms in a rainstorm, gathered in front to form a shield.

However, the Star Core Spear penetrated it easily without any stagnation.

Those radiances were not only beautiful to look at, but also had terrifying lethality. The mechanical tentacles that were touched exploded silently on the spot.

Because it is not light in the simple sense, but fire energy that exists in this form, and it is very violent.


The Star Core Spear came within the gravitational range of Unicron.

The Unicron was also a ruthless man. He simply transformed into a human-like mechanical arm, spread tens of thousands of meters, and grabbed it with ferocious fingers.

Bang bang bang!

The Star Core Spear explains what it means to destroy everything.

It penetrated from the palm of his hand, blasted the entire mechanical arm through the explosion, and then hit the Unicron's skin heavily.

The tip of the leadership module collides with the metal earth~


The next scene was extremely exaggerated, like a small space-based weapon blasting apart continental plates, causing the Eurasian continent to be split into two.

Countless parts and components are flying around like popcorn.

In just an instant, the star core spear pierced in, causing the Emperor of the Universe to scream in pain.

He has been controlling the structural deformation in his body, constructing a series of hard and thick metal barriers, but with little effect. The Star Core Spear will never stop until the energy is exhausted.

Even the Emperor of the Universe can only allow it to shuttle through his own body, wreaking havoc and destruction without restraint.

"Quintessa, I will cut you into pieces!"

The voice of the Unicron sounded in the communication devices of various battleships.

"Attention everyone, prepare to launch a bombing." Quintasha said with a stern expression.

There was no one around her, and Chu Xin had disappeared.


There was a lot of excitement inside Unicron.

The smoke dissipated, revealing a hideous scar that even the deformed gears couldn't cover and heal. It was dark in the depths, flickering with firelight from time to time.

At this moment, the Star Core Spear has completed the radius of Unicron and penetrated all the way to the core.

Amidst the terrifying sound of gold and iron tearing apart, the last layer of hard mechanical defense was penetrated, and they came to a hollow metal space, in the middle of which a high-heat spherical object with a diameter of one kilometer was suspended.


The Star Core Spear automatically locked, and its speed increased instead of decreasing, giving the impression of a powerful strike in retrospect.

The surrounding metal walls deformed into hundreds of mechanical limbs in an attempt to stop him.


The tip of the leadership module collided with Unicron's spark.

In an instant, all the energy of the Star Core Spear was released.

One is to break through the metal defense film of the Fire, and the other is to exhaust the Cybertron Fire and not allow the Unicron to take it as his own.


The star core spear was shattered inch by inch and turned into ashes from back to front.

The remaining leadership module was spinning at high speed like a top, and like a drill trying to dig a hole.


The metal structure on the surface of the fire has cracks visible to the naked eye.

The leadership module contained several supreme wills, and their remaining consciousness suddenly understood the current situation.

Boom boom~

The module suddenly burst out with its final light, burning all its power to prepare the final blow.


The membrane exploded, revealing a cluster of energy flames inside.

The leadership module then collapsed, and several beams of light splashed onto the flames, immediately making a harsh sound, like a few drops of cold water poured on a red-hot soldering iron.

This directly caused Unicron, who was already weak in strength, to suffer even more.

He was forced to hover, and his whole body was deforming uncontrollably, sometimes like a sea urchin, sometimes like a human head, during which many parts and energy liquid were sprayed out.

This wave, from barely able to move to almost paralysis!

But his tenacious vitality was fully demonstrated. Although he was extremely weak and almost half way to death, he did not die suddenly on the spot and still retained a weak breath.

However, if enough energy is not injected in time, Unicron will wither and die sooner or later.

Just when the Emperor of the Universe hesitated to move forward, an uninvited guest came into his body.


Chu Xin followed the path dug by the Star Core Spear and penetrated deeply into the Emperor of the Universe.

The Predator driving the spaceship jumped out, quickly switched to a steel cable, and reached the core of the fire unimpeded with a spray of his wings.

Because the Emperor of the Universe was suppressing the riot in his body, he did not notice a dust-like Chu Xin.

By the time he discovered it, Chu Xin had already launched two Longyan tracking missiles towards Huozhong.

That’s right!

"Who are you? How dare you be so offensive!" The Emperor of the Universe almost laughed angrily. He was bullied by dogs even when he was in peace, and no one dared to be his enemy.

The emperor was furious and his momentum was overwhelming.

Boom boom!

Dozens of twisted mechanical arms surged out, trembling with twitching while surrounding Chu Xin.

Obviously the Star Core Spear had seriously injured it.

Facing those arms of different thicknesses, Chu Xin calmly switched to Baofeng Chihong, who had a more advantageous body shape.


Raising his hand is a long-distance cannon of judgment.

Unicron was always on guard, forming a metal wall in front of the fire in an instant.

The plasma cannon exploded upon contact with it and did not damage the fire.

"There's a chance." Chu Xin murmured in his heart, judging from many aspects that his success rate was not low, but very high.

Ceng Ceng Ceng ~

Many fancy mechanical parts detached from the surroundings, wrapped the fire in layers, and then deformed slightly.

A mechanical giant about a hundred meters tall appeared. It was all black and silver. It smelled like battle damage from top to bottom. Its breath was also extremely unstable, and it felt like it would suddenly belch.

His back was connected to the surrounding walls by metal pipes, and his limbs and the back of his head were also connected to the wall by fine mechanical arms, like puppets hanging from the strings.

The chest is a turbine structure similar to a dangerous wanderer, and the light emitted by the fire can be vaguely seen.

This is the anthropomorphic form of Unicron.

The lips opened and closed, and a violent male voice came out, "You give me a very strange feeling. What a strange transformation. Swallowing you should also bring me a lot of surprises."


At this time, the distant ground was shaking violently.

Under Quintessa's order, the fleets launched inflicting bombardments on Unicron.

The emperor's anthropomorphic expression was ferocious, and he didn't care about the wounds on his skin. He galloped towards Chu Xin in the next second.


After Chu Xin waited for a long time, Yan Falcon pulled out from the void and chopped out a cross flower with his backhand.

The two sides fought for more than ten rounds in just a few seconds, and the fierce hand-to-hand contact produced explosive sparks.

The Great Emperor's attack in his anthropomorphic form was fierce, without even the slightest retreat. Chu Xin punched, he punched, Chu Xin swung his sword, he swung his sword, Chu Xin blocked him and made every move.

All in all, the Emperor of the Universe lived up to his name and gave Chu Xin a huge sense of oppression.


The anthropomorphic form crossed his arms across his chest and violently performed chest expansion exercises.

Rub rub rub rub!

The armor on the chest quickly expanded and extended, transforming into an energy cannon.


Spew out.

Chu Xin responded calmly, switched to the Predator, and summoned Iron Abuse.

Tie Shuo turned into a humanoid form and huddled up in front of Chu Xin.

Plasma cannon fires.

The two sides faced off, with Unicron clearly having the upper hand.


After blocking the energy cannon, Tie Bao also exploded into countless pieces.


After all the broken corpses are recovered, the cards can be restored to their original state in just 24 hours.

The moment Chu Xin retreated, he switched to the steel rope.

He did not take the opportunity to attack the anthropomorphic form, but instead twisted his waist and slammed into the metal inner wall with a spinning strike.

The sharp armor covers the right fist, and the right wing increases the power.

With a scoff, the entire right arm blasted through the metal and completely submerged into the internal mechanical structure.

The skill [Mechanical Plague] is released!


Countless nano-mechanical insects crawled out of Chu Xin's body and greedily penetrated into the body of the Unicron.

If it were the previous Emperor of the Universe, this amount of virus would be just a joke, but now that the Emperor is sunset, his immunity is used to fight against the remaining energy of the Star Core Spear.

So symptoms quickly appeared, such as energy confusion, paralysis of thinking, delayed commands, etc.

Although they are all minor, in the situation of internal and external troubles, it is tantamount to being stabbed in the heart.

"You, you did, w-what!"

The anthropomorphic state was shaking like a mosaic, and even the language system was in chaos.

Chu Xin couldn't help but talk to himself in his heart.



Suddenly, a red shadow of the storm appeared behind the steel cable, overlapping in the form of the sky and the earth.

The Emperor of the Universe had never seen such a battle before, and muttered what kind of technology this was.

He endured many severe pains and conjured up a 100-meter spear to stab the fused Chu Xin.


The bright golden light converged.

A black and red mechanical arm reached out and firmly grasped the spear.

"You are so weak now." A voice filled with cruelty and evil aura sounded.

A ferocious dragon head broke out from the golden light, with sharp teeth covering half of its face.

The card text then appears:

"New fusion record: Storm Crimson + Steel Rope = Mechanical Judgment·Vicious Dragon Rider."

The light went out, and a giant mechanical creature nearly 100 meters in height was suspended in the air. Parts of its body were still rapidly merging, and the process was full of the cold and violent beauty of metal and machinery.

The overall structure is that of a centaur, and the lower body of the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus can be seen, but the original armor is combined with the modern style of Storm Red. The four legs are covered with dark red flowing armor, and the spikes of the steel cables are retained at the joints. Exoskeleton.

The end of a thick dragon tail is in the shape of three spiral blades.

The waist up is a human-like structure, retaining the characteristics of Storm Red's 360-degree rotation. There is a tough and thick mechanical spine on the middle line of the back, and more than a dozen metal ribs are spread out to ensure the stability and coordination of the whole body.

The two arms are completely dragon claws, and they also come with plasma wrist cannon devices.

There are multiple jet ports on the inside of a pair of mechanical wings, providing more powerful firepower.

The breastplate is shaped like the head of a tyrannosaurus. The key point is that the bloody mouth can be opened and bitten, and flames flash from the depths. It is obviously capable of firing explosive bombs, flame spears and other thermal weapons.

On top of the thick and solid shoulder armor, there is a ferocious head. The most eye-catching thing is the big mouth with intertwined sharp teeth and the towering horn in the middle of the forehead, which looks like a blackened version of Gundam Unicorn.

There are dark silver and blood red like intertwined spirals all over the body, evenly distributed from bottom to top, matching the well-proportioned mechanical concave and convex.

Fusion - Mechanical Judgment·Vicious Dragon Rider!

The momentum is far more turbulent and violent than the Iron-Blooded Storm, and the change in form is also extremely huge, from a humanoid to a mythical being.

Creatures like centaurs sound very ordinary and even a bit weird at first sight, but what if they are centaurs made of machinery?

What's more, it's not a centaur, but a centaur!


Chu Xin got straight to the point and activated his chest cannon.

The spine was displaced forward section by section, and the upper body was hunched and hugging itself.

The next second.

Chu Xin gave him a warm hug from the air, and the mechanical spine made a crisp sound like exploding beans.

The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its mouth, and the surging flames compressed and then compressed, instantly blasting out a half-energy, half-physical cannonball.

In the blink of an eye, the anthropomorphic state received Chu Xin's gift.


His arms stretched out and joined together to form a cannon.


Against the wave again.

But this time it was Unicron who was extremely embarrassed.

The wave of explosion swept across all directions, and Chu Xin rushed into it, grabbed the anthropomorphic form's neck, and punched it hard on the head.

Then he suddenly pulled out his head!

Through the hole in the neck, the fire inside can be clearly seen.

But the other party was the Emperor of the Universe after all. He immediately transformed his whole body, breaking away from Chu Xin's restraints and turning into a smooth and round metal ball.

Chu Xin rushed over calmly, pulled out the Flame Falcon with his left hand, and threw a proportionally larger Behemoth with his right hand.


The heavy sword that took the first step unleashed the roar of Behemoth the moment it was released.

The mechanical storm that filled the void violently struck the metal ball, and after a few seconds, the tip of the epee penetrated ten centimeters.


The Yan Falcon arrives.

Hold the knife with both hands and strike hard.

Keng Keng~

The metal ball changes, and a large number of mechanical parts gather on the side where the blade is about to fall, focusing on defense.

However, the Flame Falcon in Chu Xin's hand disappeared.

He turned and flashed at the limit, grasped the hilt of Behemoth's sword, and then sprayed his wings into the overload range, pushing in with all his strength.

To deal with mechanical enemies, what kind of flame falcon should be used? Behemoth, which has explosive damage and critical hits against machinery and metal, is the best choice!

Bang bang!

The violent friction was deafening, and then exploded.

At the same time, more than a hundred battleships outside fired beam cannons, all of which hit the wound pierced by the star core spear.

This blow was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Chu Xin let out a violent dragon roar.

The moment he sensed the weakness of the Emperor of the Universe, he stabbed him boldly.

Dense cracks appeared on the surface of Behemoth, but it still successfully penetrated the metal ball.

Chu Xin's left arm reached inside, and a plasma beam was aimed at the flickering fire.

This moment was silent, with only the fragmented fire in his eyes and the death roar of Unicron echoing in his ears.

"I want you to be buried with me!!!"


The fire energy surged.

In less than a second, Unicron detonated all the remaining energy.


The terrifying heat spread together with the shock wave.

The warships that were closer were instantly shattered, with countless mechanical fragments scattered in all directions, and they became cosmic garbage from then on.

"Hahahaha~" Quintasha looked at this scene and laughed loudly with both joy and sadness, "Thank you so much, Unicron, you are already dead but you still helped me a lot. You are too arrogant and arrogant, Steel Rope." , How dare you rush into his body casually, now there will be no bones left!"

She smiled, and it suddenly felt like a lump in her throat.

Because in the field of vision, a familiar crimson figure was mixed among the countless fragments.

"How is that possible!" Quintessa's eyes were gloomy, filled with evil thoughts, "But, he is very weak now, right?"

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