All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 113 We still don’t know where his limit is

A bright sun quickly rose from the earth, and rings of air waves spread out in layers.

The terrifying high temperature burned the metal and machinery until it was scorched red. It only lasted for a moment and then turned into flying ashes.

The air composition of Cybertron can ensure the normal functioning of nuclear bombs, so the shock wave released by the explosion of twenty nuclear bombs immediately covered a large area.

Naturally, it affected the surrounding army of hundreds of thousands of mechanical beasts, including two creators who were full of fear.


In an instant, there was only a loud explosion in the world.

Everything is quiet.

On this day, the local temperature on Cybertron reached tens of millions of degrees Celsius.

Feeling temperature: 0℃.

How do you feel when your body is gone?

Whether it was Optimus Prime and others looking down from high altitude, or Quintasha and others watching from all directions on the projection, everyone stared in disbelief.

In the midst of the scorching waves of fire, there was a red mechanical giant standing motionless!

He is at the center of the sun, like a real source of explosive heat.

The fire cannot melt his steel body, the high temperature cannot destroy his internal organs, and the shock wave will automatically avoid the moment it touches him, as if he does not dare to offend the emperor's subjects.


Then, a mushroom cloud replaced the firelight and obscured the crimson storm.

Although the scene could not be seen, the painful roars of hundreds of thousands of mechanical beasts echoed one after another, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Before long, everything fell silent.

There is only one black smoke pillar connecting the earth and the sky.

"Gu~ Is he dead?" A Decepticon trembled.

"Yeah, right? Are we going to die together?" Another Decepticon replied with difficulty.

At this time, they finally felt fear.

The Creator was an out-and-out god in their hearts. However, neither of the two gods could dodge Chu Xin's attack, and even failed to counterattack and defend. This fact gave them a shock far more shocking than the nuclear explosion itself.


The hot wind slowly blew away the diffuse metal dust.

Everyone did not dare to take a breath and stared straight at the nuclear explosion site.


Iron Slag and Optimus Prime also took the opportunity to drive the fleet into Cybertron, suspended above the mushroom cloud.


Trembling with every step.

Chu Xin slowly walked out of the dust, his huge one eye bursting with dazzling light.

Gradually, the mushroom cloud moved away with the wind.

The barren metal land behind him was empty, filled with charred ravines plowed out by the shock wave, and spider web-like cracks extending to the end of the field of vision.

An army of hundreds of thousands of mechanical beasts evaporated on the spot at once, and almost no parts the size of a thumb could be found around the center of the circle.

At the edge of the explosion, a large number of mechanical fragments remained. They were piled up in a messy manner, making it impossible to tell who was who.

"Where is the great Creator?!" a Decepticon roared.

Pa da~

Chu Xin opened his left hand, and two silver heads the size of rice grains were thrown into the air.

Look at the frozen, mutilated and stunned facial features, they are the two creators who died before they left the battlefield!

Being in the center of the explosion, even the Creator cannot withstand the tens of millions of degrees of heat. Coupled with the impact of the raging shock wave, it is destined to be torn apart.

After all, no matter how powerful the Creator is, he is just a few scientists seeking power and usurping the throne. He is neither the Supreme King nor the Emperor of the Universe.

"The Creators are just liars in name only. Their original names are the Quintessons, a group of careerists who occupied Cybertron." Chu Xin said calmly, his voice carried far away.

Everyone was in an uproar!

Of course, the Decepticons would not believe the rhetoric of their enemies, and Optimus Prime and the others immediately understood that Quintessa and the others were just ambitious usurpers.

The battle continued, and our own fleet was surrounded, but one man was able to challenge thousands of armies with majestic momentum.


Chu Xin raised his hand to the sky and fired the cannon of judgment.


The light streamed for 100,000 meters, and battleships fell one after another wherever it passed, which relieved Tie Zha and the others a little bit of pressure.

Chu Xin switched back to the tightrope and continued the bloody fight.

There are countless enemy troops in the sky and hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground. Chu Xin knows very well that if he doesn't launch a wave of Qing Dynasty and fights to the end by himself, the grass on Tie Zhi's graves will be several meters high.

Even though the way of killing is penetrated, one cannot be blinded by killing and must remain calm at all times.

Just as he was killing a Hercules with Behemoth, the card text appeared:

“Thoroughly tap into the body’s potential and integrate a variety of hot and cold weapons;

A vigorous and exciting fierce battle, from the earth to Cybertron, from a small group of soldiers to soaring into the sky, killing all soldiers under the sword;

For the first time, he achieved the combined Vajra and achieved a great victory in the first battle, stimulating the huge violent power of King Shura and living up to his reputation as King Shura;

Compared with fighting that goes deep into the bone marrow, tenacious and brave willpower is even more valuable. Facing a strong enemy without flinching, but always maintaining a calm mind;

Accurate judgment, clear decision-making, crisp movements, and smooth card cuts. You will not miss opportunities due to hesitation, and kill the enemy's army and leader with thunderous force;

Proficiency +12%, reaching 95%;

Reaching 90%, [Steel Cable] obtains fusion permission;

Earn rewards:

Steel Rope: Its own density is doubled to its original value, and its defense, weight, etc. are also increased accordingly;

The heavy sword Behemoth has a new [Fire Enchantment], which can release scorching flames to wrap around the sword.

[Flame Spear] has been upgraded, and its length has increased from 5 meters to 10 meters.

[Mechanical Frenzy] has been upgraded, and the cooldown time has been reduced from 12 hours to 8 hours;

Storm Crimson: flexibility remains unchanged, weight increased from 10,000 tons to 20,000 tons;

Predator: Endgame has a new jet flying device that can reach the speed of sound. "

at the same time.

Mechanical palace.

Quintessa and the other two Creators remained silent.

The three of them looked at Chu Xin who looked like he was unparalleled in the projection with stern expressions, and silently adjusted his danger level to the highest level.

With one set of combos, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and two colleagues were wiped out, but Chu Xin himself was unharmed in such a terrible explosion. In this situation, even the arrogant Quintasha began to look at Chu Xin as an equal. .

The endless trump cards kept them in a daze.

"That giant should be his strongest form, right?" A person whispered. His name is Plague God, and he is good at attacking mechanical life with electronic viruses.

"..." One person was silent, his name was Death God.

The two people who died in the nuclear explosion were War God and Light God.

Those hundreds of thousands of mechanical beasts are the army of War God. As for Light God, he is good at treating mechanical life and can release the light equivalent to fire energy. He is also an old friend and priest of War God.

"No," Quintasha, the God of Life, said quietly, "We still don't know where his limit is."

"The scepter is not important, and there is no need to worry about the fire source. I will go to the earth and deploy my dead device. I can also absorb the fire energy of Unicron into Cybertron, but it will take some time," Death God said coldly. , "Be prepared with both hands. I don't want one mistake to cause the whole game to be lost."

After he finished speaking, he left alone in a small spaceship.

The Plague Lord on the side licked his lips slightly obscenely, and his metal tongue had three forks like a poisonous snake.

He stared at Chu Xin with extreme greed. Even if two companions died, his interest in Chu Xin did not diminish, but became more intense.

"As long as he is still a mechanical life form, it is impossible to resist my virus. Quintasha, let me show you the new results of my research over the years, the bad news about the plague: Mechanical Insect Swarm!" The Plague God said to himself sharply, and then hunched over. The body floated out.

"Protect him." Quintessa said to her six bull-headed knights.

She has realized how powerful Chu Xin is, and the Plague Emperor is extremely good in the field of specialization, and is far more important to her than the dead war and light, so she is worried that he will overturn.

In the blink of an eye, Quintessa was hanging alone in the empty hall, and finally murmured with a hint of uneasiness, "How many trump cards do you have that you haven't played yet?"

The war has moved from space to the land of Cybertron.


The beast King Kong Leopard glanced out of the corner of his eye and reminded his old friend.


Qingtian Sheng, who had transformed into a mechanical gorilla, changed his expression. A Hercules jumped down from the metal mountain and was about to crush him.


Before Optimus Prime's men arrived, the murderous roar came first.

The next second, he jumped high from the other side, landed on a boulder, and swung the knight's sword the moment he approached Hercules.


One move accurately penetrated the center of Hercules' eyebrows.

Almost at the same time, two flying Decepticons attacked and stabbed Optimus Prime's back with their sharp blades.

Boom! ! !

The Brontosaurus mud transformed into a dinosaur form, and with a flick of its long neck, its hard head smashed the two Decepticons who sneaked into Optimus Prime to the ground, and they were immediately hammered to death by Optimus Prime's fists.

Just one battlefield is already so full of unpredictable turns. You can imagine how chaotic the entire battlefield is.

Looking around, we can see that the enemy and we are entangled, and accidental injury and accidental killing are inevitable.

If Chu Xin hadn't prepared in advance and assembled a mechanical army, just a few dozen men would have been overwhelmed by the enemy's huge crowds.

Fortunately, Chu Xin killed all the elite Decepticons, and all that remained were cannon fodder. Contempt, Optimus Prime, and others had no problem fighting a dozen of them in single combat.


Chu Xin was leaving the battlefield.

He located Quintessa's location based on the memory of one of the Creators.

While running wildly and flying wantonly, he raised and lowered his knife, harvesting thousands of lives.

He transformed into a sickle, leaving wheat to be slaughtered on both sides.

Buzz buzz~

Suddenly, Chu Xin stopped.

Weird sounds came from above, like countless insects flapping their wings and roaring.

But all that could be seen at a glance was the flames of the explosion and the drifting nuclear dust.

Gradually, this sound also appeared under the metal earth beneath my feet.

Chu Xin did not take it lightly. He held the burning Behemoth tightly and looked around vigilantly.


Although there was nothing in all directions, the sound was getting closer and closer, spreading all around.


Chu Xin frowned and stared.

He finally saw the sounding thing, which was countless silver-white mechanical bugs!

It descended from a high altitude and emerged from the ground. Its size was even smaller than the nuclear dust in the air. Even he could only see it clearly from a distance of about ten meters.


The heavy sword was swung, and the flames burned large areas of the densely packed but invisible insects to death.

But the number is endless, and the roar of wings becomes more and more intense.

Chu Xin knew he was surrounded!

A mechanical insect bypassed the gap in the attack, landed on Chu Xin's armor, and slid into his body along the gap.

Immediately afterwards, these extremely difficult-to-defend bugs penetrated into Chu Xin's body one after another, swam in and out, attached to various joints, and briefly cut off the connection with the brain and fire.


In an instant, he felt paralyzed all over and his mind was in a trance.

"Electronic virus?" Chu Xin realized that the enemy was the guy named Plague God.

"Jie Jie~"

A floating and moving figure descended from the sky. Looking at Chu Xin who couldn't move, he couldn't wait to rub his palms.

Six bull-headed knights lined up in order to protect this big man.

"Should I say that you are just a warrior with no brute strength, or am I too powerful?" Plague God smiled proudly.

Chu Xin's eyes were panicked, and he struggled pointlessly, trying to use the source of fire to save himself, but he couldn't even move his fingers.

"Don't be stubborn and resist, obediently surrender to me," said the Plague God, "and don't even think about transforming into a mechanical giant. These treasures of mine are ready!"

After he saw that Chu Xin really had no means, he proudly floated ten meters directly in front of Chu Xin.

"Let me see now how special your body is, huh? Two fire seeds! This is a rare thing... huh?!"

The Plague Emperor's eyes suddenly froze and he subconsciously moved back.

Because the golden light in front of Chu Xin flashed, and the huge steel rope disappeared out of thin air.

Not the Predator, not the Storm Crimson, but the Licker wearing armor!

Since they are made of flesh and blood, the Plague Lord's mechanical bugs are useless.


Chu Xin's muscular limbs lifted off the ground and jumped twenty meters in the air.

First, several rounds of plasma shoulder cannons were fired at several bull-headed knights, forcing them back, and then they pounced on the extremely shocked Plague God.

"You can actually turn into a flesh-and-blood creature! No, this is out of the scope of transformation gears! Who are you!"

Just as the Plague God was about to defend himself, he was shocked to see Chu Xin using his sharp claws to cut a large bloody gash on his chest.


A large amount of blood sprayed all over the Plague God.

The next second.


The shrill roar of a slaughtering pig resounded through the sky.

The Plague Lord raised his arms in disbelief. The metal skin and flesh were corroding and melting rapidly, and the culprit was the hot blood.


Not only his arms, but also all the parts that were touched by blood had a similar situation. His naked and wretched head was already open.

That's right, the Licker's blood not only contains the zombie virus, it's also endowed with super-corrosive properties that are slightly weaker than alien blood!

This wave is like pouring a basin of cold water on the computer host to physically kill the virus.


The six bull-headed knights were scared to death.

If the Plague God received the lunch box in front of him, Quintasha would never let him breathe more.

Without any explanation, the six people hurriedly gathered together and merged into a larger bull-headed knight!

It's called Hellfire, also known as the rain ghost.

Bang bang!

Hellfire raised his arms and used his wrist cannon to continuously bombard Chu Xin who was running around.

Chu Xin jumped flexibly and dodged behind.

He kicked off his limbs and jumped to Hellfire's back, then switched cards.


The steel rope that appeared directly pressed Hellfire under him, and the summoned Behemoth dropped down, pierced into the back of Hellfire's head, penetrated straight through, and split into two.


Hellfire disintegrated into six bull-headed knights, all rushing towards Chu Xin.

Knock, knock~

Chu Xin made a forceful move, grasped the hilt of the sword, turned around and waved it.


The sword edge slashed out and cut into the side of the first knight on the left.

From left to right, draw an arc.

Cut them all off!

Instant kills have become a daily routine for Chu Xin.

"devour him! possess him!"

At the same time, the Plague Lord, who had changed beyond recognition, drove the mechanical insect swarm in terror.

Due to the small amount entering the body, Chu Xin can reawaken the paralyzed body with the tenacity and tenacity of his soul, but the reaction speed will be much slower.

But enough is enough.

He struck the heavy sword hard on the ground.

Roar of Behemoth!


The mechanical insects along the way were directly shattered, and the Plague Emperor was instantly swallowed up by the mechanical storm.

Chu Xin worked hard and switched to Storm Red, whose movement was unrestricted, and used the plasma cannon to hit his face.



Another "Creator" fell in the hands of Chu Xin, giving Quintasha and the Decepticons another heavy blow

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