All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 103 Khorne Chuxin, Mechanical Wail (Yesterday and Today)

7000 BC.

At that time, Cybertron was in dilapidated condition, its resources were exhausted, and the mechanical lifeforms had left home one after another.

Quintessa couldn't stand it anymore and came here alone.

She ordered her first generation of mechanical knights to implement a recovery plan, which was to absorb the energy of the earth to rejuvenate Cybertron.

However, the knights who upheld justice did not want the earth to become a victim, and believed that the smooth-talking Quintessa was telling lies and that her evil behavior was contrary to the identity of the creator, so they joined forces to betray her.

They stole Quintessa's vital scepter and hid it quietly on Earth.

This scepter functions like a leadership module and is the key to unlocking the energy absorption and transmission device. Without it, Cybertron cannot drain the earth.

500 BC.

A young man named Merlin in the British Empire accidentally broke into the spacecraft where the Mechanical Knight crashed on the earth, and the two parties reached a secret agreement.

More than ten years later, a war broke out between the British and the Saxons, and they were at a disadvantage.

At Merlin's plea, the mechanical knights took action, using their absolute power to suppress a group of ancient people in all directions and save his friend King Arthur.

Merlin won the trust of the mechanical knights and kept the Scepter of Quintessa for them.

With the help of the mechanical knight, the scepter was bound to Merlin's DNA, and only he and his descendants can use it.

In order to protect the secrets of the Cybertronians on Earth, Merlin founded the "Knights of Vitvikan", which has been passed down to this day. Although it is now sparsely populated and almost extinct, it still sticks to the secret.

It is worth mentioning that Sam's great-grandfather was one of them.

Outside Los Angeles.

Military buildings are located on the vast plains, and electrified iron grids are built on the four borders. Cameras and fully automatic cannons are arranged like exhibits at a science and technology expo.

But the sentries on duty and the live ammunition in their arms told everyone who was curious that this place was not a cosplay venue for military fans. Even multinational satellites did not dare to monitor this area.

This place used to be the territory of an army, but now it has been renamed the Fire Base, specially provided for Chu Xin and other mechanical life forms.

At the same time, there is also stationed the Fire Special Forces formed by the soldiers of the Free State. Most of the members are the soldiers who initially cooperated. Their attitude towards the Transformers is relatively soft.

What is interesting and what makes countless officials unbelievable is that the person responsible for this unit is not a certain general, but Chu Xin.

Not everyone has reacted to the White Palace in the past few days. For example, the CIA female director, who has always been gibbering and arrogant, firmly stated that power cannot be controlled by aliens and that they should take this opportunity to throw a nuclear bomb at the Spark Base.

"The reason why he didn't completely break up with us is because he didn't dare. He was afraid that we would die with him!" This woman said with great confidence.

Obviously, she didn't witness Chu Xin's brutality at first, and she didn't feel any pain at all since she wasn't beaten.

In this regard, before the old woman could act foolishly, a group of big bosses asked her to step down without saying a word, and immediately supported a new director who was sensible and well-behaved. They also sent spies to monitor the dismissal of the female director, for fear that she would take advantage of her previous powers. Do some shit with connections.

After all, no one wants to score twice in the Fall of the White Palace~

The situation that has finally been stabilized does not want to be broken. As long as the benefits are sufficient, enemies can be turned into friends.

And Chu Xin has the [Electronic Intrusion] skill, and any human secrets are invisible to him, and he will monitor and monitor them every few days.

Tu tu tu tu~

A transport plane lands.

After the hatch opened, Optimus Prime appeared with an unfamiliar old face.

"Ahem, this is where you settled on Earth? How did you convince those unreasonable humans!"

This is an old Transformer with dull skin and a metal crutch. Judging from the wings on both sides of his thighs and neck, he is mimicking an old airplane.

His name is Skyfire, and he was once the right-hand man of Fallen King Kong, who was responsible for installing star reapers on various planets.

But after witnessing the mass extinction of carbon-based life countless times, Tianhuo softened his heart and changed his mind, so he voluntarily broke away from the Decepticons and has been hiding on Earth.

"I owe everything to him," Optimus Prime said respectfully, "He was also the one who told me about your existence."

"Let's talk about it first. I can't beat the old bones anymore, but I don't have the ability to fight with the Decepticons. In fact, I don't want to come with you at all." Tianhuo muttered.

He looked at the Autobots and Dinosaurs who were looking at him one by one, and wondered, "Is that guy really as powerful as you say? He actually gathered so many people."

Optimus Prime said seriously, "Please be more polite with your words. He is our wise man and beacon, not the guy in your mouth."

"Okay." Tianhuo said.

At this moment, there is an empty warehouse in the base.

Chu Xin, who switched to the Predator, took out the Iron-blooded spaceship from the card, and then picked up the fire source placed aside.

"Hopefully it will work out."

Thinking about it, he clicked on it regularly.


A beam of light shot out and enveloped the twenty-meter-long iron-blooded spacecraft.


Perhaps the two technological creations were mutually exclusive, and unstable currents flashed between the spacecraft and the beam.

Those electric currents spread out and formed branches that bloomed one after another.

After being touched, the surrounding electronic equipment immediately began to tremble, and in the blink of an eye they transformed into lively mechanical beings.

It's a pity that they are all products of the earth. Just when they were about to attack wildly and randomly, they were all killed by Chu Xin with a plasma light cannon.


Gradually, the beam stabilized and converged back to the source of fire.

"Can't you?"

Chu Xin accepted the reality calmly, just when he was about to take it back.



A few seconds later, the iron-blooded spacecraft underwent a huge change.

From "it" to "he".

With the extremely smooth mechanical expansion and contraction, a new mechanical life in his early twenties was born.

As expected of an iron-blooded spaceship, it exudes unparalleled iron-blooded evil aura just by standing on it.

Although the appearance is not as ferocious and ancient as the mechanical dinosaur, the overall appearance is like a wild warrior from the future, combining two contradictory styles very well.

One-sentence description: Gundam is mixed with old-fashioned Pacific Rim mechas, and embellished with some of the original features of the Iron-Blooded Armor.


He knelt down on one knee loyally, his voice low but magnetic.

Because of the card's affiliation, he is of course Chu Xin's property and does not require any later taming.

"From today on, your name will be Tie Shu." Chu Xin thought for half a second and came up with a name that was easy to remember.

"Thank you, Master, for the name. From now on, I will go through fire and water for your master." It is not difficult to see Tie Shu's character. He is a trustworthy and loyal minister.

As for combat power, the two plasma shoulder cannons are not just decorations. In terms of material hardness, they are better than most Transformers.

There is a lot of knowledge in his storage system, so he is also a knowledgeable scientist who can create iron-blooded equipment when conditions permit.

There is also a super power - space jump!

Although the energy was exhausted after the jump, it was still a life-saving skill. This was one of the main reasons why Chu Xin transformed him.

The most important thing is that Tie Shu has an immortal body. Even if it explodes into countless residues, it can be resurrected within 24 hours in the card.

Then, Chu Xin released the evil again.

"Ho ho?!"

Wu Shao came out for some air after a long time and seemed very excited. He kept rubbing his ferocious head against Chu Xin.

Chu Xin took out the raw bear meat that he had prepared and let it feast on it.

In this way, one person, one dog and one iron got along for about ten minutes.

"Go back." Chu Xin waved his hand, taking back Tie Shao and Wu Sha, and switched to the steel rope himself.

He walked out of the warehouse and saw Skyfire.

"What's going on with this guy! He's born with the power of a leader?"

Tianhuo repeatedly confirmed whether he had met Chu Xin for the first time.

Because when he saw Chu Xin for the first time, he naturally felt a trace of respect and obedience in his heart. This feeling had only been experienced by supreme beings such as Fallen King Kong, so it shocked Tianhuo greatly.

"One more thing for you," Chu Xin turned to tell Optimus Prime, "Go to Daying to find a family and get a scepter through them. Then you two will act together. Now go and rest first. Detailed information I’ll send it to you later.”

Optimus Prime said without hesitation, "Okay."

"Once this matter is done, I can restore your previous strength." Chu Xin said to Tianhuo again.

"Source of fire!" Tianhuo glanced at Chu Xin's waist and immediately replied, "Don't worry, although I can't fight the old man, I have a lot of knowledge in my head and I will definitely be able to help!"

The Staff of Quintessa is a key prop. Although it is temporarily unavailable and has no meaning to Chu Xin, it is better to have such an important thing in your hands as early as possible.

What's more, the scepter has the same nature as the source of fire, and is an out-and-out "Quintasha trap"!

By then, with the Source of Fire in your left hand, the Staff of Quintasha in your right hand, the Leadership Module in your arms, and the Emperor of the Universe at your feet, why worry about not increasing your proficiency?

Since Megatron left, Decepticons all over the world have become quiet.

They seemed to be dormant with purpose, without making any waves at all, which was very inconsistent with the Decepticons' violent and wild style.

According to past cases, the human world has long been turned upside down.

However, through satellite monitoring, meteorites did continue to fall to the earth during this period, and then mysteriously disappeared.

No need to think about it, those guys are Decepticons.

It's not just enemies, some members of the Autobots are also arriving one after another.

"Inspector", a fat, smoking-talking man, "Drift" who mimics a neon samurai holding a pair of swords, as well as Crosshair and Hot Rod.

With their participation, the Autobots, who were like a defeated army, could finally see the light of day.

As time goes by, humans gradually stop talking about alien robots and begin to return to normal life.

But this precious peace will eventually be broken, just like the Decepticons' undying ambition.

Two days later.

An ordinary morning.

People in New York City stopped one after another and looked up in amazement at the blue sky and the meteorite falling straight towards the mouth of the Hudson River.


After a loud explosion, the Statue of Liberty was hit and destroyed again.

The flames of the meteorite extinguished, revealing a large metal block. The mechanical parts disintegrated, and the natural enemy staggered out of it.

He looked around at the frightened humans, his eyes flashing with disgust and contempt that could not be concealed.

In the eyes of the natural enemies, humans are arrogant, weak and unaware creatures, and there is no sense of guilt at all in sacrificing such a meaningless group of people in order to revive Cybertron.

But he immediately suppressed his disgust and pretended to be exhausted physically and mentally and collapsed on the drop cabin.

Soon, the police blocked Liberty Island and sent officers from the Firebase stationed in New York to negotiate, because the current behavior of the natural enemies did not look like the Decepticons.

"I am the master of Optimus Prime, the former leader of the Autobots!" the natural enemy replied.

Upon hearing this, the officer quickly contacted the Fire Base and asked the natural enemy to wait patiently for a while.

During this time, the Royal Enemy scanned a fire truck.

Not long after, a large number of transport planes came from afar, and a group of Autobots, as well as Slash and Iron Slag came down.

"He is truly the leader of the natural enemy!" Tiepi said respectfully.

"It's been so many years since we last met, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that our group of people would meet again on Earth." The detective sighed with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Where's Optimus Prime?" Yunni asked.


Chu Xin descended from the sky, folded his wings, and answered his question, "He has something to do. I am responsible for this."

"Who are you?" Yu Tiandi showed normal vigilance.

Ratchet opened his mouth and told him the whole story succinctly.

"I see, does that mean you are a bounty hunter who puts profits first?" Yu Tiandi looked directly into Chu Xin's eyes, "I don't trust that the fire source is preserved in you."

Several Autobots immediately scratched their heads in embarrassment. They didn't know how to deal with this situation.

"How did you find this place?" Chu Xin did not answer the natural enemy's words, but instead asked with great interest.

"Hmph~ I have been chased by the Decepticons before and have gone through countless hardships. Just when I was about to lose hope, I received the assembly signal transmitted by Optimus Prime in the universe, and I escaped from the pursuit and came all the way here." Yu Tian Enemy Tell lies that have been made up in advance.

He changed his subject, "But what I didn't expect was that Optimus Prime, the leader, really disappointed me. He not only handed over the source of fire to outsiders, but also brought the great Autobot clan to surrender to the natives of the earth. Or is he a bounty hunter under the guise of cooperation? I really don’t know whether to call him innocent or stupid!”

He ignored the helpless persuasion of Bumblebee and others, and said in an arrogant tone, "But seeing that you have indeed made a considerable contribution, this cooperation is not impossible to continue, but I will replace Qing Qing." That idiot Tianzhu will renegotiate with you."

This old guy is just playing hard to get~

It's a pity that Chu Xin doesn't accept this trick.

He quietly watched Yu Enemy direct and act, to see how long this old bird would continue to act.

Chu Xin knew the plot, so Yu Tian Enemy looked like a self-pushing clown in his eyes.

Boom boom~

Suddenly, there were loud noises above the head, as if there was a whole heavy factory working on it.

Without any warning, metal spaceships appeared from all directions at high altitudes, targeting the downtown area and the army with massive bombardments.

The metal cannonball exploded into countless fragments. Under the flames, it harvested blood and flesh and penetrated the building with holes.

The sample cars in the car shops deformed one after another, and they took out their weapons and started killing them indiscriminately.

In just a few seconds, thousands of people lost their lives, and landmark buildings were reduced to rubble.

Times Square, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Broadway, New York University and other places with a large flow of people were invaded by the Decepticons. They wreaked havoc and vented their long-suppressed anger.

"No, it's the group that is chasing me." Yu Tian En Enemy's face became extremely ugly, "Hurry up and get out of their encirclement!"


At this time, an invisible energy shield covered half of New York, blocking it, cutting off all signals inside and outside, rendering human missile systems useless.

The Decepticons are coming prepared!

Bang bang bang!

A large number of Decepticon members also appeared in the neighborhoods near Liberty Island. They attacked the Liberty Island fiercely, trying to kill Chu Xin and others.

Tie Zha and the others immediately launched a counterattack, and the scene was instantly chaotic.

While everyone was hurriedly responding, Bumblebee standing behind opened his eyes in disbelief.

In his field of vision, the enemy who was fighting back against the Decepticons one second jumped up high in the next second, pulled out a huge broad knife and stabbed Chu Xin in the back of the head.

The anxious Bumblebee also stepped out and tried to stop him.

But it's still a step too late.

"You lowly beast, go to hell!" The natural enemy roared in his heart and waved his right arm with all his strength.


A huge earthquake made everyone dizzy.

They all looked back and were shocked to find that Yu Tian En was knocked to the ground by Chu Xin's elbow.

Fortunately, he had rich experience in fighting against natural enemies and subconsciously raised the shield in his left hand, otherwise the blow just now would have killed half of his life.

"What's going on?" Tiepi asked confused.

"We can't have conflicts at this time, brother Steel Suo, you may have misunderstood, the leader of Yu Tian Enemy is just a bit grumpy." Drift said hurriedly, holding up his two swords and standing between Yu Tian Enemy and Chu Xin, Want both parties to calm down.

But his blade was aimed at Chu Xin. From a psychological analysis, the drift was still towards his own family, and he was on guard against Chu Xin.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he just came to Earth not long ago, unlike Tiepi and others who fought together with Chu Xin.


However, Yu Tianni unceremoniously stabbed the broad knife into Drift's vest, piercing his chest, and then twisted it hard to shatter the fire.

"It's time for the slaves of Earth to meet their masters. It's a pity that you also had this opportunity to enjoy it."

What a good old man, he didn't hesitate to self-destruct as a werewolf in order to prove Chu Xin's innocence.


Drift turned his head in horror and fell to the ground motionless.

The fire was destroyed and the source of the fire could not be saved, not to mention Chu Xin had no intention of saving him.

Neither a few lovable younger brothers nor a hornet can bring him benefits and value. Chu Xin's kindness is not so cheap.

We are all adults and it is natural for us to bear our own consequences.

"I'm still wondering how long you want to act," Chu Xin stared at Yu Tian Enemy with calm eyes, "I didn't expect to lose my composure so quickly."

In an instant, everyone aimed their swords and guns at the natural enemy, and all fools understood that the former leader was now in the shape of a Decepticon.

"How could you know?!" Yu Tiandi moved his numb left arm, his fear of Chu Xin rising to the highest level.

The timing of the attack just now couldn't have been more perfect. Once hit, he would be killed or injured, but he was caught off guard.

"Your eyes reveal everything." Chu Xin casually gave a mysterious reason.

Yu Tiandi touched his eyelids in confusion, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Chu Xin speeding toward him, and he immediately understood that he had been deceived.


Chu Xin's sinking punch was like a heavy cannon hitting the shield of a natural enemy.

The arrogant power was concentrated on the spiked glove, hitting the spot where the elbow had been hit, and the cracks expanded and collapsed in an instant.


This punch bombarded the shield and hit the natural enemy directly on the head.


The old face of the natural enemy was distorted into a human shape on the spot.

It is indeed a leader-level Transformer, and it can transform into such a terrifying appearance.

He ejected and plowed a ravine on the land of Liberty Island. He curled up in the pit and twitched non-stop. Along the way were the equipment he exploded.

"You actually attacked my leader? It's unforgivable!"

The slasher holding two axes spoke sternly and calmly, but his behavior had nothing to do with calmness.

The slashing showed the agility that a velociraptor should have. It pounced on the natural enemy before it could get up. The crazy force of raising and lowering the knife was like a goblin pressing on the helpless female priest.

"My natural enemy will never die in the hands of two beasts. Get out of here."

No matter how much the natural enemy struggles, he will attack and kill without mercy. Even if he takes one blow, he will give him two ax blows in return.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mechanical dinosaurs' fierce fighting momentum is comparable to that of Optimus Prime per person.

Keng! Keng!

Metal and metal made a fierce collision sound.

After a few blinks of an eye, the natural enemy was hacked to death, two arms and two legs were disassembled, and finally his head was chopped into a flowering intestine with an axe.

"No, no, we still have room for discussion. We can rule the new Cybertron together!" The blooming Yu Tiandi was frightened and immediately looked at Chu Xin sadly.

He really wanted to save his home.

"Kill him." Chu Xin said calmly.

He couldn't wait to slash and crush its fire with his bare hands, and the natural enemy stopped begging.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

A generation of leaders died miserably, and not a single body was found.

"They want to deploy a space bridge."

Chu Xin looked at the top of the tallest building, where several gentle-looking Decepticons were playing with several energy pillars.

at the same time.

Large cities such as Chicago and Peanut Stew were attacked by a small number of Decepticon spacecraft, which temporarily plunged the world into turmoil and panicked people.

But it is not difficult to see that these small fights are just to distract humans and make the situation more chaotic.

Daying, a suburban castle manor.

Bang bang!

Several Decepticons launched a bombardment inside.

Among the flying bricks, Optimus Prime and Skyfire were seen escaping with an old man, being chased and killed while fighting back.

Five feet building.

"The central city of New York is completely surrounded by swarms of alien spacecraft. Our long-range bomber has just been shot down and cannot break through the enemy's air defenses. The satellites are also subject to severe electronic interference. We know nothing about the situation inside. "

"Ground troops have been sent in and they will prioritize rescuing those on the list."

"Fortunately, Steel Cable and the others are also inside. With his combat power, he should be able to suppress the Decepticons, right?"

"I hope so. I really didn't expect the Decepticons to be so arrogant and attack New York directly."

"This battle is also an opportunity. The best result is that the Decepticons are severely damaged, and then we pursue the victory and make these aliens unable to recover!"

Many officers were talking about it.

"The best outcome is not this," the new minister squinted his eyes, "but that both of them lose."

He tapped his fingers on the table, "Let all units stand by and decide which plan to implement based on the actual situation."

New York.


This familiar voice is none other than Hercules.

And there's more than one.

Dozens of engineering vehicles merged into four mechanical monsters with slightly different images as people watched in shock.

They were located in different neighborhoods and rampaged through the surrounding buildings, putting the Decepticon engineering team's demolition capabilities to full use.


Dozens of small spacecraft separated from several transport spacecraft, occupied the commanding heights, and launched a cold-blooded massacre where humans gathered.

The troops trapped inside are still resisting tenaciously. They are equipped with high-heat bullets or armor-piercing bullets, which can cause some damage to Cybertron's metal, which is better than the scratches of the past.

"Hahaha, it's a pity that Contempt and Dart didn't come!"

The iron slag transformed into a triceratops and rammed through one of the legs of a Hercules, then transformed back into a human form and tore its abdomen, and a large number of parts mixed with energy fluid flowed out.

"Fortunately, they didn't come. There are not enough enemies for me to kill!"

The slasher jumped out of the window of the building next to him. The two axes intertwined and drew a graceful arc in mid-air, landing accurately on the top of Hercules' head and blinding one of his eyes.

Looking around, the gunfire was dazzling, broken limbs were flying all over the sky, and the Autobots and Decepticons were fighting equally fiercely.

Bumblebee and Hot Rod snatched a spaceship and drove it crookedly into a transport ship, and soon a thick fire broke out inside.

The transport ship fell and crashed into Wall Street, and a wave of flames swept into the sky and swept away a group of elites in suits and ties.

Conflicts like this took place in turn, with casualties on both sides.


Chu Xin destroyed three small spaceships at high altitude, and after landing, he crushed two Decepticons that were killing humans.

"Hehe~ Master Megatron said that as long as he takes your head, he can take over the position of Starscream's adjutant." A ferocious-looking dark gray Decepticon appeared on the rooftop a hundred meters away, holding a gun and looking down at him. Chu Xin, "Remember my name, hacker!"

"You want to steal my head? There is no way!" A very tall and strong Decepticon appeared on the street behind him. His name was Raid, and he was leading three or four followers behind him.

"Hey, you are all here~ Then I'll join in the fun~" A carefree Decepticon jumped out of the roof on the left, smiling as if he had a chance to win, "Here comes Nitrogen Zeus!"


The building on the right was smashed through, and a Decepticon that looked like a sheep-headed monster stared at Chu Xin. He was instantly uninterested in the horizontal cannon that was torn into pieces in his hand.

He screamed and spit out green saliva, spitting out half of Sideswipe's head, his eight pupils glowing scarlet.

"The Berserker is here too, so we're sure." Nitrogen Zeus shook his body with a playful smile.


After a few seconds, Nitrogen Zeus's smile froze.


A headless body rolled off the roof.

Chu Xin casually threw away the head with the spine attached and flew towards the hacker whose expression changed drastically without saying a word.

"What just happened?"

"Did my eyes get blurry?"

Bang bang bang!

The hacker hurriedly opened fire, but Chu Xin used a horizontal hammer to catch him.

The attackers and his men were also firing long-range artillery shells to support them, but they couldn't keep up with Chu Xin's flying speed.


The hacker was so frightened that he crawled and jumped into the building. For a while, the screams of the woman and the old sister-in-law came one after another, indistinguishable.

A few seconds later.

The hacker stood at the window, holding the two men with his left and right hands, and shouted in fear, "I have hostages in my hands, you'd better calm down!"

This sentence has always been said by others to hackers, and this day it was finally his turn to say it himself.

"Stop! Otherwise I will kill them!"

Chu Xin increased the intensity of the spray without changing his expression, and swung the hammer in the eyes of the hacker who couldn't believe it.


The chain hammer smashed the hacker's entire upper body into the wall of the building, killing him completely.

Due to the huge force, the load-bearing wall of the building was completely shattered, and one side of the floor collapsed directly. The endless screams immediately fell silent.

The building has the words "The New York Times" on it.

"Is this guy a lunatic?"

Raid and Berserker looked at each other and couldn't help but feel chills running down their spines.

Look what you have protected, who is the villain? ! !

But before they could think about it, Chu Xin quickly turned back.

Before anyone arrived, the cold light from those blood-red eyes had already sent chills all over the attacker's body, and he unconsciously retreated behind a group of men.


Berserkers live up to their name and are indeed crazy.

Although Chu Xin gave him the oppressive feeling of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he still jumped over violently, hugged one of Chu Xin's arms in mid-air, and used his teeth and claws to perform physical output.

Chu Xin didn't even bother to look at the reptile clinging to his arm. He placed his palm against the berserker's cheek. The moment he showed a look of shock, his palm expanded, and an explosive bomb exploded in front of his eyes.

Green watermelon juice pours all over the sky~

"Block him!"

Seeing the berserker being killed instantly, his mentality of attack collapsed.

Under the cover of his men, he transformed into a heavy tank and galloped towards the rear.

But before he ran fifty meters, two Long Yan tracking missiles flew at each other, blowing him up on his back. Then Chu Xin, who was being chased, used a sharp iron piece to divide him into two parts from back to front. two.

After killing these named Decepticons, Chu Xin continued to fly through the streets and alleys without any hesitation or rest, using the most brutal means to cut into pieces and kill each Decepticon.

It seems that he is not in a hurry to destroy the space bridge device, but is immersed in killing and unable to extricate himself.

"Fuck, he's more ruthless than Optimus Prime!" The detective looked at the Decepticon in front of him who was smashed into pieces by Chu Xin, and the big cigar in his mouth fell to the ground.

"It's too scary. Fortunately, he's not an enemy," Crosshair muttered, "At least not now."

"You know what the hell, this is the boss we respect!" Tie Zha said with great admiration.

Unknowingly, Chu Xin went crazy.

The roar of the corpse lingered in his ears, the machine was making painful whines, and everything in his eyes was blood-red, like a river of red paint being splashed wantonly.


Suddenly, a roar came from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the ground at the end of the street arched horribly, the floor tiles cracked and flew away, and the water pipes sprayed freely.

There's something huge stalking down below!


A giant mechanical worm tears apart the earth.

Its mouthparts, which are more powerful than a meat grinder, expand to the limit, and countless sharp teeth rotate and stir, leaving two kinds of flesh and blood, silicon-based and carbon-based, between the teeth.

The small tentacles around the head have the same structure, and they are all aimed at Chu Xin, who is less than a hundred meters away.


Chu Xin did not dodge and rushed straight into the mouth of the mechanical worm.

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