
Chapter 543


It was dark, and in the vast forest lay a huge being.

He seemed to be carved from a huge amethyst, with two heads, and the armor on the Divine Physique was faintly discernible, so he lay on his back and waited silently…

He, the super powerhouse of the ‘Ziye Group’ of energy-like beings, also showed his strength in the Hunyuanhai Secret Realm action alone – the existence of the overlord of the universe!

A small number of energy-type beings are naturally not afraid of soul-type attacks, such as the Ziye group is one of them, they are not afraid of soul-type attacks, and they like to be close to the earth. Many ethnic groups are sitting , but the powerhouse cultivation of the Ziye ethnic group is lying down.

Lord Jin Yuan was lying on his back, one of the two heads had his eyes closed, while the other head had his eyes open.

This state belongs to the alert state of the Ziye ethnic group.

“en?” Lord Jinyuan’s two heads and eyes opened at the same time, and through the gaps in the leaves of the lush forest, they locked onto the silhouette of the streamer flying in the distance in the sky.

“Is it… a human?”

“It seems to be the previous Human Race Peyton, who barely has the battle strength of an overlord.”

Thinking, Kim The source lord’s eyes shined, and the overlord is also divided into grades. In his eyes, Peyton is undoubtedly the weakest grade.

At the same time, this Peyton is the Disciple of the Primal Chaos City master, and he has at least one High Grade Supreme Treasure in his hand, which is already worth his hands.

Lord Jin Yuan stood up silently.

The two heads were light flashed.


It started to accelerate silently, first in the forest.

At this moment, Peyton was just flying high in the sky while overlooking the earth, and the speed was not too fast, so that Lord Jinyuan quickly rushed to the bottom of Peyton.

Peyton was flying in the sky, and did not find Lord Jinyuan at first, but as Lord Jinyuan flew out of the forest and flew towards him, he could clearly see it, but at this moment, the distance between them was already very long. near.


“Hand over the treasure! Spare your life!”

Lord Jinyuan rose to the sky, purple crystal skin exuding demon Different rays of light, his two heads were completely locked on Peyton, and there were faint rays of light flickering in his eyes, obviously with endless murderous intention.

“The lord of Jinyuan of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance?”

Peyton quickly recognized it.

To be honest, he’s been cautiously all these years, and this is the first time he’s been ambushed.

“I was thinking about entrapment, but now it seems that I am a big fish!”

Facing the lord of Jinyuan, he rushed up from below and put his hand on the long spear behind him.


Lord Jin Yuan’s six arms were holding a crescent moon light at the same time, when the distance between the two quickly approached.

The surrounding area quickly fell into the Time Law Domain, and the Time Law Domain also affected Peyton slightly. Lord Jin Yuan took this opportunity to burn Divine Force to launch his ultimate move.

“So, spare no effort.” Peyton secretly said.

“Using Law Domain abruptly to kill directly, none of these cosmic overlords are easy to mess with.”

“Just try my divine light hall!”

“hua hua woo~~~”

Suddenly, countless dots of rays of light appeared in the surrounding Heaven and Earth, as if countless stars were twinkling, but each of the rays of light had a strict murderous intention.

Exactly, Lord Jinyuan’s unique trick – Jinyuan world.

I saw countless rays of light quickly enveloped Peyton, wanting to kill Peyton directly.

Payton watched this scene, the long spear in his hand was still very stable.

Peton, who had already burned the Divine Force to maintain the Peak state, finally moved the long spear in his hand. Almost instantly, the secret pattern of the law of densely packed appeared on the long spear’s gun blade.

The secret pattern is precise and ingenious, with a shocking beauty. With the moment when the war gun is swung, it even triggers the universe’s space-time Fusion Law…

At the same time, a space-time The chaotic river was directly moved towards Lord Jinyuan and shrouded away, and the endless domain breath suppressed it.

It was followed by a bright golden light.

“I transform the universe!”



Swipe across the endless golden source in an instant, Lord Golden Source’s ultimate move was directly crushed and shattered like a joke in front of this move.

This icy golden light hits the Divine Physique armor of Lord Jinyuan directly, the power is so powerful that it far surpasses the limit value of this ordinary Supreme Treasure armor, making this Supreme Treasure armor only capable of Weaken half of the attack, and the remaining impact is fully applied to the Divine Physique of the Lord of Gold Source.

“Roar~~~” A faintly discernable roar sounded in the ears of Lord Jinyuan.

“I, I, I…” Lord Jin Yuan froze in the air and flew with inertia.

The Divine Physique that followed him without a sound was completely annihilated, disappeared like air, leaving only a suspended black armor.

Peyton stood in midair, but frowned: “Damn, this style secret technique formidable power is too strong, an Overlord level experiment, it just fell!”

Originally, Peyton just wanted to seriously injure this person, and then used Five Colored Divine Light, cooperated with the Divine Light Temple, to capture this person directly.

Unexpectedly, this style of secret art, with great power, just killed this person under the protection of the Supreme Treasure armor.

“I don’t think it’s in place, I overestimate these overlords!”

Shaking his head, Peyton looked towards Lord Jinyuan’s relic.

The black armors suspended in midair turned and flew towards Peyton under the control of Peyton’s Divine Force.

“One piece of normal Supreme Treasure armor.”

“Six pieces of normal Supreme Treasure weapons—should be suits, equivalent to the value of a High Grade Supreme Treasure weapon. The overlord of the universe, the net worth is really deep.”

Before, he captured a bunch of Venerables, and Peyton couldn’t get a Supreme Treasure, but it was just some treasures.

Peyton put away the Supreme Treasure, and then summoned a world ring in the distance, which was a world ring that fell directly to the ground after the fall of the Jinyuan Lord.

After Peyton checked it, there were only dozens of heavy treasures and other items, and the accumulated value was probably not as good as an ordinary Supreme Treasure.

Killed Lord Jinyuan and cleaned up the spoíls of war.


Payton turned into a streamer and flew away, his speed was still neither fast nor slow, maintaining sub-light speed.

The surroundings were peaceful, without any movement or trace.

No one can see that there has just been a fallen overlord of the universe.

Next, Peyton also thought about his goal.

entrapment , the hunting overlord!


The incomparably huge territory controlled by the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, in the starry sky where the Ziye ethnic group lives, there is a ‘golden source’ on a dark red life planet. Lord’s Temple.

The temple is not big, but it is one of the Holy Lands of the Ziye ethnic group. There are six cosmic overlords in the Ziye ethnic group.

The overlord of the universe is already the strongest existence of the Ziye ethnic group, so the entire group is divided into six territories, which are managed and cultivated by the six overlords of the universe.

Some Disciples and servants in the palace respectfully look at a silhouette in the distance.

That was the avatar that Lord Jin Yuan left here after he went to Hunyuanhai Secret Realm.

The avatar is extremely weak.

But after all, it is the consciousness of Lord Jinyuan, who can completely instruct Disciple and deal with some things.

“I—” Lord Jin Yuan’s face showed horror.


Direct annihilation and dissipation.



“teacher!” The three Disciples and some personal servants waiting in the distance were shocked.

Because the starry sky around this planet is blocked by space, even Lord Jinyuan cannot teleport away.

But why did this avatar suddenly disappear?

“Don’t worry, the teacher must encounter extremely important things that require spare no effort, so he withdraws his consciousness Divine Force, and this incarnation naturally disappears.”

“Look first. The token given to us by the teacher.”

“Look at the token.”

All three Disciples immediately took out the token.

The token is an item that incorporates the life imprint of Lord Jinyuan, just like the ‘recognizing Master’s treasure’. Once crushed, Lord Jinyuan can naturally sense that he will come to rescue Disciple.

“The token has become a masterless object!” A sharp voice came from the throat of one of the Disciples, and the simultaneous pronunciation of the two heads made it even more desolate.

“Masterless object!”

“I have become a masterless object!”

The three Disciples of the Ziye clan looked at each other, their eyes Zhongdu is full of fear and panic, they know very well what this scene means!

A recognizing Master item has two ways to become a masterless object, and one is for the master to take back the imprint of life in it.

The other is when the master is killed.

With the absence of Lord Jinyuan, the mark could not be recovered at all.

Then the answer is no doubt——

Lord Jinyuan, fall! ! !

“Quick, inform the other lords.”

“Quick, immediately.”

“Notify the senior leaders of the tribe.”

Purple There are six cosmic overlords in the Ye ethnic group, and these six cosmic overlords support the entire ethnic group.

A fallen is the collapse of one of the Heaven Supporting Pillars of the Clan.

This is a very terrifying blow to the Ziye tribe.

Just for a moment.

The three cosmic overlords of the Ziye clan who did not go to the Hunyuanhai Secret Realm have all arrived.

The three of them first carefully inquired about Lord Jinyuan’s Disciple, and then they screened out those Disciples and servants.

In the hall.

The three purple crystal double-headed beings are all standing, and the atmosphere is depressed.

“Jin Yuan has fallen!”

“Who can kill Jin Yuan, even Jin Yuan didn’t have time to call for help! Jin Yuan has an ordinary Supreme Treasure armor, and his attack methods are even more powerful. Strong, who can kill him?”

“There is no Lord of Universe in the Hunyuan Sea, and the one who can kill Jinyuan must be some top universe overlord.”

The three universe overlords were silent. .

“If you enter the Hunyuanhai Secret Realm, you will be in danger of being killed. Don’t even think about it. If you can kill the existence of Jinyuan like this, our Ziye ethnic group will not be able to provoke it.”


“en. ”

The three universe overlords are nodded.

“We have to apply to the Northern Xinjiang Alliance to revive Jin Yuan.”

“Jin Yuan is the overlord of the universe. Everyone knows the leader’s temper, I’m afraid we have to wait, and the general Alliance Leader will come to revive Jinyuan when he is in a good mood.”

Universe Elementary Venerable, Medium Venerable, High Venerable… It will not be long before he will be resurrected, and it will be delayed for a thousand years at most.

But it’s hard to say the overlord of the universe.

Because only the ‘General Alliance Leader’ of the entire Northern Xinjiang Alliance can resurrect the universe overlord!

No other Lord of Universe can do it, and if the Chief Alliance Leader is delayed for hundreds of millions of years because of something, no one dares to say anything.

“Don’t worry about it, apply to the alliance and wait.”

“Well, when Jin Yuan is resurrected, we will know how he fell.”



Hunyuanhai Secret Realm is the place closest to the Universe Source, and flying in the sky of Hunyuanhai Secret Realm is also wonderful.

Peyton was flying with a smile, and recalled the previous battle. Although he regretted losing the Overlord level test item, Peyton was still very satisfied with the formidable power of his secret art.

“This is my first full-scale battle, and the power is so great.”

“However, Lord of Universe’s ultimate secret technique consumes too much Divine Force. Extremely exaggerated.”

The trick just now was to consume half of Peyton’s Divine Physique.

A lot of consumption!

The power is also ridiculously strong!

“However, the formidable power is impressive!”

“I can feel his normal Supreme Treasure armor is vulnerable to the point of mine.”

“Of course, his Supreme Treasure armor is also average, only half of its power is weakened, and his Divine Physique is of course annihilated.”

“If it is High Grade Supreme Treasure armor, I guess it can only seriously hurt him, It will take a few more moves to kill him.” Peyton secretly said.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Peyton has been “fishing” in the Hunyuanhai Secret Realm for decades.

He killed two overlords in total, captured a senior overlord, hunted hundreds of cosmic Venerables, collected enough test items, and got a lot of treasures.

I have to say, this place is really a good place, there is no Lord of Universe, Ren Payton is rampant.

Of course, after decades of fishing, Peyton’s strength has also been exposed, and he has made a name for himself and is regarded as the top cosmic overlord.

However, Peyton’s hunting plans didn’t stop.

Fishing is good, so is hunting!

This Hunyuanhai Secret Realm doesn’t last very long, so there won’t be a good chance to hunt like this in the future.

Without the constraints of the Lord of Universe, it is also a treasure land in itself, with powerhouses of various ethnic groups gathered, it is simply a treasure land.

Whether it is murdering to seize the treasures, or collecting experimental items, it is an incomparable aspect.

As for the experiment, it won’t be too late to carry out the experiment after collecting enough experimental samples.

For now, let’s collect more experiments.


Hunyuanhai Secret Realm.

Peyton was commanding the Divine Light Hall, flying high in the sky, and some alien Venerables immediately avoided the Divine Light Hall when they saw it from a distance.

“It’s Peyton.”

“Human Race Killer”

“Get out of the way.”

“This Killer So here, who is being targeted?”

Peton is just like other Peak universe overlords, making the alien Venerable and even the universe overlords retreat.

“Is this what a powerhouse feels like?” Peyton stood on the top of a lofty mountain, looking over the common people, and his heart was soaring. After many years, he could finally impudent again. .

“In the so-called Hunyuanhai Secret Realm, which is full of crises, it is completely walk unhindered, and no one dares to provoke me.”

Hunyuanhai Secret Realm is very dangerous, that is also Relatively speaking, perhaps extremely dangerous for some universes Venerable!

The danger to the overlord of the universe is much smaller. Generally, if you avoid the Peak universe overlord, there will be no danger.

Peak Universe Overlord, it’s even safer, as long as you don’t commit public anger and be besieged!

For example, when a treasure is opened, and the Peak universe overlords enter into competition with each other, in that case, there is a natural possibility of falling.

Otherwise, it’s definitely walk unhindered, and Peyton is the perfect example.

(End of this chapter)

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