
Chapter 519 Chapter 507 Kill


Thinking of these two words, The Lord of Primal Chaos City suddenly thought of the original Kedi.

Although all races on the surface will not admit to assassinating the geniuses of other races, but the actual situation is very clear to everyone.

Not only the alien races, but the Human Race is also ambushing spies in the territory of other races, ready to clean up the monstruous talent genius of the other races.

After all, while the evildoer has not yet risen, what an immortal can accomplish now is far more cost-effective than losing countless immortals and even overlords on the Foreign Domain battlefield in the future.

“At the beginning, they attacked Kedi in the Foreign Domain battlefield. A spiritual Venerable directly enslaved Kedi’s soul, so I didn’t even have the chance to revive Kedi.”

Every time I think about this, the Lord of Primal Chaos City hates it.

In the beginning, Kedi, with excellent talent, was also a realm master, and could kill Fenghou Immortal, which was unimaginable…

Now, Peyton is showing his talents beyond Kedi. Innate talent, especially the mind realm of the 17th Sea of Mirage, has been comparable to some weak Lord of Universe and has boundless prospects.

If the news is not blocked in time, the Lord of Primal Chaos City can already predict how crazy these alien races will be, and Lord of Universe may also be willing to have an Avatar.

As long as Peyton leaves the original universe, he is in the realm of Human Race and may be assassinated at any time.

It wasn’t even an assassination, but an attack on the surface. After all, for a Lord of Universe, even an Avatar, it doesn’t take much to do things.

They have every reason to believe that Human Race won’t let a Lord of Universe protect a monster at any time.

In principle, Lord of Universe, even Avatar, is not worth it for a demon, even Kodi.

After all, there are too many obstacles on the way to become a genius monster and become a powerhouse. There are too many monstruous talent geniuses in history, but how many monsters can become Lord of Universe?

Before you grow up, you can exchange an Avatar from a Lord of Universe and exchange for a Lord of Universe. No Lord of Universe is a fool.

But Peyton’s situation is different. The world leader stage, Cultivation Yantian Secret Art to Second Layer, 17 Illusion Seas, 22 Heaven Connecting Bridge…

If these news are completely exposed, This talent, such a state of mind is enough for Lord of Universe to take action.

Thinking from another perspective, if the Lord of Primal Chaos City knew that such a peerless evildoer appeared in the other races, he would definitely activate the dark son, and even send some powerhouses who were good at Avatar and assassination to assassinate him.

Lord of Universe will even do it himself when he appears on the Foreign Domain battlefield!

“The news should not be leaked yet, if it is leaked… hum hmph!”

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Primal Chaos City master, he has already blocked the news, it stands to reason will not leak.

If it is really leaked, he also has the means to find out!

“However, during this period of time, let Peyton stay in the initial universe for a while.”

Originally, the Lord of Primal Chaos City still thought, let Peyton go to Foreign Domain has been practicing on the battlefield for a period of time, but now it seems that it is exempted, and the probability of not returning all the way is too great.

Such a monstrous Disciple, the Lord of Primal Chaos City would not be willing…

Anyway, in Peyton’s state of mind, there is no lack of tempering.

For the time being, stay in the initial universe to live well in Cultivation, and his Primal Chaos City master doesn’t lack that resource.

At this stage, Peyton has not yet encountered any bottleneck, so it is good to improve his strength.

“As for the assassination?”

“Quietly, let me make some arrangements.” An angry look flashed in the eyes of the Primal Chaos City Lord, “Just right, now is the During the genius war period, there are a few good seedlings… I’m waiting for you!”

A boundary within the borders of Universe Country, there are no stars here , the planet, with only some interstellar dust that occasionally flew by, looked extremely desolate.

And in a remote space mezzanine, a magnificent Divine Kingdom is shining brightly.

Inside the temple.

“zhi zhi!”


Insect race warriors of various shapes and sizes walk in the temple, even occasionally Some immortal insert race warriors can be seen. In addition to the insert race warriors, there are also humans wearing white robes, golden robes, and armor. These humans and the insert race warriors often cross each other, but they are at peace with each other.

In fact, the essence of these Human Races has been transformed into aninsect race, slavery, body possession… Too many secret techniques can achieve the same effect.

To be able to appear here is to feel that there is an existence that can be trusted.

The highest level of the temple.

In the center of the highest level, the insert race mother nest, which is more than ten kilometers high, looks like a broken meteorite. There are a large number of immortal insert race warriors gathered around. At first glance, it is no less than ten thousand.


The three golden robe humans were surrounded by large numbers of insect race warriors and saluted respectfully.

“What’s calling me?” A soft voice echoed throughout the great hall, as if peerless beauty whispered in my ear.

“Master.” The golden robe headed by him respectfully said, “Just now there is emergency information, the universe country, Black Dragon Mountain Star Domain is suspected to have a silhouette of NO.1.”

“Peton?” The soft voice suddenly raised its tone.

“Yes, Master.”

The golden robe headed respectfully said: “Although a lot of information of NO.1 has been hidden, we are working in the dark of Universe Country. There are still a lot of clues from the son.”

“According to our investigation, this Peyton shot the Universe Country, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and some planet under the Silver Blue Empire”


“At the same time, in this genius battle, there is also a demon of similar origin, Luo Feng, who has mastered the laws of time and space…”

“We have reason to believe that the two There is a relationship between them.” The golden robe raised his head, his eyes lit up, “If he really appears at the scene of the genius battle, it will be a good opportunity for us!”

“His progress is too fast. , if the assassination is not carried out as soon as possible, it will cause a great threat!”


“However, the most powerful force in our organization in the Universe Country, It’s just an ordinary immortal Spiritual God puppet, if it is to kill other people, it may be enough, but NO.1… has exceeded the ability of our organization.” A soft voice said, “I have already reported this matter to the clan, about NO. .1’s assassination operation will be solved by the family’s own send powerhouse.”

“But the people I inserted in the Ganwu Universe Country must cooperate with them in their actions.”


The golden robe person respectfully retreats.


After passing through the sea of illusion, he came out of his teacher’s mansion, and Peyton plunged into the Cultivation secret room.

According to what my teacher said, the time to go to the Foreign Domain battlefield can be postponed, and now the most important thing is Cultivation.

This is very in line with Peyton’s intention. If he can, he is eager to cultivate into a cosmic supreme powerhouse in one breath.

Unfortunately that’s almost impossible.

However, if you can break through immortality in the initial universe, cultivate Yantian Secret Art into several layers, and have the strength of Venerable Level 1, it is not too late to go out to practice.

“Essence of Metal is still missing!”

Among the Five Elements Essence, Peyton has the worst understanding of Essence of Metal, but now his Cultivation secret technique requires The Five Elements are born together, and must be realized one after another to the Great Accomplishment.

The initial universe, the cultivation chamber.

Peyton looked at the huge stone tablet surrounded by Chaos Qi Flow in front of him – the virtual gold Chaos Tablet.

I looked towards the seventh picture, and my mental consciousness was completely immersed in it in an instant.



The ancient primordial roar seemed to be faintly heard in his ears.

As if there was a real rare beast in front of him, it had two huge heads, either quiet or roaring, four thick hooves, towering like a pillar, and eight scaly tails. Spread out in the void.

The texture of scales and armor on the body is continuous, forming a law secret pattern, causing some fluctuations in the surrounding. That is the fluctuation of the Universe Rule, which is very close to the fluctuation of time and Space Source Law, but it is not. More heart-pounding.

“This is the beast god on the side of Essence of Metal.” Peyton said silently in his heart.

All kinds of chaotic monuments involve all kinds of rare beasts, but the essence of these rare beasts is not the same, and they involve various Source Law attributes.

The road to the sky is to climb up continuously from the smallest point, and the ultimate goal is – gold, wood, water, fire, soil, Wind, Thunder, electricity, light, time, space , the most basic ten Grand Laws, one must be plenary, and the other must be fused together.

This is also why Peyton observes various Chaos monuments.

With a move of his mind, in the world of the red moon, he painted this virtual image of the beast god.

Depicting and simulating, this is the most intuitive way to comprehend, and it is far easier than comprehend by sinking your own consciousness into it.

This is the experience he got after simulating and depicting all kinds of Chaos tablets.


The force in Peyton’s body oscillated rapidly, and then a layer of black light armor spread out from his body. The surface of the light armor had black and white, two The secret pattern of colors, the secret pattern of black and white, two colors seems simple but extremely mysterious.

“Five Elements change to Yin-Yang.”

This is a secret technique belonging to Yantian Secret Art Third Layer, not Five Elements Source Law Great Accomplishment, it is rare to comprehend .

In this brief moment, there is endless terrifying, distorting, devouring strength, and Peyton’s perception becomes clearer and clearer.


The vast universe, another territory—insect race territory.

When the name Payton came up again, the long-planned insect race was the first to arrange everything.

The first time I heard the name Peyton was when I passed through the seven Trial Pagodas. At that time, I was not sure if this was a trap, and the time was too short to set it up.

Later, in the initial universe amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, Peyton broke into the Heaven Connecting Bridge on the 22nd floor at the main level, and suddenly entered the field of vision of countless super powerhouses.

A realm master shows the invincible Law Comprehension, and is accepted as a Disciple by the master of Primal Chaos City. Such an innate talent, if not killed in time, is prone to a super powerhouse.

Not just Venerable!

Maybe there is a higher level of existence.

After all, Primal Chaos City’s vision and ability to cultivate Disciple are well-known throughout the universe.

Most of his Disciples are Venerable, and even many of them are the overlord Level 1.

With the innate talent shown by Peyton, there is even a certain probability of becoming Lord of Universe in the future. If you don’t kill it now, do you wait until you become immortal and become Venerable?

At that time, they had to pay far more than they do now.

At this time, in the virtual world set up in the insert race.

In the endless clouds, on a beautifully suspended island, a butterfly-like insect race queens are playing with each other.

The queens of these insect races all have extraordinary charm, one look makes other creatures feel distressed and want to protect her, but in fact, once the one after another queen here appears in Foreign Domain battlefields are all super ultimate weapons.

On the troop ability of the mother emperor of the insert race, countless powerhouses in the Foreign Domain battlefield feared in their hearts.

Inside the soft exterior hides absolute terror.

Being able to become the Six Great Peak Races, the beautiful, frail appearance is not the key.

“Look, it’s an alien race.”

“It’s the Luojia race of ourinsect race alliance.”The queens all looked at that silhouette.

It is an alien powerhouse with golden scales all over the body, wearing a mask, and an ancient black armor.

The Luojia clan, a clan subordinate to the insert race, were born to be the darlings of soul manipulation, and in some respects, even surpassed the queen of the insert race.

After all, the innate talent of the extreme trooper is more powerful for the queen of the insert race.

“What is the Luojia powerhouse doing here?”

“I don’t know, maybe it was summoned by Sir Divine Lord.”

This Luojia The family’s powerhouse soon came to the center of Floating Island.

There is a palace carved from trees.

The door of the hall opened wide.

The Luojia powerhouse entered the palace, but the guards did not stop it.

“The cold star of the Luojia tribe, meet the Lord of Yucheng.” The masked alien powerhouse bowed in the wooden great hall, which was sitting on the wooden throne with a stunning appearance. The peerless existence of beauty, the whole body is shrouded in a hazy color mist.

“Hanxing Overlord, I need you to do something, you know?” Yucheng’s voice was clear.

“I know.” The Cold Star Overlord replied respectfully.

“What do you need to say?” asked the super-level existence on the wooden throne.

“The Lord of Yucheng chose me, firstly because I possessed the Avatar technique, and even if I was killed by human powerhouses in revenge, I could be reborn, and secondly because, as a clansman of the Luojia clan, I was born good at it. There are more ways to control the soul, no matter what protection they have in advance, they can’t stop me from successfully assassinating that human Payton.” Han Xing said.

“Fuck, the price to pay is the smallest.”

“Yes, that human Peyton is indeed the Heaven Warping Genius. The human race must attach great importance to him, but there are cosmic overlords. Go, there must be complete assurance.” Lord Yucheng said.

“Looking through my insert race alliance, you are the most suitable. Losing a cosmic overlord Avatar would require a huge amount of Divine Force to recover again. Although the price is huge, the alliance will make up for it. “

Overlord Hanxing stood there and listened respectfully, without the slightest doubt.

The beautiful silhouette overlooked the Overlord of the Cold Star: “And my request is that the soul must control the human Peyton! Once the soul is controlled, then there is no possibility of the human Space-Time Reversal resurrecting him!”

“The mission must be completed,” said the Overlord of Cold Star.

Soul control, this is the most direct way to kill genius.

A universe overlord, even if it’s just Avatar, it’s too simple for the soul to control a world lord.

“en. “The Lord of Yucheng nodded.

“However, it’s just the worst preparation I’ve made to do it yourself. Normally, unless the human race deliberately uses it as a bait, it won’t be protected by the cosmic overlord. , maybe it’s just that the Shadow Falling King is protecting himself, so I have other arrangements for this matter. “

“We also have some soul-controlled alien king immortal Spiritual God in our insert race. Although it is very useful, if you can replace Peyton with them, the price of sacrificing a king immortal servant will naturally be more cost-effective. . “

“He is the strength of the King Peak, and he is very accomplished in the soul. “

“This matter will mainly be found by him. No one will know about your trip to the human territory. You hide behind the scenes and pay attention. After he takes action, it will be best if you can succeed.” , you can completely retreat. “

“If it doesn’t work, you can also test out the protective power behind Peyton, and then you can take action yourself to reverse the situation.” ”

Hanxing Overlord’s heart suddenly became clear, the lord of Yucheng is worthy of being the leader of the insect race alliance.

Although he is a great existence at the level of Lord of Universe, he has no arrogance. His mind is even more meticulous.

His overlord is just a backhand, and now the biggest possibility is to be redeemed by the existence of this Fengwang Peak, after all, a Fengwang wants to fight for his life, Even Venerable can’t stop it.

Thinking of the target he is about to assassinate, the Cold Star Overlord secretly said in one’s heart: “A genius like this has not been able to show its brilliance on the Foreign Domain battlefield, and will be completely lost. , this is the tragedy of genius! “

“But there are so few geniuses like Peyton…”

Even the kind of genius who came out of “Hundreds of Millions of Era” is not eligible to enter. The vision of the Lord of Universe.

Ke Peyton is so good, so good that the Lord of Yucheng personally arranges this absolute ultimate move for him!

Even against one A small world lord can think of all kinds of possibilities, and if they make proper arrangements, they can spend the least cost without leaving a trace of life at all.

That human Peyton, no matter how high his innate talent is, Now he is only a world master, whether it is the soul control of the king Peak, the assassination of his life, or the overlord of the universe, it is easy to control him by the soul.

What they are afraid of… are only human beings. Protective power.

And what kind of protective power can stop a soul-side overlord?

Lord of Universe?

Humph, such an existence, Even a top race like the Human Race is only the number of palms, and each of them is very important. In an important position, it shines and is very impossible to protect a world master at any time.

But under the arrangement of Lord Yusumi, this human Peyton has no life, no reason!

“Go. “The beautiful existence with a smile that makes Heaven and Earth pale, and the voice seems to resound in the heart of the Cold Star Overlord.

“Yes. The Overlord of Cold Star replied respectfully.


The Universe Country.

A meteorite is motionless in the starry sky. It has been converted into an “observation point”.

In one of the lounges within the observation point, a lean man with black scales on his head is lying on a bed.

“Mission… here we come! “


He suddenly sat up from the bed, his eyes suddenly opened, and a pair of green eyes stared indifferently at the alloy wall in front of him.

” Payton? “He said silently in his heart.

After lurking for 10,000 or 100,000 years, I only want one shot.

Once shot, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, it is very difficult to survive, even if it kills successfully The target will also be killed by the powerful human garrison martial power in the Universe Country.

But it doesn’t matter, these dark sons buried in the inner frontier of the hostile race have long been ready to die. preparations.

“The world lord, perhaps there is a king to protect him. ”

“One strike certain kill! ”

(end of this chapter)

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