
Chapter 513

“Two days to go, take a look at this seventh set, and hope to understand a little bit of mysteries.”

With a thought in his heart, Peyton looked directly towards the seventh picture, which looked like a strange rare beast.

“Time? Or space? Or a fusion of the two?”

Slowly comprehend the legal principles of rare beast. .

Peyton was overjoyed and slowly realized that the mysterious realm fascinated him.

Gradually, Peyton’s consciousness became more and more chaotic, and after a while, his consciousness sank.

In the world inside the body, the red moon trembled, and Peyton’s consciousness finally came to his senses, and the heart startedled: “It’s really sinking, is it really too far?”

Also, This is not the Evil God world, but a universe where rules are already in order.

The snake swallows the elephant, it can’t be done.

With his realm, I want to comprehend, Venerable, the law of space-time, not to mention aptitude perception, maybe the Universe Rule also has limitations.

Think of the countless geniuses of Human Race, who have broken through immortality and become kings, but have never directly crossed the level of immortality and achieved Venerable.

It is easier to comprehend the law than it is to be immortal when it is clear that the main stage of the world, and through the Source Space.

But those evildoers are bound to go through the stage of immortal kingship, which is the restriction of realm and rules on evildoers.

At the same time, the universe is fair, and resurrecting a world lord would actually make the Lord of Primal Chaos City heartache and dare not revive his beloved disciple. This is the limitation of the evildoer itself.

The price paid for resurrecting Kodi may not revive some universe overlords.

Adding the hindrance of the alien race is even more costly.

“This kind of comprehension limit beyond the advanced level is the rule.”

“The world master can comprehend the rules of immortality, and the king is also immortal, but there are restrictions on Venerable. .”

“This rule is not obvious, but it has already been looming through the perception aptitude innate talent resources and other aspects.”

No one has ever said to Peyton, Payton felt something at this time.

At this time, under the red moon, the dharma incarnation of the snake of the world is becoming more and more obscure, and the secret pattern of the law of time and space is constantly manifesting and becoming more and more profound.

It seems to have drawn a lot of Profound Truth from Chaos Monument.

Completing the self, the body becomes more and more prosperous and real, as if the immortal existence across the space-time dimension.

Looking at a red moon and the legal principles under it.

Peyton’s eyes shined: “The rest of the monstrosities of the universe, want to comprehend, it is extremely difficult, the comprehend of this crossing realm, even against the Universe Principle, but I have the world of the red moon and the world. The legacy of the snake may be able to avoid some profits and losses.”

The world of the red moon, its own system, and its own soul, these three types do not belong to this universe.

Since it is not obliterated by the rules, it naturally has its originality.

The easiest thing that Peyton thinks about is the shielding of the system.

This is also the reason why Peyton is assured to join Great Influence, not afraid that the powerhouse will see through his origins.

Even the universe has not been discovered, the snake of the world has not been able to limit, even more how these powerhouses?

Don’t look, he seldom uses system these years, that’s mainly because he hasn’t found the source of source power for a long time.

The use of the system is not very helpful to Cultivation, but is more about omniscience and omnipotence in scientific research.

However, for the existence of the system, Peyton naturally thinks highly of it.

“Under the protection of the system, the red moon world is my small universe. Through the red moon world, it should be able to bypass the rules of the universe.”

“this can be Consider my attempt.”

Thinking in my heart, Peyton’s consciousness is slowly pulling the change of the law, and the incarnation of the snake of the world is slowly changing, imitating the rare in the seventh picture beast, emerging under the red moon.

Time passed slowly, and under the legal creation of the snake of the world, a foot of rare beast appeared in the red moon world.

Peyton was overjoyed and understood the rules in detail. Although it was still obscure, he no longer felt that sinking.

“Sure enough, next, it’s all about rare beast, even the eighth picture, the ninth picture, the tenth picture.”

“I can completely put the red The moon world has been made into my exclusive Chaos Monument, and it is also a Chaos Monument that does not accept the restrictions of the Universe Rule.

Seven days are fleeting.


The giant bronze door slammed open.

“Come out! “A voice came in and poured directly into his mind.

“Come out!” “

“Come out!” ”


It was like a magic sound pouring into the brain, and the sound reverberated in his head more and more, causing Peyton to wake up instantly.

Peyton brows slightly wrinkle, the constant echoing and roaring sound instantly destroyed his comprehend process.

It’s a very uncomfortable feeling to interrupt his own enlightenment, but it’s a pity that the time has come.

Glancing at , The body of the world snake in the red moon world has become smaller and smaller.

Instead, there are countless strange rare beasts scattered around the Divine Pagoda, which cannot be counted.

“The ninth picture has not yet fully emerged, alas, the time is still short. “

Peyton has some regrets in his heart. These days, his law of controlling the snake of the world has created the four pictures behind the Chaos Monument.

At present, the seventh and eighth sets have been completely completed, and the first The Ninth is still a lot worse.

Not to mention the tenth, which represents the reunification.

“Well, there is still a chance next time. “

“I remember, passing the level, and a chance to comprehend.” “

“But I’m the world master, maybe the number of layers required to pass the level is much higher. “


Peton silhouette quickly rushed out of the bronze giant gate, and the roaring voice in his mind disappeared instantly.

” Rumbling…”

The ancient bronze door slowly closed.

Peyton turned his head and looked towards the cultivation secret room, Chaos Qi Flow lingered in it, and the extremely subtle Chaos Monument was hidden in it. , I can’t see anything.

“Peton. “Guardian Candrie opened the mouth and said.

“Lord Candrie! “

Candry nodded: “This is the first time you enter the cultivation secret room, I remind you, first go to find a place to be the cultivation place behind you, and then enter the virtual universe and apply to enter the ‘Heaven Connecting Bridge’ ‘. “

Kandri said with a slight smile: “The chance to comprehend the Chaos Monument is extremely limited. Only every time you pass through a layer of Heaven Connecting Bridge will you be rewarded with a seven-day comprehend time. You should take good care of it.” “

“You are lucky, and it is much easier for the world master to break through.” “

“But you have never been to the initial universe at Universe level before, and you have suffered some losses. It is not unprofitable. “

Peyton is a little puzzled: “Sir, I remember that some auctions have entered the initial universe. For those who come in, can they also pass the level?” “

“Of course impossible, they are not core members of our company. “Kandrey shook his head and smiled.

52 Chaos tablets, Primal Chaos City Supreme Treasure, the Supreme Treasure of the Human Race in the entire universe, are extremely precious, and these world lords who spend money to buy places are only comprehend once. Opportunity.

“It is already a chance for them to come to the initial universe. “

“Little fellow, some things can’t be bought with money.” ”

“Human Race has a lot of resources, but all of them must be spent on the cutting edge. “

Payton’s heart clear comprehension, solemnly nodded: “many thanks to the guidance of adults. ”

It is true that in the process of comprehend, the consciousness is immersed in the pictures on the Chaos Monument, and the effect is many times better than normal perception.

Such a great opportunity, but only fifty-two dollars , looks like a lot, but is actually very little.

Resources are limited.

“You can go. “Kandrey lightly said with a smile.

Payton salutes Guardian Candrey respectfully, then turns into a streamer and is about to leave.

“Wait! “

“What’s the matter? “Peton is a little puzzled.

With an inexplicable smile on his face, Candry looked towards Payton: “little fellow, your chance has come. “

“Chance? “Peyton’s face is puzzled, and he secretly guesses in his heart.

“Don’t rush to pass the level, go to City Lord’s Mansion, there is someone waiting for you there. “

“Go!” “

“City Lord’s Mansion, Lord of Primal Chaos City?” “Peyton guessed in his heart, but also had some expectations.

The gate of Primal Chaos City ‘City Lord’s Mansion’ is always open, and people often come and go in and out of City Lord’s Mansion.

“City Lord Inner Palace! “

Peyton guessed in his heart and walked towards the most fortified ‘inner palace’ in the City Lord’s Mansion.

The outer gate is kept open for a long time, because people often need to comprehend chaos The monument.

But the inner palace has strict guards, and at a glance, the guards are all immortal Spiritual Gods, who can guard the gate of Primal Chaos City, in fact, they are also very proud. .

This is the Lord of Primal Chaos City, the No.1 existence of the virtual universe company, the real first person in power.

Immortal Spiritual Gods are all eager to see The gatekeeper, even if he is a gatekeeper, can show no respect to the visiting universe Venerable.

Because these gatekeepers represent the face of the Lord of Primal Chaos City.


The two guards dropped a long spear at the same time, stopped Payton, and looked at Payton indifferently.

“I’m Payton, I’m here to meet you. Sir City Lord. “Peton respectfully said.

One of the guards was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and looked at Peyton coldly.

“If there is no order from the Sir City Lord, even Venerable will never see the Sir City Lord.” . “

“Please let me know.” ” Peyton said with a slight smile .

“I did come under orders from the Sir City Lord.” “


A group of immortal Spiritual God bodyguards around looked at Peyton.

That’s right.

No Primal Chaos City lord’s order, how dare a world lord come here to make trouble.

“Wait a minute, I’ll tell you. The expression of the immortal guard surrounded by lightning is no longer indifferent, but a slight smile.

“You are Peyton?” “For a moment, the Immortal Guard looked at Peyton in astonishment.

Peton smiled nodded.

“Go in, the Venerable is waiting for you inside.” ”

The immortal guardway surrounded by lightning also withdrew the long spear that blocked Peyton.

Peyton entered the inner palace with a smile, provoking the crowd watching The immortal bodyguards he left were not discussed with each other by sound transmission.

You must know that the domain lord and world lord who can enter the City Lord’s Mansion ‘inner palace’, I am afraid it is rare to encounter one in hundreds of millions of years, that is The place where the Lord of Primal Chaos City lives.


The inner palace.

Walk along the wide corridor, and soon come to a square paved with chaotic rocks At first glance, Peyton saw a bald man wearing a fiery-red shirt standing in the distance. He had a faint smile on his face, and the whole person seemed very peaceful. Just looking at this bald man… Involuntarily calmed down, vaguely seeming to merge into the vast and peaceful Universe Starry Sky.

Everything around seemed to disappear except for the bald man standing there.

This person gave Peyton’s feeling is better than that of the Venerables he has seen before.

As expected of the people next to the Lord of Primal Chaos City, he should be a Disciple and his like.

Peyton instantly confirmed: “It is estimated that it is the ‘Normal Venerable’ that the Neifu guards said. “

Payton walked towards the bald man in the red shirt.

“I am Venerable, I am here to pick you up by teacher’s order.” “The One Venerable smiles, and every smile has the power to infect the soul.”

“Payton greets the One Venerable.” “Payton salutes respectfully.

“Come with me.” “Normalized Venerable.

“Yes. “Peton respectfully followed on the side.

Reunification Venerable took Peyton and walked in the inner palace of the City Lord’s Mansion, and at the same time turned his head with a smile and looked towards Peyton: “teacher let you come over, It should be intentional to accept you as Disciple, I see you, should be willing. “

“Naturally! “Peyton nodded, joined Great Influence, isn’t it just to get a backer?

The Lord of Primal Chaos City is the top three giants in Human Race, and naturally he is willing.

“Well, in the future, you will become a Disciple under the teacher’s command, so you don’t need to call me Venerable anymore, you can just call me Second Senior Brother. “

Normalization Venerable said with a slight smile: “I worshipped very early in the old sect, so I can become Second Senior Brother.” There are many Disciples under the teacher, many more than my powerhouse. It is only because of the teacher’s special grace that I can often be around the teacher. “

Payton continued: “Meet Second Senior Brother. “

“en.” Guiyi Venerable smiled and said as he walked: “The teacher has three Avatars, and the one who presides over Primal Chaos City is the one who kills, so you must be respectful and not offend.” “

“Yes. “

It is no secret that ‘Primal Chaos City Lord’ has three Avatars. The reason why the powerhouse is a powerhouse is respected. It relies on real killing methods… The Primal Chaos City Lord also killed endless alien races. powerhouse, his three Avatars are also known to hundreds of millions of ethnic groups in the universe, and any Avatar has incredible power.

“Chaos Ruins? “Peton looked at a quiet courtyard in front of him, there was a stone tablet outside the courtyard, and there were three characters of Chaos on the stone tablet.

“The teacher is inside.” “Returning to one Venerable said and brought Peyton in.

Peyton also stepped in.


The time and space are reversed, it was before. In City Lord’s Mansion, but when Peyton stepped into the courtyard, he felt Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, and he actually entered a vast world.

At a glance, there are can be The corpses seen everywhere, some corpses are as huge as planets, and some are smaller than humans, but each corpse contains a terrifying breath that makes people feel terrifying, this… It should be the ruins after a terrifying Peak battlefield .

Peton and Venerable walk on this endless ruined land.

“teacher. “Guiyi Venerable suddenly shouted.


Only then did Peyton realize that a burly and tall man about three meters tall was standing not far away. He was wearing an extremely complex and simple dark red battle armour, with boots on his feet, and a scaled tail sticking out from his skirt.

When Peyton’s eyes fell on this man, he felt his soul In trembling, I just saw one silhouette at first, but then I seem to see the endless Universe Principle… The magnificent Universe Principle is constantly exuding a murderous aura.

In an instant, Peyton only felt as if he could see the powerful Evil God of the root, and it was also the manifestation of the laws and rules, accompanied by the ultimate killing aura.

It just doesn’t have the aura of Evil God that points to the abyss of desire.

Of course, under Peyton’s perception, this snake is still a lot different than the snake of the world, which is entrenched in the core of the root cause.

How much, Peyton couldn’t tell.

Seeing him for the first time is like seeing the Universe Principle.

This is the so-called Law Realm, Fusion Law, with Fusion Law in every move.

And the Lord of Primal Chaos City…to the point where he has naturally carried the law, to watch the Lord of Primal Chaos City himself…that is to directly observe the powerful Grand Law possessed by the Lord of Primal Chaos City .

“Peton?” A very ordinary voice sounded, all the previous illusions disappeared, and Peyton’s naked eyes could see the man again.

The man wearing a dark red battle armour and a scaly tail turned his head and looked towards Peyton. He had two fiery-red horns on his forehead and a strange secret pattern on his face. It is ferocious, but his eyes are flat like the vast ocean, like Endless Starry Sky, which makes people involuntarily calm down.

“Payton meets Sir City Lord.” Payton hurriedly saluted.

“Your performance is very good, and you have a lot of opportunities.” The Lord of Primal Chaos City looked at Peyton and said with a slight smile.

Payton listens respectfully.

“I watched the video of you breaking into the Trial Pagoda. Your time and space law has reached the level of being a king. It is also considered to be medium among the kings. You also comprehended the regional Time Freeze, which is very good.” Primal Chaos City Lord said with a slight smile.

“Although I don’t know how you have gained from Chaos Monument? I think you have gained a lot.”

Peyton nodded: “You have gained a lot.”

” Cosmic lineage really suits you.” Primal Chaos City lord nodded.

“I saw your life gene level when you entered the city. It’s better than the top star giant beast, very good!”

“Gene level, Maybe you don’t understand it now, but you have to know that this is very important in the later stage, you now have the genetic level, and many Venerables will be envious.”

Peyton nods slightly, thinking about the genetic level of life It is extremely difficult to improve, even if there is a Venerable Level in the universe, there are very few people who can exceed ten times the genetic level.

After breakthrough to immortality, the higher the level of life genes, the energy efficiency of the sea of laws that sway the universe source will be far more than a thousand times, ten thousand times more than others.

This is a huge advantage over the Everlasting Divine Body of the Immortal Spiritual God.

“You know the purpose of calling you here, right?”

Peyton nodded: “I heard what Venerable said.”

“ Good!” said the Lord of Primal Chaos City, “Can you Disciple for me.”

“Disciple is willing.” Payton respectfully said.

(End of this chapter)

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