
Chapter 486

At this time, Jason only felt that his body was getting more and more tired.

“There is no escape!”

An idea came to Jason’s mind.

He wanted to sleep like this, at least not so tired.

While he was in a daze, he seemed to see the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of the two-headed black snake, which was his final destination.

To be honest, he was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

He’s very tired, very tired, and his spirit strength is about to run out. He really doesn’t want to keep going, because he can hardly see hope.

Suddenly, the silhouettes of many people appeared in front of him, parents, comrades, lovers, sons…

In his life, an important person appeared one after another…

Everyone had a smile on their face and raised their fists to cheer him up.

“Jason, come on, keep running, you have infinite potential, you can do it.”

“Captain, you are a big hero, come on, you can live. Back!”

“Stand up, come on, Jason, you can!”

“Father, you’re coming back!”

“Come on! ”

The sound of encouragement made Jason smile gradually, with an apology in his heart.

“Forgive me, Furna, little John, father mother…”

Hearing the voice in Jason’s heart, Peyton shook his head: “What a useless guy , I won’t eat the soft ones, I’ll give you some hard ones.”

The next moment, all the characters dissipated, and Peyton’s face appeared in front of his eyes, mockingly looking at his big brother.

“Stupid big brother, you’re still useless, why do you want to cry to find your mother?”

“Even a rare beast of SS-Rank can put a If you beat me, are you still thinking about defeating me?”

“Stupidly staying behind, thinking about becoming a hero, do you regret it?”

“You still have strength, Just thinking about admitting defeat, you will always be a loser.”

“How can I have such a rubbish big brother?”

Looking at the chattering words in front of me, listening to the vicious speech.

Jason cursed: “Damn it, it’s such a nasty face again.”

What Jason hates most is that his younger brother treats himself as an idiot since he was a child look.

However, Jason is not surprised that this man can express his ambition – to defeat his younger brother.

After all, this is the silhouette I imagined, and this is my long-cherished wish.

Being in the shadow of each other since childhood, there are always some whimsical ideas.

“But, you’re wrong, I don’t want to beat you now.”

“It must be admitted that there are always geniuses in this world, and there is a genius younger. Brother, it is not a bad thing to admit that you are mediocre. Under the shadow of genius, it is not good to be ordinary for a lifetime.”

“Also, I really can’t hold on, rely on There is only one marathon supported by faith, and I may really not be suitable for a powerhouse.”

“Peton, if you can hear it, come and save me, I will never do it again next time. Hero.”

Jason said pitifully.

Peyton patted his head helplessly: “I was really defeated by you!”

“Forget it, the mud is mud!”

Maybe he really You should get used to it, not everyone is a powerhouse, and it’s not bad to be a mediocre person.

“Forget it, just lie down if you want, a mediocre big brother might not be bad.”

“Sleep! Sleep in peace!”

Payton can manipulate Jason’s mind, make the opponent stand up and fight like a real man, and then activate the Heart of Ocean.

Maybe even let him step directly into SS-Rank.

But it’s not necessary.

Since the other party is eager to lie down, doesn’t he have this strength?

Forcing the other party to make a powerhouse is totally unnecessary.

After all, powerhouses are at countless times more dangerous than mediocre people.

The mediocre big brothers may be much better than the big brothers like “Xiao Yan”, at least they won’t cause trouble for themselves.

previous life, Peyton has dealt with the troubles caused by the younger brother younger sister, and it is good to have less big brother who provokes trouble in this life.

Hold up Jason, who had already admitted defeat and fell into a deep sleep.

All the light dissipated, Peyton appeared in the air, looked at the beast tide in front of him, and waved his hand.

“Red Moon Field!”

This is the method of the id that Peyton combined with the id of the previous life and the Cultivation system of this life.

There are many means of Evil God, Myriad Transformations, you can’t guard against it!

In the realm, the red moon is in the sky, and all things worship.

In an instant, a red moon appeared, replacing Peyton in mid-air.

Gradually, the moon became brighter and brighter, and all the rare beasts, including the two-headed black snake, became quiet.

This red moon seems to have a unique charm, making all living things worship it.

Looking at the red moon in the sky, there were countless babbles in their ears, they just felt that they wanted to blend into it, and as long as they blended into it, it would be eternal.

gradually all creatures closed their eyes and slumped to the ground.

The surrounding atmosphere became quieter and quieter, and all the rare beast spirits disappeared over the field with their souls.

A small beast tide, with no difficulty solving!

Speaking of which , this can be considered squatting, when they discarded the No. 7 test item in the field, one of the biggest goals was to think that this creature could organize a beast swarm to facilitate them all at once Clean up and open up wasteland by the way.

Unexpectedly, when the black snake chased and killed Jason, it just accomplished this goal.

At the same time, they were also successfully promoted to SS-Rank, allowing their experiments to produce acceptable data.

Looking at the rare beast shells everywhere, in an instant, the red moon appeared countless scarlet rays of light, completely covering this area, and in the halo, everything was completely integrated with it.

After half a sound, when the rays of light dissipated, only the huge two-headed mutant black snake was left, and the rest of the creatures were disappeared.

At this time, the red moon in the sky became more and more eerie and scarlet.

When the red moon dissipated, Peyton’s figure appeared in the air, and in a pair of eyes, there was still a bit of a strange blush left.

“It’s not too late for this No. 7 test item to be studied in the laboratory!”


in midair, Peyton grabbed it Jason, the two-headed mutant black thread snake, is held in midair by his mighty Divine Sense.

Because, this No. 7 test product needs to be brought back to the laboratory for further research.

So he didn’t dissection, he held it all up.

From far away, the people at the temporary base have already noticed their presence.

“Look! What a terrifying rare beast!”

“This is a two-headed mutated black snake, at least the S-Rank lord rare beast, who is this?”

“I haven’t heard of it, but who is the Captain of the Hunting Soul, Jason Adolf?”

“It seems that, I didn’t say that before, the hunting Has the soul met the king-level rare beast of SS-Rank? Could it be that this is the rare beast of SS-Rank!”

“Yes! This black snake has actually grown horns. Using Oriental analysis, This is already a dragon, definitely SS-Rank.”

“No wonder it’s such a big fanfare, it turned out to be SS-Rank, it seems that this person is the powerhouse of my recovery!”

“I don’t know what this powerhouse’s name is, I haven’t heard of it before.”

“Maybe it’s a powerhouse cultivated in secret.”

“The federation was raped by that ss-class bat. Beast, tortured with millions of casualties, helpless. It is also SS-Rank, in the eyes of my recovery society, a powerhouse can easily kill it!”

“Then the Federation still wants to negotiate with us. ?”

“Federal merely this!”

A somewhat political adventurer quickly made up his mind.

Guessed the reason why Peyton didn’t dissection rare beast, so swaggering into the base.

This is to show off to the federation to gain more bargaining chips for the negotiation in the near future.

Faced with such speculation, Payton can’t say they think too much.

After all, the helpless vampire bat rare beast of the Federation is no longer an ordinary king. After the nuclear radiation, it is already a rare beast at the Sovereign level.

But it’s still necessary to show strength and calm people’s hearts!

At the makeshift base, the rest of the Hunting Spirit quickly noticed Jason in Peyton’s hands.

Hurry up and greet!

“It’s the Peyton Academician, he’s back with Captain, and the rare beast of SS-Rank.”

“Captain, back!”

“Captain, it’s back!”

“It’s back!”

“It’s back!”

The head of the temporary base looked at Peyton The figure of the huge black snake behind him was also shocked.

He also didn’t expect a research Academician sent by the headquarters to have such a powerful force that he could kill the king of SS-Rank rare beast!

“No wonder!”

“No wonder there is no movement after the headquarters sent Payton Academician!”

“It seems to be determined, Payton Academician Enough to solve everything!”

“I don’t know where this Academician came from?”

The supervisor guessed in his mind and went straight to greet him.

No matter what his origins are, just for this battle strength, it is definitely the great character he needs to flatter.

As soon as he put Jason down, Cole quickly caught it.

Several people bowed to Peyton, thank you!

“many thanks Peyton Academician, save our Captain!”

“many thanks Peyton Academician!”

“The Soul of the Hunt remembers the kindness of Academician forever .”

Peyton just nodded: “Okay, let’s take him to the hospital, he’s fine, but his spirit strength is almost exhausted, so he’ll be fine for a while.”

” Also, after he wakes up, when he recovers from the injury, let him go home, I have something to discuss with him!”

After that, Peyton ignored others and directly held up the black line The body of the snake disappeared in this temporary base.

“What does this lord mean?”

Al heard Peyton’s last sentence, and was a little puzzled.

“A trip home?” Cole slightly frowned, “Could this Academician be Captain’s family?”

“I don’t know, Captain never told us about his family I only know that he has a pair of children, and I don’t know about the rest.”

“Forget it, don’t think about it so much, we’ll find out when Captain wakes up.” Cole shook Shaking his head, he said directly.

Soon, Peyton returned Test 7 to the lab.

“Analyze it as soon as possible, and give me a piece of data, especially the data on genetics, must be accurate.”


Finished speaking, Pei Dun glanced at the message from the wrist on his arm, turned and left the laboratory.

Between layers of army guards, Peyton walked into a garden.

Old Adolf on the sofa is waiting for him.

Over the years, the old Adolf’s identity has changed from a professor of political science.

Transformed into a politician with deep, sharp eyes.

“Come back, Peyton, why haven’t I seen Jason? How is he?” Father old Adolph asked.

Peton shook his head, not surprised that his father knew what happened to Jason so quickly.

After all, he is the president of the recovery society. Although he has a lot of opportunities, there are enough people around him to deliver the news he is concerned about.

If he wanted to know something, there really wasn’t a lot of information on Earth that could keep him away.

“Don’t worry, he’s fine, I’ve left him with so many hole cards, how can a rare beast with SS-Rank threaten him?”

“He just consumes too much spirit strength. It’s enough to rest for a while.”

Old Adolf nodded, and will not talk about this topic any more.

He had enough trust in Peyton, since Peyton said it was okay, it must be okay.

“By the way, I called you here because I want to discuss with you about the negotiation issues that will come soon and decide the future fate of the fifty states of the Federation.”

“You know, There is already a voice in Europe, to form a community with a shared future for mankind, and hope that all countries will form an Earth alliance to face the crisis together.”

“With the rare beast crisis, this alliance has become a foregone conclusion.”

“In order to have a greater voice in the Earth Alliance, the Federation must be as a whole, and only as a whole can better interests.”

Peyton nodded, slightly organizing the language , opened the mouth and said: “If you can, I hope you can control the Federation, and then occupy the dominant position of the Earth Alliance through the Federation.”

“Of course, this is also what I hope, but you know this It’s not easy, those Great Families in other states are not easy to deal with, they all mastered high-level civilization in advance, your research institute…” Old Adolph asked.

Peton knew what his father wanted to say nearby, so he simply said: “Don’t worry, my research institute is enough to overwhelm those Great Family with so-called inheritance for hundreds of years.”


Old Adolf laughed: “Since you said that, then I can rest assured. You know, on the negotiating table, strength is the biggest bargaining chip. Only enough strength can ensure the smooth negotiation.”


“Your research institute is my greatest backing, and also the strongest support force of the Recovery Society.”

Nodded by Peyton, he knows very well that Cultivation is impossible to cut off all external related.

Clothing, food, housing and transportation, legal, financial, and land, these things are all without the support of power.

He doesn’t want to work hard for the world, so it is important for him to choose a supporter in his life.

Father old Adolph, who was interested in politics, was his chosen supporter.

The Recovery Society is also a force that has expanded and supported from his research institute.

Over the years, with the support of Adolf’s political means and the strong strength of the Institute, the power and sphere of influence of the Recovery Society has expanded rapidly, and its tentacles have formed from several surrounding states to Brother Xi in Mexico. A densely packed huge network.

This is also the reason why the old Adolf was ambitious and wanted to dominate the Federation, even the Earth Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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