
Chapter 475 Civilization

In the laboratory, after some fierce operations, he looked at the metal in front of him.

Payton shook his head, giving up!

This is a very valuable metal, but unfortunately has no effect on itself.

I don’t have the scientific research ability to develop it myself.

“I overestimate myself, and I have to continue to study!”

“I can’t even study a piece of metal, talk and restart extraordinary.”

… …

In the bedroom, Skolin, who was watching the latest Marvel comics, suddenly noticed Peyton’s abnormality.

My roommate has been sitting in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard for hours, not playing games.

What is this kid doing?

Looking at Peyton who was knocking in front of the computer, Skolin was a little curious. Finally, he couldn’t hold back the curiosity in his heart and quietly stuck his head out.

Looking at the various numbers and symbols on the computer, Skolin’s face was full of question marks.

He is conceited and also an academic bully. He is a freshman, and his studies are not deep enough to understand.

But the truth is a bit of a slap in the face.

Although he could understand some symbols, his face was full of question marks.

“Peton, what are you doing?”

“Write a thesis!”

“Thesis? Homework? Your physics requires it now Writing a paper?”

Skolin was a little surprised, and said with a hint of happiness.

Only a few months into the school, I was asked to write a thesis, which is simply not a human being, a tutor in the Department of Physics.

It is also the teacher humanization of life science.

“No, it’s for SCI.”

Hearing this, Skolin was surprised and glanced at his roommate again.

Although he has lived in the same dorm for several months, he doesn’t seem to know the roommate.

vote for sci!

Even at Duke University, which is full of academic tyrants, it has never been heard that it is necessary to submit a manuscript just after entering the university?

This roommate who doesn’t like sports but likes to play the violin and the piano when he has nothing to do is actually a god of learning!

“Come on!”

Waving his fists, Skolin also took out his computer and began to advance the corresponding science.

My roommates are all writing papers and submitting to SCI, so I can’t be pulled too far.

Roll up!

Peton subconsciously glanced at Skolin, slightly nodded.

Having been in the same dormitory for several months, Peyton also has a certain understanding of his roommate, who is a talkative scholar.

This is a sense of crisis.

It is also a good thing to pull him to the right path of study and pipe down in the bedroom.

came back to his senses and Peyton went on to finish his thesis.

To become a great scientist—the first step is to write a paper.

As for the dissertation project, he chose the direction of theoretical mathematics.

He, a physics student, writes mathematics papers, which seems a little strange, but it’s not strange at all.

He prefers mathematics over physics, choosing physics mainly for the convenience of taking out things in the laboratory.

At the same time, at the undergraduate level, I have not entered into deep learning, and the learning progress of these two subjects is similar.

Even fully interdepartmental exams.

And, now on the surface, Payton hasn’t even been to the lab a few times.

Physical research that is biased towards experiments is not good for results.

Naturally, theoretical research is more in line with common sense.

As the days passed, Peyton went to and from the library and dormitory, looking for relevant materials and perfecting the thesis.

At this time, there are more and more people in the library.

Exam Week!

The final exam is approaching, and crammers are starting to get angry.


Friday, the electronic theory test room, is also their last test.

Payton walked into the exam room, found his seat and sat down.

“Students, please put your student ID card and ID card in the upper left corner of the desk. I re-emphasize the discipline of the exam room. Once someone is found cheating, they will not tolerate it and send it to the Academic Affairs Office. Everyone has just entered. University, the first final exam, do a good job, don’t ask such a principled question at this juncture, I hope you can help to abide by the discipline.”

One with eyes, teaching them history The professor of science stood on the podium and glanced down, then raised his chin at the graduate student next to him.

“Distribute the test papers!”

“Okay.” The graduate student checks the student’s ID card from the right, and distributes the test papers by the way.

The old professor put the thermos on the lecture table and started to check from the left.

“Hurry up and take the test. After the test, I will submit the paper for the paper, and I will finish work this semester.”

Peyton thought to himself.

Peton glanced at the graduate student with his ID card and student ID, then sat in a daze, waiting for his hair to be curled.

After all, it’s a famous school, Duke University’s examination style is still quite strict, and the supervision is still very serious.

A few classmates who had already prepared cheat sheets were sitting there fidgeting with pale faces, wanting to copy but not daring to do it.

Noticing their unusual Peyton, minds sighed.

There was a moment of silence for these unfortunate children, and then they wrote hard.

To be honest, the above questions are very easy, and the knowledge points examined in this final exam are impossible beyond the scope of the syllabus.

As long as you study hard, it is not difficult to get a good score.

Even if the theory of electrons is difficult, it’s not difficult to get a pass.

But these children obviously let themselves go to college and didn’t study hard.

It is also possible that it was mixed in through other paths, and it was mixed with the wrong major.

The first category is to fill in the blanks. The first problem is to find the general solution of the differential equation, which can be calculated directly according to the routine. Although the formula is a little more complicated, it can be unchanged. In Peyton’s view It’s a sub-question.

The second question is to find the equation of a straight line parallel to a straight line through a space coordinate point.

The third question is for derivation, and the 4th question is for curve integral, and points are awarded.

The fifth question is quite interesting, through the known f(x)=… equation, and the Fourier sine series expansion and function of f(x) with a period of 3/2π are s(x), find the value of s(-5/2π).

emmm… a trifle.

The pen in his grip tapped the scratch paper three times, but Peyton was quick to figure it out.

This question seems to be a bit complicated, especially when examining the relevant knowledge points of Fourier sine series, and jointly examining the product of equations, the partial equation is not very simple. However, once you figure out how to understand the method, the seemingly complicated calculation process is actually not that difficult, and it is a matter of smooth sailing.

At least for Peyton, who has read through two textbooks.

Immediately afterwards, he looked towards the multiple-choice questions, all of which were rewarded with points, so he shua~ shua~ shua~ ticked the answer.

The next step is the big topic, and it’s time to get real!

Peton was gearing up, warmed up, and was about to start work, but when he saw the title, he was dumbfounded…

It wasn’t because it was too difficult.

But because…it’s the original title!

All right!

It can be seen that the professor who gave the question is very humane and recognizes the difficulty of electronic theory for ordinary students.

I actually picked out the extended questions in the after-school exercises in the book, which became a big problem.

“It’s really seabed fishing!” Peyton sighed in his heart.

Peyton no longer hesitated and started to write, shua~ shua~ shua~ solved the questions on the paper.

Except for the last question with the key information changed, which took 3 minutes, the rest of the questions were basically completed within one minute.

Picking up the test paper and looking at it to make sure there is nothing missing, Payton then glanced at the scratch paper that hadn’t written on 1/4/2022, packed up, stood up, and went to hand in the paper.

The old professor sitting by the desk was drinking tea and paid no attention to Peyton who came up to hand in the papers.

He’s a professor of history, and he can’t even read it!

But it was so early to give up treatment?

After scanning the title, it’s actually full?

Looks like a good student!


The exam room was silent, and the other students in the exam room didn’t make any movement towards Peyton, who left early.

At most, I just sighed in my heart, and I was comfortable with myself: I gave up the treatment, and it really felt difficult for me…

Only a few know Peyton, just like Peyton They are all students who can live on the scholarship. Looking at Peyton’s back, his heart is a little bitter.

They also saw that the teacher, because of the difficulty of the test paper, came up with the original expansion question and seabed it.

But no, no, no, especially the last big topic that changed the key information, it just hurt the brain cells.

They all deserve scholarships, and they are all arrogant academics. They can’t take this breath.

How could he be so fast!


Mind exploded!

A group of academic tyrants looked at the last in-depth topic, grabbed their hair, and felt that their whole body was not well.

After coming out of the exam room, Payton didn’t hang out outside, but went back to the dormitory first, and copied the paper into a USB flash drive.

Then went to the laboratory building and found the office of Claude, a mathematics professor who taught them theoretical mathematics.

He has contacted the professor to help revise his thesis.

Professor Claude is a master of theoretical mathematics and a very suitable mentor.

The office was quiet, and there was no one except Professor Claude smoking by the window.

So much so that when Peyton came in, Professor Claude didn’t even lift his eyelids, as if he didn’t notice it at all.

Noticing Peyton standing at the door, Professor Claude motioned him to come in with his eyes.

“How was the exam?”

“It’s alright…I don’t think the question is too difficult.”

“For you, it really isn’t. It’s hard, Chris, you should study math, it’s a waste to study physics.” Claude said with a smile.

Peyton laughed: “It’s not possible, I want to be Einstein’s man.”

Claude Zhiwei laughed, didn’t say much.

“Where’s the paper?”


“Let me see!”

Focused on the paper , Claude Zhiwei put on his glasses and looked down along the abstract of the paper.

Actually, he was surprised when Payton contacted him.

He knew Peyton and knew that he was an innately talented student who was very demanding for a full scholarship.

It’s just a pity that I didn’t study mathematics.

But it is still a bit arrogant to submit a manuscript in freshman year.

Study is like carrying a wooden barrel and transporting water from the sea to the reservoir.

Along the way, bumpy, trembling with fear, conscientious and conscientious… Over the mountains and mountains, through the wind blowing and sun shining, and finally came to the front of the great academic reservoir, the wooden barrel that can be turned over from there , pour a drop of water into the reservoir, then this journey is not a waste of time.

Those who want to be academics must first have a pious heart.

Those who seek instant benefit are doomed to fail.

An undergraduate student, even if he has an innate talent in mathematics, how much water can he carry in a bucket?

Let’s not talk about reaching the big academic reservoir, I’m afraid I can’t even walk half a mile away, and that little water will evaporate on the way.

Therefore, Professor Claude Zhiwei’s mood is very calm. When reading the paper, it is not a mathematician’s mentality, but an educator’s mentality, caring for a flower that has just grown from the soil. Flowers emerge from the sprout.

Even before he even started to read it, he was already thinking about how to get Peyton to take the paper back and redo it in a relatively gentle way.

It not only educated him not to aim too high in learning, but also prevented him from becoming depressed and losing confidence and interest…

But at this moment, Professor Claude suddenly froze. Lived, followed by brows frowned, lost in thought.


Is this really an undergraduate thesis?

Isn’t it copied from some reference book?

He believed it wasn’t, after all, this investigation could find out.

However, looking at the paper, he was still extremely surprised!

The mathematical demonstration process in this paper is actually from the hands of a freshman undergraduate.

The Academician students under him are not necessarily of this level!

After watching for a long time, Claude finally found a bug.

“The argument here is a little incomplete, please revise it.”

Peyton glanced at the bug he had left on purpose, puzzled for a moment, and showed a sudden realization.

Then looked at Professor Claude with admiration: “Yes, there are indeed some problems here that need to be corrected, thank you, tutor.”

The sky outside the window gradually darkened, and the walls The hour hand of the upper wall clock slowly climbed to six.

Professor Claude finally saw the last line of the paper and put out a long breath.

This is an excellent, but piggybacked, paper.

This freshman little fellow is very good.

“The process of argumentation is very good, it can even be said that it is very good, there are few flaws, it is just a small problem, go back and correct it, you can submit it!”

“Where should I submit? Is it?”

Peyton nodded: “I didn’t think about it.”

“Vote for “Theoretical and Applied Mathematics Newsletter” and I will contact you directly.”

“Thank you, tutor!”

“It’s fine, but I still recommend that you come to the Department of Mathematics. Physics will waste your innate talent.”

(End of this chapter)

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