
Chapter 432 Fellow Daoist

A fist swept across, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth gathered countless vitality and turned into A wheel mark that covers the sky, like a thunderous strike, on the glorious temple!

Boom! !

Heaven and Earth roared, the void trembled, and the billowing air was violent.

In the temple, countless believers and monks were stunned at this time, and everything happened suddenly.

The six invincible Heavenly Gods in the Western Regions were completely blown up by that stalwart silhouette in the sky in just a moment.

Blood rained down in the void, and a Divine Idol in the temple was completely shattered by countless believers.

Countless believers had no time to grieve when that stalwart silhouette suddenly moved towards their heavy strikes.

“The sky is falling!”


“Who can save us!”

Weeping The shouting sounded, Wang Chao’s will did not change at all.

Wang Chao’s boxing style has set off a huge storm in the huge pantheon.

At this time, a layer of incomparably sacred light curtains gradually rose from the temples of the Pantheon, and in the endless storm, resisted the waves.

“Fellow Daoist Wang show mercy.”

In the temple, a voice sounded, the Immeasurable Light trembled, and a thought came out, forming a stalwart silhouette.

Hearing this sound, Wang Chao immediately knew that he had been recognized, and shook his head: “It’s too late, I will destroy your temple today, and show my great power.”

Hearing this, the silhouette looked towards Wang Chao, with complexity in his eyes, and realized that this impossible ended peacefully.

Suddenly, the thought turned into a jasper-like finger and clicked towards Wang Chao’s will.

The waves of the vast ocean, surging, and boundless dive might shattered the space more than ten miles in radius, and the huge fingers penetrated the void, and Wang Chao was about to be killed!

“Trifling a thought, but also dare to impudent!”

Wang Chao was sneered, really blood energy transpired, under the whole body trembling, his arms bounced out, carrying the wind and thunder, One punch strikes out.


This throws a punch, the rolling wind bursts with the sound of a cannon that looks like the destruction of a star, it is amazing that Wang Chao has integrated the essence of the six paths of evolution and reincarnation. within itself.

Every move is accompanied by the evolution of life and death, the terrifying roar of the reincarnation of the stars.


In an instant, Wang Chao threw a punch, slamming into the finger that the hot Shinto thought turned into.

The owner of this thought naturally belongs to the God Lord.

I just don’t know why the God Lord is not on the temple in this home base.

There is only one thought left, no wonder I didn’t take action before.


In an instant, the crystal fingers, like flesh and blood, turned backwards, and their fingers were punched off,


At the moment when the method was reversed, the body of that thought suddenly retreated, as if escaping into the mezzanine of the Great Thousand Worlds, and even escaped Wang Chao’s fist mark. From this point of view, this God Lord is indeed extraordinary. , only is a thought accompanied by the Divine Transformation formed by Power of Faith, and the strength is already above that false god.


Wang Chao’s expression did not change at all, and his eyes flashed with pure and pure fighting intent.

Once Wang Chao starts, he won’t let it go. No matter what demons and ghosts you are, the gods and Buddhas, you have to fight them before.

And the purpose of his coming, isn’t it this one God Lord?

The Great Sui Dynasty Hall has reached an agreement with the Jianghu sect. In this Myriad Realms catastrophe, we will help each other and go to the disaster together.

This time, the conquest of the Western Regions can be regarded as a demonstration of the power of the Great Sui to the world.

The world knows the Myriad Demons Kingdom, Celestial Court, and even Xianqin. Don’t they forget that he was the first dynasty of Myriad Realms?

In this battle, Wang Chao’s purpose is clear, kill to the last one!

trifling the land of the Western Regions, but clay chickens and pottery dogs, a few pseudo-Golden Immortal-like Spiritual Gods, dare to offend Heavenly Might, cannot tell good from bad, kill without mercy!

This thought has no qualifications for Wang Chao to stop.


The sound of the cannons is surging, and the sound waves are enough to blow up the ordinary Supreme Heavenly Immortal. Such a powerhouse battle is completely beyond the powerhouses below the Golden Immortal that can resist.


God Lord Mulin felt a little angry at the moment when his fingers were turned upside down.

He is the leader of the seventy-two countries in the Western Regions, the God Lord of the Pantheon, and a self-proclaimed existence like a “father”. Has anyone ever hurt him?

Even a single finger of a single thought is undoubtedly a great sin to blaspheme the “Father”!

even more how, this man not only beheaded his envoy, but also wanted to destroy his temple.


“All believers, bless my body!”

At this moment, countless believers in the Pantheon burst into a desperate situation. The endless Power of Faith comes out. Blessing on this idea makes it even more Perfection.

Under the endless belief, this idea bursts with a strong idea, which is extremely sublimated. Even Wang Chao’s masculine fists couldn’t be blocked.


Heaven and Earth suddenly roared, and amid the endless vitality boiling, the indifferent eyes of God Lord Mu Lin took a deep look at Wang Chao.

This thought suddenly burned, turned into a divine glow that ran through Heaven and Earth, and swept ten thousand zhang high.

“I didn’t think so, how could such a powerhouse still appear in the small Western Regions?”

Wang Chao was a little surprised. Still not inferior to some orthodox Golden Immortal, Mullin’s deity battle strength can be imagined.

At first he saw that the six great envoys used the power of incense of faith indiscriminately, but he still had some disdain in his heart.

Now it seems, it is wrong, all methods are from people.

The six gods are weak, but it doesn’t mean this one god is garbage.

The way of faith is not difficult to breed a true powerhouse.

“However, I’m still going to die!”

Wang Chao raised his eyebrows slightly and reached out with one hand.

Suddenly, the air roared in the sky, the clouds swept across the sky, and a big hand covering the sky suddenly pressed down from the sky.


The big hand with five fingers, like five pillars, directly oppression come down.

Even if the entire pantheon is so small in front of these five fingers, it looks like a fly, and it is about to be pinched in the hand.

The silhouette of that thought, under this palm, is even more insignificant as dust.

This big hand, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, descends, bringing a strong storm, comparable to the Transcending Tribulation, the tyrannical unimaginable.

Under the palm of your hand, it truly breaks the mountain and breaks the moon!

hu hu ~~~peng peng ~~~~Boom~~~

A monstrous will swept across Heaven and Earth, and the emptiness was blown apart.

The giant palm was pressed down from above the void, and in a moment, the sky shattered, and pieces of space collapsed into black holes.

Countless space fragments shot out, and the entire Heaven and Earth seemed to be shattered under this palm.

This palm was pressed, and the sound waves and air waves that were set off have spread for several hundred li and even thousands of miles, and the space shook violently, shattered, and wailed.


That thought was completely shattered and turned into endless vitality.

The remaining power was not exhausted, and a palm continued to slide down. For a time, countless earth and rocks were raised, and it was unknown how many buildings of the Pantheon below were destroyed.

Both monks and believers were completely swallowed up by this huge storm of vitality.

The believers who are still praying for their own gods have completely fallen with the thoughts of their own gods.

The vitality swept across the whole area, the original gold and jade in glorious splendor, as if there were only broken walls and ruins left in the pantheon of the Holy Land in the world, and the rest of them were extremely weak. believers who survived.

Too late to cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

The dynasty at this time seems to have a sense.

Outside the sky, a silhouette moved towards here quickly. Although it was far away, it was breaking through the space at an extremely fast speed and coming here.

At this time, Mu Lin was very anxious, thinking about moving towards the temple quickly.

He absolutely did not expect that his pantheon had encountered such a huge change after just leaving for a moment.

Also, the reaction of the Great Sui was so intense that Wang Chao, this one killing god, directly bombarded the six divine envoys under him.

Mullin was extremely angry, and scolded a few rubbish secretly. The six divine envoys were killed so easily. The six divine envoys joined forces and could not hold back Wang Chao for a moment.

Finally, Mullin realized something. He seemed to see the huge palm falling, and the idea of killing him, destroying his temple, and slaughtering his hundreds of millions of believers. Mullin’s heart suddenly lingered with anger.

“Ah! No!”

“Wang Chao!”

It doesn’t matter if the six great angels die, as long as the faith does not collapse, everything doesn’t matter.

But Wang Chao destroyed his temple of faith, which is literally destroying his Tao.

A thunderous roar resounded!

“Wang Chao, I want you to die!”

The voice seemed to be coming from a great distance, but the impact was extremely powerful, and it only reached Wang Chao’s ear in a moment.

This is followed by an extremely gorgeous platinum scepter, the scepter is as thick as a hundred zhang, like a pillar, squeezing countless air, sending out continuous waves. The sound of air shattering.

The scepter was faintly lingering around the Power of Thunder, carrying all kinds of mighty power, shatter void at an indescribable speed, and suddenly fell on the top of Wang Chao’s head, like heavenly punishment,

Wang Chao raised slightly at the corner of his mouth: “God Lord Mulin, I thought you wouldn’t dare to show up!”

He just raised his eyes and glanced at the scepter on it. , stretched out a finger slightly, facing the void.

In an instant, the incomparably huge scepter, like a pillar of the sky, seemed to have received some kind of huge resistance and suddenly stagnated.

With Wang Chao’s fingers, he exerted a slight force.


A huge bombing sound rang out, and the Tianzhu flew upside down.

At this time, the Tianzhu continued to shrink, becoming the size of an ordinary scepter, and was once again held in the hands of a man in a white golden robe.

With the appearance of this man, in an instant, the endless golden light shines.

Vaguely, the believers sang in unison, one after another in the resounding chants, a huge Spiritual God with a height of dozens of meters, composed entirely of platinum brilliance, appeared in the sky.

This platinum Deity, with multi-colored light behind it, wearing a crown, holding a scepter, above the huge scepter, countless voices are singing and praising, as if it is between Heaven and All the glory of Earth is blessed on this scepter.

All kinds of styles are gathered together, even if everyone sees it, they have to say a word – just like Deity!

In fact, this man is indeed Deity – the true Spiritual God Mullin of the Pantheon!

Different from those false gods who relied on the Power of Faith in the Western Regions to be promoted, Mullin is a true Spiritual God who pursues great power to himself, and holds the supreme authority of a peerless powerhouse.

He was able to secure his position in the pantheon among the seventy-two countries and countless beliefs, and it was entirely by means of battles.

Two years ago, there were more than ten false gods in the seventy-two countries.

With the rise of the Pantheon, most of the false gods fell completely, and finally only the six angels of the Pantheon of acknowledge allegiance remained.

And Mullin became the only true God, the eternal God Lord.

At this moment, Mu Lin, who looked extremely holy, was filled with anger, and a blood Fiendish Qi gradually rose.

“Wang Chao, you destroy my temple, slaughter my followers, and I will kill you!”

An angry voice resounded in the air, and in Mullin’s eyes Gradually turning blood red, looking at Wang Chao, I can’t wait to swallow him alive.

Wang Chao just looked at Mu Lin lightly: “I will send you to meet your followers!”

Mu Lin’s eyes became more and more cold, seeing Wang Chao , with endless killing intent in mind.

Under this killing intent, he maintained the calmest state of mind.


Mullin’s loudly shouted voice drew the vitality of the surrounding area, and a wave of will ran through the space, and countless vitality completely locked Wang Chao with the will.

Afterwards, a dazzling, the size of a bucket, a violent beam of vitality suddenly burst out from above the scepter, and strikes towards Wang Chao in mid-air.


This white light with the thickness of a bucket and a cylindrical shape roared and lit up Heaven and Earth immediately!

Mu Lin’s face also became more and more sacred, making people unable to look directly, the scepter in his hand was constantly blooming with brilliance, and the void was filled with a strong Power of Faith.

Before these believers died, they were all in despair, and in the despair, the most devout faith could be born.

In desperation, the desire for savior reaches Peak.

At this moment, all beliefs are the most brilliant, perhaps not as continuous as beliefs, but it is the most decisive stop loss when squeezed out at one time.

“Come back, come back, you will be reborn in my Divine Kingdom!”


Wang Chao lightly snorted, turned around Come, look at that huge beam of light with countless Power of Faith blessings on it.

Seeing Mullin’s actions, he understood Mullin’s thoughts in an instant. This is to face the irreparable loss, stop the loss decisively, and use these dead Soul Spirits to open up an illusory one. Divine Kingdom.

These Soul Spirits are naturally impossible to be reborn in the Divine Kingdom. There are already Six Paths of Reincarnation between Heaven and Earth. Mullin has not yet achieved the Great Firmament. The rules in the Divine Kingdom are not comparable to reincarnation.

But this ultimate sublimation makes all believers contribute to his Divine Kingdom.

This kind of behavior can’t possibly make Mullin’s cultivation base further.

“Okay! It’s really the Lord of God, so decisive, such a handwriting can be called a Fellow Daoist!”

Wang Chao exclaimed, next moment, but shook his head: “What a pity! What a pity! !”

It seems that after today, a Fellow Daoist like Mullin will perish.

“And give Fellow Daoist a ride!”

(End of this chapter)

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