
Chapter 419 Wang Meng put down the Immortal Beheading Sword

Li Xin stood above the war chariot, watching the grandiose coming in the distance The soldiers of the god Han.

There are more than 40,000 elite soldiers in the cloud, but Li Xin has less than 30,000 soldiers here.

However, there was no fear in Li Xin’s eyes. His eyes were cold and indifferent, as if nothing was there.

His peacefulness also affected the surrounding Qin Country young generals, making these youngsters hold their heads high, believing that this battle will be won!

Such a scene made all the veterans of the Qin army smile, but seeing the middle age person under the central government, as expressionless as before, their hearts gradually ignited with enthusiasm.

They are all like that, even more how those youngsters?

At this time, the Qin army was waiting for work, and the morale of all the soldiers reached the pinnacle under the victories.

The enemy army on the opposite side is also neatly organized. Although they are chasing, they are not in a hurry. It can be seen that the general of the other side is also a person who knows soldiers.

But what a pity!

No matter how knowledgeable the soldiers are, this morale is also irreversible. With Li Xin’s command, the army of these gods was swallowed up by tens of thousands of troops. Many people saw the black soldier in the distance. flag, fear in the heart.

The reverence of the enemy forces makes the imposing manner of this Masters of Tigers and Wolves like rainbows.


“The war chariots from left and right will fight, Zhao Tuo, you will lead the cavalry to attack the center…”

The flag is waved, and the war is about to break out. Li Xin sat in the center, and soon, the army formed an army formation and moved towards the enemy army.

Li Xin personally commanded the war chariot troops and attacked from both sides, while the young Qin Country general Zhao Tuo brought his elite cavalry and moved towards the opponent’s central position and started the attack.

At this time, Zhao Tuo led the cavalry deeply into the center of the enemy army. He looked proudly into the distance. In his opinion, these Han troops were nothing more than clay chickens and pottery dogs.

He is a rising star in the military. Strictly speaking of which, he is also a nobleman, a nobleman of the Zhao family, and has produced countless monarchs and generals.

The Zhao clan surnamed Ying, this is the most prominent lineage of their Zhao clan, Qin Country monarch, Zhao State monarch… are all here.

Even those who are interested will know that Zhao Kuo, who fought in the Battle of Changping, including his father, Mafujun Zhao She, is also the surname of Zhao’s Ying…

Although Qin Country does not He is too particular about the nobility, but from where he was born, he was still well-trained and made a lot of military exploits. At a young age, he was already the chief of the Zuo Shu, and he was able to control a group of soldiers.

At this time, Zhao Tuo seemed to be looking for the position of the enemy’s main general, and finally, he saw the enemy’s general flag.

The Han people were lining up at this time, and the Knights began to prepare for the attack. Zhao Tuo looked at the deputy next to him, he pointed to the flag of the general opposite, and just said with a smile: “Alright, I am I’ll cut off his head personally!”

Between his words, he led Knight to charge with all his strength, and all the military auras were instantly refined into a blood-colored Flood Dragon.

Zhao Tuo prides himself on having his own strength, and his army is transformed into a Flood Dragon, which means that he has a very high degree of control over the army. Under the hehe military exploits.

“Crush! Pierce through the enemy’s army!”

Under the command of Li Xin, the war chariots on the left and right rushed forward, and began to fight with the cavalry of Shenhan, war The chariot kept splitting the army formation, attacking it in reverse, breaking through the army formation, and tearing the military spirit apart. At this moment, Li Xin’s commanding art was the best proof.

The Knights led by Zhao Tuo, like an awl, pierced directly into the chest of the Han army.

At this moment, Zhao Tuo took the lead, and a blood energy shot up into the sky all over his body, making the enemy in front of him feel terrified!

Human Immortal!

That’s right, Zhao Tuo is a Human Immortal, and this is also the confidence that he can command a cavalry army. .

At this time, Zhao Tuo didn’t just charge blindly. He held a strong bow and kept shooting the surrounding enemies.

This strong bow is made of the large tendons of the Millennium Flood Dragon and the deep sea silver mother. It is definitely a first-class weapon.

For every jade slip fired, an enemy Knight fell.

After the arrows were used up, Zhao Tuo laughed, quickly raised his lance and inserted it directly into the center of the enemy army, nothing could stop his charge.

The main general on the opposite side was also taken aback when he saw the enemy’s main force moved towards his own direction, and soon the enemy general calmed down and arranged for the soldiers on both sides to surround him. surround these people.

His strategy is not a problem, it can be seen that this general is still qualified.

Unfortunately, Li Xin is also not to be trifled with. He dared to let Zhao Tuo go to attack the central enemy, so he made thorough preparations.

He mobilized the war chariot to divide the battlefield and did not allow the enemies on both sides to approach the frontal battlefield. At the same time, he commanded the war chariot on both sides, interspersed and charged, crushing and colliding all the way.

The forces of the two armies gradually became entangled, and for a time, the battlefield became extraordinarily chaotic, with the whining of horses everywhere.

The war chariot collided with the Knights, making a loud noise.

The war chariot of Qin Country has sharp blades on both sides, and with the brave soldiers on it, it has a huge lethality to the Knight on the side.

Obviously, Shenhan did not have enough war chariots to resist them, and could only be constantly pulled by the Qin army, smothered, and torn…

When the generals of Shenhan found that the enemy was with him As he got closer, he could only order the Chinese army to retreat in horror.

Li Xin, however, was not in a hurry. He asked his subordinates to convey military orders and asked the war chariot to change direction, directly tearing the enemy’s front in half, and the connection between the Chinese army and both sides was interrupted.

At this moment, Zhao Tuo roared angrily, the lance in his hand was thrown, and the general Shenhan who just got up and took out a strong bow was directly pierced through the chest and flew out.

Zhao Tuo laughed, charged directly over, punched out, and directly broke the enemy’s scorpion.

Li Xin disapproved at that moment: “Cut the general and capture the flag, this battle, Li Xin will remember the merit!”

The main general fell, the big scorpion fell, and at that moment, the enemy army called Fleeing for their lives, the Knights fled everywhere, and Qin Country began a full-scale pursuit.

Anyang Ancient Road, at this moment, Huo Qubing’s army is still marching fast.

Soon a battle report was sent to him. After reading the battle report, Huo Qubing frowned and scolded: “The general in the cloud, what a fool!”

More than ten Ten thousand enemy troops were wiped out by enemy troops at most no more than 50,000 enemy troops, resulting in the seizure of the city, which is really stupid.

The lieutenant on the side read the battle report and was frowned. After a while, he opened the mouth and said: “Marquis Jun, the surnamed Li in the cloud is Li Xin. It is said that he is the descendant of Li Xin.”

When Huo Qubing heard the words, he was coldly snorted: “Chen the battle report, the Li family should be beheaded and exiled…”

After a while, Huo Qubing continued to read the battle report, Analyzing each of these steps, his eyes became brighter and his fighting intent became more and more enthusiastic.

Originally, he was disdainful to come to destroy a lone army. If it wasn’t for the pros and cons of Guan Yu and Chen Qing, he would be disdainful to come here if he invited him to come.

But at this moment, he just felt that it was right, he had a hunch that this Li Xin might be an enemy that he would always remember.

Of course, at this moment, Huo Qubing also knew that the current enemy would not be as easy to deal with as before.

The previous enemy army was just alone all the way. Their siege was extremely easy. Just be careful, the enemy army escaped from the siege.

But this time the enemy has occupied all the city in the cloud, which means that the entire line of defense has completely fallen into the enemy’s hands.

The enemy does not need to escape at all. At this moment, the enemy can rely on the advantages of the city and face them head-on. There is no doubt that the challenge is countless times higher than before.

But what about, who is he?

The big man Marquis Guanjun!

He leads the real elite of Han, Yulin Wei!

“Li Xin, I’m here!”

Qinling, Guan Yu and many generals are resisting Wang Jian’s attack.

It seems to cover up Li Xin’s heartbeat. These days, although wars have broken out, there are many frictions.

Fighting generals, fighting skills…

These days, what attracts the most attention on the battlefield is definitely not the battles of various small-scale army formations, but the battles of different Cultivation systems.

Magic cultivator, Martial Arts cultivator, Wendao cultivator…

The battle of countless cultivators, and the spell Divine Ability of each item is even more pleasing to the eye.

The fighting style of each other has attracted the attention of countless people.

Of course, the two sides are still controlled at a limit. There are almost no Heavenly Immortal cultivators playing today, but at most Earth Immortal, who has just become an immortal dao.

But now, with the battle report passed to Qinling, Guan Yu’s face finally changed.

“Trash, it’s really trash, the guard in the cloud, more than 100,000 troops were annihilated, and the city was captured!” Nod, the defense line in the cloud is as solid as the Qinling Mountains, it can be said to be impregnable.

Even if the city gate is locked, it is absolutely impossible for the enemy to cause any damage to it.

But now, the army has been annihilated and the city has been captured. Both of these results are unimaginable for them.

“Hmph, fortunately, the Marquis of the Army is well prepared, or else relying on such soldiers to encircle and suppress Li Xin’s side divisions, the graves I’ve been waiting for may have grown grass!”

This For a moment, everyone was glad that Patriarch had invited Marquis Guanjun to lead Yulin Wei, otherwise it would have been really troublesome.

Thinking of Yu Linwei, Guan Yu’s mood eased a little.

“It’s worth it, I can only hope that Marquis Guanjun will be able to wipe out Li Xin’s partial teacher in the clouds.”

For this big man Marquis Guanjun, these “juniors” are still quite respectful. .

Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are two immortal monuments in the hearts of all the great generals.

“Okay, control the news, don’t let the news spread out and affect the morale.” Guan Yu lightly saying.

“Of course, the Qin Country work in the city will definitely spread the news everywhere. These days, several generals have worked hard to pull out the nails in the city.”

“No! “


At this time, Wang Jian saw the battle report in his hand and couldn’t help laughing.

“Good Li Xin!”

“Good Li Xin!”

“Occupying the clouds, Qinling is already an isolated city!”

At this time, Wang Jian no longer hesitated, and soon summoned all the high-ranking generals to the military tent to discuss.

After a while, all the high level generals gathered in the military tent.

Seeing these generals, Wang Jian said, “I’m determined to attack Qinling with all my strength.”

Hearing this, many of the generals present looked towards Wang Jian, with a look in their eyes. A little excited.

These days, I have been blocked from the Qinling Mountains, but I have suffocated these generals. If not most of the people present knew the temperament of the patriarch, and even experienced the previous defeat of Chu Yi. War, they can’t wait for a long time.

Seeing everyone’s appearance, Wang Jian laughed and said: “Li Xin’s partial division has already broken through the cloud, occupying the city in the cloud, and cutting off the Qinling Mountains. Now is our best chance.”


Hearing this, most of the people present looked in disbelief.

Li Xin’s plan, most of them know, the other party will detour thousands of miles to cut off the Qinling Mountains, including the follow-up food route…

But there is still a difference between cutting off and cutting off. And breaking the city, the gap is huge.

The city in the cloud, most of the generals present knew it, and knew that it was a line of defense that was not inferior to Qinling. Even if the number of soldiers was not as good as Qinling, it was definitely not something Li Xin could do. of.

But the opponent did it, occupying the city, enough to resist the follow-up offensive, Li Xin’s plan has undoubtedly improved a lot compared to the previous one.

Everyone’s amazement also comes from here.

A Montessori veteran shook his head and sighed: “Have grown old, the younger generation now is really amazing.”

Wang Jian heard the words, laughed: “Jun Wu’an also uses troops. Such an accomplished perfection, I think Li Xin has the style of Wu’an Jun.”


“Okay, generals, prepare siege equipment, three days later, All-out attack.”



In Yunzhong County, Huo Qubing and Yulin Wei finally arrived.

Looking at the tall city in front of him, Huo Qubing shook his head and lamented the stupidity of being a guard before.

At this time, Huo Qubing also knew in his heart that this time must be a tough battle.

Li Xin is obviously not a stupid general. The opponent only needs to defend with all his strength. This tall city and countless defensive equipment are enough to pose a huge threat to them.

If it were an ordinary army, it would be hundreds of thousands, and I wouldn’t dare to say that it would definitely be able to attack, but at this moment, Huo Qubing was full of pride.

What he led was not an ordinary army. He led the Yulin Wei, the real army of the Son of Heaven.

The Guard Army of the Han Dynasty, the Martial Emperor selected the good family members of the six counties of Longxi, Tianshui, Anding, Beidi, Shangjun, and Xihe to guard the Jianzhang Palace. , the guardian of the emperor.

Stand in front of the hall to shoot birds, which means “the wings of the country, like the prosperity of the forest”!

Each Yulin Guard is a one-in-a-million warrior, and the selection layer by layer has resulted in this one being an elite army.

Above the city, Li Xin at this time also noticed the army under it, and muttered: “Is Lin Wei the Feather of Han?”

After taking the city, there are many Shen Han’s generals took effect, and many news could not be concealed from Li Xin.

He also knew that this Yulinwei was the elite led by Marquis Guanjun, who was entrusted by Guan Yu to come to deal with them.

Long before the arrival of Huo Qubing, Li Xin let the soldiers under his command clear the wall and made a long-term preparation plan.

Zhao Tuo twitched his lips: “Shen Han Yu Linwei? In front of me, Qin Ruishi, how dare you be the roost?”

Li Xin didn’t say much after hearing this.

He knows very well that this seemingly reckless and brave general has deep ravines in his heart, and he is definitely brave and resourceful.

The other party’s remarks are not his real attitude, but the attitude he wants to show to the soldiers.

With powerful enemies out there, they naturally need to show their confidence.

“Okay, just a battle!”

“Why don’t you say that you have no clothes? You share the same robe with your son. Wang Yuxing is a teacher, repairs my spear, and shares my hatred with your son…

A song emphasized by Lao Qin sounded, and all the soldiers became more and more excited.


Besides the battlefield between Yunzhong and Qinling, Huanghuang Nine Heavens, two gods are fighting, and they have been deadlocked for a long time.

There are very few people who can feel the confrontation between these two gods, but those who can perceive them are well aware of their identities.

The Ancestral Dragon of Qin.

The Martial Emperor of Han! & lt;/p>

At the Qinling Mountains, Wang Meng raised his head slightly and felt two divine wills in the air.

He just smiled. Above his head, a small cauldron became more and more agile. Four long swords were intertwined. Among them, countless killing intents were restrained and suppressed to the extreme. North Korea’s outbreak.

“When my four swords come out, this tribulation will be broken.”

(End of this chapter)

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