
Chapter 411

As Wang Meng moved in his heart, his eyes gradually moved towards another place.

Devil Beast Deep in the forest, a place shrouded in poisonous miasma.

This area is a poisonous area, surrounded by poison mist, even the air here is slightly fishy, if it is sucked into the body, it will be quite troublesome.

This area is full of countless huge dark cracks. Occasionally, one after another roar can be heard from the cracks. After years of evolution, almost all of the creatures here have the Toxic, if one is not careful, it will fall in the sewer.

In the center of this area, there is a quiet and transparent deep water.

The surrounding poisonous miasma could not infect it at all, just like an oasis in the desert, extremely strange.

Of course, in Wang Meng’s eyes, this seemingly transparent and pure deep water is actually the most poisonous place in this area. The poisonous miasma in this area is actually deep. Water is gradually formed under the evaporation of hot air.

And in the depths of the deep water, a huge monster slept in it.

Wang Meng’s heart moved when he saw this huge monster.

“Very good, but I don’t need to do more!”

Originally, Wang Meng was thinking about getting high-level devil beast from other regions, but now he doesn’t need it. .

In the desolate area, suddenly there was a slight sound of breaking wind, Wang Meng pointed a finger, and a red light moved towards the forest and went directly into the depths of the poisonous miasma deep water…

In an instant, in the deep water, a pair of red-gold pupils opened, with a little scarlet in them, and a sense of madness continued to expand.

He has been sleeping for countless years, and the nature of their family is like this.

If it wasn’t for this red light to break his slumber, after countless years, this deep water was completely swallowed by him, and he would wake up and leave.

However, after that blood light was submerged into the body, everything changed.

He only felt that the bloodline around him was constantly burning, and he seemed to be evolving, moving towards higher realm climbing.

The atavism of bloodline inheritance suddenly appeared in him.

At the same time, a sense of emptiness came from his body, and that blood light seemed to be just a factor that helped him transform his bloodline.

If he needs to truly complete this time bloodline transformation, he also needs countless energy.

At this moment, his body keeps turning and deep water keeps surging.

In the next instant, a roaring sound resounded, also like rolling thunder, from the deep water, and then spread out like ripples.

The countless creatures around are crawling on the ground, and the creatures in the deep water are the well-deserved kings of this area – the clear water poisonous dragon!

oh la la!

The huge waves splashed, and only the sound of the sharp breaking wind could be heard, and a blood-red silhouette swept out of the deep water like lightning.

A pair of 100-foot-long giant wings stretched out from behind. Behind it, there was a deep black Jiaotail that was more than ten meters long. At the tip of the tail, there was a sharp cold glow.

The silhouette is suspended in the sky, and behind it is the round moon, with its wings stretched out, its poisonous tail like a snake, its roaring upwards, and the poison qi is monstrous!

Looking at everything in front of him, the eyes of the clear water poison jiao became extremely scarlet, and there was only a single thought in his heart – kill, poison everything, devour all creatures, and make all existence, all change. into the energy of his evolution.

Wang Meng muttered: “Enough, Eighth Rank devil beast, devil beast at Dou Zun level, this catastrophe is enough, let’s see what happens to this human catastrophe I created?”



On the other side, Teng Qingshan and the others had no idea what they were about to face.

At the moment when Yun Yun and Amethyst Wings Lion were fighting, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao also set their sights on the Cave Mansion.

“teacher, this companion beast fire of the Amethyst Wings Lion King is also a good flame, and this is our chance.” Xiao Yan stared at the Cave Mansion, his eyes full of expectations.

Although he majored in Martial Arts, he did not give up the idea of Fen Jue, especially after seeing that powerhouses comparable to Dou Di were looking for Fen Jue, he attached great importance to this cultivation technique The level is even higher.

Nowadays, whether it is for the evolution of Fen Jue or to conquer a more powerful flame to pill concocting, Xiao Yan and Yao Chen are not going to let this flame go.

At the door of Cave Mansion, at this time, these two third rank devil beasts are looking up at the fierce battle in the sky with trembling with fear, and the aftermath of the battle leaked from above makes them crawl to the ground , shivering constantly.

frowned looked at the two third rank devil beast lying dozens of meters away from the entrance of the cave, Xiao Yan quickly took out a bottle of medicine powder from Najie and poured it all over himself. This kind of medicine Powder, which he made carefully, can hide the breath on the body, so as not to be detected by the devil beast with a keen sense of smell.

After a circle around the jungle, Xiao Yan climbed up to the entrance of the cave, with the help of the rock cover, he quietly came to the top of the cave entrance, staring at the two trembling devil beasts, slightly. hesitated , took out some soft cloth strips from the ring again and tied it to the soles of the feet.

After all these preparations, Xiao Yan took a deep breath, his body suddenly jumped down from the top of the hole, his body volleyed in the midair, and then his feet gently stepped on the ground.

As soon as the soles of his feet touched the ground, Xiao Yan’s body arched slightly and shot into the cave.

When Xiao Yan’s figure just disappeared into the darkness, a third rank devil beast turned his attention, but after finding nothing, he had to move back with some doubts. He glanced, and again, under the battle at high altitude, his body trembled.


Entering the cave, the light in it is not as dim as imagined. On the surrounding mountain walls, there are occasionally some purple crystal blocks. Crystal blocks are natural products of caves. In the human world, these amethyst blocks are quite cherished decorative items and are of great value.

The inside of the deep and spacious cave is decorated with these amethyst blocks, extremely beautiful. Looking at these naturally formed Cave Mansion, Xiao Yan can only sigh in the heart, this has become a fine lion, and it is unexpectedly beautiful. Also know how to enjoy a comfortable life ah.

Walking through the long cave passage, after a while, two forks appeared in front of me.

frowned looked at the two forks, Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, then walked cautiously towards the passage on the left, this passage is quite tortuous, Xiao Yan turned several times, and As he went further and further, he suddenly discovered that the surrounding temperature was getting hotter and hotter.

Staying on guard, Xiao Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at the faintly emitting purple light in the distance, rubbed his hands, and immediately let out a deep breath.

Staring at the nearby exit, Xiao Yan tried to lower his footsteps as much as possible, then quietly stuck out half of his head, his eyes quickly swept across the spacious cave.

Sweeping his eyes carefully, to Xiao Yan’s surprise, he didn’t find any trace of the devil beast. Xiao Yan blinked, and after observing for a while again, he walked in with confidence.

When he came to the cave, Xiao Yan looked around, and finally his eyes stopped at the center of the cave, where an Amethyst Stone with a height of more than one meter accumulated into a square platform. It looked like, on the Amethyst Stone stage, a purple spherical object the size of Xiao Yan’s head was quietly placed in it.

Keeping his eyes fixed on the purple ball, Xiao Yan suddenly realized that all the heat inside the cave was released by this thing.

There was surprise in his eyes, Xiao Yan didn’t expect this thing to have such a huge energy, his eyes swept around cautiously again, and some doubts whispered: “Could this be the Purple Spirit Crystal? But why doesn’t the crystal heat up?”

Speaking, Xiao Yan took out the diamond-shaped crystal from his chest and let it be exposed in the air, but after waiting for a while, the thing was still cold.

After putting away the crystal, Xiao Yan walked slowly towards the Ziling stone platform. As he got closer, a faint heat wave hit, making Xiao Yan once again surprised by the heat contained in this thing. .

Bending down slowly, Xiao Yan stared at this mysterious purple ball, his heart moved, and suddenly he shouted in the heart: “teacher, come out and see what this is?”

Listening to Xiao Yan’s cry, Yao Lao floated out of the ring lightly, his eyes swept across the purple ball, Lao eyebrows suddenly raised, a flash of surprise flashed in his pupils, and he whispered. : “This…is it the Associated Amethyst Source? My dear, you were able to meet this thing!”

“Associated Amethyst Source? What?” The unfamiliar name made Xiao Yan frowned puzzled. asked.

“tsk tsk, this is a good thing…” Floating in the air, circled around the purple ball, Yao Lao tsk tsk praised: “Amethyst Wings Lion King, is a A beast with extraordinary natural talent, otherwise it will be difficult to become a sixth rank devil beast. This devil beast, whenever it is produced, has a very small chance. This companion amethyst source.”

“This companion amethyst source, because it stayed in the belly of the Lion King for a very long time, the pure energy it contains is quite spectacular. A kind of accompanying amethyst source, when the little beast grows to the fourth rank devil beast, as long as it devours it, it can directly become the fifth rank devil beast, and the purple fire in its body will also be more than other people who have not devoured the accompanying purple beast. Jingyuan’s Amethyst Wings Lion is even stronger!”

After Yao Lao finished explaining, he smacked his lips and said, “I passed through the Cave Mansion of eight Amethyst Wings Lion kings, but I couldn’t find them. This thing, didn’t expect, you can meet it.”

“Damn it, it’s so good?” After listening to Yao Lao’s explanation, Xiao Yan’s eyes immediately lit up and threw Amethyst Stone down. on the stage, and then grabbed the accompanying Amethyst Source with both palms.

“Ah.” As soon as his palm touched the accompanying amethyst source, Xiao Yan let out a suppressed hissing sound. He quickly took out some healing medicine and smeared it on his scalded palm, and said in horror, “It’s such a high temperature, how can I take it away?”

Yaochen smiled slightly: “Don’t worry!”


As he said that, he quickly showed his means. At this time Yaochen had experienced Wang Meng’s help, and his soul had been nourished. If you really think about it, although it was still far from the Peak state, but with the help of Xiao Yan The body also has the usual battle strength inferior to Douzong level.

It was easy for him to clean up the opportunities here.

After a while, the two walked along the passage for a while, and the sight in front of them widened again.

With his body tightly attached to the entrance of the cave, Xiao Yan exposed one eye and slowly swept across the cave that was almost occupied by Amethyst Stone.

The sweeping gaze slowly stopped after moving to the central position, because, here, the trumpet Amethyst Wings Lion King was crawling on the ground, sleeping quietly.

“Well, small Amethyst Wings Lion King?”

Xiao Yan hesitated, not knowing what to do with this cub.

“Not good, hurry up!”

At this moment, Yao Chen suddenly cry out in surprise, he was once the Peak Dou Zun level, and ninth rank Pill Master, Divine Soul Even comparable to Dou Sheng, and because of this, his sensing ability far exceeds that of ordinary people.

At this moment, he only felt that the north, an astonishing imposing manner, was rapidly moved towards them and expanded here.

Although I don’t know what the imposing manner is and who it belongs to, the killing intent cannot be concealed.

“Quick, it’s too late if you don’t go!”

Xiao Yan didn’t hesitate after hearing this, quickly picked up the little Amethyst Wings Lion King moved towards Cave Mansion and rushed out.


At this time, King Amethyst Wings Lion seemed to sense the tide of countless devil beasts moving towards them, and his face changed drastically.

In these devil beast trends, he felt the breath of many kings, all of which were not inferior to her powerful existence, and all these existences had to flee.

What is it?

Even with Teng Qingshan looking to the north, he also felt a strong imposing manner covering the sky and the earth, heart startled.

“What’s the matter, how can the devil beast tide be formed?”

“Not good, these devil beasts seem to be running away, it seems that some extremely terrifying force drives them. “Yun Yun said quickly.

King Amethyst Wings Lion seemed to remember something, and immediately moved towards Cave Mansion.

At that moment, I saw a black robed sillhouette rushing out holding her child.

“The thief, put down my child!”

King Amethyst Wings Lion hurriedly chased after him, while Teng Qingshan just hesitated for a moment, and quickly left here with Yun Yun .

“Stop chasing, I’ll give it back to you!”

“Flee quickly, I’ve saved your child’s life!”

Xiao Yan The little Amethyst Wings Lion King in his hand moved towards the back, and the speed increased again.

After taking over his child, King Amethyst Wings Lion heard the words of the black robed man, and stopped talking, quickly moved towards and ran away.


The clear water poison Jiaojiao felt the devil beast trend in front of him, and his eyes were full of scarlet colors.

“Poison devours the world!”

At this moment, countless poisonous miasma began to swept away, this is a moment, countless low-level devil beasts fell on the way to escape .

Even some devil beasts of the fifth sixth rank looked extremely weak after breathing the poisonous miasma for a while.

“There are still humans, amazing blood energy!”

Amid the poison mist, a pair of blood-red eyes immediately focused on Xiao Yan, Teng Qingshan and the others.

“Not good!”

Yao Chen shouted, he already felt that he and Xiao Yan seemed to be locked.

In the process of escaping, he had already confirmed that the creatures that were chasing them were the Ancient Devil beasts – the clear water poison Jiao.

And it’s a fully mature Eighth Rank Peak poisonous dragon. Even in his Peak period, he wouldn’t dare to say that he dared to fight, let alone now.

Teng Qingshan’s cold complexion gradually became solemn, and a crisis that threatened his life completely enveloped him.

Xiao Yan’s complexion greatly changed, he really did not expect that he would encounter such an innocent disaster.

At this moment, even the harvest just now in Cave Mansion is not fragrant.

There are many opportunities, but there is only one life.

“teacher, what shall we do?”


Wang Meng watched everyone, especially Xiao Yan, carefully watching the changes in the fortune of the 9th layer above his head.

A blood-red calamity gradually shrouded it, and countless luck madly condensed to try to break through this heavy calamity.

Wang Meng watched everything closely, especially the connection of the luck line.

He personally arranged the catastrophe, which was very beneficial for him to realize the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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