
Chapter 403 Conditioning Law

Wang Meng and Eastern Sea kept discussing the division of the Great Firmament realm.

Eastern Sea thought of Wang Meng’s words in his heart, with a tinge of hope at the same time as sadness.

Great Firmament is his best chance, with more probability than Battle of the Sky!

He knew that he might have taken this step right, and it was extremely difficult to reach the realm of heaven in the world of the tomb of the gods.

The suppression of the entire world, coupled with Heavenly Dao’s all-out slaughter, wants to achieve this kind of realm, and against Heavenly Dao, the probability of completion is too low.

Even if the battle for the sky is not completed, it will always be impossible to break through this realm.

But the battle to cut the sky is over, so why bother with the realm of must breakthrough?

In terms of purpose and causality, this is completely a false proposition.

It is not difficult to break through the sky!

The opportunity is not small.

Innumerable years, an era, generations of outstanding people have not been able to complete, has proved the difficulty.

The dazzling names can be said to be strong, not to be called Peak, Du Gubaitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord… Even Wang Meng has no doubt that if these people exist in the rest of the world, For example, the world of covering the sky will surely be able to suppress the world, and even become the Immortal King that is proud of the world.

Without the restrictions of the world and Heavenly Dao, these people are amazing and will definitely be the Great Firmament Supreme.

It’s a pity that they were so unfortunate to appear in such a catastrophic world.

The Eastern Sea loose people once again recalled the plans of the Demon Lord and the others this time, the preparations before the Battle of the Sky.

The preparations are perfect, and it looks like there is a chance of success, but that’s all, isn’t that the case in the previous battles of the sky?

For the battle of the sky, I have seen so many people fall and fail again and again, the Eastern Sea loose people are full of pessimism about this, they drag out an ignoble existence, like mice , living in the invisible slit of Heavenly Dao.

It can only be the end of an era, and a dying counterattack.

This may be the limit, want to cut the sky head-on, shake Heavenly Dao with human power, easier said than done?

Just like what Wang Meng said about Great Firmament, Divine Ability is boundless. Kill a Great Firmament day, hope is minimal!

nine deaths and still alive!

This may also be the reason why he is willing to be a tomb keeper instead of constantly planning on it like Demon Lord and Du Gubai.

He is seeing no hope!

He is not optimistic about the battle against the sky, and he pinned his hopes on breaking through the sky-defying realm, reaching the Heavenly Dao Realm world, and truly fighting against Heavenly Dao.

The two communicated continuously from shallow to deep, and the Eastern Sea scattered people became more and more transparent and understanding of the realm of the sky.

He also constantly narrates some of his views, some of which are very simple at the level of Great Firmament, but also have certain merits.

At least many points of view make Wang Meng, who is essentially the ultimate Great Firmament, feel very new, and even one or two of them are a bit surprising.

This old man has lived for too long and can be called a living fossil in the world of the tomb of God. His life can be said to be enough to recall the beginning, before the origin of Heavenly Dao.

His battle strength may not be comparable to the four great powerhouses, the Du Gubai Tian who is the number one taboo, or the Demon Lord who is arrogant and only me, or even the number one ghost Lord, the invincible Chen Zhan. …

But the old man has witnessed the rise of these people with his own eyes, clear comprehension Dao Rhyme of these people, his battle strength may not be the first, but his accumulation is the strongest, and in the long years, I have come into contact with too many outstanding people, understand all kinds of Dao viewpoints, and have accumulated too much.

Talking about the accumulation of the divine tomb world, the Eastern Sea talent is Number One Person, which is also the basis for his breakthrough ambition.

During the communication with Wang Meng, the old man kept telling the views of the amazing people he had come into contact with, but they achieved each other.

The more they communicated, the more the old man dared not despise Wang Meng in front of him, and the more friendly his attitude became.

Although the realm of the person in front of him is low, he has a deep background. No matter what he says, this person can directly point out the core. The accumulation of this background far exceeds his own.

Associating the essence of the soul revealed by Wang Meng before, he has no doubts that the one in front of him is a Great Firmament, but he has not completely restored the limit of the cultivation base.

Even if there is no recovery limit now, in the eyes of the old man, Wang Meng is also a theoretical Great Firmament, a real powerhouse.

The reincarnation of powerhouse, or other special things, such as because this world came on purpose…

The old man doesn’t know why, and he doesn’t want to explore other people’s secrets.

Some other thoughts appeared in his mind, Great Firmament is very difficult, even if the infinite world intersects, in such a great opportunity, the old man dare not say that he will be able to complete it.

“If that’s the case, maybe I need to expand some contacts. Myriad Realms will blend in. Countless lucky people will come out and make good friends with these people, and it will be beneficial in the future.”

“Even if I can’t achieve the Great Firmament realm, and the person reverts to the Great Firmament realm, maintain a good relationship with this person, and when this person has successfully entered that step, perhaps borrowing from him.”

This is also a kind of guarantee. With such a mentality, the communication between the old man and Wang Meng has become more and more harmonious.

He even intentionally took care of Teng Qingshan on the side, which was of great benefit to Teng Qingshan.

Teng Qingshan looked towards the eyes of the old man, and was also full of gratitude!

Wang Meng just smiled, this Disciple holds a grudge.

Wang Meng continued to comprehend the various things shared by the Eastern Sea loose people, deduced in his mind, consulted with primordial, and perfected his own method for Immortal Beheading Four Swords.

Although there is no Great Firmament powerhouse in the world of the tomb of the gods, countless powerful methods have been born. These methods are also the foundation for those who dare to fight against adversity and fight against the sky.

Most of these methods are methods of fighting and attacking, which are exactly in line with immortal art. You can hear these methods.

Wang Meng sighed in his heart that the powerhouses in the tomb world were amazing, and at the same time, he also had more understanding of immortal art.

Bring it up a level!

There are even more angles to perfect the method of killing immortals.

Although this method borrows Daoist Heavenspan’s method to a certain extent, it is just a framework, and the content in it is filled by Wang Meng himself. Now that these methods are obtained, it is just gradually perfected.

“The heritage of a world is really extraordinary!”

Wang Meng world nods, there is no doubt that the tomb world can be opposed to the wiard world, even because of the existence of heaven , more colorful than wizard world!

This kind of world Cultivation background also has obvious benefits for Wang Meng and his Great Firmament deity.

There are many Cultivation systems in the world of the tomb of God. After generations of wars against the sky, Du Gubai and the others will deliberately guide different Cultivation systems, want to find the excellence of different systems, and improve themselves. Cultivation, try to get stronger, fight Heavenly Dao.

The sky-defying realm appeared in this system of learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Originally, Heavenly Rank was the Peak of the tomb world.

The sky-defying realm, this realm, although they still can’t fight against the sky, it is enough to guarantee that they will start all over again, be reincarnated for a lifetime, and come back to destroy the sky.

The various techniques of cultivation known to Jiangta, who are unreserved in the Eastern Sea, showed Wang Meng that the harmonious attitude was completely different from the previous high cold.

Wang Meng can also see that Eastern Sea loose people seem to intend to befriend themselves, and Wang Meng does not point it out. This is also a win-win situation.

The method of Great Firmament is more perfect, but the method of the tomb world is also what he needs. The exchange between the two is essentially an exchange.

The method about the tomb of the gods shared by the Eastern Sea scattered people has many benefits for Wang Meng to improve the primordial scriptures.


“Master, this Eastern Sea loose people attitude plane is too friendly?” Teng Qingshan twitched his lips, he didn’t forget, they were almost turned away .

The attitude after that seems a bit too much!

Wang Meng also just smiled. Human nature is like that. He still remembers a philosophical remark from a rogue tycoon in the world.

Don’t be afraid of being used by others. Being used by others means that you still have the value of being used.

Since the Eastern Sea loose people are willing to befriend themselves, they have absolutely no reason to refuse.

After Wang Meng’s visit this time, the Eastern Sea scattered people also decided to change their thinking and make some talented contacts, maybe they can help themselves in the future.

I did it when I thought of it, just as Wang Meng master and disciple left the tomb of God, and soon after, outside the tomb of God, nine formations were set up.

And then under the manipulation of the Eastern Sea loose people, a message spread.

There are some seniors with powerful cultivation bases in the tomb of the gods. If you can create a formation and enter it, you can get the guidance of this senior.

The nine formations, the vastness of the tomb of the gods, and the mysterious ones surpass the senior of Donghuang Taiyi.

In a short time, this incident became popular, and countless people wanted to take this opportunity to break into the big array to become famous.

It’s a pity that these are destined to underestimate the difficulty of Formation. They have seen amazing cultivators in the world of God’s Tomb.

After all, he is a good friend to have the opportunity to achieve the Great Firmament powerhouse in the future.

If you want to pass the 9th layer, you must be a genius among geniuses!

The furthest one was named Young Master Yu, and this one only got to Sixth Layer.

The rest of the “geniuses” are even worse, and very few of them have broken into the first layer, and even more famous peerless geniuses can break into the fifth layer.

Relying on the background of his peers, the Young Master feathers this time is greatly famous, and is regarded as the young generation number one genius.

Countless powers want to bring it under.

After a lot of exploration, the younger generation was basically eliminated, but some middle-aged powerhouses entered one after another.

Behead Immortal flying knife Li Xunhuan, Gonggeng hermit Shangguan golden rainbow…

Seeing these people, Eastern Sea loose people seem quite pleasantly surprised, and they have established a good friendship with them. , all kinds of guidance and training without hesitation…

After going out to these people, he praised the Eastern Sea loose people vigorously, calling them the senior of the cultivation base far surpassing the world.

For a while, the Eastern Sea loose people became even more famous, attracting more people to pass the level.

But all this has nothing to do with Wang Meng. At this time, he took Teng Qingshan to find a spiritual vein retreat.

speaking of which is also a chance.

This spiritual vein lurks very deep underground, and the spiritual pressure is also very low. In the eyes of ordinary people, this spiritual vein can only be regarded as inferior. In addition, the terrain here is dangerous and there are few people.

Ordinary people miss the treasure here. Although the spirit vein here is deep, it is definitely High Level. At this time, the famous double veins converge.

It is divided into upper and lower spirit veins, the upper spirit vein has many impurities, and the spiritual pressure is underground, which is an inferior spirit vein.

But this low-level spirit vein is just a performance. On it, there is a splendid High Level spirit vein, which is of extremely high quality. Because of the terrain, the cultivation is extremely perfect.

Perhaps luck!

Wang Meng was overjoyed when he came here, and also sensed the opportunity.

For Wang Meng, this is a good retreat.

The undulating terrain just allowed him to complete the formation, gathering spirits, and the underground spirit vein was enough to support his breakthrough.

After some exchanges, he has already felt the opportunity of breakthrough, the primordial has been perfected again, and the desire for immortality has been constantly impacted in his heart.

Walking here to the mountain range is like a fish back in water.

In a wilderness, Wang Meng arranged the Zhuxian Great Array at random to protect him, while Teng Qingshan and the other side realized the Dao on his own.

Wang Meng doesn’t need him to help protect the law. With the existence of Immortal Beheading Four Swords, he doesn’t need others to guard him.

Wang Meng sits on the top of the mountain range, which is also the undulating area of the spirit vein, and arranges the Spirit Gathering Array to continuously draw Spiritual Qi from the deepest depths of the ground, just to bless Spiritual Qi and assist Cultivation .

As Wang Meng retreated and comprehend, gradually, Spiritual Qi continued to appear around him, forming Spiritual Qi clouds.

Wang Meng was sitting in it, but he looked like a fairy.

“primordial Yoyo, I’m immortal!”

With a heartbeat, immortal energy permeates the whole body, Wang Meng’s Life Level begins to make a leap to the next level.

I don’t know how much time has passed, the breath of Wang Meng’s whole body gradually converged, and countless clouds were swallowed into his stomach.

All kinds of sword qi wander among the clouds and mists, floating among them, accompanied by the sharp point aura of one after another.

sword qi As the cloud and mist began to be swallowed into the abdomen by Wang Meng, the internal organs were constantly tempered. With the erosion of sword qi, the immortal gold qi transformed more and more rapidly.

At this time, the top of Wang Meng’s head, the three flowers are more and more brilliant, Spirit, Soul and Qi Perfection, with the immortal flower completely bearing.

Wang Meng’s aura suddenly changed, becoming incomparably sharp, like a sword that splits heaven and earth apart.

“Golden Immortal is immortal!”

“sword dao Golden Immortal is done!”

Wang Meng slowly opened his eyes, a little sharpness flashed in his eyes The sword qi, he used sword qi to achieve immortal gold, pursues the ultimate attack, and does not intend to restrain, this edge has some advantages.

With the Immortal Beheading Four Swords in hand, Wang Meng is confident that his attacking power is enough to sway one side.

Gradually, as the clouds dissipated, the Immortal Beheading Four Swords, which had been swimming around in the clouds, made a crisp sword cry. Celebrate with Wang Meng.

Wang Meng waved his hand and tucked the four swords into his sleeves, standing on the top of the mountain, even more impressive.

“Congratulations, Master!” Teng Qingshan flew over quickly and congratulated Wang Meng.

Wang Meng waved his hand slightly: “can’t be considered anything, can’t be considered anything!”


(End of this chapter)



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