
Chapter 288 Don’t let me down!



The entrance to the ruins was just opened, and everything was normal.

But didn’t expect a huge movement broke out in the blink of an eye. In an instant, the ground fissures and landslides, dozens of abyss crack open from their ground, accompanied by the exclamations of everyone, countless The waves were surging…

Everyone managed to maintain their bodies, standing up from the ruins, holding themselves up in the turbulent waves.

Following the induction, everyone moved towards the source of this chaos.

Looking at the past, I can only see a pair of golden eyes the size of lanterns in the abyss of the ocean, and they are full of indifference. , the scales are extremely hideous.

It’s clear that this massive creature has brought about the dramatic change in front of us.

“What creature is this?”

“really strong!”

“Where did this creature come from?”

Everyone can be called experienced and knowledgeable, especially with the development of the ocean, even rare and rare creatures are also revealed in the eyes of wizards.

But with such a strange shape, with the huge wings, it seems to be a symbiotic sea, land and air, and a huge sea giant. No matter how much everyone thinks about it, the creature side wizard can’t find it after racking his brains. The slightest clue.

Everyone dared not make the slightest change, for fear of attracting an attack from this creature. Of course, in the dark, everyone communicated silently, discussing how to deal with the current situation.

It was just two breaths time, and several people suddenly had a contest in their hearts.

The next moment, I saw the white-robed creature quietly using the same instrument, quietly detecting the magnetic field strength of the creature in front of me. information to make judgments about their next steps.

This biological detector is a low-power existence, and it only has a detection effect on nearby creatures. It is far from the large-scale high-power detectors of the Imperial Army that can even cover a Sea Territory. on equal terms.

“sixth rank?”

“How is that possible?”

“According to the power of the Empire, such sea creatures should have been exposed long ago.”

The eyes of several wizards were accompanied by deep horror, and at the same time, there were endless doubts.

Originally, they thought it might be a fourth-rank creature with a strong body, with a small probability of being a fifth-order creature, but they never considered it a sixth rank creature.

They all know the Empire’s ocean development plan. Just a few decades ago, the military in the colonies of the Empire completely covered the entire Sea Territory through Skynet and giant marine life detectors. It detects the movement of the ocean, and then the military powerhouse takes action to hunt down high-level marine life.

The existence of sixth rank like this poses a huge threat to the security of the empire and threatens the creatures. It is definitely the first choice to hunt.

In the past few years, with the plans of the empire, countless industries have been rapidly improved along with the development of the ocean, and the safety of the ocean has also been further guaranteed.

It’s just that the high-order marine life is almost less and less, and the five sixth rank creatures are almost extinct.

After some kind wizards stepped off the test operating table, they even said with some sigh: “If this continues, in another hundred years, not to mention the sixth rank, the fifth rank, or the fourth rank creatures will only exist. It’s above the textbook.”

It was just a momentary sigh of kindness, which did not affect them turning their heads and continuing to perfect their experiments with the bodies of marine creatures.

Of course, the wizards are still very supportive of the Empire’s breeding program and endangered animal protection program.

As long as the roots are left, and a certain creature is not completely destroyed, the plan that the harvest can always wait for the years is in line with the concept of sustainable development.

Nowadays, after everyone senses the magnetic field of this creature, their hearts are even more deeply doubtful.

“Why hasn’t it been detected by the Empire?”

“Could it be that this creature can still shield the Empire’s detection?”

“It’s impossible for such a huge creature to be detected. How can I hide the trail?”

With the guesses one by one, everyone wondered what the origin of the creature in front of them was?

At the same time, everyone just exchanged glances slightly, and their hearts are also decisive, knowing that in front of such a creature, with the strength of just a few of them, wanting to survive has become a delusion.

Everyone did not dare to be careless, and quickly took out their communication tools, launched all means, and prepared to contact the marine military, hoping that they would come to support in time, so they could not save their lives.

Even another way of thinking, if they die in the mouth of this giant, someone can avenge them.

On the other side of this, everyone’s actions were naturally hidden from him, but Xiao Hei didn’t stop it, and there was no need to stop it.

There was a rare relief in his indifferent golden eyes without any trace of humanity, and he had been waiting for a long time.

Accompanied by a sound like a child’s cry, a sonic boom in the sea unfolded, and everyone present only felt that the majesty of hiding the sky and covering the earth accompanied it. , the next moment completely lost consciousness.

“After waiting for thirty years, it’s finally here!”

Xiao Hei’s figure changed rapidly, and the huge figure disappeared into the ocean space in a blink of an eye. What appeared out of thin air was a tall human figure, which was Wang Meng.

In recent years, Wang Meng has mainly been in the virtual world. When Avatar was powerless, Xiao Hei was entrusted by Wang Meng with a Power of Mind, becoming an incarnation of Wang Meng and wandering around.

The ocean development plan was proposed by Wang Meng, and there are many purposes for this plan, one of which is the ancient wizard ruins in front of us.

In the records of several extremely ancient sixth rank wizards, Wang Meng found some legends, among which there are rumors of immortal existence in ancient times.

Among them there is an extremely important and widely circulated prophecy-wizard originated in the ocean, and will eventually fall into the ocean when civilization is at its brightest…

In an instant, Wang Meng was attracted by this sentence. According to the wizard’s personality of exploring everything, the ocean, which occupies a large area of the entire world, will naturally not be spared.

The immortals of the seventh rank are in charge of the authority of the world, and naturally there is also the authority of the ocean, in which many secrets of the past must be buried.

The wizards all understand the importance of the ocean, but these sixth rank wizards do not have the courage of Wang Meng to complete the development of the ocean.

In these years, in the development of the ocean, the Empire has indeed acquired a lot of things about the ancient wizard civilization.

After several explorations, Wang Meng also found the existence of the ruins under the direction of some ancient traces.

But finding the ruins, Wang Meng doesn’t have the keys to the ruins.

Wang Meng wanted to forcibly break it, but if there was an accident, it was unacceptable to Wang Meng, so he had to wait so hard.

Looking at that mysterious portal, Wang Meng’s eyes flashed with a flicker of hope: “I hope you won’t let me down!”

(End of this chapter)

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