
Chapter 144 Overestimate one’s capabilities!

After January, at night, the Northern Part of City Barracks Governor Che Wei Lun was standing in the barracks, looking into the distance, frowned tightly.

His heart is very urgent, he knows that there will be some major events that will affect the court situation tonight, and he is about to play an important role in this major event.

bang! bang!

In a short while, a large fireworks appeared in the sky of Northern Part of City, and the fireworks fell splendidly. Wondering what day is today, why do we set off fireworks?

At this time, Che Weilun watched the fireworks, got the signal of each other’s agreement, and his eyes became firm.

After a while, two black robed sillhouettes came out of the military tent on the side, looked at Che Weilun and said, “Please send troops to the Qingjun side!”

Che Wei Lun looked at these two people and knew the purpose of their existence—to monitor himself.

But he didn’t care at all. If it was a major event, he had to be careful. He was already on the other party’s pirate ship. The more careful the other party was, the more satisfied he was.

Thinking about how his Che family has fallen so far, if it can be done today, it will be able to rise again.

Thinking like this, Che Weilun did not hide the excitement in his eyes at all, and opened the mouth and said: “Okay! I will send troops immediately, Qingjun’s side!”

At the same time , the commanders or lieutenants of the rest of the barracks in the city were all under the urging of the black robed man beside them, and their eyes became firm.


“Seize military power! Qingjun’s side!”

After a while, the barracks was stained with blood, and fireworks were lit everywhere in the city. .

At the same time, several loyal generals shouted to maintain order in the army.

Several black robed men with smiles on their faces suddenly flew up, only to see one after another blood light splashing, next moment several main generals suddenly died.

The lieutenant on the side was overjoyed when he saw this scene: “Soldiers, the Khan is not benevolent, follow me to the side of the Qingjun!”

“The Qingjun’s side!”

Accompanied by a voice Shouting loudly, horses’ hoofs were like thunder, and countless soldiers began to rush out.

In the streets of the city, piles of flames were lit, and the roofs along the streets were also plugged with torches.

Countless soldiers rushed out of the barracks, wielding long knives, roaring, and the city was in chaos, with soldiers, horses and flames everywhere.

“The side of the Qing emperor!”

“The side of the Qing emperor!”

Some loyal ministers hurriedly moved towards the imperial city, thinking of guarding the khan.

At this time, An King Mansion, dozens of silhouettes gathered together, the weakest of which were Yin God-level Grandmasters, including Yang God Elder.

At this moment, Wang Yuelian and Wang Meng looked at each other, Wang Yuelian opened the mouth and said: “Follow me to break through the imperial city.”

“Yes! Holy Mother!”

Bordeaux’s eyes were also excited. Seeing so many powerhouses around him, he suddenly had unprecedented confidence.

“Wait until this king ascends the throne of Khan, I will not forget you all!”


Outside the imperial city, Wang Yuelian stood aside , it is a raid, she will not shoot easily, she still needs to confront the ancestor of the Imperial Family.

Wang Meng’s eyes were flat and said: “Attack the imperial city. Anyone who dares to stop them will be strangled!”

Accompanied by Wang Meng’s order, several Yang God Elder immediately joined forces to take the lead directly in front. The breath of everyone burst out together, and a strong energy swept through, moving towards the city gate.


Several Yang God Elders joined forces, even though this imperial city gate is sturdy, it was torn into pieces by countless energy.

As soon as the city gate opened, a black-armored general led the battalion of black-armored Knights.

The general in black armor immediately held a long spear, facing the crowd from a distance, shouted: “You wait for a big rebel, is it because you want to rebel?”

A few Yang God Elders It is a big shouted: “There is a villain next to Khan, I am waiting for Prince An’s order, Qingjun side!”

“If you dare to stop, kill without mercy!”

Hearing this, the black armored general was shocked, and he couldn’t associate the Imperial Family’s mascot, Prince An, with this chaos.

At first he thought it was a prince who couldn’t wait, or some Aristocratic Family who was trying to go against the grain.

But it was only for a moment that the black armored general accepted the reality, opened the mouth and said: “Charge, kill!”

These black armored Knights are the Guardian Knights of the imperial city, None of them are weak, most of them are Innate Martial Artists, and even their leaders are Grandmasters. This black-armored general has an unparalleled imposing manner and is determined to be a Yang God Great Grandmaster.

For a time, everyone charged up, in an imposing manner!

Several Yang God Elders smiled impudent and led the seventh or eight Yin God Martial Artists out.

The aura of everyone was connected, all of which were directly both hands forming seals, and layers of golden red halo suddenly shone on the ground.

The halo exudes a terrifying coercion one after another, which immediately blocks all the Knights out,

Even some Knights arrive around the halo and are immediately knocked down , people turn their backs.

Those Knights who only have Innate Realm saw this halo and felt the powerful imposing manner on it, but they didn’t even have the courage to take action. Their own strength was suppressed to the extreme by it.

The black-armored general loudly shouted, and suddenly a blood-colored Flood Dragon condensed all over his body, waving the long spear in his hand, imposing in an unparalleled manner, and moved towards the halo, poking straight at it.


Wang Meng was coldly snorted when he saw this scene, and he shot the sky with his left hand!

An invisible force shot out, which had the meaning of the passage of time, tearing the world, in a flash was the long spear that fell on the hand of the black armor general.


In an instant, the blood-colored Flood Dragon was directly penetrated by this energy, and the long spear in the hand of the black general swayed, completely shattered, and became countless fragments. Flying around, he couldn’t stop this finger startled.

The black general flew out dozens of paces backwards, fell from the horse’s back, and crashed to the ground, raising a large cloud of smoke, mouth spurt a huge mouthful of blood.

The rest of the people were shocked when they saw this scene. This black-armored general was Yang God, and he couldn’t stop Wang Meng from making a move.

The eyes of the other Holy Sect Elders looking at Wang Meng are also very different. In the past, it was more about Wang Meng’s identity, and it was because of Wang Yuelian that they respected Wang Meng. But now it is full of awe, awe of strength.

Wang Yuelian was not shocked when she saw this scene. As Wang Meng’s professional trainer, she knew Wang Meng’s strength best, and knew that the opponent’s strength was definitely the ultimate under the law.

Wang Meng looked at this scene with cold eyes: “overestimate one’s capabilities!”


Speaking, Wang Meng raised his hand immediately, Thousands of sword gangs scattered from Wang Meng’s body, and the powerful aura shrouded a large black armored Knight next to the city wall.

Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, anywhere there will be a sword tore the void.

This is Wang Meng’s will of heaven like a knife, Heaven and Earth are vast, and every grass and tree, including the airflow in the air, is a knife.

Wang Meng can transform World’s All Living Things into a sword when he raises his hand, so there is no way for the opponent to hide, there is no way to avoid it!

Feeling the sharp edge of this blade, countless Knights looked horrified, completely unaware that the large blade of the other side seemed to exist everywhere.

With a bang, a large blood mist suddenly erupted in this piece of Knight, and countless knife gangs swept in. If the Innate Martial Artist touched it at will, it would be torn to shreds, and it would become a mist in the air. blood mist.

Even if the commander of the Grandmaster Realm was under one sword after another, the protective cover around his body was torn apart in a short while, and the whole person became a corpse.

After dozens of breaths, the screams and fears in the Knight group gradually stopped, and everyone died in this knife.

The emperor city gate seems to have turned into a sea of blood, with countless bloody water, broken corpses on the ground, and countless blood mists in the air.

Wang Meng’s whole body was blocked by a rain of blood, and his white robe was still snow-white, which was in stark contrast to this bloody sea.

Wang Meng watched this scene indifferently, then raised his hand and strode into the imperial city.

“Follow me into the city!”

The people behind Wang Meng looked at the tall silhouette in front of them, excited and quickly followed Wang Meng into the imperial city.

(End of this chapter)

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