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Chapter 129 Marriage! Naruto and Mizukage are made for each other!

Chapter 129 -Marriage! Naruto and Mizukage are made for each other!

What the hell is Konoha doing!

Crazy! Let those guys from Kirigakure Village come back quickly, we are going to war with Konoha too!!

We must kill those guys in Konoha!

This is related to our interests. In addition, we must suppress the situation inside that village. If they have any abnormalities, suppress them immediately!


The great names were all panicked.

In the past, no one would take action against them, but after Konoha made this move, it was really not certain.

No one knows which day someone will be in a bad mood and kill the daimyo.

Asuma, who was on his way to deliver the letter, had a look of surprise on his face, and then a hint of happiness. Fortunately, he had left, otherwise he would probably have died there.

But it doesn't matter, he is still alive, he will avenge the daimyo, his father, and the Sarutobi clan!

Asma is not dead yet, so there is still a spark of hope!

He will be the last hope!

Are you crazy?

As soon as Mei Terumi arrived in Konoha, she learned that Byakuya had led the Uchiha clan to kill the Fire Nation.

As soon as he came back, Terumi Mei immediately approached Byakuya.

Originally they were here to cooperate, but now what the hell are they going to do in Bai Ye's situation?

I'm not crazy. I want to kill all the daimyo in the ninja world, or let them abdicate. From now on, there is no need for daimyo. Together, we can establish a completely unified world of ninja villages.

Haha, so we Kirikage are also a part of your use, right?

After hearing what Bai Ye said, Terumi Mei couldn't help but flash a sneer on her face.

He had plotted against Kirikage before, and helping Kirikage was just a pretense. The real purpose was to annex Kirikage. How could Terumi Mei not know what Byakuya was thinking at this time?

Do you still want to go back to the time of economic difficulties? Who helped you when you were in the blood mist policy? It was me, who helped you when you were in economic difficulties? It's the same me, then this Was I your benefactor at that time? What about your Water Kingdom? It seems that I didn’t provide you with much help from the beginning to the end, right?

It is true that Terumi Mei came here with the intention of taking advantage of her at first.

But it’s not like I didn’t benefit the other party, right?

Haha, you guy is simply too scary.

There was a deep look in Terumi Mei's eyes, and there was a hint of alienation in her tone unconsciously. At first, she was following Bai Ye's advice. She originally thought that Bai Ye was a big fool and was greedy for her beauty, so she gave various conditions. , but now it seems that the real Dasha is himself.

People come with the mentality of using themselves from beginning to end.

No, it's not that I'm scary, but the world is like this. If you want to change, you have to figure everything out. And I won't force you Wuying now. Be the first to choose to be with us. After that If we win, we can overthrow the old order. We are the founders of the new order, and you, Terumi Mei, will become an important part of history.

What if it fails?

A sneer appeared on Mei Terumi's face. Has this guy ever thought that he had just pulled Kirikage out of the quagmire? If he failed, Kirikage would be completely defeated and he might not be able to get up in this life.

It's impossible to fail because of me!

Byakuya's confident words made Terumi Mei's eyelids jump, but she couldn't find a reason to refute Byakuya, because of him?

If you win, then what do we Kirikage count? According to your wishes, everyone will merge together in the end. Are we all ninjas of Konoha?

A trace of teasing flashed across Master Yuan's face. Regarding Bai Ye's outrageous request, he really couldn't understand why Bai Ye thought they would agree to this request.

They agreed, then would Kirikage still be Kirikage?

No, from now on everyone will be in the same ninja village, it won't be Konoha or Kirigakure, and everyone will have a better life. This vast land is occupied by a group of powerless guys. Don't you think so? Do you think it's unfair? What we have to do is give peace to everyone, instead of killing countless ninjas in the first, second, and third Ninja War like before, while the daimyo are still talking and laughing behind their backs , this will be the last ninja war during my existence!

The theory again.

She was persuaded by Bai Ye's similar theory in the first place. At this time, Terumi Mei was always vigilant in her heart not to be easily fooled. However, after repeatedly examining Bai Ye's words, she realized that what Bai Ye said was really beautiful.

Even I have some yearning for it.

Then how can you ensure that Kirigakure's life is similar to that of a Konoha ninja?

There's no way to guarantee that, even the ninjas in our village can't guarantee that everyone will be the same. In my opinion, everyone will get more for their hard work in the future.

If there was a trap like this, Bai Ye wouldn't jump into it?

Guaranteed fairness?

Even if I can't guarantee fairness in Konoha Village, how can I guarantee fairness in other ninja villages?

In short, the advantage after the merger is that there will be much less war. Although internal fighting may occur, it will be within a controllable range, and Kirigakure can recover very quickly.

Infighting is inevitable, and Bai Ye made it clear.

At that time, we can set up a leader and then five decision-making levels. Five people have the right to make decisions. If four of them agree, then the leader must also agree to this matter. In short, we can slowly optimize this policy in the future. Anyway, it won't It will make Kirigakure suffer.

Of course, now that Kirigakure is Mei Terumi's Ippendou, it will definitely be impossible to join him later.

But the good thing is that you will definitely get a seat in the future. Byakuya is also right, war can be avoided in the future. Kirigakure has reached Terumi Mei's generation, but he really doesn't want to have any more wars.

They had just ended the blood mist policy, who would want to go through another war?

I agreed!


Chojuro turned to look at Terumi Mei who suddenly spoke. Didn't he say to be wary of Byakuya when he came here before?

I agree because I think one thing is right. Daimyo and those nobles should not exist. At the same time, if we join, you must arrange for intermarriage between Konoha and Kirigakure!


Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes. She knew that she was being used by Byakuya again, but why wasn't she taking advantage of Byakuya?

You kill the Daimyo of the Land of Water, and then you can't stop the intermarriage between Kirigakure and Konoha, and you can no longer exploit Kirigakure financially, and tell me the information about the masked man!

Terumi Mei directly stated her conditions in one breath.

Although Bai Ye took action to kill the great name of the Kingdom of Water, although it was a bit cover-up, it was also a point where he could distance himself from the relationship afterwards.

Byakuya had to keep it secret. Even if he failed in the follow-up, he could retreat, also for the sake of Konoha's blood and economy.

Now, they have wiped out the bloodstains themselves, and the economy is even more so. She is naturally happy to rely on Konoha to restore this.

Okay, I won't prevent intermarriage, but I won't promote it either. If they can love freely, then let them do whatever they want. Likewise, I can help you kill the daimyo of the Kingdom of Water. The masked man is a man who calls himself Uchiha Madara, but We don’t know exactly who it is!”

Byakuya's series of news immediately shocked Terumi Mei, who was a little confused.

Uchiha Madara?

Is this guy not dead yet?

I don't need to lie to you. Anyway, the information is like this, but no one knows whether he is Uchiha Madara. He calls himself Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Kenji Byakuya was not ready to tell Terumi Mei yet.

Anyway, she claims to be Uchiha Madara, so let’s give her some information about Uchiha Madara.

Hokage-sama, if you want us to cooperate, I have one more request. If you don't agree, we Kirigakure will not cooperate!

Genshi also interrupted the conversation between the two at this time. He didn't care whether the other party was Madara Uchiha or not. What he was most concerned about now was a condition he was about to propose.

And Terumi Mei was obviously stunned by what Genshi said. What did he want to say?


I hope that the Hokage-sama can marry the Mizukage-sama. This also means that our cooperation can be close, and everyone can temporarily put aside their hatred!

There was a glint in Genshi's eyes. What is the most valuable blood stain in Konoha?

Of course it’s the Uchiha clan!

And Byakuya has turned on the kaleidoscope, so Byakuya's talent is obviously stronger than that of ordinary Uchihas.

Now Byakuya's condition is nothing more than gambling with Kirigakure and Konoha.

They can follow, but Bai Ye must give something practical.

Those previous promises were all false and empty. Whether they could be implemented or not was one thing. However, the conditions he proposed now were definitely the most beneficial to Kirigakure in the eyes of Yuanshi.

Men conquer the world by force, while women conquer the world by conquering men.

Genshi believes that Byakuya will definitely be attracted by Terumi Mei's beauty. In addition, if the two have children in the future, the bond between the two will be deepened. This can also make him feel at ease about the cooperation between Konoha and Kirigakure.


Terumi Mei stood there blankly, her eyes falling on Master Yuan and Byakuya. She suddenly felt ashamed!

When we talk about union, we just talk about union. Why do we suddenly talk about marriage?

That's right, even if you get married, Hokage-sama is now the right age for marriage. Both parties have equal status. We are all handsome men and beauties. In terms of strength, Hokage-sama won't dislike Mizukage-sama, right? The two of you are a match made in heaven. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to get married!

The more Master Yuan said, the more he felt that this was the case, as if these two people were really a good match!

I won't get married. If I want to get married, it will be with the person I like. If I can't be with the person I like, then I would rather not get married!

Byakuya shook his head. Although Mei Terumi was beautiful, he was unwilling to just agree. If he wanted to get married, he also wanted to marry the person he liked. Marriage for the sake of marriage, he couldn't do it.

Me too, Master Yuan, don't ask for it. If we cooperate, we will cooperate. If we like each other after this, we will be together, but I don't need this kind of marriage!

Terumi Mei had a cold face and was extremely angry in her heart.

Before he could refuse, Bai Ye spoke first.

But what Bai Ye said was actually what she meant. Indeed, Bai Ye was in line with his understanding of Prince Charming in every aspect. In his opinion, Bai Ye was definitely a very good marriage partner.

But he is good at everything, but he has no emotional basis. Naturally Terumi Mei will not agree to it just like that.

That's okay

Master Yuan opened his mouth, and finally decided to agree. At the same time, he also thought about what he would do to bring these two together in the future.

Is there anyone in the entire ninja world who is better suited than the two of them?

In Konoha, those who are more beautiful than Terumi Mei are not as strong as Terumi Mei. Those who are more beautiful and stronger than Terumi Mei are also older. From this point of view, Terumi Mei is a good match for Byakuya!

The two sides continued to discuss some details. When both parties were satisfied, Shikaku couldn't help but joked: Hokage-sama, then Mizukage-sama is so good-looking and you don't agree? Are you worried about Tsunade-sama?

It has to be said that after Master Yuan proposed this condition just now, Lu Jiu almost agreed on behalf of Bai Ye.

This is a good thing!

If the Hokage marries the Mizukage, won't Kirigakure have to listen to Byakuya from now on?

But Byakuya refused, and the only thing Shikaku could think of was that Byakuya was worried that Tsunade would be angry. After all, Tsunade and Byakuya had a secret in the office of not leaving the house for three days!

He will keep this secret for the rest of his life!

You don't understand. If I had agreed just now, Terumi Mei would definitely fall out.

Although he talked about cooperation, if he had really agreed to the marriage just now, Terumi Mei would definitely fall out on the spot.

No matter what, Terumi Mei has her own arrogance, and this method will only make Terumi Mei look down on herself.

Yes, women are really troublesome. So if Ye Cang really helps us do it, will Shayin really decide to let her be the Kazekage?

Well, our direct intervention will lead to fierce internal resistance there, but if Luo Sha is killed and Ye Cang takes over, then Shayin will be more able to take over. The same is true for the other two ninja villages. Anyway, their influence will be The best thing is to overthrow him and then support a puppet to come up, only Kumogakure is the hardest to do!

The other ninja villages are fine, but Kumogakure advocates force. If you choose one at random, the opponent may not be convinced at all.

Let Hagakure manage Sandgakure and Terumi Mei's Mizukage. In this way, he will be able to control three ninja villages. He can then figure out a solution for the next two ninja villages.

Then, the news spread like wildfire that the great names and nobles of the Land of Water were killed, and no one knew who did it.

All I know is that they all died overnight.

The Mizukage who was far away in the Land of Fire said that it was Sagakure who did it, and they decided to take revenge on Sagakure!

The structure of the ninja world instantly changed to Konoha. Kirigakure faced off against Sand Hidden, Kumogakure and Iwa Ninja. Ninjas from all sides gathered towards the border.

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