Chapter 99 Is the game not fun anymore? Is the wine still bad? (Please subscribe!)

Sending away the principal and others, Wang Shengguo stood at the door brewing feelings.

“You are so stupid as to stand here, what are you doing with a deadly expression of regret?”

Li Xiumei poked her head out from behind and looked at him suspiciously.


The atmosphere was destroyed all at once.

“I…” Wang Shengguo took a deep breath, and finally said nothing, and walked into the hall depressed.

Seeing that Wang Teng was studying the rewards on the table, he exclaimed:

“These things are not ordinary items. It seems that your principal has really lost the money.”

“If our son were not good enough, how could they give such precious things.” Li Xiumei said proudly.

Wang Teng ignored the old couple’s boasting.

As a son, he felt that he could not cruelly deprive them of such a little fun.

He looked at the three items in front of him, especially the black cold stone in the box. Although the principal Yu said it was awesome, he had no idea about the value of these items.

“It seems that you have to find an opportunity to check it, or find someone who knows how to ask.”

Wang Teng put the black stone away.

The family can finally sit down and eat.

At the same time, over in Jiangshi, the demise of the Iron Fist Society finally couldn’t be concealed.

Fortunately, the Tekken’s gangs who went out to do business escaped a disaster. When they returned to the headquarters, they found that the door was open and the entire headquarters was silent.

Then they saw an indelible scene in their memory.


The corpse was stunned, looking terrified, stunned…

The surviving gang was shocked.

Someone wanted to call up the monitor to see what happened, but all the monitors were destroyed, leaving no clues.

All cash and valuables were also swept away.

There is only one empty shell left in the Tekken Club headquarters.

“The one surnamed Wang was rescued, could it be from his side?” someone suddenly asked.

“Whether it is or not, so many high-level warriors in the headquarters have died violently. With people like us, do you still want to find a place?” The other person said with fear and trembling.

“Moreover, the news that Iron Fist will be destroyed will soon spread, and the opposing forces will not let us go.”

“Where are the people from Xiadu? They have warriors. If that person surnamed Wang really did it, then our iron fist would fall to this point. It was all caused by them.”

“Do you want them to settle the account?” someone sneered.

“It’s better to disperse, the Iron Fist Society no longer exists…” a person said weakly.

All eyes fell on this person instantly, and he smiled and said: “I just talk about it, don’t look at me.”

“Let’s break up!”

“Yes, disband!”

“Everyone, goodbye, there will be no time limit…”

Everyone broke up in a rush, and left without any muddle, leaving the person who made this suggestion first to stand in place.

“Tekken, no more!”

Said a middle-aged man in a luxurious presidential suite in a hotel in Jiangshi.

In front of this middle-aged man.

A young man in his twenties with short hair was wearing a bath towel, sitting on a chair, and turning the wine glass in his hand.

The red wine in the glass rotates slightly.

Just listen to him indifferently: “Oh?”

“I went to see it in person, and almost everyone was killed in one shot, and those senior warriors were no exception.”

“The president of the Tekken Club is nowhere to be seen, but there is a trace of scorching black at the scene!” said the middle-aged man.


“Fire Warrior?”

The young man raised his eyebrows and drank the red wine in his hand.

“My guess is the same.” The middle-aged man nodded.

“Sneez, go back to Xiadu, leave these messy things to other people to do, I’m annoyed.” The young man stretched his waist, sneered, and said.

“Aren’t you… don’t you?” the middle-aged man said.

“I said, go back to Xiadu!” The young man said coldly.


Wang Teng had no idea what happened in Jiangshi.

As for Wang Shengguo’s encounter this time, he learned from the president of the Iron Fist that the opponent was from Xiadu.

The person who erased the Wang family in the previous life was also from Xiadu.

Although the time is not right, it is mostly them.

This life is the era of martial arts, and there are martial artists among those people… and yes, with their power, there will definitely be martial artists.

In front of them, the Wang family was still weak like an ant.

But the variable is him!

Now Wang Teng has become the champion in the martial arts exam, and even has his name in Governor Jiang.

Presumably those people didn’t dare to move the Wang family easily, at least in the East China Sea, the lives of everyone in the Wang family were safe.

Otherwise, there will be news the next day——

Tokai Wu test champion, was killed?

This is not only to slap the entire East China Sea in the face, but also to challenge the authority of Huaxia Law. Even with the background of the other party, it is impossible to be unscrupulous.

Therefore, the Wang family is still safe for the time being.

It’s just that you need to beware of those people’s secret methods, as long as they are within the rules, they are allowed.

This is something that the Wang family cannot avoid.

And Wang Shengguo and Wang Teng’s grandfather, they are all old fried dough sticks in the market, naturally they will not do nothing, waiting to be hit by the other party.

Wang Teng does not worry about the company.

What he has to do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible, and he is strong enough, and all monsters can be slashed with one sword.

The only thing that puzzled Wang Teng was that the other party’s background was so big, how could the Wang family provoke them?

He also asked Wang Shengguo about this question, but Wang Shengguo didn’t know, and he was tied up somehow. He was very confused and completely confused.

At this time, Wang Teng and Xu Jie met in a clean bar.

Beer, juice, fruit, and various snacks were placed on the table.

Several people are chatting.

“Wu Kao champion!” Suddenly, Xu Jie let out an exclamation.

The three of them stared at Wang Teng in shock. They only heard that he had good grades before, and then they realized that he had become the champion in the martial arts exam.


For a moment, they looked at each other, and none of them knew what to say.

Wang Teng has become accustomed to this kind of reaction. Everyone is always shocked and then shocked when they hear it for the first time.

Alas, being a man is a failure!

Fortunately, the system boss did not abandon himself!

Wang Teng sighed in his heart, and ate snacks on his own beside him, causing the three of them to continue to be shocked, and let’s talk again when they were shocked.

After a while, the three of them recovered.

“Congratulations, Brother Wang Teng!” Xu Jie said somewhat complicatedly.

In the past, everyone was an unlearned dude, but now, Wang Teng suddenly soared into the sky, and Xu Jie felt very hurt.

Everyone loves each other, isn’t it good to go on the street together?

Is the game not fun anymore? Is the wine still bad?

Why do you want to indulge in learning and turn yourself into this nasty schoolmaster?

Xu Jie was a little skeptical of life, and a sense of loneliness of being abandoned suddenly swept through his body, and a gloomy breath filled him all over him.

“…” Wang Teng.

“…” Bai Wei.

“…” Yu Hao.

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