Chapter 88

Wang Teng returned home and found that the door was locked, so he could only take out the key and open the door.

As he took off his shoes, he shouted upstairs.

“Mom, I’m back!”

But the villa was empty, very quiet, and there was no one.

“Aren’t you at home?”

Wang Teng walked upstairs and found that there was no one at home, which was a bit strange.

“Did you go out to play?”

Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly, feeling that these old couples are really big-hearted.

He went back to the room and put down the salute.

Then he took a change of clothes, walked into the bathroom, and took a shower.

As the sweat and blood stains on his body were washed away by the water, Wang Teng suddenly felt his whole body transparent, and his fatigue was relieved a lot.

Seeing no one at home, he lay in bed and counted the harvest.

【Savvy】: 97

【Spirit】: 92

[Talents]: primary fire talent (11300) primary ice talent (13300), primary earth talent (12300), spiritual vision (primary 1.410) demon lotus poison (3110000) primary arrow talent (5100)

[The Force]: 75100 Fire (One Star War Soldier Level)

70100 ice (one star warrior level)

17100 soil (one-star warrior level)

3100 wood (one-star warrior level)

3100 water (one star warrior level)

46100 Poison (One Star War Soldier Level)

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 32100), Xuan Bing Jue (Introduction 23100), Huang Tu Gong [Tu Yuan Shield] (Introduction 26100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, stick, body comprehension), basic arrow technique (primary), spear fighting technique (primary 210), fire lin sword technique (primary 56100), magic ice fist ( Getting Started 28100)

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks), “Five Years of Wushu and Three Years Simulation” (full marks)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 271

[Blank attribute]: 36

Wang Teng glanced around, and saw the talent column, with an extra elementary arrow talent.

At the same time, he also got an entry-level basic archery combat technique!

Both of these come from the same person.

As a long-range attack method, bows and arrows are a good choice, and there is a chance to mention it.

The other is the original force. There are two more original forces of wood and water, but there is no corresponding exercise and combat skills, which makes Wang Teng a bit of a headache.

It’s not a bad thing to have more force, but it’s just that the corresponding exercises and combat skills can be found, not only troublesome, but also burning money.

But the good news is that both his ice force and fire force have reached 70 or more.

The power of these two forces is quite impressive, allowing his combat power to increase significantly, and now it has reached 271, which is gradually approaching the top level of the one-star warrior level.

In addition, there were only 36 points of blank attribute left. After the original ice force was increased, there were 27 points left, but when going down the mountain, a large number of strange beasts died on the road, and Wang Teng picked up a few more attribute bubbles.

Regrettably, if it were not for Governor Jiang and the others, and violated the basic principle of picking up bubbles quietly, there could be more blank attributes!

Moreover, when hunting the star beast, it didn’t actually drop the blank attribute, and now it is a bit puzzled to think about it.

Shouldn’t the star beasts have a greater chance of falling than the alien beasts?

“Maybe it’s really just a matter of probability, sometimes there is it, sometimes it doesn’t, but somehow it has a star core!

Wang Teng took out the star core and observed it with the eyes of spiritual vision. A group of strong fire system force was concentrated in this small star core, and the content was quite astonishing.

This star core can be used not only to refine alchemy, but also to refine weapons, and even as an energy center, it has a wide range of uses!

No wonder the value of star nuclei is so high!

With this star core, it is not a loss.

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and then he took out the box given by He Ju, with a star bone in it.

Every time he saw this star bone, Wang Teng couldn’t help showing surprise in his eyes.

The whole body is dark green, crystal clear, but also has a metallic luster, and even densely covered with some delicate lines, it is perfect like a work of art.

“According to He Ju’s statement, this star bone is from a kind of star beast called Shadow Scorpion, possessing the peculiar ability of “shadow”!” Wang Teng touched his chin, his eyes gleaming.

There is a note in the box, telling the talent of this ghost star bone.

When he saw the above content, Wang Teng was really taken aback.

The so-called shadow refers to the ability to move quickly in the shadow, as elusive as a ghost, it is an excellent talent ability that makes people hard to defend.

If this is made into a special weapon, it will surely have a surprising effect when fighting.

What kind of weapon should be made? Wang Teng didn’t have a clue for a while.

Star bones are very precious and rare, and he doesn’t want to be too sloppy, lest he lose sight of such a good thing in vain.

Put the star core and the star bones away and place them carefully.

Wang Teng went back to bed and didn’t sleep all night. At this time, sleepiness surged and his body was a little tired, so he couldn’t help but gradually fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already nine o’clock the next morning.

When he woke up, he was shocked when he saw the time, and he actually slept all day and night.

“Very hungry!”

There was a scream in his stomach. Wang Teng got up from the bed, washed up, and went downstairs. When he saw that it was actually the nanny Aunt Chen busy in the kitchen, he asked in surprise: “Aunt Chen, where’s my mother, I’ve been back for two days, why didn’t I see her?”

“Master, you are up, Madam, she left early in the morning.” Aunt Chen said.

“Why are you going out early in the morning?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously.

“It seems that something has happened in the company. I am not very clear. Madam didn’t tell me in detail.” Aunt Chen said.

“Something happened to the company? Isn’t there my dad?” Wang Teng was even more puzzled, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

“President Wang hasn’t come back since his last business trip!” Aunt Chen hesitated for a moment, and said.


Wang Teng’s face suddenly became a little ugly, he was almost certain that something went wrong!

He turned upstairs, and after a while he walked downstairs with the Hidden Soldier Box on his back, leaving the house in a hurry.

“Master, you haven’t eaten for two days. I have heated the steamed bun soy milk, so you can take it with you.” Aunt Chen chased up and handed the things in her hands to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was indeed hungry. He took the breakfast, thanked him, and drove the sports car out of the garage and drove to their company.

Half an hour later, Wang Teng drove to a commercial street and drove the car into the parking lot of the company building.

He took the elevator to the front desk.

The beauty at the front desk stood up and asked, “Hello, what can I do for you?”

“I’m looking for Li Xiumei!” Wang Teng said.

The beauty at the front desk looked dumbfounded: “Who is Li Xiumei?”

Wang Teng was a little speechless, even the chairman’s wife didn’t even know. He looked at the other’s chest. Could this be the legendary brainlessness?

At this time, a security guard ran over and hurriedly shouted: “Young Master Wang! Why are you here?”

“Are you?” Wang Teng looked at the security guard who ran over and thought about it, but he didn’t remember the other party’s name.

“Haha, Wang Shao is really a nobleman who forgets things. I am an old grandson.” The security guard said with a dry smile.

“Oh, remember, Lao Sun, the head of the Security Department!” Wang Teng finally remembered.

“It’s me, it’s me!” Lao Sun nodded his head with a smile, and then said to the beauty at the front desk: “Xiaomei, this is our Xiao Wang, so why don’t you call someone else!”

“Young Master Wang!” The beauty at the front desk panicked and said quickly: “I’m sorry, I didn’t know your identity just now.”

“Okay, what a big deal!” Wang Teng waved his hand and asked Lao Sun, “Lao Sun, has my mother come to the company? Where is it now?”

“Madam should have a meeting in the conference room. Mr. Bao from the company next door has just brought a group of people over, as if our company’s Vice President Jia and they are about to quit.” Old Sun said in a low voice.

“Bao Zeqing!” Wang Teng narrowed his eyes, the last time the Wang family fell, and the bastard ran out to carve up his father’s company. Unexpectedly, this guy jumped out before the crisis of defeat of the Wang family in this life. Many things are indeed different!

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