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Neon country!

Neon Country is a small island country surrounded by the sea, facing Xia Country and Goryeo Country across the sea.

Sitting on Xiaobai’s back, Wang Teng swiftly passed over the endless sea, almost only an afterimage could be seen.

In front of him, a coastline was already looming.

With Xiao Bai’s appearance, a harsh alarm sounded on the land.

Living in an environment surrounded by the sea, Neon Country’s preventive measures are naturally to be extreme, otherwise it would have been sunk by the countless sea beasts in the sea.

Poor island country!

It is said that they have been attacked by sea beast waves no less than ten times since the martial arts era, and each beast wave will be more terrifying than the previous one.

The most recent time was six months ago, when the Neon Kingdom lost eight warlord-level powerhouses, and there were countless low-level warriors. It was the biggest loss in recent years.

The only fortunate thing is that their country is small and there are no traces of the Dark Seed, otherwise their situation will only be more difficult.

The Neon Nation is short of resources, and the reason why they can survive the siege of the sea beasts is mainly relying on the Bald Eagle Nation to get some of their funding.

But relatively, they also need to pay something, such as sending warriors to the dark cracks in the Bald Eagle Country to help the Bald Eagle Country resist the Dark Species.

There are many other examples of this kind, and they are just trained by the Bald Eagle Nation to charge for themselves.

The Neon Nation has always wanted the whole country to immigrate to the Bald Eagle Nation, but it is a pity that the other party is so stupid to lead a wolf into the house, even if the wolf is not that powerful.

Wang Teng recalled the information he had learned about the Neon Country in his mind. He suddenly heard the sirens in his ear and frowned slightly.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was a sudden violent roar from the coastline.

The light beam visible to the naked eye shot at Xiaobai from far to near at an extremely fast speed, emitting powerful energy fluctuations.

Faced with such an attack, Wang Teng didn’t blink his eyes, his expression was so plain, he didn’t even plan to shoot.


A trace of humanized contempt flashed in Xiao Bai’s eyes, and he let out a sharp scream, his big dark red mouth opened, and a cloud of red-blue flames spewed out.


All energy beams exploded as soon as they hit the red-blue flame, and were immediately engulfed by the flame.

call out!

Xiao Bai went straight through the flames, as if entering an uninhabited state, like a red-black pike, and came to the sky over the coastline in a flash.

Those flames did not leave a trace on its body, the red-black feathers were like cast of gold and iron, reflecting the cold light in the sun.

“Star Beast!”

“Lord-level star beasts invade!”

“Damn it, how come there is a bird lord-level star beast!”

There are many defensive buildings on the coast, and various heavy rune weapons are assumed to be on top of the metal fortress, but at this time these thermal weapons do not give people a sense of security. The low-level warriors around are looking at the huge crow in the sky. They were shocked and confused.

The crowd below kept ringing a string of words, it was neon language, and the accent sounded a little weird.

“Shoot, fire it!”

“Knock it down!”

The violent roar sounded again, and beams of energy beams shot into the sky, and immediately submerged Xiao Bai.


The warriors below saw this scene and were overjoyed.

“It’s really annoying!”

Wang Teng opened his eyes, and a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes: “Xiao Bai, destroy all the military buildings below.”


The angry cry suddenly sounded, and the cheers of the neon national warrior below came to an abrupt end, like a duck stuck in the throat.

Immediately a group of terrifying flames sprayed down from the sky, defeating the beam attack in front of them, and then surged down like a broken bamboo.

Before the scorching breath came, many items below had already burnt up automatically.


The next moment, the red-blue flames crashed down, the rune weapons exploded, a military building turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the screams suddenly sounded.


At this moment, an angry shout came from a distance.

Along with it, there was also a long and narrow knife light tens of meters long, which cut through the air and slashed directly at Xiao Bai’s head.

“It’s Warlord Watanabe!”

“Great, Watanabe-sama is an 11-star warlord-level powerhouse, this star beast is over!”

The warrior below saw the visitor and immediately cheered.


Wang Teng snorted and waved his front sleeve, a terrifying force swept out.

The blade of light froze in the air for an instant, frozen in place, and then seemed to have been hit hard, with a bang, crashing and opening.


The warlord-level warrior who came violently in the distance vomited blood and flew upside down, his expression reaching the extreme with amazement.

Then, with this terrible impact, he turned around and ran, without the slightest nostalgia, and the speed was unexpectedly three points faster than before.


The neon national warrior below fell into a strange silence.

Warlord Watanabe… ran away!

Everyone felt that they could not accept this fact, their faces were full of confusion, and then a wave of despair emerged in their hearts.

Wang Teng was also a little bit dumbfounded, too lazy to pay attention to the clown again, driving Xiao Bai to Pingxiang City, the capital of the neon nation.

The neon national warrior below was left behind, crying and laughing, still a little bit confused about what happened?

That lord-level star beast actually left them and flew away!

Is it here to play?

“No, that lord-level star beast seems to have someone on its back!”

“It flew in the direction of Pingxiang City!”

The neon national warrior realized afterwards, his complexion changed greatly and exclaimed.

Pingxiang City!

The capital of the Neon Nation is also where the palace complex where its lord lives. At this moment, an alien spaceship is hovering in the sky.

The appearance of this alien spaceship is quite unique, like a huge iron lump, covered with large iron pieces like various patches, and I don’t know what kind of metal it is? Each piece of iron sheet has a different color. Some are rusty, some are earthy brown, some are black, and some are yellow… as if they are pieced together, making people seriously doubt whether it can sail in space?

But at this time, in the palace group under the spaceship, in a magnificent hall, the position that originally belonged to the neon monarch was occupied by a fat man.

The fat man was sitting on a huge seat in a very comfortable and enjoyable posture, and a few pretty neon women were giving him massage and feeding next to him.

Not far in front of him, a middle-aged man stood there respectfully. It was the Neon Monarch. He looked at the fat man in the first place, with a faint glow in his eyes.

In addition, in the middle of the hall, a woman was hung in the air with a rope in an indescribable manner. The sensitive parts of her body were all tightened tightly, appearing to be particularly prominent.

And a strange-looking alien creature was coiling around the woman.

Yes, just coiled around!

Although its upper body looks like a human, its lower body is covered with tentacles, which are creeping and clinging restlessly.

The woman looked terrified, her beautiful face was rainy, she cried so sad, she let out a delicate and feeble cry:

“Elegant Butterfly~”

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