Chapter 766 Earth Star’s soil is still very fertile!


The cold light in Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he stepped forward to face the three trialists.

Several flying knives turned into the ultimate cold light, flying around him, the speed was incredible, almost only the afterimage could be seen.


With a move in Wang Teng’s heart, several flying knives suddenly disappeared into the void when they were running at high speed.

When the three of Eric saw this scene, their eyebrows jumped, and the warning signs rose in their hearts.

They immediately poke out their spiritual power and perceive their surroundings.

To be promoted to a star-level, their spiritual power needs to reach the imperial level, so their spiritual power is not weak, and they can feel away from the body.

Even when external spiritual power invades their sea of ​​consciousness, they can still defend and counterattack.

But it is limited to this, after all, they are not spiritual masters, and they have not derived spiritual power.

The mental power of the three people surrounded the surroundings, but they did not find the traces of those flying knives. Their hearts sank and they were shocked.

Regardless of what they were thinking, Wang Teng had already rushed to the front with the Devil Fault in his hand.


80% of the flame sword intent broke out, and the terrifying power swept towards Eric.

Eric was a warrior of the Earth Element. Seeing this sword, he knew it was terrifying, and he couldn’t take care of the flying knives hidden around him, and dealt with it with all his heart.

A sword light condensed from the war sword in his hand.

90% soil series sword intent!


The two sword lights collided in mid-air, making a roar, and the terrifying force rolled around.

At this moment, three cold lights suddenly appeared behind Eric, piercing his heart, neck and head respectively.

Eric was horrified, feeling the threat of death covering his head, and he was about to mobilize all the original power in his body to form a layer of defense, hoping to withstand the deadly attack of the three cold rays.

At this time, Basai also came to Wang Teng, and the double-edged great axe shook, splitting a wave of cold light, and attacked Wang Teng.

Woolf repeatedly buckled the rune gun in his hand, and several force bullets flew out, drawing a clear and transparent trajectory in the air, blocking all directions around Wang Teng.

These happened almost at the same time. Eric was critical, and Wang Teng’s situation seemed very bad.

The winner is not yet known.

But when Wang Teng faced such a situation, his expression remained unchanged, and he threw a punch.

The profound meaning of power!


The terrible fist rushed forward with the unmatched light of the original force, whether it was the axe cut by Basai or the force bullet shot by Woolf, under this punch, all were blown up.

Destroy withered!

The aftermath of the horrible force rushed towards Barcelona and Woolf.

Wang Teng ignored them, looked at the attribute bubbles all over the floor, stopped contentedly, and put away the bricks.

Pick it up!

【Imperial Spirit*25】

【Imperial Realm Comprehension*32】

【Earth System Star Force*350】

【Golden Star Force*410】

【Emperor Realm Perception*20】

【Imperial Spirit*26】

【Fire System Star Force*460】

[90% soil series sword intent*850]

【Gun Fighting*320】

A large array of attribute bubbles merged into Wang Teng’s body, some turned into strands of star force, merged into the stars in the void of the sea deep in his body, and some turned into memories and sentiments, merged into his body. Mind and body.

Earth System Star Force!

Gold Star Force!

The force of the fire system stars!

With the injection of these three forces, the three stars of corresponding attributes light up slightly, then fell silent and returned to peace.

The integration of imperial spirit and savvy made his mind clear.

At the same time, a stream of memories appeared out of thin air, and two humanoid lights and shadows appeared in his mind.

A light and shadow are practicing swordsmanship, and the yellow sword intent is vertical and horizontal, heavy, solid, and clever.

Another light and shadow is holding a rune gun, and force bullets are shot out of the barrel, along different trajectories, shooting far away, at a tricky angle, and elusive…

Soon these two light and shadow exercises ended, turning into countless points of light into Wang Teng’s memory, forming a sentiment, and being absorbed by Wang Teng.

【Earth Sword Intent】: 8509000 (90%)

[Gun fighting technique]: 21010000 (master level)

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