Chapter 763

North of Daguang Country.

Located near the Wulu River Basin and the Kandi River Basin at the junction of Shijiazhuang Province and Keparbang Special Economic Zone, this is an emerald vein area.

Hundreds of mines, large and small, are scattered all around.

And in these large and small mines, there are busy figures all over them, they are local jade miners.

Daguangguo’s mining forces are very complicated. There are jade companies with official backgrounds, companies with local warlord armed backgrounds, and some are jade companies under the names of local wealthy families, or they are co-organized by foreign investors and locals. s company.

It’s so complicated that most people can’t get in at all.

But now this mining area is controlled by alien invaders, and the nearby forces, large and small, dare not say anything.

More than an hour later, Wang Teng came here and scanned the surroundings with [Ling Vision], but he did not find the figure of a star powerhouse.

“Has it gone?” Wang Teng frowned.

“Who?” A warrior flew into the sky and blocked Wang Teng’s path.

This warrior is a white man with a strength of 11-star warlord, and it looks like a local warrior from the earth star.

“Where are the alien invaders?” Wang Teng asked directly.

“Presumptuous, how dare you call those three adults like that.” The white warrior’s expression changed and he shouted.

“…” Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and he said, “As a man of the earth and stars, he is willing to be a running dog.”

“Looking for death!” The white warrior’s expression was extremely ugly, with a trace of hideousness on his face, and he slashed towards Wang Teng with a sword in his hand.

“act recklessly!”

Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged, a cold light flew out of him, and circled the white warrior on the opposite side.

The splashing blood spurted three or four meters away.


The white warrior’s eyes widened, and he let out a screaming scream.

“I have always hated rape the most.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“You!” The white warrior’s complexion was pale, the pain on his forehead was like rain, and his figure kept receding, shouting in amazement: “Who are you?”

“I am the one who killed alien invaders.” Wang Teng said coldly.

“you you you!”

In the eyes of the white warrior, this is simply a rebellious remark, so scared that he even said three you, but could not say anything else.

“Get me here!” Wang Teng yelled coldly.

Spiritual power surged, forming an invisible big hand, instantly grabbing the body of the white warrior.

The white warrior was shocked, struggling desperately, but to no avail, the whole person was suddenly dragged back by a huge force.

“No, don’t kill me…” He yelled out of fright.

Wang Teng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and immediately controlled the white warrior with his 【Confusion】 skill, and asked the whereabouts of the three testers.

“It turned out to be underground.” Wang Teng said to himself, flying in the direction pointed out by the white warrior.

Behind him, a blood hole appeared on the forehead of the white warrior. He had already lost his breath of life, and his body fell to the ground.

Several white warriors on the ground saw this scene and fled in all directions.

A few cold rays of light shot out from Wang Teng, and he caught up with the warriors one by one, killing one by one, leaving no one behind.

Rape, kill!

But these are just small, the real alien warriors are not here.

He flew all the way and saw that there were many small sheds above the mine, which were used for shading and as landmarks.

Wang Teng fell down in front of a tent. Several alien warriors were standing there. Seeing Wang Teng, they immediately walked out.

“Who are you?” one of the alien warriors asked in cosmic lingo.

“Go away!”

Wang Teng was merciless, and several cold lights flew out again, flying towards the alien warriors.

“Not good!” The expressions of several alien warriors changed drastically, and they immediately withdrew and violently retreated.

But they are only 13-star warlord-level strength, and they are simply vulnerable to a flying knife controlled by Wang Teng.

Several flying knives wiped the necks of the alien warriors, and blood spattered.


Those alien warriors opened their eyes wide, clutching their necks one after another, and fell back unwillingly.

【Earth System Star Force*20】

【Water System Star Force*32】

【Golden Star Force*25】

Wang Teng went straight over several corpses, picked up the scattered attribute bubbles, and then went to the mine and looked down.

[Lingshi] turned it on directly, passing through layers of obstacles, and finally saw three dazzling light clusters at the end of the range that [Lingshi] could see.

“My Intermediate [Spirit Vision] skill can see a distance of two kilometers, which means that the three testers are about two kilometers underground at this time.”

Wang Teng frowned and muttered to himself: “They didn’t fight for the Millennium Chalcedony Heart. Could it be that they… have joined forces?”

“It’s very possible that these three people have no better choice than to join forces to occupy other areas. Perhaps this thousand-year-old chalcedony heart has become an opportunity instead.”

Wang Teng touched his chin and thought to himself.

“Sure enough, the strength of these three trialers is the first level of two planetary stars, and the second level of one planetary star. Since this is the case, there is no fear.”

Wang Teng jumped straight down the mine pit and cast a hidden shadow secret technique to let himself into the darkness, silently lurking to the location of the three testers below.


The three testers were going down the ground. In front of them was a machine with a spiral drill bit. As the drill bit rotated at high speed, the stone layer in front of them was broken like tofu, revealing a downward passage.

“Eric, how long will it be?” Suddenly one of them was tall, as thick as a brown bear, with a brown hair frowning and asked.

The man called Eric was a brown-haired young man. He looked at the detector in his hand and said: “Come on, we have reached more than 2,000 meters underground, and there are about 300 meters to reach the millennium. The location of the chalcedony heart is now.”

“Barcel, it’s still early, why are you so anxious.” Another green-haired young man with a silly smile said.

The sturdy Bassey seemed to look down upon the green-haired young man, but he still said irritably: “Our respective families took a lot of effort to qualify for this trial. It was not here for us to play. Our strength. It can only be regarded as the bottom of this group of trials, but if we get the Millennium Chalcedony Heart, each of us will be improved to a certain extent. Only when we combine the strengths of the three of you and me, it is possible to compete with other geniuses for the area. Our time must not be wasted, you say whether it is urgent or not.”

“Barcel is right, Woolf, you should pay more attention, otherwise if this trial fails, your dad will break your leg.” Eric said lightly.

“Okay, okay, you’re right, I’ll take care of it, isn’t it still there, it’s useless to be anxious, this boring machine, Eric, can’t you change it to a better one?” Lvfa Young Woolf shrugged and shook his head helplessly.

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