Chapter 761 The hunt has begun!

The next day.

Everyone in the Wang family woke up one after another, with panda eyes and yawns, tears and feces in the corners of their eyes.

They didn’t fall asleep almost in the middle of the night last night, and didn’t fall asleep in a daze until the wee hours of the morning.

Elder Wang came to the living room, Li Xiumei, Zhao Huili and others were already preparing breakfast.

The family members are sometimes a little bad, too many people, cooking is very troublesome.

Even if it was just a simple breakfast, there was a lot of food to prepare, so even if Li Xiumei and other women worked together, it took more than half an hour.

Seeing that breakfast was on the table, Mr. Wang said to Fang Qianwen aside: “Qianwen, are you going to see if your cousin is awake?”

“Oh, good.” Fang Qianwen just finished brushing her teeth, still a little confused, nodded and walked upstairs.

Now Wang Teng is the backbone of the Wang family. He hasn’t come, and Father Wang obviously has no plans to let everyone on the table.

“Sister, I’ll go too.” Doudou sprang out from the side, and the little one flew with his short legs to follow Fang Qianwen’s footsteps.

“Slow down, slow down, and wait.” Li Xiumei shouted from behind.

After a while, Fang Qianwen walked downstairs with Doudou in one hand, and said strangely: “My cousin is not there, I don’t know where I have gone?”

“Well, no, my brother got up a long time ago.” Doudou also nodded his little head in agreement.

“Not here?”

Mr. Wang was taken aback for a moment.

“Maybe go out for morning exercises, Dad, let’s eat first, don’t wait for him.” Wang Shengguo said casually.

“If this is the case, let’s go to the table for dinner first.” Grandpa Wang nodded.

Everyone was seated around the dining table and was about to eat breakfast. Suddenly, a ray of light lit up above the dining table, and a figure appeared, and it was Wang Teng.

“Grandpa, Mom and Dad, when everyone saw this video, I should have already left. Everyone will stay in Xiadu for the time being. The martial arts leader has promised that I will take care of you. Don’t worry about safety. I have to leave for a while. Time, return date is uncertain, don’t read it!”

The sound came from the image. After speaking these words, the light dissipated and the image disappeared.

Everyone was silent.

“This stinky boy, left without saying hello.” Li Xiumei’s eyes were reddish, and said reproachfully.

She naturally guessed what Wang Teng was doing, her face couldn’t help showing worry, and she was extremely worried about Wang Teng’s safety.

Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia also showed worry on their pretty faces. They didn’t expect Wang Teng to leave so fast, and they had left without even having a good word.

The enemy he is facing this time is a genius warrior from the universe, who is many times stronger than the earth star warrior. I don’t know if Wang Teng can return safely.

They can’t help but worry that they are useless, they are always unable to help at critical times, and they are always a drag on him.

“I’m afraid he left alone because he was afraid that we were worried.” Father Wang sighed, waved his hand, and said, “Don’t worry, everyone, we should have more confidence in him. Our Xiaoteng is a genius in the world. Now that the strongest person of the Earth Star Warrior, nothing will happen.”

“Before he comes back, everyone will be obedient to Xiadu, don’t walk around, don’t cause trouble, wait for him to come back quietly.”

“Okay, that’s it, let’s all eat.”

At this time, a bird with red-black feathers and a huge body was flying over the South China Sea.

This is a handsome crow, with a pair of flaming scarlet eyes with fierce light, and a terrifying aura exudes from the body, making the sea beasts in the sea evade and dare not provoke the slightest.

It is extremely fast, and every time its wings are inflamed, it appears 100 meters away, blowing up a gust of wind on the spot.

And just on the back of this crow, at this moment, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, looking at his appearance, he was not affected by the wind blowing around, and even his hair showed no signs of floating.

“Siam, Annan, Daguang… These small countries are actually marked with different colors, and they seem to have been occupied.” The figure muttered to himself at this time.

A map of light and shadow was projected from the watch in his hand, floating in front of him.

This person was really Wang Teng who had left Xiadu.

His Phoenix King fighter plane was destroyed, and he could only rely on Xiao Bai to transport. Fortunately, Xiao Bai was now promoted to the lord level, very fast, and would not delay any time.

And compared to fighters, Xiaobai, as a spiritual pet, is naturally more mobile.

At this time, Wang Teng was figuring out where to start first.

After he obtained the personal terminal of the blue-haired youth, he conducted some research and finally figured out the purpose of the personal terminal.

One of the most important functions of the personal terminal is to identify the size of the territory occupied by each alien invader.

One of their criteria for this trial is the area of ​​occupied territory.

Looking carefully, the map in front of Wang Teng shows all the regions and countries above the earth and the stars, and most of the countries above have a personal logo, and those human logos radiate different colors of light. The area is shrouded in it, which forms areas of different colors.

In this map, the country of Xia has been marked in blue, and around Xia country, countries like Big Bear Country, Neon Country, Goryeo Country, Siam, Annan, and Daguang have been marked as different countries. colour.

It shows that these countries have become the territory of alien invaders.

This person’s terminal is extremely easy to use, so you don’t need to waste energy looking for alien invaders.

But on the other hand, once each area changes ownership, other alien invaders will know it for the first time.

If the blue represented by Wang Teng swallows too many areas, other alien invaders will definitely pay attention to him.

It might even be that many people cooperate and fight him together.

In that case, it is bound to be very troublesome.

Wang Teng was upset, but he could only helplessly shook his head.

This fact cannot be changed, he can only accept it passively.

But what Wang Teng didn’t expect most now was that none of these countries around Xia Kingdom were spared, and they were all patronized by alien invaders.

From this situation, Wang Teng even saw the trend of a pack of wolves besieging the tiger.

Xia Guo is a tiger, and all the small countries around are wolves.

They were waiting for the opportunity to swallow the big territory of Xia Kingdom in one bite.

However, these alien invaders did not know that Xia Guo had quietly changed hands. Xia Guo is now not a tiger, but a waking dragon…

“First solve the alien invaders in these countries around, so I can have no worries.” Wang Teng muttered to himself, with a cold light in his eyes.

“Xiao Bai, go to Annan first!”

He gave an order, and the god crow beneath him immediately uttered a scream like piercing through gold and cracked stones. Its wings suddenly spread, and then it was heavily incited.


A gust of wind blew, Xiao Bai’s figure immediately disappeared in place, and he quickly flew towards Daguang Nation with Wang Teng on his back.

The hunt has begun!

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