Chapter 755

Wang Teng was thinking about the words of the blue-haired youth, and suddenly found that everyone’s eyes were looking at him.

A deep envy appeared in those eyes.

Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

It seems that the words of the blue-haired youth have had a great impact on everyone.

Sacred Star Tower, as the first college of the Orland Federation, if you can enter it for further studies, the benefits will be self-evident.

But they have already lost such a precious opportunity.

No, it should be said that they never got it, and there is nothing to lose or lose.

From beginning to end, they were excluded from qualifications.

“Everyone, don’t look like you have lost tens of billions. Who knows what the Sacred Star Tower is like? I don’t necessarily want to go.” Wang Teng showed a look of carelessness, comforting everyone. .


However, the comforting effect did not work, but instead made everyone want to rush to hammer him to death.

I don’t necessarily want to go!

See if it’s human words?

Sure enough, the man who is full does not know that the hungry man is hungry, and he can’t stand to speak without backache.

Fuck you asshole.

Everyone looked resentful and didn’t want to say a word to him.

“Ahem, Wang Teng, please ask again to see if you can get some useful information.” The martial arts leader gave a dry cough and said.

Wang Teng nodded, and after thinking about it, he asked the blue-haired youth again: “How many people are in this trial?”

“No one knows which forces will obtain the qualification for this trial. Our Lan family also spent a lot of favor and wealth, and luckily obtained a qualification from the top of the Federation.” The blue-haired young man said dumbly with his eyes absent. .

Wang Teng frowned, feeling bad!

He looked at each other with the martial arts leader, and both thought of going somewhere.

It is not difficult to guess from the mouth of the blue-haired youth that this trial is actually for the genius children cultivated by the big forces.

As for the geniuses cultivated by the big forces, the degree of difficulty can be known without even thinking about it.

The word background is by no means idle!

Wang Teng originally wanted to ask about the strength of those aliens who had descended on Earth, but now it seems that from the blue-haired youth, there is probably nothing to ask.

He doesn’t even know who the opponent is, how many people are, how can he know the strength of the opponent.

and many more……

What did Wang Teng think of. Although he didn’t know the specific strength, he might not be able to guess a general range. He quickly asked, “Do you have any requirements for strength in this trial?”

“There is no requirement in theory, but the martial artist under the age of 30 is almost at the limit to reach the star level. From ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of Tianjiao who have reached the constant star level under the age of 30. Our generation has achieved such an achievement. There are no more than three people, and they have already been specially recruited to enter various well-known universities in the universe, so naturally they don’t have to come to participate in this trial.” Lan Fa youth said.

“Constant star!”

Everyone’s eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

Travelling star, constant star…

These two levels seem to be completely named after the stars in the universe.

Although everyone did not personally experience the strength of that level, just hearing the name, they already felt an upsurge and almost wanted to go home and practice immediately.

With such a powerful realm, they, as top powerhouses above the earth and stars, who do not have any extravagant hopes, all hope that they can set foot in that realm and see the higher scenery.

Wang Teng’s eyes were also flickering, as if seeing a vast and boundless world in front of him opened a prelude, which was fascinating.

Soon he secretly took a breath, his eyes flashed.

From the words of the blue-haired youth, it is not difficult to see that among the alien invaders, there will be no superpowers beyond the planetary realm.

To deal with the star Wang Teng has confidence, but let him deal with a higher level of constant star, it is purely let him go to death.

Fortunately, there is no strong person at that level.

Since they are all planetary stars, then everyone is like a comparison.

The corners of Wang Teng’s mouth immediately showed a curve. Many of these alien cubs must be planet stars, and they can definitely get a lot of wool out of them.

Everyone looked at Wang Teng’s face, and they always felt that he was smiling a little badly.

Isn’t this guy doing something bad attention?

Then Wang Teng asked a few more questions, mainly about the Orland Federation, the Sacred Star Tower, and some information about the Lan family where the blue-haired youth is located.

The blue-haired youth knew everything they wanted to answer.

Soon everyone had a more intuitive understanding of the Orante Federation. In general, the Orante Federation is an interstellar complex composed of many forces, and its strength can be ranked first in this universe. five.

That’s right, the top five!

Therefore, this universe is actually more than a large force in the Orante Federation.

As for the other large forces, the blue-haired youth didn’t know much, and Wang Teng didn’t ask in detail. The Orland Federation alone is a behemoth that they can’t directly look at now, let alone other forces, and even the entire universe.

The Sacred Star Tower is the largest and strongest academic institution in the Orante Federation, from which numerous peerless experts have emerged.

It can be said to be a holy land in the Orland Federation!

The Sacred Star Tower will enroll students every three years. The enrollment rules are to reach a planetary star under the age of 30 and participate in a trial before those who meet the standard can be admitted.

And this time the earth star is being used as a place of trial!

As for the final score of the trial, how is it rated?

Wang Teng also learned from the blue-haired youth.

But it’s okay not to know. After knowing, the entire commanding room fell into silence.

Because, they learned that someone was monitoring the movement of the entire planet! ! !

In other words, their every move is in the eyes of others, and even what they are doing now is clear to others.

Everyone didn’t doubt the truth or falsehood of this statement. After all, the strength of the alien civilization was beyond everyone’s imagination. Even if it was to monitor the world, they didn’t think it was impossible.

It’s just the feeling of being watched, which really makes everyone feel like sitting on pins and needles, and their complexion suddenly becomes extremely ugly.

Who wants to be stared at all day long!

What if it’s an old pervert?

What if you are a voyeur?

What if you are a wet guy?

Everyone feels cold in their hearts, and they can’t help but look up to the ceiling, as if they want to find the eye.

“Sacred Star Tower can really see everyone’s every move?” Wang Teng took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and asked.

“Not everyone, mainly the testers, and they can’t see everything. There are only a few monitors. They can’t pay attention to too many things, but they can clearly know the situation near the personal terminal.” Lan Fa Youth Road.

“Personal terminal?!” Wang Teng relaxed slightly: “That’s fine, at least it’s not that unacceptable.”

The others also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little better in their hearts.

“Where is your personal terminal?” Wang Teng asked suddenly with a flash of eyes.

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